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HARRY (The Truth Series Book 7)

Page 3

by Elaine May

  “Don’t you dare do what I think you’re going to do young lady.”

  “I worked every day for this business.”

  “Don’t ruin everything I worked hard for.”

  The voice forgets to say how everything including me went to the back burner for his business. He cared for nothing but making more money. Once upon a time I would have done anything to make that old man happy, I would have run his business but he changed it all. My life changed and the things I thought were important were no longer echoes of me but faded dreams that danced within the darkness he clouded me in. My stomach starts to churn as my knees begin to weaken and I can only be grateful that I am already sitting down. My palms, my forehead begin to get clammy and I know I’m getting the start of a panic attack, I just need to do what I came here for and get out again.

  “Am I right in thinking that my grandfather tried to take your great company over a few times in the past Mr Bry.... Joshua?” He suddenly looks very nervous and then he smiles at me before he answers.

  “Yes. Yes he did but he never could.” He leans forward looking stronger than ever. He looks more powerful in this moment, more than my grandfather ever could.

  “But we’re too powerful to be taken overAyria. Your grandfather learnt that the hard way.” He starts running his fingers through his hair while turning away from me and looking out of the window. He lets out a breath before turning back to look at me, his fierce look back in place it would seem. I can see the worry in every tense muscle of his body, he’s waiting for me to strike war on his little empire. I should set his mind at rest. I should tell him that that’s not why I am here but I don’t get the chance. He already has his questions at the ready.

  “Is that why you’re here Ayria?” He’s really looking me up and down this time as if I’m his next meal, sizing me up, wondering how to demolish me before I strike.

  “You want to do something your grandfather never could?” His words sound so funny, if only they were true but my grandfather made sure of it.

  “Is that it?” He questions me again and I have to try and keep a straight face.

  “No. No, that’s not what I’m doing here at all. I want to sell the company to you.”

  “I’m sorry?” And I can see his confusion.

  “My grandfather kept me in the business all my life and I always knew what was to be expected of me. The old man dies and he gives me it all but not quite.” He’s looking interested in my little story and that’s just where I want him.

  “I own the business but I don’t run it. All my life this is all I’ve been prepared for, but he gives the control to his right hand man. A man who is so backwards it’s pathetic. I could do so much for that business but yet again I’m not given the chance.” I take a few deep breaths.

  In and out.

  In and out.

  In and out. My heart is banging against my rib cage just trying to break free, sweat pools in my palms and on my brows. Oh God it’s so hot in here I just want to run away but that’s exactly what my grandfather would want because then he can get his own way, yet again.I take more deep breaths and then take the glass of water to my left. My hands are shaking as they bring the drink to my lips and I can just tell that Joshua can see what this is doing to me. I take a sip, then another, taking a deep breath in between,just trying to calm myself back down. This is what the whole thing does to me and if I could hate my grandfather even more than I already do then I would, but there is no more room left in my heart.

  “Do you want my grandfather’s business, Joshua?” I look him dead in his eyes. Joshua looks towards my hand still shaking as it rests the glass back down and I try to remain in control.

  “Are you ok,Ayria?” And I can see the concern in his eyes and it makes my heart scream out in jubilation, someone other than myself cares. For just a moment someone else cares for me, that just clarifies how pathetic my life is. I take a gulp at the build up of moisture in my mouth.

  “If you want it, Joshua, you can have it, but I have some demands that will need to be met before a sale can be made.” There, I just did it.The worst part is out there in the open and I just have to wait and see what he says.

  What will he say?

  Oh God I hope he goes for this because if my grandfather wasn’t already dead then this would definitely kill him and I love the feeling that it’s giving me, alighting my body, my mind in power. Power I have never been able to feel before and I’m loving it. I’m acting like a cold hearted bitch but this is what my grandfather turned me into. If he’s up there in heaven looking down with disgust in his cold eyes then he has no one to blame but himself.

  He did this to me.

  He’s done this to his own beloved business, not me.

  “What do you want,Ayria?” Joshua says, taking me away from my thoughts.



  I watch as she gets up from the chair with a smile on her face. I recognise that type of smile, it’s a victory smile but why? She holds out her hand to me and I take it and am surprised by the firmness of her shake, I like a firm handshake it speaks of character and she has a lot of it from what I can tell.

  “I look forward to dealing with you, Joshua.”

  “Likewise,Ayria.” There’s that smile again, peeking through the corners of her lips, making her look most beautiful.

  A victory smile from a true beauty. I can’t deny how Harry would be all over her like a rash if he was here. She’s very beautiful, just his type and I shudder at the thought of my son that way but he’s been like it for so long you’d think his mother and I would be used to it, but time does not heal everything. She sashays out of my office like a dancer with so much grace it’s hypnotising and I have to force myself back to the matter at hand.

