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Surviving the Pack

Page 6

by Shannon Duane

  Her face was smashed into his chest. “Does this mean we can’t…ya know.”

  Paul chuckled into her neck while he delighted in her new scent. “We should have you checked out first. I think it would be best to go back to American Canyon for a while. It’s safer, Dante can handle himself. I don’t want to risk our pup.”

  Bailey cuddled closer into his arms and sighed. “He just mated a bear for crying out loud and he probably doesn’t even realize they’re fated. We have to educate him before he mucks everything up. You remember how dumb I was about mating, well, he’s worse.”

  “Alright, we stay until Dallas gets back tomorrow but we leave after lunch. Now come over here and let me love you.”

  Her shocked expression was funny.

  “We don’t have to make love but I intend on making you a very happy mate tonight. Now lay back and let me pleasure you.”

  “Okay, but maybe we should wait until Dallas and Lucy’s mate ceremony to leave. I want to see the first fated mates under Dante’s leadership celebrate their union.”

  Paul growled, “Lay back, we’ll talk about it later.”

  He did indeed make her a happy mate.

  Chapter 8

  Katarina woke slowly and stretched her stiff body noting she was on the tile floor in the kitchen. Why do I keep waking up on the floor? The warm body lying next to her shifted and Dante’s scent washed over her, along with a warm heavy arm slung across her nude body. Momentarily comforted by his scent she didn’t immediately panic; until she felt the tell-tale ache along her shoulder and in her groin. He bit me.

  Rolling away and standing up she took stock of herself: all in one piece; check. Groin tender; check. Vagina swollen and well used; check. Big alpha male looking well satisfied; check check.

  Pointing her toe she nudged his head, he simply smiled and fell back to sleep. Enraged she filled a glass with cold water and marched over to him pouring it on his head. Satisfied when he sputtered and sat up abruptly she tossed the glass at him and sauntered away calling back, “Checkmate you alpha asshole.”

  Dante hopped to his feet and began to chase his prey. Catching up to her in the main hallway he grabbed her arm halting her sexy naked stroll. “What the hell are you doing? And what’s with the impromptu bath?”

  “I’m going to shower and pack my things. I can’t stay here.”

  Panicked he pulled her body along his. “No, you will stay, I’ll protect you. We’re not done.”

  Peeling herself away, “Oh, we’re done. I think I made it quite clear I don’t need or want your protection. I can take care of myself, like I’ve always done. You are obviously on the prowl for your next conquest and I don’t plan on being it. Have a nice life.”

  Dante was working on a growl to end the argument but the doorbell rang. He was on his way to ignoring it and getting back to Katarina when the alarm went off and Sasha walked into the living room wearing little more than lingerie.

  His growl turned into a roar when he snarled. “Get the fuck out. I need privacy with my mate.”

  At Sasha’s gasp Katarina recoiled, “I’m not your mate. Sasha came to play so you better be nice or she won’t tuck you in.” With a last look in his direction she bit her lip and added. “Goodbye, Dante.” She jerked her arm out of his grasp and began the long walk of shame to pack her bags.

  Dante wanted to rage and howl at his mates rejection but he needed to get rid of Sasha first. He knew his eyes were touched with a bit of wildness but there was nothing he could do right now. Putting his hands in front of his naked manhood he began, “Sasha, how can I help you?”

  Her scent was irritating him, making him want to sneeze. She stared at his groin for a moment and blushed when she looked up. She obviously liked what she saw because she lowered her lashes and stuttered. “I, I just…just think. I’m a strong wolf, alpha. I would make a good mate.”

  Dante let out a long exhausted breath. “I don’t doubt that you could be an alphas mate, Sasha. You’re just not mine. I want a mate that will challenge me and make me laugh at the same time heating my blood. I’m very sorry to inform you that I’ve chosen a mate. You’re too late.”

  Her eyes narrowed, “It would seem that your mate isn’t interested in mating with you. When she leaves I’ll allow you to claim me and we’ll rule this pack.”

  His manacle laughter ensued and he knew that she wouldn’t be pleased by his next statement. “Even if my beloved Katarina refuses me I’ll not mate you. I don’t want you.”

  Dante was surprised when Sasha didn’t back down but instead began to approach him. She kept her eyes downcast as she sashayed to him. He was alpha and not about to back down. He knew the moment she scented his anger because she whimpered as she reached out and with shaking hand ran her fingertips down his chest eliciting an angry growl from him. She didn’t back down, even attempted to slide here hand down to his abdomen.

  Dante was trying to decide how to best handle Sasha and force her to go away without physical violence when all of a sudden his stomach gave a lurch and he lost his stomach contents right on her white nightie. Oops. Not only had he vomited on her but he had developed a bright red raised rash where she’d touched him. Almost like hives.

