The Red Flag: A History of Communism
Page 92
Kautsky, Karl, 53–5
Kennan, G., 222, 223
Kennedy, John F., 348, 385
Khmer Rouge, 488–95
Khrushchev, Nikita, 315, 316, 317
anti-imperialism, 375–6
attitude towards Stalin’s legacy, 327–8
background, 326
Cuban Missile Crisis, 349
decline of early popularity, 346–50
denunciation of Stalin, 328–30
early career in the party, 327
economic concerns, 405
first impression of, 326
as imperialist, 404–5
inclusive and non-violent mobilization, 345–6
intelligentsia’s disillusion with, 347–8
kitchen debate with Nixon, 343
leadership marked by crises, 348–50
Mao’s response to, 351
Radical, Romantic Marxism of, 342–3
reaction to Not by Bread Alone (novel), 339–40
reform programme, 328
relations with Yugoslavia, 332–3
relationship between workers and officials, 346
retirement, 349
Kideckel, David, 445
Kim Il Sung, 267–9, 302–3
Kirkpatrick, Jean, 522
Kirov, Sergei, murder of, 176
Kissinger, Henry, 473–4
kitchen debate, 343
Koba, as role model for Stalin, 136
Kopelev, Lev, 151–2
Communism in, 242
compared to USSR and China, 302–3
see also North Korea
Korean War, 298
Kosovo, 552
Kraus, Karl, 109–10
Kravchenko, Viktor, 147–8, 150, 153, 166, 177, 293
Krenz, Egon, 544
Kriegel, Annie, 127–8
Krille, Otto, 50–51
Kristol, Irving, 520–23
Krokodil, hoax in, 154–5
Kronstadt rebellion, 99
Kun, Béla, 108
Kundera, Milan, 284–5, 412
labour at the centre of life in Eastern Europe, 287
Lampland, Martha, 445
land reform
China, 262–3, 298
Ethiopia, 484–5
Last Judgement of Kings, The (Maréchal), 7–8
Latin America
Communist parties 1920s and 1930s, 198–9
Cuban attempts to export revolution, 390–92
guerrilla Communism, 568
left-wing politics in, 468–9
student and urban rebellions 1960s, 467–8
see also Cuba
Latvia, 548
Lavrov, Petr, 69–70
Le père Duchesne (newspaper), 10
leadership cults
Mao Zedong, 367–8
Stalin, 162–3
Lefort, René, 483
Lenin, Vladimir
1905 revolution, 78–9
bourgeois discipline of, 74
on capitalism and imperialism, 79–80
compared to Ho Chi Minh, 243
compared to Stalin, 138–9
contribution of, 101
death, 101
on democracy, 86
on equality, 85
family background, 73–4
hatred of bourgeoisie, 75–6
hybrid approach towards Asia, 238–9
impact of brother’s execution, 74–5
impact on of Chernyshevskii’s novel, 75
move from Radical to Modernist Marxism, 62–3, 93–5
New Economic Policy, 99–100
and radicalism in the West, 113
in St Petersburg 1893, 75
Stalin’s work with before 1917, 138
State and Revolution, 85–6
and war communism, 97
workers’ democracy and ‘class struggle’, 90–92
on workers running the state, 85–6
writers influencing, 79
Li Dazhao, 241–2
liberalism, xv–xvi
during the Cold War, 231
in USSR during Second World War, 206–7
liberalization, see economic reforms
literature, 1950s, 339–41
Lithuania, 548
Litveiko, Anna, 84, 90
Liu Shaoqi, 263, 297–8
Long March, 255
Low Intensity Conflict, 528–31
Lu Xun, 239–40, 244
Lukács, György, 110–11
Luxemburg, Rosa, 58, 112–13, 118
Lyon silk-workers uprising, 32–3
Lysenko, Trofim, 281
Machel, Samora, 472, 478
Malaia Zemlia, cult of, 430
Malaysia, 271–2
Malenkov, Georgii, 324–6, 328
Malraux, André, 197
Man of Straw (Mann), 109
as evading central control, 173–4
relations with workers, 438–41, 442–3
self-criticism by, 149–50
theft of economy by, 541
Mann, Heinrich, 109
Manufacture of Paris, 11
Mao Zedong
army service, 251
background, 249
compared to Stalin, 250
controlled liberalization attempt, 352–3
cult of, 367–8
Cultural Revolution, 358–69
education, 251
foundation of People’s Republic, 266
Great Leap Forward, 353–7
guerrilla ‘people’s war’, 253–4
leadership during Second World War, 256
Long March, 255
Marxism of, 257–8
meeting with Nixon 1972, 450
as private figure, 250–51
rectification, 259–61
response to Khrushchev and Secret Speech, 351
revolutionary role for the peasantry, 252–3
solutions for China’s decline, 251–2
unhappiness with inequalities, 352, 358
visit to USSR 1949, 294–6
Xiang River Review (journal), 235
in the Yan’an region of China, 256–7
in Albania, 409
attraction of for New Left, 464
Marcos, Rafael Sebastián Guillén Vicente, 568–9
Marcuse, Herbert, 457–8
Maréchal, Sylvain, 7
Marighella, Carlos, 467
Markovič, Ante, 551
Marquet, Albert, 197
Marshall Plan, 223–5, 227
Martin, Kingsley, 196
Marx, Heinrich, 23, 24
Marx, Karl
collaboration with Engels, 26–7
compared to Fourier, 28
early influences, 23–4
economics as force for Communism, 38–9
on failure of the Jacobins, 17
father, 23, 24
First International, 41–2
freedom as primary interest, 27
high Romanticism of as student, 24–5
initial radicalism, 25–6
lessons learned from Jacobins, 15
originality of, 17–18
