Book Read Free

Perfect Little Plan

Page 15

by Jennifer Miller

  “I can’t tell you all my secrets.”

  “Yes, clearly,” I let slip before I think twice. I shouldn’t have said that. I told him I understand. So instead, I try to give him my best sexy look, “I have ways to get them out of you.”

  A wicked grin crosses his face making me happy, “You think so, huh? I wouldn’t mind seeing some of these ways of yours.”

  Deciding it is best to leave this topic behind, taking him by surprise, I turn toward him, straddling his lap. I teasingly run my lips up and down his neck, and nibble on his ear, smiling when he groans. I kiss my way up his jaw, then kiss him, putting everything I have into it. I grab fistfuls of his hair, yank his head to the side, and give him all I’ve got. My lips are firm and demanding, taking control of the kiss and his pleasure. I rake my nails down his chest, making him gasp, then I claim his breath as my own before breaking off the kiss with a smile.

  He slowly opens his eyes, tries to talk and it comes out as a squeak. He clears his throat and tries again. “Well, of course I was going to take him to a stripper joint. That’s like the way it should be.”

  “Well how about we do this? I will be in charge of the entertainment for the bridesmaids and you can be in charge for the entertainment for the groomsmen. Sound like a deal?

  “Sounds like a good idea to me.”

  I look him in the face and laugh in it. “Plus you wouldn’t be able to handle my level of fun anyway,” I tease.

  “Are you sure about that, darlin’?”

  “Oh, absolutely,” I reply, smiling, “I’m totally right and you are definitely wrong on this one.”

  “We’ll see about that. In fact, care to place a wager on that?”

  “What do you mean,” I hesitate.

  “I bet you, my entertainment will go over better than yours. Much better than yours. If I’m right and I win, then you have to do anything I want.”

  “Anything you want?”

  “For a whole day.”

  This makes me nervous, “What exactly will that consist of?”

  “You’ll have to wait and see.”

  “Fine. I will take that bet. And the same goes if I win.”

  “Okay. Challenge accepted.” We reach for each other’s hands and shake on it with a laugh. Then Rixton pulls me in for a kiss. “It’s only good if we seal the deal with a kiss.” I laugh indulging in his request.

  Later at home I smile, thinking of what a surprise Rixton has been. He’s everything I never thought I wanted, and I can’t wait to continue to find more out about him. And even more amazing is the fact that I’m not panicking about how I feel. I’m not second guessing it. For the first time in forever, I’m going with what I want to do. No help, no expectations, no requirements – just one day at a time.

  I’m distracted from my thoughts by a knock on my door. After looking through the peep hole, I open it to my father standing on the other side. Swinging the door fully open, I look at him in confusion. My father doesn’t come by very often. I usually go to his place. “Daddy?”

  “Pyper,” he says with a slight nod, his mouth in a straight line, and I know immediately by his tone, he’s not happy. “May I come in, please?

  “Of course. You are always welcome to come here. You know that, daddy.”

  Stepping into my condo, he takes a quick look around and I immediately feel intimidated by his larger than life presence. Giving him a hug, that he returns stiffly, I offer to take his coat. He looks me up and down with clear loathing and I instantly regret the sweats and t-shirt I’m wearing. My oversized, comfortable, lounging clothes. Then I push that thought aside as silly. I’m in my own home, I can dress how I want to.

  As I hang his coat in the hall closet, he walks past me into the living room and stands. Legs slightly apart, straight back, in front of the large window, overlooking the city below. I hesitantly walk into the room, recognizing the tension in his posture, readying myself for whatever he’s here for. I know his excessively annoyed posture when I see it. Without turning, he addresses me, “Would you care to tell me why it is you thought it was okay to abandon the son of one of my best clients at the country club?” When he slowly turns to look at me, my stomach drops as his eyes, stormy as thunderclouds, bore into my own. “I’m sure you have a sensible explanation, because let me assure you, I refuse to believe the reason I was given.”

  My stomach drops. I shouldn’t be surprised. What did I think was going to happen when he found out? And I knew he would find out.