  Why does she want to sell her business to me though? I have to admit her grandfather was after us for years, always came over like a bad rash and lay threat after threat against everything I hold dear. He knew what he wanted and he fought hard, I’ll give the bastard that, but it was never enough. I think he may have dealt with my uncle in the past, it would make sense as he always knew about bad dealings that had happened under my uncle’s rule but obviously those were over and done with. They were no more but old bastard Jonas would throw it in my face, trying to get a reaction, trying to get the business my grandparents, my parents, Isla’s dad worked so hard for, died for. I sense the sadness creep through me like a virus at everything our parents and grandfather missed out on, they were all taken too young.

  It wasn’t fair, it still isn’t fair but I think they would be proud of everything Isla and I have accomplished together, just like they always wanted. As hard as it was we kept the business’s head above water and we were never going to succumb to him. We never did no matter what he threw our way and I’m not going to start now, so why does his granddaughter want to hand it all over to me? Mr Jonas was a lot of things but he was a hard worker, not always legit but he loved that business.

  What Is Ayria thinking? As she sat before me she reminded me so much of Harry. The Ice Princess is always in the papers, eats rich men alive apparently. They are always rich, well known and she leaves everyone of her victims crushed by what she does to them. It is always a lot of hearsay, no actual fact to what she does only that she is a bitch, an Ice Princess that sends her men crazy with lust.

  I wonder what she would do to Harry?

  I wonder what Harry could do to her?

  On paper they both seem so much alike, players to the opposite sex and it gets me thinking.

  I wonder if there could be something there?

  They are both single.

  I can only assume they are each other’s type.

  They could be amazing together.

  I wonder if they could soften each other?

  I wonder if?

  I wonder whether if I put them together to get this deal donesomething could happen?

  I wonder? Isla would kill me, don’t meddle in
their lives she tells me, but we both want to see Harry happy, content.

  I wonder?


  “I have a job for you.” I look up from my computer screen as my father storms through my office door like he’s on his own mission.When is the man never on what he thinks is his own mission?

  “Hi Dad, what do you want?”I’m busy old man and this is my office so you could have knocked. I really would have loved to say that but I know how my smart mouth goes down. That’s what my mom has said about it in the past anyway but he just seems to ignore my words.

  “There’s something I need you to do. Only you.” He has my attention now and I fold my arms on my desk and lean forward to show my interest. Why doesn’t he want the perfect Jackson to do this little job for him though?


  “Because your brother is too busy.” I raise my eyebrows at him, not believing what he has just said. What does he think I’m doing? I know I can be a reckless little shit sometimes but come on Dad I work just as hard as my brother does.

  “So am I.” I can see the look he’s giving me and I don’t know how to read it.

  What’s he playing at?

  “I know you are but believe me you will want this job.”

  “Really Dad, why do you think that?” How does he know what will take my interest, I can’t remember the last time we had a nice old heart to heart chat.

  “Ayria Jonas.” That has my attention again, of course I’ve seen her photos. She’s in the newspapers nearly as much as I am but what could she want with us.

  “You had your meeting with her then.” My dad nods his head.

  “She’s just left.” His hand reaches to his tie and he starts to pull it apart. He’s had enough for one day, I can read the signs like a book.

  “She wants to sell us the business her grandfather left her.”

  “What! Why?”

  “I don’t know. What I do know is that she wants to sell and she wants to sell to us. I’ve been over this so many times before with the old man but if she wants to sell...” He stops for a moment.

  “I want to buy it and I need you to do it. She says she has some demands.”

  “Me? Demands? Why don’t you do it?” Is he trying to tell me after all these years he’s suffering with nerves.

  “You and your brother are the future of this company. This deal is the future and with this deal in question I think you’re the one to do it.” Well I really don’t know what to say to this. He thinks I’m the best son to get this for him. My chest beats with pride as he looks at me, begging me to do this for him.

  “I need you to do this deal for me. Find out what she wants and get us a good deal.”



  So the meeting didn’t quite go the way I thought it would but it wasn’t bad.

  Joshua Bryant didn’t laugh in my face like I feared he would.

  No, the man was the first of his kind to actually listen to me. He didn’t look down at me like the God he thought he was. Over the years I have perfected having that look rained upon me from the men who think they are better than me by just being male but it wasn’t like that with him. With Joshua Bryant. He was different. He did phone me though just before the close of day to tell me to come back today at 12 o’clock and meet with his son so we can discuss everything and that he will try to come by if business allows.

  I’m meeting his son, but which one?

  The married one or the single one? Ooooh this could be exciting and I can’t just stay at home playing with my fingers thinking about which Bryant brother I might get to work with, to play with, because let’s face it I’ll be playing with him by the end of all this and then I’ll kick him to the curb like all the others.

  I can’t wait, I really can’t wait, and that’s why I ended up going out last night because I had to try and think of anything else apart from my next game. I was a good girl though, the newspapers would be proud because I didn’t bring anyone home with me. No, I have a big fish to catch so what is the point in trying to catch a tadpole for the night.

  No thank you. I went out and I had a good time but the only thing I was interested in, was what could happen today.

  Closing the deal, that would really hammer the nail in my grandfather’s coffin.

