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I Want Your Love

Page 9

by E. L. Todd

  “I will.” I gave him a warm kiss before I left his lap.

  He adjusted himself like he had a hard-on. “See you soon, darling.”

  “Bye.” I shut his door then headed to the lobby. Our relationship was back to normal, and somehow it was even better. Ward was even more affectionate with me, probably because he felt terrible for hurting me so much. But that seemed to be a common theme in relationships—hurt.

  I walked down the sidewalk, a grin on my face, when I heard a familiar voice.


  I froze on the spot and looked into a face I despised. It was Jeremy. “You’ve got to be kidding me…”

  He raised his hands in surrender. “Just hear me out. It’ll take two minutes.”

  Paranoid, I looked over my shoulder to make sure Ward wasn’t around. I really didn’t want to get into another fight with him. “No. Get away from me. Ward was so pissed off last time I spoke to you.”

  “Just listen to me,” he pressed.

  Why did my life suck so bad? “Please just leave me alone. I’m begging you.”

  “And I’m begging you to listen to me.”

  I sighed in frustration. It was quicker just to let him talk otherwise he would follow me. “Fine. What?”

  He handed me a folder.

  “What’s this?” I asked.

  “I’m not proud of myself for what I’m about to say. I actually hate myself a little bit…”

  My blood ran cold. I opened the folder and saw a picture of me on a pole at the strip club. With the lighting it was unmistakably me. My heart pounded in my chest.

  “Give me another chance and I won’t show this to your family.”

  I raised my eyes to him and felt murderous rage boil in my blood. “What the fuck is wrong with you?”

  Guilt came into his eyes. “I know you would be with me if you didn’t have this other guy. So…I’m doing what’s necessary.”

  “Blackmailing me?” I shouted. I shoved the folder into his chest. “How can you say you love me then pull something like this? What the hell is wrong with you?”

  “I’m desperate,” he said as he grabbed the folder. “I know how important this secret is to you. And I think it’ll be important enough to come back to me.”

  ‘Why would you even want me if the only reason why I’m with you is to protect my ass?” I demanded.

  “Because I know you still love me—deep down inside.”

  “And that love just vanished,” I hissed. “Now I just want to hurt you.”

  Jeremy didn’t rise. “I’m sorry, Clementine. I’m thirty years old and I’ve been with a lot of women. None of them compare to you. All I want is you and I’m willing to do anything to make that happen.”

  “Even hurt me?” I asked with shaky hands. “Ruin my reputation to my parents? Make my brother ashamed of me? Make the truth known so my future son will know? This is just…cruel.”

  “I’m sorry.” He seemed sincere despite his actions. “I’ll give you a few days to think about it.”

  “A few days?” I asked incredulously. “Then you’ll send them to everyone?”

  He nodded.

  “Good luck with that,” I said darkly. “Because when I tell Ward he’s going to come after you—and murder you.”


  Ward walked inside and immediately hung up his jacket on the coat rack. “Your man is home.”

  I was in a really pissed off mood. Right now, I wanted to tear the house to pieces even though I loved it. Normally, I would keep this knowledge to myself until I figured out what to do. But I learned my lesson—don’t keep things from Ward.

  Ward entered the kitchen and saw me standing with my arms across my chest. He immediately picked up on the anger burning just below the surface. “Everything alright, darling?”

  “No.” I shifted my weight to one leg. “I’m fucking pissed off.”

  His eyes widened slightly. “I can see that…how can I help?”

  “That asshole Jeremy threatened me.”

  Within a millisecond, Ward went from loving partner to a psychotic wolf. “What the hell did that fucker say?” He got close to me and balled his hands into fists. “What’s his last name? Give it to me and I will yank his tongue out of his mouth then shove it up his ass. Where does he live? I will make him regret every moment of life he has because he’ll be in so much pain he’ll want it to end.” He was breathing hard, his face turning red. “Did he hurt you?”

  “No, he didn’t touch me.”

