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HARRY (The Truth Series Book 7)

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by Elaine May


  “Harry. Are you even listening to a single word I’m saying? This is important you know.” My father says more abruptly and I turn to look at him.


  “Ayria Jonas has control of her grandfather’sbusiness now and she wants a meeting with me. I have no idea what that could mean.”

  “Are you scared of a little girl, Dad?” I joke but I can tell from both my father’s and brother’s faces that they don’t see it like that. Their eyebrows raise with that crease in between just like my own do and it makes me fucking sick. The three of us are so alike.

  “She’s not a little girl. She’s a woman who runs a business that has tried to take us over before. No one knows what she will want to do with it. She might come here thinking she can do what her grandfather couldn’t. We’re strong, we’re better than we’ve ever been, but that doesn’t mean she won’t try.”

  “But her grandfather was never able to take us over and let’s be honest neither will she. She won’t be bothered about that company, she’ll only be interested in the money it can give her.”

  “We don’t know that, we don’t have any idea what she’s thinking at the moment. What she’s like, only what the newspapers tell us and let’s be honest.”

  Why is he suddenly looking only at me?

  Here we go another dig with the way I spend my private life.

  “They get it wrong half the time.” There you go I was right, another dig. I made a mistake and I know it, thank you dad, I don’t need you to keep reminding me. I go to say it but good old Dad holds his hand up to me.

  “I know what you’re thinking so don’t even say it.”I grunt in response. They all think they know me so well, it pisses me off.

  “So what do you want to do?” Jackson interrupts trying to put the topic back to the business.

  “She’s coming at four o’clock. I’ll meet her on my own but if I need either one of you I’ll call for you. Just make sure you’re not busy around that time.” Typical Dad panicking over something that he doesn’t need to be concerned over. She won’t want anything, she’s probably just trying to rule the roost now she has control not really understanding what it all instils. Just some blond little bitch with bright red lipstick that has quite the reputation like my own. She could be fun outside the office though, no clue inside but I bet she could be amazing outside. Oh yes, if my father asks me to help him out I’m sure it could be fun.

  Just like with all the others, they are all the same in the end and I just love finding that out.



  I look in my mirror, at my mask, another maskis almost in place. The sun shines through my bedroom window showcasing me in a halo of light making me look like an angel - but I’m no angel.

  I’ve never been an angel, my grandfather wanted more from me than an angel and I ended up giving him exactly what he wanted. I wear lots of different masks but the world only really knows my most famous of all, blond hair and red daring lips. I’m wearing one of my beautiful designer suits, the skirt rests just above my knee with a light pink blouse my favourite colour although the world would never guess. My shoulder lengthcurly hair is pulled back into a tight pony tail ready for my wig and my makeup is far too light for normal but that’s the whole point. I grab hold of the wig that rests on my vanity with one hand while the other twists my pony tail around in a bun leaning my head forward and placing the wig over the top. I pull my head back and as I do I fluff with my new hair so it looks perfect.No one will know it’s me, not with brown hair, not with so little makeup and with thevery simple diamond studs in my ears. I can’t give away any clues of what I am trying to do. If I do then Mark will try and stop me and I need him to suffer as much as my grandfather will in his place in hell. I need this disguise to fool everyone. I step into a pair of black heeled shoes which are going to make my legs look longer, I love the way a pair of heels do that, they make me feel taller, stronger. I can play the part I’m supposed to with a pair of high heels and the rest of my mask that has to be in place at all times. I walk over to my closet and choose a designer bag that goes with my look and then walk back to my mirror, I’m all done, all ready for my meeting with Joshua Bryant.

  I wonder what grandfather would be thinking if he could see me now?

  Hopefully he’s turning in his grave but can I really do what I have planned?

  Can I really go talk to the man who owns the company mygrandfather tried to takeover on so many occasions? Knowing grandfather he probably made Mr Bryant’s life hell, the old man was good at that, he did it to me too often as well. Even so I have to do this whether I think I can or not. I have no choice. He has left me with no choice, this is his ultimate punishment for not doing everything he wanted. Well fuck him, I don’t care anymore about what the old man wanted or what he may have thought was best, I’m going to do what I think is best for me. I silently pray that I won’t screw this up just before I look at my watch and realise there is no more time for thinking.

  It’s time. I take a deep breath and then take one more look at the mirror whispering it’s show time like a prayer on my lips. That’s all this is. That’s all anything has ever been. Another deep breath escapes me as my fingers start to shake at my side.

  I can do this. I take a step, then another away from the mirror and then make my way out of my bedroom and down the hall way to my front door. I love my apartment. It was the first thing I was ever able to get for myself, my own independence bought with my own money, the money my parents left me in their will. I’m rich in my own right, I don’t need my grandfather’s money but he always made it a point when I was younger to turn the truth, to lie to me. I open and close my own front door and make my way down the stairs to the front entrance with a swing in my step. No one looks at me while I walk across the marble entryway, no one knows my different faces. I see Clive, my driver and my best friend waiting for me, he was my parents’ driver and when I was old enough he became mine. I don’t know what grandfather made him do during that time, but I’ll always remember him giving me a small smile or a gentle word. He’s like the father I lost and I’ll always be grateful that I have been able to get Clive back.

