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Immortal Espionage

Page 26

by Debbie Behan

  * * * *

  A movement on the bed woke Alina. ‘Ricco.’ She rolled over and sat up. ‘He went through so much. Sorry, it took longer than I thought but he’s much better now.’

  ‘I couldn’t get him to open up; you’ve done a wonderful job on him Alina.’

  Both looked at his face and could see Jay again.

  Alina smiled. ‘Yes, Jay has come back to us. Not the boy he was but a man with understanding of life. He knows there are those out there that will take advantage of his loveliness. But thank the heavens he won’t let it change him, instead, he is determined to avoid any further contact.’


  ‘Yes. There was a closeness that I don’t get, don’t understand.’

  ‘He was the same when he met you, trusted you from day one.’

  Alina shrugged. ‘No idea. But now he feels better he frets for Kev. Is he with you?’

  ‘Outside–busting to see him.’ Ricco lifted off the bed, moved to the door and opened it. Alina followed him to give them space. Both got rough at times and she since learned to steer clear of their rough-housing. Kev barely noticed them as he strode past and jumped on the bed with a heavy thud that woke Jay. Eyes open Kev laid on top of him, and wrestling with him, made Jay laugh.

  Kev pulled him up and, taking his hand, dragged him out through the door. A very happy Jay followed him.

  Alina was pleased she had organised Kev to visit Jay. They had become solid over the months and hearing Jay laugh as their bedroom door slammed shut made her smile. To take pleasure in the company of his partner who adored him was crucial to his mental state. It would do more for him than they could right now.

  Happy too, Ricco closed their door. ‘I was worried sick for him. You did well Alina; our boy’s home.’

  Alina leaned into Ricco, exhausted, and looked to him for strength. Healing Jay had depleted her energy levels, not only physically but mentally.

  ‘The kid was overwhelmed and emotional by the time we arrived here. I’m so proud of you my wife.’

  Her normal alluring blue eyes had clouded over from her dwindling powers. Berry had screamed how evil she was. If he could see how this sweet angel that gave her all to the ones she loved, he’d never say that. No matter what strain it put on her, getting Jay well was her utmost priority and she’d sooner collapse than have cut the lifeline extended to him. Just seeing the way Jay bounced out of there, so full of love and happiness, gave him insight how hard she’d worked. He questioned what the detective told him. There had to be more to Detective Berry’s hatred of her. It was time he did some digging of his own.

  On the sofa he pulled Alina onto his lap. The quickest way to help her regain her strength was heat and he had plenty to give. Her arms wrapped around his shoulders and she buried her head into his neck. Cold skin shivered against him as she fought to stay conscious. Rage had him heat her up in no time as he supressed his hatred towards Berry, wishing he had killed him when he had the chance. Why Jay saved him was beyond Ricco. There was a strong humane side to Jay even Ricco had trouble working out. His actions didn’t add up. The amount he could endure was not normal mortal behaviour. Although–he was just a kid and Ricco had little to do with them until Jay. The lad should still be living at home with parents getting grounded for sneaking out to parties. An easier life.

  Alina’s arms slipped from around his neck and she lay back cradled in his arms. Energy replenished, her eyes glistened like blue sapphires.

  ‘Feeling better?’ he asked.

  ‘Ricco, I need to know what Jay was talking about when he spoke of Detective Berry’s daughter.’

  Ricco swallowed. Alina didn’t miss a trick but he needed to stall his answer. ‘He told you?’

  ‘Yes. There are no secrets between me and Jay.’

  Ricco went to answer and she straightened and put up her hand. ‘Ricco don’t. Please don’t hide things from me.’

  Ricco wasn’t prepared to share until he knew more. It would break her heart to know her own father hated her this much. That’s if he was telling the truth.

  ‘Can’t you just trust me for now? I need to find out a lot more before I can put the puzzle together. When I know for sure I swear you will be the first one I tell.’

  With a bright smile and an adorably sweet expression she sat up and straddled him. ‘You better. Just as well I missed you more than I want to talk about that jerk.’

