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Immortal Espionage

Page 27

by Debbie Behan

  * * * *

  Ricco was in shock. He hated Berry for hounding her and yet sympathised with his loss. He imagined his own feelings if Alina and he were to have a child and she died. Firstly he would never risk her life. For two immortals to have a child they would have to give themselves up. Go to the gods who would want to punish them for hiding and maybe make them give up something they treasured. He slapped his hand to his forehead. Could they have taken his wife for the child? Berry would spend his life in a tortured state. Roaming the earth with half his soul missing. That would please them. How could he have been so stupid? Only one soul mate lives. If they die, much of you does too. No way could he live without her unless it was for revenge. That wasn’t hate in Berry’s eyes. It was deep seated pain for his loss. He still suffered. Ricco felt for him but he will never get my beautiful Alina. He must make Kalam Berry understand, he’d do to me, what happened to him.

  Hell they’re outside in full view. Ricco suddenly got a pang of fear prickle at the hairs on the back of his neck. Berry won’t give up. He wants to kill her or be killed.

  His head spun as he picked up his headset and called to Jay but got no answer. How was Jay to hear him over the roar of the motors and the screaming of their excited voices as they yelled out over the noise of the engines?

  Ricco was in the lift and came out on the third floor within seconds. ‘Please let me get to her in time,’ he begged the lord above, ‘please let mon chéri live for me.’ Pain gripped his heart as he ran at light speed through the tunnel to get to her. They were at least a few miles away. ‘Faster, legs,’ he forced them. ‘Don’t let him win.’ His heart pounded as he got closer–but it was too late, they were surrounded.

  ‘Please forgive me Jay, but if there’s a chance to save any of you–it has to be her.’ He sidestepped bullets as he ran. God forgive me.

  ~ Chapter Thirty Two ~

  Take Me

  ‘Check out that scenery!’ Alina pointed.

  Unsteady, she wrapped her arm back around Jay’s waist as he jumped the bike over a clump of debris. They’d been riding around hilly dirt mounds for over an hour. Reaching the top of this dune, with so much dust, the ocean in the distance was an inviting sight.

  ‘Let’s take a picture.’ She squeezed him, excited that he listened and slowed, hitting the brakes that brought them to a sudden stop.

  ‘Wait a minute.’ He silenced her and at the same time tapped his ear piece. ‘I heard something.’

  ‘Ricco?’ she asked.

  ‘He’s yelling but the message is distorted.’ He tapped his earpiece again. ‘Ricco, say again,’ he said, but the feed static muffled any words.

  He turned in his seat to wave Kev in, as instinct made him believe they were in trouble. The wheels skidded near as Kev pulled in next to them. ‘What’s up, you out of petrol? I’ve still got half a tank.’

  ‘I think it’s Ricco, so we better head back.’

  ‘Never did trust those stupid ear pieces.’ Kev kicked the motor into gear and skidded off. ‘Race you back!’ he called out.

  Jay’s bike jerked forward as he too headed back at full speed. As they rounded the last hill they came face to face with an army of guns pointed at them and both skidded to a stop. Jay’s heart raced as he looked behind and in the clear, backed up. Both riders swerved and manoeuvred, inching away, but not for long; the enemy hiding in dugouts circled behind, preventing any further movement. Trapped, Jay pulled up next to Kev, his frown tense and frightened.

  ‘Where’s Ricco?’ Jay whispered, stressed for Alina and Kev. Panicked he scanned the entrance of the hideout.

  Distracted by a helicopter that came in to land, Jay missed the blur, sensing only the waft of wind as Alina’s arms vanished from around his waist. She’s gone. ‘Thank–you, Ricco!’ Jay spoke out loud as shots rang out towards a blur that vanished as the wind.

  A squeal from Kev as he was pulled off his bike and held firmly and at gun point had Jay’s attention, his eyes wide and frightened for his partner.

  ‘Move and he dies,’ the soldier yelled.

  Sweat poured from Kev’s face, and his eyes filled with tears. He had never had a gun held at his head before and shook, petrified.

