Book Read Free

Perfect Little Plan

Page 16

by Jennifer Miller

  When we get to the part of the song where we are shaking our hands to, “If you liked it then you should’ve put a ring on it,” the crowd raises their voices and are screaming and cheering for us. I look at Rixton whenever possible and giggle to myself. At one point, they seem to have disappeared, but I find them again – right below the stage. They apparently needed an up-close and personal view. Their mouths continue to hang open, which makes me want to shake it harder, shamelessly tantalizing him, and because the dance moves so fast, I have to work hard to keep myself from laughing or I’ll mess up.

  When the song ends, we are breathless, panting, and laughing. We gather around one another, “We did it!” Olivia yells! “I’m so happy I didn’t mess up.”

  “I know! I was so nervous, but then the music and crowd made it so fun. ” Tami says wiping off her sweaty brow with the back of her hand.

  “That was so awesome,” Cindy gives me a half hug and we all readily agree.

  “And look Olivia, your crown stayed on the whole time. I told you it would be perfect,” Lauren reminds her.

  “Yes, definitely perfect. Mission definitely accomplished,” I agree.

  I’m smiling and listening to Tami talk to Olivia about a part where she almost lost her balance and was afraid she was going to trip when I feel arms encircle me from behind and lips at my ear, “That was so fucking hot. I think we should leave right the hell now.”

  Feeling the evidence of his pleasure, I take a second to press into it before turning around. Grinning, I can’t help but tease, “Rixton, darlin’, you should probably just admit defeat right now. I completely understand that you can’t top that. I mean, really… who could? Nothing is better than Beyonce. She’s in a class all her own.”

  “That may be, darlin’, but I don’t admit defeat that easily.” He raises a brow at me and smiles his killer smile and all I can think about is how I want to jump his bones. Badly. Very badly. Now.

  “You know… I won’t think less of you. We should just leave. Right now. Who knows, maybe we wouldn’t even make it all the way home. I haven’t had sex in a car in years. That could be a lot of fun.”

  Rixton growls softly and kisses me, “Stop trying to distract me. That’s a game foul. After that number, all I can think about is leaving too, but no. I would never live it down.”

  Pouting, I pull away a little, “Fine. Party pooper.”

  “Oh darlin’ there will be a party, just not right now.” His words excite me. All over. “I have to admit, I’m surprised,” Rixton says pulling me out of my racy thoughts.

  “Surprised? You mean because you didn’t know I could move my hips and flip my hair like that?”

  “Now darlin’, you know better than that. I’ve seen you move those hips like that up close and personal. I’m kind of jealous everyone in the room got to see you move like that too.”

  “Ha. Ha.” I roll my eyes but can’t keep the smile from my face.

  “What I meant was that I’m surprised that you chose that routine as your entertainment. I confess I was expecting a magician or illusionist or some other Vegas type performer. Something a tad more … cheesy.”

  “A magic show? Really?”

  He shrugs his shoulders, “Maybe a nice competitive game of beer pong? Or spin the bottle?”

  “Thanks. Thanks a lot. Guess you don’t know me all that well after all.” I playfully pull away from him, “I need to go change.”

  Rixton’s smile falls from his face, “What? Why? Is that really necessary? You look fine. Better than fine.”

  “You don’t want me to change?”

  A wicked smile appears on his lips, “No. No I don’t. I quite enjoy the thoughts that getup provides and anyway, I have plans for removing that outfit myself.”

  I feel a flush come over my cheeks and suddenly, the appropriateness or lack thereof, is not of concern. Rather, my mind is distracted with all kinds of naughty ideas. And teasing him in this costume may add additional fun to this evening. Something that was not a part of my plan. My thoughts briefly turn to the cool temperature awaiting us when we leave the club later, but I only smile, thinking of how that cold air could add to the night. In fact, the assault of cool air may feel good on my flushed skin, especially if Rixton keeps looking at me with such wicked lust.

  “I suppose I don’t have to change,” I give in with a smile that he returns. “When are you guys starting your entertainment?”