  She tossed her long hair so it fell soft and seductive around her face. Purposefully she unlaced the silky nightgown that slipped from her shoulders and exposed her perfect shape.

  ‘Mon chéri,’ he moaned unable to help the feelings she unleashed in him. There would be no searching for any part of the puzzle just yet, he thought, as she pulled him against her glorious body.

  ~ Chapter Thirty One ~


  Ricco woke to the sound of pacing outside their bedroom door. Reaching over, he pushed the button beside the bed and Jay walked in, eyes wide open and nerves frayed.

  ‘Sorry to disturb you Ricco but I need to talk. Now I can think straight I wanted to thank you for coming to get me.’

  ‘Not necessary Jay, you’d have done the same for me.’

  ‘I know, but it was still nice to know the feelings are returned. You have to experience it for you to understand just what it meant to me to see you. I had nothing left. I’d given up hope of you finding me.’

  ‘You give in? Don’t believe that for a second but thanks for appreciating my effort.’ Jay was a good kid and Ricco was glad he was on the mend so soon.

  Jay sat on the bed and reached for Alina’s hand and smiled as he did. Just a touch, that simple connection and he sighed heavily, shoulders slumped as he began to calm. ‘Alina’s out cold. Is everything all right?’

  ‘She’s fine and always sleeps like this after using healing powers.’

  ‘I worried that I hurt her. Once I came down from the high she put me on, all I thought was how I must have weakened her. I stupidly poured my heart out to her Ricco. I’m sorry but she knows about Kalam Berry.’

  Now was not the time for a scolding. But he did wish he could have kept the daughter thing secret until he had time to check out how true it was. Instead he smiled back. ‘I gave her short bursts of energy. My powers were on overload after being so angry yesterday. She is more than fine.’

  ‘I’m glad. I’ll go now.’ Jay stood up. ‘I just came to say thanks and to see if she was okay.’

  ‘No you don’t Jay. I know you need her still or you wouldn’t be here. Relax and have time out for a few hours with her and Kev. There are things I need to do and I want quiet time to concentrate.’

  Jay eyed him, disliking secrets. ‘Kev told me Berry got away. Said a woman helped him.’

  Alina spoke, making them jump, as neither realised she was awake. ‘What did this woman look like?’ Stretching she opened her eyes.

  ‘Short dark hair, tall, slim and maybe in her early thirties. Berry called her Sharon. The rest was code.’

  Alina gasped and sat up. ‘Sharon? My Sharon? God no, she surely wouldn’t double cross me. Sharon, if it’s her, is CEO of my company. Thank goodness I transferred my accounts to a secret location last visit. No wonder he has only the best of clothes… Did you tape it? Ricco, I need to see if it’s her.’

  ‘I’m sure there’s plenty that may fit that description.’

  Before he or Jay got another word out she scrambled off the bed and was in the shower.

  Upstairs Ricco ran footage of the helicopter landing near Berry.

  ‘There, my symbol, “All Seeing Eye”. Pull it in closer. I want to see her face.’

  ‘The sly witch,’ Alina growled angrily when she recognised her. ‘That traitorous heartless cow. She is so going down.’ Alina paced back and forth like a livid lioness. ‘I shouldn’t have left them anything, should have closed it down. Thought I may need the team again one day, not!’’ Silently she paced before turning to Jay. ‘I want you and Kev to ha
ck into the bank account I left them and clean the lot out. I want to put them into bankruptcy so the entire operation is shut down.’ She stopped and stood still. ‘No, instead, hack in and point the lasers at it and blow the whole company to dust.’ Her leg thrashed out in temper and her foot kicked a chair and knocked it flying. ‘Better yet, book me on the next flight and I’ll go over and sack the cow and then rip her throat out.’

  Jay started to laugh, enjoying it. ‘What if we get Ricco to do his speed thing and go in and grab her and Berry badass. Drop them on an island and bomb it as they did to us.’

  Alina liked that and her eyes shone excitedly. ‘That’s it, even better. Can we Ricco?’ She looked at him hopefully. ‘Will you do that if I give you the plans to the facility?’