  “Good morning Miss.” He says while opening the car door for me.

  “Good morning Clive.” I say with a smile as I step into the car andwatch him go around and take his place behind the wheel.

  “Where would you like to go?” He turns to look at me, he already knows where I’m going and how I must be feeling about it all, he’s the only one that can read me like a book.

  “Bryant Industries please Clive.”

  “Are you sure?” He looks around to me again and I can see the look of concern in his eyes. He knows what this will mean. I just nod my head and look away, but the view from my window can’t soften the fear inside.

  “Yes please Clive.” I bite my bottom lip as thoughts race through my mind, making me feel uneasy and I just want to get this over with.

  “Joshua Bryant is a bastard.”

  “Bryant Industries takes all our business.” My grandfather’s voice sounds so fresh as the words flow through my brain on a loop but apart from that It’s a silent drive as the car stops and starts through the roads of New York City. All I can see are the tall skyscrapers that tower above, shielding us somewhat from the outside world. My life has never been shielded from anything, but it doesn’t matter how many times I go through these same streets I feel like this great city wants too. It wants to do something nothing else ever has, shield me from all its evils. Yellow cabs pass us by, their horns filling the air with their crazy noise along with the crowds of people rushing around, trying to get to where they are going.

  It seems to take forever, my heart beats with nerves but then the limo is pulling up to the vast building that states Bryant Industries over the door in black lettering. The building is made of glass and steel, it still looks as very grand and scary as I remember from my youth. Gra
ndfather would sometimes take me on road trips and every time he would tell me the horrors of the family who owned it, how he wanted to take the business over and mess with that family. Whatever grandfather said I can still remember thinking that they couldn’t be as bad as he was, no one could. He was a twisted old soul and wasn’t happy unless he was getting his own way. He was determined I’d give him that but he never got what he wanted and now I’m going to piss right on his grave and I’ll smile while I do it.

  “Are you sure you want to do this?” Clive asks again, but I know this is the best thing to do. For me.

  “Yes I’m sure.” He nods his head and I can see his smile through the rear view mirror before he gets out and walks towards my door.

  “There you go, Miss.” He says as he opens my door and helps me to get out. I straighten out my skirt and jacket before I take a step forward and then stop and look at him.

  “Don’t worry I’ll be ok.” He nods his head.

  “I know you will. You’re your father’s daughter.” I feel my eyes watering at the sound of my daddy and I know I’ll be forever grateful for anyone who knew him thinking I am like him. Clive squeezes my shoulder in support and I try to smile through my nerves.

  “Go get them.”I take my fearful steps forward towards the doors just as someone steps out and keeps the door open for me. I say thank you and then stop walking as I go through the doors.

  The inside is still something to behold. I continue to make my way through the entrance, I can feel my palms begin to sweat and the feeling of nausea in the back of my throat with each step I hear clacking away on the floor.

  Oh God, what am I doing, I say to myself in a low whimper.The walls are painted beige with dark wood panelling all around, the floors have white tiles with the same brown markings and in the middle of the room is an impressive dark wooden desk. There are also dark brown sofas with one or two beige sofas dotted around the room. It feels warm and friendly just as it had in the past and as I step closer to the reception desk, I feel her looking me up and down with kindness and intrigue in her eyes, she wants to know who I am.

  “How can I help you?”She asks me.

  “I’m here to see Mr Joshua Bryant.”

  “I’m sorry, he’s expecting Miss Jonas.” She looks me over as if she knows me, I guess she does in a way, everyone thinks they know the real me but they don’t, not really, the only one who does is by the car.

  “I know.” I say as I place a finger over my lips making a shushing gesture.

  “Don’t tell anyone but...” I stop for a moment and look around.

  “I’m her assistant.”

  “Oh, OK,if you take the elevator to the top floor, that’s where his office is.” I nod my head in thanks and then walk towards the elevators, which are at the back of the great room. Even at this time of day I can see a lot of people waiting, but I decide to take my place among them. Grandfather would have expected to travel up on his own, everyone to stand well away from him but I like the companionship. As the elevator doors open, my heart skips a beat and the sickness is back again. I just need to get this over and done with and then I can get on with my life, the way I want to. Finally. I’m unaware that I even enter the elevator, I just follow the crowd but I can feel the car reaching its destination, until the doors open and I’m greeted by more warmth,more beige and dark brown wood. I walk through the hallway to the main room floor which opens up and appears to be lower, the outskirts of the three offices are raised off the main floor by a couple of steps. It looks beautiful. I see three smaller reception desks and go towards them but then I hear an office door open and I see him. He’s a few feet away from me, looking me up and down with so many questions in his eyes. He must be about six feet tall, short dark floppy hair that has grey glistening through the strands and the bluest of sky- blue eyes. He has almost perfect features, and you can tell he works out even though he must be nearly sixty. He looks after himself, that much I can tell from just one look, and if he was younger I could be tempted. I could be really tempted, he could be just the right plaything for me except he’s too old.