  ‘Dare touch him you bastard and it’s the last thing you will ever do. Ricco will be back in a minute and rip your goddamned balls off as he passes you,’ Jay warned. ‘You won’t even get a shot off you–butt kissing buffoon.’

  The helicopter landed. Worried for his mate, Jay had no interest in the disembarking passenger, already guessed the culprit behind this attack. The intruder’s words cut through the air, easily heard over the chopper blades rotating overhead.

  ‘Jay!’ a familiar voice called to him but Jay couldn’t take his eyes off Kev in case something happened, so he spoke without looking.

  ‘Detective Berry, you don’t give up ever do you? Shit!’

  ‘Jay–look at me now!’ Berry insisted.

  ‘Or what, you’ll kill me? You might as well. Because if that fat lard arse touches my mate he’s dead–or I am.’ He spat the words out.

  ‘Jay–you come with me or he will die–but you will not. Either way get in now or else.’

  Jay’s gaze was still fixed on Kev. ‘Let him go then. Show me I can trust you. I’ve told you he’s not involved in this.’

  Berry must have nodded and the goon holding Kev tossed him on the ground. ‘Get out of here, boy!’

  Kev shook as he got back on the bike, gazing at Jay the entire time.

  ‘Kev, I’ll be fine, you’re no good to me dead. Go mate, I’ll be okay.’ He raised a smile for him.

  Kev wiped tears from his face, too emotional to speak he rode away. Mindful of how easy going Kev stayed, Jay showed no emotion until his back turned, then let the heartache for him show. If Kev had seen this weakness he may have done something stupid.

  Close to the entrance Berry gave another order and Jay’s heart dropped heavily as the goon who held him moments before turned his gun towards Kev.

  ‘Don’t!’ Jay turned to Berry. ‘Please don’t kill him, please. I’ll do whatever you want this time. Just let him live!’

  ‘I will give the order Jay. And I intend to if you give me grief this time.’

  ‘Shit Berry, give me a break. I saved you, remember. You owe me one. Let me go too. This is ridiculous. I can’t give you any more information than you have. The two of them are going to run from me too if you do this again. Ricco will never let harm come to her and he’s a hell of a lot smarter than both of us put together.’

  ‘You should have let him kill me,’ Berry yelled at him.

  ‘His face–the features were primal and not his own. This time if you take me I won’t be able to stop him.’

  ‘It would be over now if you had let him finish me. So tell me young Jay, why did you really save me?’

  Jay lowered his head and kicked at the gravel, not wanting to confide how he felt. He was confused and unsure why he trusted that Kalam Berry wouldn’t cause him real harm. He had begun to trust in the detective, which was the reason why it hurt him so much when Kalam double crossed him. He’d planted him with devices and even though he knew how much Jay loved Alina, he still pursued her. It hurt!

  Jay looked back at him. ‘Please let him live. I love him.’ He let out a sob and muffled it as his lip quivered.

  ‘Jay get in, he’s going to be all right. Just do as you’re asked and he will be okay, I promise.’ He reached for Jay’s arm and guided him to the helicopter.

  At the same time he signalled it to be over and the gun on Kev dropped. Relieved, Jay went willingly. To struggle might get Kev killed, as he still hadn’t reached safety. From the air he watched Kev disappear into the mountain.

  The chopper swept the mountain for Berry to get a good view. Then the ground beneath them exploded. Jay was sure he spotted a flash right before it erupted. Ricco must have waited in the shadows and snatched Kev to safety before detonating. If he trusted anyone in this life, it was R

  With nothing left but fire and plumes of dust Kalam ordered the army of men back to base. Jay watched the team on the ground get into jeeps and disappear out of sight. They’re safe. He leaned back and closed his eyes. He may be a dead man, but without a doubt he could not live in this world without any of them. It’s better this way.

  Berry’s intense stare burned into him.

  Here comes another lecture. None of this would be happening if you had stayed away from them as advised.

  ‘You don’t need to start on me Berry. You thought you’d warned me off them, but as I said before, your beef is with them and has nothing to do with me.’