  “Then what did he do?”

  “He has pictures of me…from stripping in the club. He said he would send copies to everyone in my family. My secret will no longer be buried with my past.”

  “What does he want?” His jaw was clenched tightly.


  Ward gripped the counter with one hand and looked like he was about to break it. “Fucker.”

  I was upset Jeremy would do this to me. He claimed he loved me, but people who loved one another didn’t hurt each other. How did I ever love him? Why was I ever with him?

  “You aren’t giving into him.”

  “Never.” I would never leave Ward to protect my secret. I wouldn’t leave him for any reason—period. He was the man I adored, the father of my child, and he was the only man I would ever have. But that didn’t mean I wasn’t terrified of what the truth would do to my family and I.

  Ward relaxed slightly. “You think he’ll really do it?”

  I nodded.

  “That’s the most fucked up thing I ever heard.”

  “And you know what’s worse?” I asked. “He says he’s sorry but he loves me too much to let me go.”

  Ward released a sarcastic laugh. “I’ll take care of him, darling.”

  “Violence isn’t going to solve anything.”

  “I beg to differ.”

  “He’s wealthy and powerful,” I said. “There’s nothing you could do to him.”

  “I think cracking his skull open might change his mind.”

  “He’s a judge,” I said. “He could ruin your life.”

  Ward backed off, but only slightly. “I don’t care, Clementine. No one does this to my girl.”

  I bowed my head in defeat. “My father will never look at me the same. No one will.”

  Ward’s anger disappeared in light of my sorrow. “What you did doesn’t change who you are. You’re strong, smart, and a beautiful woman.”

  I shook my head. “No one will see it that way.”

  “It’ll be a shock to begin with. But they’ll get over it. I know your mom will be supportive. Even Sean and Scarlet will be.”

  “I doubt it…”

  He stepped closer to me and placed his fingers underneath my chin. He lifted my eyes toward his. “My opinion of you will never change. And that’s all that matters. I love you more with every passing day. And our son will love you just as much.”

  Somehow Ward made me feel better when I didn’t think that was possible. “Yeah?”


  “I’ll take care of this, okay?”

  “Ward, don’t go after him. Please.”

  He sighed. “I’m not stupid. If he’s a judge he’s got a lot of leeway over me. But that doesn’t mean I won’t have words with him.”

  “Don’t expect him to cooperate.”

  “And he better not expect me to cooperate either.”

  Chapter Eleven


  I couldn’t stop thinking about that piece of paper Trinity wanted me to sign. It was just a flimsy piece of paper but it haunted me. Did she doubt my love for her? Did she doubt we would grow old together?

  I didn’t.

  Or was I being childish about the whole thing? Cayson didn’t seem to feel strongly in either direction. But I knew if Skye asked him to sign a pre-nup he would be hurt. It was an automatic omission of doubt.

  Wasn’t it?

  The last thing I wanted to do was push Trinity away over this. While we argue
d a lot, I tried to keep the fights to a minimum. I was really happy as a married man, and I promised her I would never make her regret her decision to accept me as her husband.

  I intended to keep that promise.

  We hadn’t been married for very long but I already thought about my actions a lot more. Every time I made a move, I considered how it would make her feel. When guys wanted to go out for a drink after work, I wondered if it was appropriate for me to go. My whole life revolved around Trinity and her feelings. It was my responsibility to make her happy.

  Would signing this paper make her happy?

  Or should I stand up for what I believed in and not sign it? It wasn’t about the money. It was just about her commitment to me.

  What should I do?

  I was still irritated she hadn’t changed her name. To her it wasn’t important. But it meant everything to me. We were husband and wife, and I wanted people to know that just by looking at our mail. She was my wife so she should have my name.

  Why was she being so difficult about it?

  I would gladly sign that pre-nup if she would at least give me that. But I didn’t think it was very smart to demand it of her. My head started to ache as I brainstormed everything.