  Ricco shook his head. Jay, without knowing it, pulled her totally out of her fury and she was enjoying the banter. ‘Well…’ Ricco turned to her. ‘Firstly you have just mentioned many scenarios, none of which is going to be easy to achieve. Killing is not something I want Jay or Kev involved in. Therefore, how about if we can get her on embezzlement of your money, Alina and Berry on charges for taking a bribe?’

  ‘Then a bit of jail time might pull them down a peg or two. And give us time to rebuild our empires in a new location. And this time not give just one person so much control.’ Alina was on the same train of thought.

  ‘I think we both need to learn from what has happened to us,’ said Ricco.

  Alina nodded. ‘Yes, and you have a point about the boys. I don’t want them mixed up in anything illegal either. How do we do it then?’

  ‘IRS,’ he said simply. ‘We clean out the account so Sharon’s broke. Make it look as if she has hidden it and then feed in information to the IRS that she did it to avoid paying taxes. The IRS will go right through the business as we will put it in her name. She’ll end up with no money to dig her way out and they will put her in jail for tax evasion. They will close the company. What can be sold to pay her bills will go to them, not her.’

  Alina smiled and nodded. ‘Yes I like that. What about Detective Berry?’

  ‘Set him up with funds in his accounts so it looks as if he has taken bribes. Berry will lose his job and be in poor standing with the FBI. While they do time, we’ll be left alone,’ said Ricco.

  ‘Give us a chance to rebuild our empires.’ Alina’s eyes were bright with anticipation.

  Jay and Kev high-fived each other. ‘Let’s set it up,’ they both said eagerly.

  Ricco looked sternly at Jay. ‘What I said this morning still stands. You three need a break. Kev and Alina have barely slept while searching for you Jay and you still need more time to get over your ordeal. I’ll get started and in a few hours when you’ve had a good enough break doing whatever, and if you still feel up to it, come and help then. This isn’t something we can set up in a couple of hours. Let me gather the intel needed and let’s tackle it together, maybe later this afternoon.’

  ‘But—’ Jay opened his mouth.

  ‘Not a request, it’s an order! Now go! Get out of here you lot.’ Ricco privately wanted to follow up about Berry and Alina’s father/daughter relationship. For this he needed privacy and he continued to look quite forceful and stubborn.

  ‘Fine!’ Jay grabbed at Alina’s hand. ‘Leave him here alone. Give him a few minutes and he’ll come begging for our help.’

  ‘You got that right,’ Kev added.

  ‘I want that witch, Ricco. You better not be up to something and not telling me,’ Alina said.

  ‘Look guys, I’ve got this. I do know how to work this equipment without you. I brought it here remember. Now hop it.’

  ‘Stubborn sod.’ Jay grinned at Alina. ‘What do you want to do?’

  ‘There are trail bikes down on the third level. Follow the tunnel that leads up into the mountains. That’s if you want to go for a real ride.’ Ricco planned to get a lot of alone time and this plan was sure to have them out of his hair for just the right amount of time.

  ‘Will we be right to go outside Ricco?’ Kev asked.

  ‘Doubt if Berry will be going anywhere for a few days after what I did to him. Go enjoy the day.’ He waved them off impatiently, not even looking up as he started putting codes into the computer.

  ‘I’ll switch the cameras on just in case Ricco.’ Kev was still concerned about going topside. ‘If the alarm goes off you can come get us.’

  Ricco just nodded, fully confident Berry was out of action for at least a week. By the time he finished today he doubted they’d have enough money to chase themselves around the room never mind them.

  ‘Jay!’ Ricco grabbed a small bag with a cell and earpiece from the drawer next to him. When Jay stopped he tossed it to him. ‘Just in case I’m wrong, but I’m not, stay in contact with me.’

  Ricco knew that to keep them sheltered for the rest of their lives was ludicrous. If he’d learned anything over the last few days, it was that Jay and Kev were both very human and could possibly die at the hands of Berry at any moment. Might as well live with risk and enjoy the short mortal years they have. Otherwise he was no better than Detective Berry in keeping them locked up every day. He hoped the dynamite he planted out there would create a diversion long enough for him to get them back to safety if need be. Watching as the lift door close with them in it and confident he had it covered, Ricco continued to work.