  Berry’s mouth closed but the eyes surprised Jay. The look was practically fatherly and yet Jay knew better. He was no nice guy and if he was Alina’s dad, he wasn’t a nice father either. ‘Just let me alone for a bit hey! I’m so tired of us going over the same argument.’ He was back in hell and his head not ready for the heroics he needed to try and survive. Weak and vulnerable and very much alone he turned to stare out the window and wiped the wetness that seeped out the corners of his eyes.

  The flight back to the airport didn’t take long. He was swiftly escorted across the tarmac where they embarked on the single engine plane parked in front of them. The pilot and Berry were the only ones who boarded with him. What’s he up to now? Where are his goons to protect him? Jay didn’t ask. He planned that if it was just him and Berry when they got to where they were going, he might be able to take him. It was a slight burst of hope in the darkness that had fallen around him.

  ~ Chapter Thirty Three ~

  Mia Tama Island

  The seaplane Jay and Kalam Berry boarded an hour earlier landed, dropped them off and now flew high in the air. Worry lines etched Jay’s brow in despair. They might as well be shipwrecked because being stuck on an island with dirt bag Detective Berry was the last thing he expected to happen. The nearest land he’d seen from the air was an hour away so there was no swimming from here to get help. Ricco might never track them here, wherever here was.

  Detective Berry left Jay standing on the beach with two large back packs to carry. He snatched up the other two and went up into the bushes and out of sight. Jay sat on the beach, confused. Not a word had been spoken between them so Jay had no idea what this was. He lay back on the sand and groaned, closing his eyes as he tried to figure it out. He drew a blank as to why they were here, on what looked like a deserted island. Very much alone, he feared his future. It looked as if it was in the hands of a kidnapping crackpot.

  Hours later, and with still no sign of Berry, he picked up the gear that it was obvious he was to carry, and followed the footsteps still embedded in the sand. As he trekked through the scrub and along a steep path he couldn’t even enjoy the view. The mere thought of being here with a madman blinded him to the inviting scenery before him. His mind ran different scenarios as he trudged in the sand. Even hiding was a waste of time. This crazed individual would comb every inch of land to find him. His thoughts got more intense with each step. He looked for a stick to use as a weapon, yet even if he did kill or disable Berry, how would he get off this island? This is too weird. What’s he up to? Jay wanted answers and the only way to get them was to find Kalam Berry and ask him straight out.

  Jay stumbled upon a clearing and there was the habitat where he knew he’d find psycho Berry. Around the other side of the wood cabin Jay found him sitting on the veranda with a beer, reading a novel. What is it with him and his stupid books?

  ‘Where do you want this crap?’ The two heavy bags Jay had dragged up the hill landed on the porch with a thud.

  Berry moved the book below his face and eyed him over the top of his glasses. ‘Unpack the black bag in the kitchen. It’s supplies for our stay and don’t damage the packaging as it’s all we have until the next drop. The blue bag is your gear–take the bedroom on the left.’

  ‘What the hell are we doing here Kalam?’ Jay had his hands on his hips, lips tense and tight, face flushed.

  Berry went back to his book and chose to ignore him.

  ‘Fine!’ Jay picked up the overly packed bags and struggled with them into the house.

  ‘And Jay,’ he called out, ‘don’t come out until you’re in a better mood.’

  ‘Arsehole,’ Jay mumbled as he unpacked the food.

  The open plan main room had a kitchen, lounge and shelves packed tight with books. Sure he’d have his books here. What about me? No TV, radio or computer in sight. Walking through to his room he couldn’t help noticing the construction and laid bets Berry didn’t build it. He couldn’t imagine the freak taking off his professional hat long enough to do something other than chase people in helicopters. With the building up off the ground it allowed the breeze to drift through the floor boards, and the airflow cooled and refreshed his mood. Modest yet well furnished. He raised an eyebrow as he scanned the interior décor. Thick cushions were neatly placed on cane chairs and lounges and rocks and candles sat in trays and decorated the glass topped tables. This has to be a rental… and yet Jay didn’t think so. There were things here that screamed Kalam Berry in a big way. For instance, there was that enormous well-stocked book shelf. Could he own the entire island? Jay would not be surprised.