  “Give me a hint. What do you have planned? Maybe you’re the ones going to start a rousing game of beer pong.”

  His grin widens and he runs his hand through his hair, “I suggest you go get a good seat, Red.” He slaps me on the ass, making me release a squeak in surprise. I laugh and turn to find Olivia who is relaxing in Luke’s arms with his face buried in her neck. Smiling, I head off the stage entrance and walk to the bar to get a drink.

  Drink in hand, I turn to look around the room when Olivia comes up next to me asking the bartender for the same drink I’m enjoying. I turn to look at her and see she’s still in her outfit too. I laugh. “Not changing either, huh?”

  “Um, no. Luke asked me not to.”

  I laugh harder, “Rixton asked me to keep it on too.”

  We laugh and then take our drinks to a table and sit, feeling a little break is deserved after our booty shaking. Who knew shaking your ass could be so tiring? People come up to our table and tell us they liked our performance and congratulate Olivia on her upcoming nuptials. She’s full of smiles and happiness and it makes my heart feel full. I never tire of seeing her this way. “Can you believe you and Luke will finally get married in a couple months? Where has the time gone?”

  “I know. Some days I feel like it can’t get here fast enough and other times I’m afraid there isn’t enough time to get the last things finished.”

  “You know that if I can help with anything…”

  “I know and really there isn’t anything you can do or rather, need to do. My mom’s enjoying helping with all the arrangements and we are thrilled to be doing it all together. It’s a little hard with her being long distance, but you’d be surprised what phone calls, emails, and texts can accomplish when it comes to wedding planning.”

  Before we can say more, the music stops and the stage curtain rises.

  ON THE STAGE BEFORE US LUKE is wearing a suit and tie. Their friend Darrin is wearing a fireman outfit, Jimmy the bartender is dressed like a police officer, Sean is wearing a construction worker get up and Rixton – whoa. Rixton is dressed in distressed jeans, a sleeveless flannel with a vest over it, a belt with a large buckle and a cowboy hat and boots. My mouth salivates. Holy shit, it’s Rixton in full cowboy get up. All he needs are chaps. Where are the chaps?

  “Oh my God,” Olivia whispers.

  I nod my head in agreement, then look at Olivia, “What is this? Are they going to start lip-synching to the Village People’s YMCA?”

  Olivia only has eyes for Luke and I look away from her and back at Rixton to find him staring right at me. His thumbs are hooked into the front pockets of his jeans and he looks completely comfortable up there. My gaze rakes him from head-to-toe and I uncross and re-cross my legs, trying to ease the fire between them at the sight of him. He’s too far away to know for sure, but I can almost see the heat flashing in his eyes. He knows what he’s doing to me.

  Like a magnet, our gazes are drawn to one another and we can’t look away. I unconsciously lick my lips and he smirks in response. We are forced to look away from one another when the music starts playing. The music is a far cry from Village People’s YMCA – it’s “Pour Some Sugar on Me” by Def Leppard. It’s pure sex music!

  My brows go up automatically, “What are they…” the words fall from my lips as soon as they start dancing. And by dancing I mean sexy dancing. And by sexy dancing, I mean doing things on stage that should only be seen in the bedroom – running hands down their bodies, thrusting their hips, and some of them are starting to unbutton a
rticles of their clothing.

  “Oh. My. God.” I can’t even glance at Olivia to see her reaction because I can’t look away from the stage. Physically can’t. My eyes are glued to the sight before me.

  I hear Olivia comment, “I second that ‘oh my God’ and raise you a holy fuck.”

  I make a noise to confirm my agreement to that statement. Rixton is like every girl’s wet dream come to life. Well… maybe not every girl, but certainly mine. He swivels his hips from side to side and slowly removes his vest letting it fall to the ground. “Instead of Magic Mike, it’s freaking Magic Rixton.”

  “And Magic Luke,” Olivia agrees.

  “I can’t believe they are doing this.”

  “I wouldn’t either, except for the fact that it is happening right in front of us,” Olivia puts her hand over her mouth when Luke’s tie hits her lap. “Pyper, I hate to say it, but I think they are going to win the bet.”