  He has sons though, maybe I’ll get to meet one of them.

  That could be fun.



  “Miss Jonas?” He questions with one raised eyebrow and I keep forgetting I have my mask on. It’s so light I forget I even have it on most of the time but I guess that’s the whole point. There wouldn’t be much point wearing it if I didn’t feel different, out of sorts the whole time it graces my face. The paparazzi can fish out hiding celebs all the time and walking around as if I’m not who I say I am is like wearing a neon light above my head. Ha, the laugh is on me in the end because I’ve played this game for so long with the whole world watching that I’ve perfected my art.

  “If one of the newspapers were to find out I was coming here...” I stop for effect as I place a hand on my hip and shrug that side’s shoulder.

  “It wouldn’t go down very well.” I add as I bite my bottom lip and try to give an innocent look before placing my other hand on my other hip and turning towards him more.

  “Disguise.” He rakes me over and this man doesn’t appear like the business monster that my grandfather always said he was. It’s more as if he just won’t take any nonsense and I find I like him, I can deal with this man.

  “You’d best come into my office then.” He says, gesturing towards the door he just came out of.

  Oh God, this is it. I can feel every hair on my body stand to attention in nerves.

  I can do this.

  I know I can do this,I just have to not think of my grandfather. If I think of him all I’ll get is his disapproving stare and all the judgemental words he always threw my way.


  “Thank you, Mr Bryant.” I follow him as he leads me through to his office. I walk through and all I can see are all the photos that cover the walls. There are so many of them, some of a beautiful couple in different stages of their lives, some of them with their family. Four beautiful children, three boys two of which look just alike and like their father except different eye colours. One hazel, one blue, they look so handsome and I feel drawn to this family.That’s crazy, I don’t even know them but I can feel the warmth they all hold radiating from their pictures.

  “Please take a seat.” Mr Bryant says as he gestures to the chair at the opposite side of his beautiful desk. Wow, it’s really pretty. It’s better than the one that’s in my grandfather’s office and I thought he was supposed to have the best of everything. Mr Bryant must know where my eyes are because I see his hands at the other end before he starts talking again.

  “It used to belong to my grandfather.”

  “It’s beautiful.”

  “Thank you. It means a lot to me” He looks at me, not knowing what to make of me. Ha, no one does, but what makes him think he could be any different. He looks at me for a while, I can hear his brain ticking over from here, just trying to figure me out. I don’t speak, just waiting for him to make his first move, this is his building after all and I at least have manners.

  “Shall we make a start then?” He asks and he’s as nervous as I am as I answer.

  “Of course.” I try to settle myself more in my chair but nothing seems to help as the nerves hold my body hostage.

  “What I need to know first of all is why you are here Miss Jonas?” Ah, he’s delving right into the heart of the matter, I really do like this man already. There’s no messing about with this man and I like it. I use my left hand and reach it to my wig, swiping it from my head, pulling my hair band with my other hand allowing my hair to fall around my head to my shoulders in the soft curls I love. I look over at Mr Bryant.

  “Just imagine the red lips and I’ll look just like myself.” I say as he just looks shocked and I have to hide the small laugh, the world only sees the blond hair and my bright lips. I place the wig and tie in my bag before placing both my hands on his desk.

ne has to have a mask, right?” I shrug my shoulders as if it doesn’t matter.

  “I think it maybe more than that.”Well doesn’t he think he knows me so well. I don’t say anything for a while, his office deathly silent as his eyes remain on me but he doesn’t make me feel uncomfortable. That’s strange, normally I’d be begging for my freedom by now.

  “Why do you even need it? That’s what I really want to know.”

  “Mr Bryant.”

  He holds up his hand.

  “Please call me Joshua. Mr Bryant makes me feel old.” I laugh at the humour in his eyes.

  “Joshua. I’m sure you and your family know more than anyone about what the newspapers are like.” He regards me as his Adam’s apple bobs in his throat.

  “Yes I know what happened with your son, the whole country knows what he’s been up to.

  They’ll take everything we do and twist it until it sells newspapers. Sometimes. I like to try and keep things private. I’m sure you can understand that.”

  “Of course I do, who wouldn’t, but why are we both here today Miss Jonas?”

  “You said I could call you Joshua. Why don’t you call me Ayria.”

  “Thank you Ayria but again why are we here today?” I take a few shuddering breaths before everything I have in place crumbles around me as my grandfather’s voice rings in my ear.


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