  Through to the other rooms and fitted to the walls were cane designer mirrors and candle holders even though there were lights everywhere. Solar, Jay assumed, hearing no motor running from a generator. In the bathroom he stopped, inquisitive as to why the bath was in the middle of the room and under further investigation he found the wall behind the bath had a shower. No doors there either. In fact he noted there was not one door. Not even to his bedroom. Perve! Jay threw his bag on the oversized bed. He was unsure he was in the right room, and checked the other but it was just as big. Mr Clean had packed away, the room spotless, not a pillow out of place. His empty bag was left under the bed. One thing Jay had noticed was that Detective Berry was fastidious to a point of being anal. He made Jay squeamish with what was to become of him.

  Back in his own room he unpacked, took his time and folded his clothes before he put them away. Might try not to get up his nose too much. He was not surprised to find the ensembles matched and were his exact size, sneaky bastard knowing that. There were shirts, shorts, slacks, track suits, wet suits and diving gear, and he wondered how long Berry intended to keep him prisoner. It crossed his mind as he closed the drawers that maybe this was just a ploy to gain his trust, to convince him to give up Alina and Ricco.

  Dusty from driving the dirt bike he showered and pulled on shorts, and a shirt he left unbuttoned and hanging out. Berry was such a snappy dresser he hoped it annoyed him to see Jay wear the clothes he chose for him with disrespect. Well that is how he’d see it. Jay sat heavily on the bed, aware he sounded like a spoilt kid trying to annoy his parent. He sighed. He was in his late teens and this was not his dad. So why am I acting such a brat? As yet Berry hadn’t hurt him, nor had he in the past nine hours of travel, asked anything of him. He decided to man up and go talk to Berry, never one for keeping his thoughts to himself for long. At the moment he had so much anxiety bottled up from this silence between them that he was ready to explode.

  In the kitchen he opened the fridge and snapped the lid off a ginger beer, closed the door with his foot and tossed the lid in the sink. Another childish act. He picked it up, disposing of it in the waste bin.

  ‘We need to talk.’ Jay sat on the step not far from the detective. ‘Why are we here?’ This time he sounded calm, approachable and heard Berry put his book on the table and the chair creak as he leaned back.

  ‘For a break.’

  ‘Now what the hell does that mean? A break from what?’

  ‘You said you were sick of fighting me. I figured you were right, and perhaps we both need time out to relax.’

  ‘I could have done that better at home,’ Jay argued, ‘with my real friends.’

  ‘Yes but you are not with them, you are here with me and that is the
deal you made.’

  ‘What deal?’

  ‘”I’ll do whatever you want this time. Just let him live,” was what you said if I recall your words correctly…so…I want this,’ he said flatly.

  ‘You want to have a break with the one person you despise most. So much so that you used me as a pincushion. You stuck so many bugs in me, they gave me hallucinations from the infection.’

  ‘I recall you left me with your friend to do it back to me so I call us even.’

  Jay smiled, remembering how much pleasure that gave him. This was madness discussing what they did to one another and finding it amusing. What is my connection with this fruit cake, and why do I find him funny when I should hate him?

  Jay smiled as he turned to him, and Berry smirked. ‘At least your girlfriend healed you. I’ve got to do it A la natural.’

  ‘Serves you right for hating her. She might have healed you too if you were nicer.’

  He looked away. ‘You know you’re just a sucker for a pretty face. She’s not what you see.’ He got serious all of a sudden.

  ‘Good, you just keep on believing that. One fewer person I have to share her with.’

  ‘What does your boyfriend think of this triangle love affair? He’s in lust at the moment and lets it slide, but what happens in a few years’ time? He may not be so happy to share you when it gets more serious.’

  ‘Kev gets it because he listens. Remember I tried to explain it to you last time? You showed me you understood by sending me back with the intent to kill her.’ Jay stood up in a huff. Why do I let him get to me? ‘

  He strutted off along the sand towards the water.

  At the beach his tired legs dropped him and he lay back on the sand, his arms up behind his head. A small part of him was happy Kev and Alina were safe and that he was still okay. While he was, there was always hope.


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