  Without giving me a chance to respond to his question, he barrels on. “I was told that you left R.J. at the table, presumably to use the restroom, only to come back with another man.” He pauses here and gives me a look that screams disbelief and displeasure. “Another man that you then proceeded to leave the restaurant with; leaving my client’s son to fend for himself. But only after creating a mess and a scene.”

  Feeling his words like a punch in the gut, I swallow before replying, “Dad, I can explain.”

  “You bet you’re going to explain this to me, Pyper, because for the life of me, I have no goddamn clue what the hell you were thinking.”

  Wringing my hands together, I have no idea how to begin to explain. I know that each explanation running through my mind will be viewed as inadequate justification, implausible, and mere rationalization. No answer would be good enough for him. “I didn’t intend for that to happen… you see…”

  Interrupting, my father continues, “You‘ve been instructed from the time you were a little girl how to behave around my clients, and you know damn well what is expected of you. What I expect of you. Care to explain to me why you seem to have forgotten the rules?”

  God, I’m actually cringing and cowering like a child at him, an abused child. How pathetic am I? “Father, I didn’t mean to-”

  “That doesn’t change the fact that you did. Now tell me, who is this man that had to borrow a jacket from the club and who you allowed to practically kidnap you from dinner according to R.J.?”

  “Rixton didn’t kidnap-”

  “Rixton? That’s his name? What kind of a name is that? Who is he? I don’t recall any of my associates having a son by that name, and I’m certain I would remember. And they would certainly all know better. How did you meet?”

  “He’s a friend of Olivia and Luke’s,” I lie throwing in the Olivia part because of how much he and my mother love her. “He was just surprised to see me there with R.J., and-”

  “Forget the pitiful attempt at explaining, Pyper. Better yet, I want you to bring Rixton over for dinner so your mother and I can ask him these questions and others.”

  My stomach immediately tightens into knots. I already asked Rixton to meet my parents, but I didn’t know it was going to be under these circumstances. My dad clearly has enough preconceived notions based on what happened at the country club to make that a night to remember. This is a nightmare. “Well actually, I just asked him if he would meet you and mother.”

  His eyebrows rise as he continues to stare at me, taking in my twisting hands and nervous posture. “Oh, so you think it’s that serious is it?”

  “Serious?” I stare at him, all thoughts having left me. This is the worst conversation to have – ever.

  “No matter,” he pulls his phone from his pocket and clicks at it, “I have to be out of town for business, but I would like you to call your mother and schedule dinner sometime after the next week. The sooner, the better.”

  Anger begins to rise over the humiliation. He’s treating me like I’m a mere business associate and this is one of his business meetings, “I will check my calendar and determine if that time frame works for me as well.” Two can play at this game, I determine.

  He stares me down and I instantly regret the slight defiance, and I hate myself. I become a shadow of myself around him – whether he behaves like this or not. “Make it work.” He grabs his coat from the closet and tosses it over his arm. After he gives me an air kiss toward my cheek he breezes out the doo
r, taking all of the tension with him and allowing me to breathe again.

  Collapsing onto the couch, I put my head in my hands and feel my eyes fill with tears. I know my father loves me – I really do – but he has a shitty way of showing it. He does things like buy me a spa and car and a freaking condo to show me, but I would rather have the occasional hug just because – not because I’m coming or going. Or a phone call just because.

  Suddenly feeling exhausted, I go to my bed and lie down. Staring at the ceiling, I go over the conversation with my father over and over and feel angry with myself for giving into his bullying, and also for not just telling him more about Rixton and getting it over with.

  My phone beeps on the table next to my bed and I pick it up, looking at the screen. It’s a text from Rixton – “Just spoke to Luke, party in a couple weeks. Also, spoke to him about our challenge – just want to give you one more chance to back out, being the gentleman I am.”

  Smiling, I immediately type back, “Wow, scared already, cowboy?”

  His reply is immediate, “Not a chance, Red.”