  Trinity came home from work with her bag over her shoulder. She immediately eyed the table, looking for dinner. When she didn’t see anything she turned to me.

  I wore slacks and a collared shirt. I rolled the sleeves to my elbows to make it a little more casual. But this was as fancy as I was willing to go. The only exception to that was a wedding or a funeral.

  Trinity dropped her purse on the counter and eyed me up and down. “Why do you look so handsome?”

  “I’m taking my wife to dinner.”

  “You are?” Her grin stretched across her face.

  “If she’ll allow me to take her.”

  She moved into my chest and gave me a deep kiss. “He’s allowed to do anything he wants.”

  My hands moved to her hips and I played with the fabric of her shirt, wanting to take it off and kiss the bare skin of her chest. “Are you ready?”

  “I haven’t eaten anything all day. I’m starving.”

  “Good.” I put my arm around her waist and escorted her out.

  We headed to the restaurant then checked in for our reservations. When we reached the table with a single candle, I pulled out the chair for her before I took the seat across from her.

  She sat down and flashed me a smile.

  I ordered wine for both of us before the waiter walked away.

  Trinity gazed at her menu before she turned her gaze on me. “I guess I’ll never get used to this…”

  “Fancy dinners?” I asked.

  “No…you being so sweet all the time.”

  I put my menu down and gave her a serious look. I could get lost in those blue eyes if I wasn’t careful. “Remember when we went to Florida for that vacation?”

  “How could I forget?”

  “We were sitting on the beach, and I said something rude. But then I said something sweet. You asked if I could tell the difference. And I said I couldn’t. Do you remember it?”

  She smiled at the memory. “Yes, I do.”

  “Well, I understand the difference now—finally. And I know how to treat you. On our wedding day I vowed to be everything you want, and I will keep my word.”

  Her eyes softened when she looked at me. “I appreciate everything you’re doing but you don’t have to do it all the time. I’m not going to leave you if you don’t make me dinner or give me a massage before bed.”

  “I know. I do those things because I want to. Seeing you happy makes me happy.”

  She touched her glass while she looked at me affectionately. “That’s really sweet.”

  “You’re my wife. I want to treat you like a queen every day. Besides, you make me feel like a king.”

  “Stop it,” she whispered. “You’re making my stomach turn to knots.”

  “I’m your husband. That’s what I’m supposed to do.”

  She stared at my face, her eyes glowing by their own light. She examined my face without blinking. Then she eyed the tattoo on my ring finger.

  I held her gaze and didn’t look away. Staring at my wife was a hobby of mine. She was the other half of my soul, the better half. But every time I thought about this sensation I remembered the piece of paper she wanted me to sign. It worried me.

  “I’m so glad you talked me into marrying you.”

  “I am too,” I said. “But I admit, I didn’t think it was going to work.”

  “You’re a smooth talker, Slade.”

  I didn’t like it when she called me by my name anymore. “Husband.”

  Her eyes twinkled in amusement. “My apologies.”

  “I call you Wife to everyone.”

  “Just Wife? Not Trinity?” She chuckled slightly.

  “Yep. That’s your name.”

  “So, if you’re talking to Cayson—”

  “That’s how I refer to you.”

  “That’s cute…”

  I shrugged. “I’m pretty cute, I guess.”

  “Very cute.” She rubbed her leg against mine under the table. “Skye and I are going to look at venues for the wedding. But I have a feeling she’ll get married at her parents’ house anyway.”

  “Not a bad option. It’s a beautiful place.”

  “I think that’s what they’ll decide. Cayson is in a big hurry.”

  “He’s wanted to marry her since his dick got hard for the first time.”

  She chuckled. “Yeah, I guess.”

  “She asked you to be her maid of honor?”

  “No. But I know I am.” She sipped her wine. “Who else would it be?”

  I shrugged. “Clementine? She’s Cayson’s sister.”

  Trinity laughed. “Yeah right. No one has anything on me.”