  I know what you want.

  You want to know why I’m like this, why I want to do this to my grandfather’s business who’s probably only loved me but you would be wrong. The only thing he ever loved more than himself was his business and only one word comes to mind when I think about it,Karma.



  Karma and there’s nothing the old man can do because he’s dead, just like the girl I once was before he killed her. He has done this all to himself and he can watch me tear down everything he ever did from his place down in hell. Karma is a bitch and for the first time in my life I’m watching it happen to someone who deserves it and he can’t do a darn thing about it. Wow I really sound like the wicked witch but no one knew my grandfather like I did, what he did to me, and this is the only way I can get payback.

  That morning I lounge around my apartment watching a few episodes of Friends, refilling my cup of tea, trying to keep the never-ending river of nerves from taking me over. Chandler’s comic actions help as I spent most of my time laughing while sipping at my drink and before I know it it’s time to get ready. I shower and get dressed in my best business dress making sure I put on stockings and a garter belt, excitement racing through my veins at the thrill of my next chase, of what I’m about to do. I apply the perfect makeup, natural for the day but my standard red lips on full show and ready for effect. My hair goes curly with the right product and I’m happy with how good I look. The Bryant son will be putty in my hands and none of them will be able to step away from what I have to offer them. I step out of my apartment with pride, I’m about to do the one thing no one will expect from me. From the silly granddaughter of a king who thought he had it all and never gave a thought to anyone else, especially me. I can only hope the old man will be rolling in his grave when I do this. I hope the man who thinks he has what’s mine, who is just as bad as my grandfather, drops dead when he finds out. I rub my hands in glee just thinking about it all and through it all I’ll get another victim. I’ll have another plaything to get my claws into and I can’t wait. It’s going to be so much fun. I bet my grandfather, or anyone at his business never would have thought I could do anything like I’m about to do and that’s the best part about this.

  When I step outside Clive is waiting for me as usual and he gives me a fatherly smile as he opens the car door. The journey goes by too quickly and far too soon I’m having to look around to make sure there are no familiar cars around, you never know who may be lurking around where you live just waiting to catch you doing something you shouldn’t and I definitely shouldn’t be doing this. I raise my head up high as I step out of the car. Clive giving my hand a gentle squeeze as he helps me.

  “Good luck Miss.” Clive says as I step away from everything I know and into something new that feels so right. I walk through the building that I’m going to sell my grandfather’s business to, the words roll in it old man singing on repeat in my head. I walk past the reception and go to the lift, pressing the button, my breath catches in the back of my throat as I wait for the doors to open. I step in as soon as the doors slide open and my breath still hasn’t come as I travel back up to the top floor where everything will start to play out for me. The buzz sounds opening the doors and I walk towards the reception desk, the poor girl looks startled to see someone but I asked for secrecy so that’s something else that is my fault.

  “Can I help you ma’am?” She asks me and I just try to stay calm because I’m doing so well and I can’t let it fold.

  “I have an appointment with Mr Bryant.” She looks a little flustered as she goes through the diaries on her computer.

  “Do you know which one ma’am?”

>   “Which one? I don’t know but I saw Mr Joshua Bryant yesterday.”Oooh I really am a bitch but never mind. She’s still madly going through all her files to find out what she’s missing.

  “Ahhh Miss Jonas, you made it.” Both I and the receptionist look toward the main door to find Mr Joshua Bryant walking out with his hands held out in greeting for me.

  “Mr Bryant. It’s nice to be able to see you again.” I take his hand again and he shakes it with the same firmness as yesterday but we’re interrupted by the receptionist.

  “Mr Bryant, I can’t find an appointment for you or your sons.” He pulls away from me and looks at her with an almost fatherly look. That must be nice, I never got that look from my own grandfather but this girl is lucky enough to get it from her boss.

  “It’s ok Haley I’ve sorted it.” He gestures with his hand for me to follow him and he leads me over to another office.

  “She’s new but she’s getting there.” He says with another kind voice. He opens the door and I’m hit by a smell. It’s not a nasty smell but as I step around Mr Bryant to walk in it just seems to engulf all my senses. It travels through with my blood getting to every part of me, my brain, my lungs, it’s everywhere wanting to cloud my judgement. It’s sweet yet musky, it smells like what I can only imagine heaven to smell like.

  “Please make yourself comfortable.” I’m sure I could make myself very comfortable with the owner of that smell. I smile at his words, trying not to give myself away but as I step past him and into the middle of heaven I come to a standstill. I’m rendered motionless, none of my limbs seem to be able to move. I’m rendered speechless.In front of me is the most beautiful man I have ever seen in my life. My heart skips too many beats as I can’t help but look at him.He’s absolutely stunning as he comes to stop only a few feet away from me, looking me up and down just the way I am him I can only assume.He looks just like his father only a younger version, standing six feet tall with short dark brown floppy hair, and hazel eyes that just dance with different colours. He is picture perfect, a pretty boy I normally would eat for breakfast, perfect features, perfect everything it could make you sick.


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