praise for capitalism and globalization, 29–30
Prometheanism, xxiii–xxiv
renewed interest in, xvi
and revolution(s) across Europe 1847–9, 34
adaptation of ideas from, xxi
as adopted by Russian socialists, 72–3
in Africa, 394–5, 396–8
Bernstein’s revisionism, 55–7
and the church, 45
conflict with anarchism, 41–2
in Cuba, 386–9
difficulties embedding in Asia, 243–4
economic life under, 28
as emotional sustenance, 265
in Ethiopia, influence from the West, 482
foreign affairs as destroying unity, 58–60
forms of, xxiv–xxv
foundational flaw
of, 30–31
foundations of, 27–31
in Germany, 46
and imperialism and nationalism, 58–9
influence on Prague Spring, 426
Western intellectuals, appeal for during First World War, 109–12
Kautskian, 53–5, 73
in liberal/illiberal countries, 44–5
of Mao Zedong, 257–8
as modern rather than backward, 29
modernist, 40, 42–3, 62–3, 72
Romantic, 463
route map to Communism, 40–41
Russian revolutionaries attraction to, 71–2
scientific approach to, 38–9
and Stalin, 137
May 30th movement, China, 248
Mayombe (Pepetela), 395
McCarthyism, 230
Measure Taken, The (Brecht), 120–21
media themes of attack by USSR, 527
Mengistu Haile Mariam, 483, 485–6, 547
Mexico, 568–9
Michnik, Adam, 519
Middle East, 471–2, 475
Mikoian, Anastas, 384
Millerand, Alexandre, 55
Mills, Wright, 459
Miloševic, Slobodan, 551–2
Miosz, Czesaw, 286–7
miners in South Wales, 128
Mini-manual of an Urban Guerrilla (Marighella), 467
Mississippi Summer, United States, 454–5
Mlynář, Zdeněk, 215–16, 342–3, 424, 425, 428–9
modernist Marxism, xxiv, xxv, 41, 42–3, 62–3, 72, 137
modernization, American, 385
Mondlane, Eduardo, 397
Mosinee, staged Communist occupation of, 227–8
Mozambique, 473, 478–80, 530
MPLA (Movimento Popular de Libertação de Angola), 397–8
Mujahedin, US support for, 530–31
multi-party elections, 543–4
music, rock, 448–50
Nagy, Imre, 332
Africa, 397–8
Asia, 237
in China, 247–8
as corroding the USSR, 548
Eastern Europe, 415, 548
feelings of in USSR during Second World War, 206
Marxist responses to, 58–9
Palestinian, 471
policy towards in 1930s USSR, 159–61
and Romania, 406–8
in Soviet bloc, 548
tension with Communists, 377
Nazi takeover of Germany in 1933, 189
neo-conservatives, 520–22, 559, 570
neo-liberalism, 521, 526
Communist adaptations to, 561–6
in Eastern Europe, 559–60
failure in Russia, 560–61
and failure of Communism, 557–8
failure of Lehman Brothers, 570
Third Way, 559
Nepal, 567
Neruda, Pablo, 198
New Economic Policy, Russia, 99–100, 140, 141–3, 145, 146
New Left thinkers, 458–9
Nguyen Tat Thanh, 234–5
see also Ho Chi Minh
Nicaragua, 499–500, 529–30
Nicholas II, Tsar, coronation, 63
strength and variety of communism, 454
student rebellions of, 452–3, 456–7, 463–4, 467
Nixon, Richard, 343, 450–51
Nkrumah, Kwame, 394
Non-Aligned Movement, founding of, 375
North Korea, 267–9
High Stalinist policies, 409
military model in everyday life, 411
retention of hierarchical order, 410–11
retention of Marxist-Leninist ideology, 565
self-reliance philosophy, 410
Northern Expedition of Chiang Kaishek, 248
Not by Bread Alone (Dudintsev), 339–41
Notes from the Underground (Dostoyevsky), 68–9
Novocherkassk strike, 346–7
Nyerere, Julius, 393, 394
Oath of the Horatii, The (David), 4–5
October (Eisenstein), 132–4
October Manifesto, 78
oil-price increase 1973, impact of, 432, 475
One-Dimensional Man (Marcuse), 457
Orange Alternative, 542–3
Orwell, George, 200–201
Osterroth, Nikolaus, 47–8
Ostrovskii, Nikolai, 164–5, 300
Owen, Robert, 21–2
PAIGC, 397, 398
Palestine, nationalist movement, 471
Papu, Edgar, 404
exposition 1937, 182–4
imagined exposition after Second World War, 211
Paris Commune of 1871, 37
Party Card (Pyrev), 174–5
Pasha Angelina, 163–4, 284
paternalism in Rousseau , 5, 6
paternalism of party-states, 435–6, 444–5
paternalism under Stalin, 162–5
paternalistic socialism, 430
Patricide (Qazbegi), 136
patriotism, Soviet, 159–61
Chinese, revolutionary role for, 252–3
as difficult to mobilize in China, 263
guerrilla movements, 472–3
Russian: Bolsheviks as lesser evil for than Whites, 97; exploitation of, 151–5; hostility to Soviet regime, 171–2; Stalinist regime’s compromises with, 156
‘People or Monsters’ reportage piece, 503–4
People’s Republic of China
foundation of, 266–7
see also China
‘People’s Will’, Russia, 70
Pepetela, 395
permanent revolution, theory of, 34
personal relationships, time available for under Communism, 441–2
Peru, 566–7
Petersburg (Bely), 80–81
Philippines, 271
Pinochet, General Augusto, 475
Pioneer Palace, 315–16
Plekhanov, Georgii, 72
Pol Pot, 489–95
1989 compared to previous revolutionary years, 546
banks, investment by, 432–3
Catholic Church in, 518–19