  Rixton takes his hat off and flings it at me with a wink. It lands at my feet and I lean down to pick it up, and then plop it onto my head. “I think you’re right about that. And I have to say, it’s a bet that I don’t mind losing after all.”

  Olivia and I look at each other and giggle like teenage girls. Quickly looking back up, I do so just in time to find Rixton removing his belt, then watch as his fingers begin working the buttons of his shirt. “No way. No way he’s going to seriously take his shirt off. Olivia, are they taking off their clothes?”

  “I don’t know about anyone else at the moment, but Luke has taken off his suit jacket and is fiddling with the buttons of his shirt.” Her voice sounds strained.

  “Oh God,” I say as a button on Rixton’s shirt, then another, and another start coming undone. There are girls throughout the crowd going crazy. I can hear them yelling, “Rixton, over here baby!”

  “Take it off!” someone yells.

  “Mama loves cowboys,” another yells.

  “Bring that meat stick over here!” A girl in front with blonde hair and way too much makeup hollers and all I can think is ‘ew.’ Seriously, what is wrong with people?

  There’s a small group of women at the bottom of the stage hooting and hollering. They are doing anything short of stripping themselves to get the attention of the men on the stage. A wave of possessiveness washes over me and I’m not sure how to feel about that. I never get this way and it kind of pisses me off. One thing is for sure; I don’t like the fact that other women here are looking at Rixton wanting to sex him up. I want to run up on stage and pee on him or something to stake my claim. My brow furrows in annoyance at the thought, but then quickly flees when Rixton undoes the top button of his jeans. “Holy hell.”

  “I’m going to see your ‘holy hell’ and raise you….”

  “I know, I know.” I’d laugh but it would just catch in my throat. “He’s really not going to…”

  Suddenly, surprisingly, simultaneously… all the guys pull at the front of their pants and they break away, leaving all of them in tight briefs.

  Olivia and I look at each other again, mouths hanging open in shock. I can’t believe they are doing this. They even bought special costumes for their routine obviously. I love it. The screaming gets louder and even the guys in the audience are heckling the guys too. As one they all turn and put their backs to the crowd and shake their fine asses. Olivia and I giggle, unable to help ourselves. Luke’s briefs say ‘GROOM’ on them and Rixton’s say ‘BEST MAN’ and the other’s say ‘GROOMSMAN’. It’s hilarious.

  Thank the lord that the dance ends there. There are women shaking dollars in their hands, but Rixton and Luke ignore them and make their way to us. Darrin, Sean and Jimmy approach the eager women, no doubt going to capitalize on their fifteen minutes and try to score tonight. They are single guys after all, can’t say I blame them.

  I’m just glad the women are preoccupied with them and no longer after Rixton. Am I possessive? Yes, definitely, and proud of it. Rixton is pure man candy, and he’s all mine. I stand when he reaches the table and put my arms around him, “What did you think, darlin’?”

  “I think you totally won our bet, that’s what I think.”

  “Yeah?” He has a boyish grin on his face and I just want to climb up him like a freaking monkey and have my way with him. I’m so turned on, it’s ridiculous.

  “Yes. Definitely.”

  He gives me a peck on the mouth, but it’s not enough. Not nearly enough. I groan in frustration and Rixton chuckles. “You know what that means then, right?”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Well you remember the terms of our bet, right?”

  “Remind me.”

  “Anything that I want for a whole day.”

  “Ah yes, I do seem to remember something about that.” I bite my lip my mind turning with thoughts of what his wishes will consist of. “Care to tell me what you have in mind?”

  “I will, actually. We are going to spend a whole day together…”

  “Yes,” I ask breathless waiting for him to end the sentence with ‘in bed’.

  “At the rodeo.”

  I swear I hear screeching like a record being scratched by a needle in my mind, whipping me out of my lustful thoughts, “Say what?”

  “Oh yes. There is a rodeo competition coming to town about an hour south of here. We’re going.”

  “That is what you want to do with your day? A whole day that I will do anything you want? Emphasis on anything?”

  “Yep,” he responds popping the ‘p’.