  Sasha backed up and looked down at herself with disgust. “You…Oh God,” she bent at the waist and began to dry heave.

  All the commotion must have awoken Bailey because she and Paul rushed into the room. Bailey had a sheet wrapped around her while Paul was as naked as Dante attempting to stand in front of her and guard her from unseen danger. “What the hell?”

  Dante was grinning down at Sasha when he heard Bailey’s confused question. He looked up seeing his sister’s disheveled appearance and cringed. “Have mercy Bailey. Put some clothes on.”

  Paul, still making a valiant attempt to guard her, nodded. “I tried to tell her. Why is the girl covered in…yuck? Is she sick, in need of attention?”

  Dante tried to hide his chuckle at Sasha’s condition but sobered quickly when he thought of his new mate. “Sasha stormed in here demanding to be my mate…again. I informed her I wasn’t interested, she upset my real mate and here we are.”

  Bailey shoved, elbowed and stomped on Paul finally able to work her way around him. “You didn’t explain why she’s covered in vomit while you’re standing here alone with a half-naked woman and no mate in sight. What did you do?”

  Dante put his palms up in front of him and sent her his most innocent look. “Hey, I’ll admit to throwing up on her; I must have eaten something bad before bed.” He pointed at a still heaving Sasha, “but she’s the one who pissed Katarina off.”

  Bailey cocked her hip and eyed her brother. “Is that why you’re covered in water and we heard her shouting at you? We need to have a conversation soon.” Bailey pointed at Sasha, “You. Get out. If you know what’s good for you you’ll stay away for a while.” Bailey pushed her to the door and gave her a gentle nudge out.

  Bailey was on a roll, “Paul will you call her family to come get her?”

  When Bailey tried to round on Dante he put his hand out. “Don’t Bail’s, I’ve had a shitty evening and I don’t want to hear a lecture. I’m going to bed.”

  Bailey’s huff was cut short when Katarina came sauntering in with a rolling suitcase still smelling like mating and sex.

  Katarina kept her eyes averted from Dante the whole time and he expressed his discomfort with a continuous low growl. “Since he’s going to bed will you please take me to the bus station? I’d like to get an early start tomorrow. I’ve called Jake and he’s expecting me.”

  The growl broke and Dante appeared livid. “So you’re just gonna run? You’re afraid, Katarina?”

  She looked up; her eyes were dry but held all the anguish she must be feeling. “Yes, mighty alpha, I’m scared. I was promised protection if I played by the rules. Yet, I’ve been placed in a sweet stupor by you and your kin as well as used as a chew toy by several of your pack. Not to mention the fact that you mauled me
not even an hour ago and continually use me as your horny wolf sex reliever. So, yes, I want to leave. I’d rather be judged and talked about behind my back than stay and deal with…this. Good luck with your pack.”

  Katarina broke eye contact with Dante and began walking to the front door when Bailey, the tricky bitch, pushed in front of her blocking the way. The bear in Katarina knew she could best the wolf but she didn’t relish hurting her. She walked over to the phone and dialed Jake, “It’s Katarina. Your right they won’t let me go. Please come pick me up-”

  The click of the phone disconnecting was disturbing and infuriating, especially because Dante held the receiver with a shit eating grin. Katarina chose not to engage in any conversation because clearly these were some crazy ass wolves. It would be best to limit further interactions. Positioning herself back at the door Bailey again blocked the way.

  “I know we seem crazy but-“

  Katarina didn’t allow her to finish, swatting her to the side like she was a bug, smiling when she slammed into the couch. “Be lucky I like you or I would have let the claws out. Don’t attempt to block me again, bitch. I’ve had too many wolves threaten me and my people. Back off!”

  Bailey sat sideways with her feet up on the back of the couch and her head on the arm of the couch. She could hear Paul’s furious roar from the entryway and she put her hand on her stomach. “It’s fine, Pauly, I’m fine.”

  Katarina’s brows furrowed. “Why wouldn’t you be fine? I barely touched you. Are you that fragile of a person?”

  Paul rushed towards Bailey and went on his knees in front of her. He ran his hands all over her body finally coming to rest on the gentle curve of her abdomen. “Are you sure? I’ve never murdered a bear but I will.”

  Bailey smiled and cupped his cheek in her palm. “I’m sure. I shouldn’t have gotten in her way. I’ll try to stay out of the way in future family spats.”

  Paul turned violent eyes on Katarina and she actually took a step back running into Dante’s hard naked form. She was shocked when he stepped in front of her.

  Dante stood silent for a moment before questioning, “What’s going on with Bailey? I don’t sense any illness. Are you okay, Bailey, and why are you shutting down our bond?”

  Attempting a wavering smile Bailey didn’t say a word but released the block she had on their twin bond. When she peered at Dante she actually blushed. How embarrassing.