  “Are you going to throw her a bridal shower?” I asked with a smirk. “Or you want me to do it?”

  She rolled her eyes. “No. Only I get the Slade bridal shower.”

  “That thing was a hit, wasn’t it?”

  “My grandma still talks about those peanut butter fingers…”

  I beamed with pride.

  The waiter took our orders and our menus before he left us alone again. Trinity sipped her wine and almost needed another refill. I had a few sips of mine but I didn’t care for wine. I was a beer man—through and through. “So…”

  “Yeah?” She pulled her hair over one shoulder, exposing her beautiful neck.

  “You’re never going to change your name?” I spoke calmly so she would understand this wasn’t an introduction to a fight. I just needed to know if she had changed her mind.

  She clearly stiffened then released a sigh. “I’m sorry, Slade…”

  “You won’t even consider it?” I asked hopefully.

  “I would love to take your last name. Being a Sisco would be an honor. It’s just…for my business it’s just easier this way.”

  I tried to hide my disappointment but I had a feeling I was doing a terrible job. It meant a lot to me for her to have my last name. I wanted to introduce her as Mrs. Sisco. The fact she was a Preston made me feel like she wasn’t completely and totally mine. It was hurtful to say the least. But she wasn’t going to change her mind and I couldn’t force her to do it. Besides, if I had to make her it wouldn’t mean as much anyway. “Okay.”

  She cocked an eyebrow while she looked at me. “Okay? That’s it?”

  “I understand your position.” I scanned the crowd. “If you don’t want to change your name I won’t force you.”

  Her eyes fell in sadness. “It’s not that I don’t want to…”

  “I get it, baby.” I still didn’t look her in the eye, not wanting her to know how much she hurt me.

  Trinity looked away and stared at her glass of wine.

  It became awkward.

  “How’s the shop?” she asked.

  “Good,” I said. “They�
�re opening a pizza place next door so I’ll only be a few steps away from lunch.”

  “Lucky you.”

  “I’m sure you’ll be close to a lot of places when you switch locations.”

  “Including you,” she said flirtatiously.

  “There will be lots of lunchtime fuckings.”

  The waiter brought our food and we ate quietly. I tried to act like everything was okay but inside I was dying. For the rest of our lives our names would be different. When people realized it, I would be embarrassed. It was emasculating.

  After dinner, we walked home hand-in-hand.

  ‘Thanks for taking me to dinner.” Trinity walked close beside me, her shoulder pressed into my side.

  “Thanks for being my wife.”

  She chuckled slightly. “You don’t have to thank me for that.”

  “Yes, I do.” I circled my arm around her shoulders and pulled her into me. “I have the sexiest, smartest, and most beautiful woman in the world as my wife. You’re doing me a favor.”

  She blushed slightly.

  We returned to the apartment, and both of us automatically headed to the bedroom. Neither one of us asked what the other wanted. It was just implied. Tonight, I was in the mood for her body. I wanted to kiss her everywhere and taste the area between her legs. It was something I enjoyed doing for no logical reason. But with Trinity, I wanted everything I could possibly have.

  She gripped the sheets while I devoured her down below. I licked her folds and sucked her clitoris, enjoying my wife. My fingers played with her clitoris as I pleased her in all the ways she liked.

  “Husband…” She gripped my face and pulled me up, wanting me to be inside her as quickly as possible. “I want you.” She wrapped her long legs around my waist and dug her nails into my back.

  I inserted myself inside her and heard her moan loudly. I’d made love to her a thousand times but the action was always amazing. I could never get enough of her. Together, we moved, taking our time and wanting to make it last forever. My lips caressed hers as she breathed into my mouth. She told me she loved me forever.

  “And I love you forever.”


  In the middle of the night, I snatched the papers from her purse and hid them in a drawer. I replaced the folder with a stack of blank papers so she wouldn’t realize it was missing. I wasn’t sure when she planned on giving me the documents. Perhaps she was waiting for the right time.


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