  Setting my phone down, my thoughts are now filled with Rixton. Reflecting on our conversation today I admit I’m nervous about whatever is going on that he doesn’t want to talk about. I try to force an understanding of why he doesn’t want to tell me right now. But it feels like a bit of an insult. We seemed to be making so much progress. I want him to feel like he can talk to me about anything. And, in truth, I just want to know because I’m flat out curious. It’s obviously not good. It is clearly distressing him. And the woman that I keep seeing just looks like trouble. Innumerable possibilities come to mind as my imagination flips into high gear. Considering the plausibility of each, I try to dismiss each one. Nervousness and anxiety consume me. To deflect, I make an effort to turn my thoughts to better things. The way Rixton holds me when he kisses me – tight, like he doesn’t want to ever let me go. The way his southern accent can get my blood pumping with just a few words. His different smiles – teasing, flirty, wicked and just plain sexy. Here, in the dark, confronted with nothing but pure self-disclosure and honesty while thoughts of Rixton consume me, I admit that Rixton is worth more than displeasure from my dad – in fact, my heart says he is priceless. My dad can learn how to deal with new facts and a new reality. I’m not so sure at this point, I can deal with being without Rixton. He’s already left too much of an impression. My heart wants him more than anything.

  “I’M REALLY NOT SURE ABOUT THIS,” Olivia looks down at herself, scrutinizing the white body suit she’s wearing. It covers all the important parts, and cuts diagonally across one shoulder leaving the other one exposed. It’s lined so no one can see through it, but its tight fit certainly doesn’t leave anything to the imagination.

  After walking over to her, I reach up and make sure the small white veil with crown is pinned tightly to her head. It needs to endure some serious hair whipping. “Stop worrying. You look marvelous. This is going to be great. And fun. We’ve gone over and over the routine and we’ve got it down perfectly. Rixton and his band of misfits are soooo going down.”

  “Hey! One of those misfits is my husband-to-be.”

  “Yes, I’m aware, and you know he’s just as guilty as Rixton.”

  “Yeah, that’s undoubtedly true.”

  “That’s why this is going to be perfect. They are so sure our choice of entertainment is going to suck. Aren’t they going to be in for a huge surprise?!” I smile wide when I think about the look that will appear on Rixton’s face. No way can he top this. No. Way.

  Olivia sighs and fidgets with her hair for a moment before she drops her hands and surveys me from head to toe. “At least yours covers both of your shoulders. What if my boob falls out?”

  “Your boob won’t fall out.”

  “We look kind of slutty.” She tugs at the top of her bodysuit insecurely.

  “Why are you glaring at me when you say that?” My hands are on my hips and I realize I’m in total defensive bitch mode. The thought makes me beam. “We are basically wearing the same thing. Yours is white and only slightly different – more special – because you’re the woman of the night.”

  “Well, we both look slutty then.”

  “Whatever. That’s kind of the point. And we look awesome. The guys are going to love it.”

  Olivia smiles and I know she’s thinking of Luke’s reaction to her attire and her upcoming moves. “Yes, that is definitely true.”

  I turn and smile excitedly at Olivia’s other friends, Cindy, Tami and Lauren. I guess they’ve also become my friends too by association, which is great because I really like them. We’ve had fun getting together to work on our dance number. “You look great! I’m so glad you are doing this with us!”

  “Thanks for asking us!” Cindy responds with a smile and squeeze to my arm.

  “Yes, I’m excited. This will be a lot of fun,” Tami answers while fixing the pin in Lauren’s hair. Their enthusiasm and smiles are infectious. I admire them in their black bodysuits and stilettos, identical to mine. Yep. We are going to rock this.

  The engagement party has been a success. Luke closed Zero Gravity for the night, which in itself is amazing and special. The club is always slammed with people, and there is always a line of people waiting to get in all night long, especially on the weekends. There’s no doubt he’s losing a lot of money tonight, but he would do anything to make Olivia happy. Putting Olivia first is automatic for him. And, I think he is equally happy to be honoring his upcoming nuptials. Nearly everyone we invited was able to attend, so there’s a fairly sizable crowd of people for the joint party, and most importantly, everyone seems to be having a really good time.