  “You are a sick, sick man, Rixton Andrews.”

  He gives me a knock out grin, “You are going to love it. We will have a blast.”

  Sighing, I look at him doubtfully. “Can I have a condition?”

  “No. You lost. I get what I want.” I give him my best sexy, pouty face making him smile, “Okay let’s hear it but no promises.”

  Pressing my body against his, I lean close to him and almost touch my lips to his, “Can you wear the same thing you wore on stage to the rodeo? Minus the breakaway jeans of course, replaced with normal ones.”

  Rixton laughs and places a kiss on my mouth, “I reckon I can do that just for you darlin’,” he drawls.

  Shivers run over my body at his accent, “How much longer do you want to stay?”

  “Ready to leave already?”

  “Hell yes. After seeing that dance, I just want to get the hell out of here.”

  Laughing, we look around the room and realize people are already leaving. Thank God it doesn’t take long for them to clear out except for a few stragglers that the bartenders are going to escort out before they lock up. Rixton takes my hand, we turn to Luke and Olivia to tell them goodnight but see they are too wrapped up in each other to pay attention to anything else. Rixton and I get our things and head out.

  When we get to my place, we don’t waste any time pretending that our intentions are other than the obvious. We eagerly stride directly to my bedroom. We close the door behind us, although with Olivia officially moved out, it’s not really necessary. I turn to Rixton, “That was one hell of a show you put on tonight, but I was wondering?”

  He raises an eyebrow, “Yeah?”

  “Can I get my own private show?”

  With a laugh Rixton pushes me to sit on the bed while he slowly does a strip tease for me. Music must be playing in his mind because he rhythmically moves to an obvious beat that only he can hear. It must be one hell of a tune!

  I giggle when he throws his shirt at my head, “Woo hoo cowboy, give me more!”

  Chuckling, he makes a show out of removing the rest of his clothes and then beckons to me. I stand and walk to him. “Let’s get you out of yours now.”

  Rixton scans every inch of my body again and I feel like I’m already bared before him. He traces the outline of my body with his fingertip making me shiver. “When I saw you in this on stage, all I could think about was getting this off of you. It doesn’t leave a lot to the imagination. It forms the full round
ness of your breasts, hugs your sweet ass, and shows off those gorgeous legs of yours. My God, do you have any idea what it did to me to see you in this? You’re gorgeous, Red. So gorgeous.”

  As he bares my skin, he places gentle kisses there. I’m shivering with excitement. As he undresses me, he does it with such precision and so much care that it feels like an erotic dance in itself. It isn’t easy peeling my bodysuit off, but he doesn’t seem to mind. . As he removes my bra and I step into his body, he groans when my skin touches his. He runs the tips of his fingers down my back, stopping to knead in places, and I release a moan of pleasure of my own. I’ve had probably hundreds of massages but none of them have ever felt as good as the one he’s giving me now. This is sheer ecstasy.

  Standing in nothing but a black lace thong, I tremble with excitement and need when he hooks his thumbs inside my panties on either side of my hips. He slowly slides them down my body one inch at a time. He places a kiss on my stomach, on the inside of my thigh and even my knee as he lowers himself to help me step out of them. “We’re leaving these on,” he says referring to my black stilettos, making me laugh.

  “Oh yeah? Like them do you?”

  “Hell yes, but wait, I forgot one thing.” He picks up his cowboy hat off the floor behind him, and places it on my head. “There, that’s perfect.”

  I can’t help but giggle at the sight I must create in this get up – me in nothing but a hat and stilettos. “Fantasy of yours?”

  “One of many. And I can’t wait to experience them all with you.”

  He eases me back on the bed and I scoot to the top, with him following. Once we reach our destination, I push on his shoulder, telling him to lie on his back. . Straddling his hips, cowboy hat still in place – at least for now – I slide up and down his erection a few times, producing a low moaning sound that pours from his mouth. Without warning, I waste no time bringing my body down on his, making him curse under his breath. We are both ready, no need to pretend otherwise. “I was thinking I should ride my cowboy. What do you think?”


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