  He typed in his password and wrote–Jamil.

  His message was received.

  Jamil: “copy Priric”

  Jamil: “Long-time no hear. Glad you’re still with us.”

  Priric: “worried for you too … are you both well.”

  Jamil: “Knew he was a traitor … we were ready for him … have relocated and back on line … ready for further instructions … how’s our boy.”

  Priric: Doing well … made of quality stuff … need help though. Discovered Detective Berry is Alina’s father, what happened to Alina’s mother?’

  Jamil: Sad news for Alina … a horrid individual … that makes him well over 100 years old … who’d have guessed there were more than you. This has been an interesting year … We always figured you’d draw the others to you if they existed. Will get back to you ASAP.

  * * * *

  Unable to talk for long for fear it may be traced, Ricco switched off. The chat was in code and unless an especially gifted person intercepted the conversation it stayed secret.

  For the next hour he researched to see what he could dig up. Beginning at the start of Alina’s life, he turned over the century a decade at a time. What is her father’s gripe? He had to know. For the first sixty years she lived as he expected, with grace and honour. In that time she married twice, nothing he didn’t know. Both husbands had standing in the community and she left them only after they died of old age. His girl was no gold digger. Instead she made her fortune through the stock market and above board trades. The strange part was that her father didn’t seem to be in any photos before the last four decades. So what brought him into her life forty years ago and why was he so hell bent on killing her? Her father had stayed out of her life for sixty years, not wanting a thing to do with her. It didn’t add up.

  He read intently the relevant information of her last husband Rick Segal. One of the newspapers wrote a piece on them: Gold digger disappears with husband’s fortune after explosion kills Lord Rick Segal and many police officers at Minari Vildior Castle. Detective Kalam Berry and a handful of survivors tell how the castle was wired with explosives and went up as they entered the century-old fortress.

  It still didn’t tell him anything more than what Alina had divulged. Rick died in her arms and Ricco felt her sadness when she told him. The castle was rigged up so she could stay with him until the end and the explosion was to give her cover as she escaped. As far as he could see the angry mob of lynch men and law officials had forced their way in for no good reason and got what they deserved.

  Secret mail alert rang. Ricco typed in Jamil and received a cryptic message.

  Priric: what we have so far. Take care he is extremely dangerous, Jamil.

  Ricco signed out from his friend and began to read what had been sent to him.

  This heartbreaking story I’ve dug up is still spoken of today amongst elders of Kar-Kar, home town of Kalam and Shari Berry. It is said that they tried for many years before Shari became pregnant. The entire town celebrated and rejoiced at the birth and then grieved terribly when their much loved Shari Lyra Berry died just hours after the birth. Kalam Berry was devastated and after the funeral, in a rage, he went to take revenge on the child that killed his soul mate. He searched the rows of newborns. ‘Where is my daughter, Satan’s spawn?’ He demanded the doctor hand her over. But the doctor was smart and knew by the way Kalam looked at the child after the mother’s death that he’d be back. ‘I’m so sorry but your little girl didn’t make it either.’

  ‘I demand to see the corpse. I don’t believe such evil can just die!’ he cried out.

  ‘She has gone.’ The doctor calmly held his crazed stare. ‘Let her rest in peace. We will organise the funeral for you.’

  ‘I hate her! I hate her!’ Kalam collapsed in a crumpled crying mess, shaking and mumbling how he wished it was he who killed her. His mind gone, they ended up locking him up to prevent him killing himself. There he stayed, in the institution, never to speak again. But then rumours started. There was talk amongst the residents that the child lived and the hospital had tricked him. The news eventually found its way to Kalam. The reports from the institution said that after sixty years he came out of the fog he lived in and was released not long after that.

  Some thought Kalam Berry found his daughter before he died and passed away happy. Others say they still hear him searching and calling for her in the hospital his wife died in. They obviously believe he is dead by now.


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