  As planned, Luke supplied all the alcohol via a cash bar, Rixton and I were able to get a well-known and highly admired caterer and the food has been simple, but yummy. They provided an array of food that appealed to both genders: fruit trays, veggie trays, crab puffs, various hot and cold cheese spreads, crackers, mini pizzas, cocktail meatballs and sausages, quiches, shrimp cocktail and varied meat skewers. The desserts and chocolate fountain are insane, and so delicious.

  There are no wall flowers here. The conversations and interactions have been non-stop. Both the food and the alcohol have been consumed with abandon. The music has had everyone tapping their foot, swaying, or singing to themselves or their dates. A few brave souls have littered the dance floor. Everyone seems to be truly enjoying the evening and being together. And Luke and Olivia have shared a multitude of giggles, laughs and smiles and seem to be reveling in the spotlight. There’s a large table with gifts for Olivia from the girls, but nothing for Luke from the guys. I guess guys don’t do that – they’re so weird. They must think it uncool or something, although it doesn’t appear that Luke’s paid for a drink all night. Guess that is how they provide gifts. No doubt most, if not all, of Olivia’s presents contain lingerie. She wants to open them at home in private later without all the men around. Can’t say I blame her.

  Olivia and I elected to forgo the usual bachelorette paraphernalia since the men are here. Somehow lipsticks, candy, suckers, chocolates, and a cake all in the shape of a penis just don’t seem as much fun when there are real penises in the room.

  Rixton approached me a little while ago and asked if my entertainment vendors were ready and that we could get started anytime. He has no clue that we are the entertainers and will be performing and I can’t wait to see the look on his face. He offered me to go first using his best Texas drawl when he twanged “ladies first, darlin’.” Seriously, sometimes he doesn’t give me enough credit. He was full of conceit and sarcasm, but I am convinced he’s just covering up his edginess. He wants to check out the competition and possibly even concede to our awesomeness once he realizes he can’t beat us.

  Turning back to Olivia, I give her my best confident smile. “This will be fantastic. Besides, we’ve been practicing practically non-stop – we’ve totally got this. I’m so going to win! I’m going to be le
gendary. Tonight will be known forever as the night Pyper kicked Rixton’s ass.” Olivia glares at me, “Uh, I mean we. We are so going to win and be famous. Uh, and surprise them for sure!” For good measure, I add in my best optimistic, encouraging manner, “And you will give Luke an engagement present he will never forget.”

  Walking out onto the stage, we each take our place. Olivia is in the center, with Lauren and I on one side of her, and Cindy and Tami on the other. The band is across the room allowing us full use of the stage. We have plenty of room. Impatiently, we wait for the curtain to rise. When it does, we stand facing the crowd. People –lots of them – appear to be all over the room. Some have plates or beverages in hand. Most stop in mid- activity and gaze up at the stage, appearing to curiously wonder why the music has stopped and what is happening. Some start to whisper. I immediately look for Rixton and find him with Luke, leaning against the bar staring wide-eyed and mouth agape at the stage.

  Olivia tosses me a smile and in that instant I know whatever apprehension she had has been replaced with excitement and enthusiasm. No doubt seeing the look on our men’s faces has given her a boost of confidence. Our men. Is Rixton mine? Shaking my head, I let go of that thought and focus back on Rixton with a smirk on my face. The look on his face is priceless. All of us are standing here in full hair, makeup, bodysuits that leave little to the imagination, and stilettos. I know damn well we look hot –very hot indeed.

  Smiling back at Olivia, I quickly put a serious look on my face as Beyonce’s “Single Ladies” starts playing right on queue. We immediately start shaking our hips to the beat and as the song plays, dance our asses off. We may not be Beyonce – I mean who is? – that woman is one of a kind – but we can shake our asses with the best of them. After I had this idea and Olivia concurred, rapidly, I might add, she came to my condo every chance she had and we spent hours learning the dance from the video. Once we got it down, we had Tami, Lauren and Cindy meet us after hours in the yoga room at the spa and taught it to them. It was hard work, but we all mastered it – learned the damn thing to perfection. We incorporated as much of Beyonce’s dance as we could, hair flips and all. When things were a bit over the top, we created our own moves, and the result is a piece of art and beauty.


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