  Dante struggled for breath before gasping in air and lunging toward his sister. He hugged her while sniffing her neck as she rocked him back and forth in her arms. “But Baily, I thought…Is it possible?”

  Bailey nodded and wiped at the unchecked tears that fell from her brothers eyes. Seeing his emotional response at what she revealed confirmed that their bond was stronger than ever. She never thought he’d forgive her from changing packs and leaving him here but he looked truly happy for her.

  Dante stood abruptly and twisted around to where Paul was, still glaring at Katarina. “Congratulations brother. I’m so happy for you, if there’s ever anything I can do for you, don’t hesitate to ask. Her safety is of utmost importance and you should take her home.”

  Nodding his consent he scooped Bailey into his arms, walking back to their room he threw over his shoulder, “Maybe you should restrain your bear. She seems to be…unpredictable, at the best of times.”

  Dante turned as Katarina was slipping out the door. A few short strides had him at the door and when he wrenched it open he was shocked to see half the pack at his door. Katarina was on the porch, face utterly stoic and unreadable while the elders yelled from his yard. He was really getting sick of these unexpected visitors. When Sasha, still covered in her vomit lingerie, threw a rock at Katarina, hitting her in the neck, he yelled. “Hey.”

  There were murmurs and growls coming from the crowd, they acted like he wasn’t there. All eyes were on Katarina. He had to give her credit because she stood with her shoulder back, head up and face utterly blank. She’d barely moved when the rock hit her. Dante was so embarrassed and angered that this was the pack he led.

  How much more did they expect her to endure? They wanted her gone so she packed her bag and was heading out. So why the lynch mob for one measly bear? She waited for the wolves to make a move. She was damn sure going to protect herself this time.

  Just as the group began to quiet she saw movement to her left, directly off the porch. A young male wolf leapt up on the porch, springing at her with claws extended. She felt Dante rush toward her to do the promised protecting but she was sick of shifters thinking she was weak and needed protection. Instead of getting out of the way or fleeing she stepped back, grabbing him by the scruff. While he wiggled and shifted in her hand she swatted his nose, “Behave. You are an unruly set of wolves and I will not stand for your disrespect; I have not earned it. So…get.” She tossed him into the crowd.

  Twisting around, she addressed Dante with weary eyes. “I realize this is your pack and I’m leaving but someone has to teach them a lesson and I intend that to be me. Please only ensure that the fighting is fair; one on one.”

  Dante’s eyes widened as he nodded, knowing he wouldn’t allow her to get hurt but it was essential she assert her dominance or the pack would never accept Katarina as his mate.

  Katarina faced the crowd much in the same manner she had previously. “Obviously, you have made a decision that I do not belong in this pack. Fine, I’ll leave. However, I would like you all to know that I find you dirty, conniving, beasts that have no respect for authority and even less for your pack mates. I do not know how this came about but I am willing to take you on one by one. So…if you have an issue with me that must be dealt with before I leave, get in line. I will engage anyone who wishes it.” She gave a slightly evil grin, “But I will not pay for your medical bills.”

  Chapter 9

  Katarina had just wheeled her suitcase to the edge of the porch when the first wolf attacked. Not surprising, it was Sasha. After batting her away easily Katarina pulled her hand back, eyeing her wet and sticky palm. “What the hell are you covered in?” She brought her hand up to her face and took a whiff, gagging.

  Sasha flew back at Katarina, landing a blow to her shoulder that was aimed at her face but easily deflected. Katarina didn’t even blink. Smiling she balled her fist and hit Sasha in the belly causing her to hunch over holding her stomach. Katarina knocked her into the railing, tossing her over where she lay unmoving.

  Straitening Katarina yelled, “One down…who’s next?”

  An older man, who she’d never met, came forward and attempted to strike her across her face with an open palm. She easily dodged the move and made no attempt to return a blow. “I respect my elders and don’t approve of elder abuse. I can’t have upset you already so I hope you’ll back off.”

  “You disrespect me by living. Bears and wolves don’t mix. It’s wrong.”

  Katarina was so stunned she didn’t see the next slap coming her way. Her head whipped to the side, hearing Dante growl she responded. “I didn’t realize this pack participated in gender and species discrimination. I have to say I’m shocked and appalled.”

  Without waiting for him to reply she cuffed his ears and pushed him off the porch. “I hope you broke your hip.” Addressing the crowd, “I’d like to actually have a challenge and with someone who’s fighting for something they believe in.”

  A young male she recognized came forward. He was clearly in shape with bulging biceps larger than her thighs, his neck as thick as her waist. Unfortunately, he was related to Sasha, who she’d knocked out and insulted. Good times.

  “I would gladly fight you in honor of Sasha. You should not harm those who are weaker than yourself.”

  “I have no desire to fight anyone. I am merely defending myself against your pack who has not welcomed me as expected. I only want peace and a loving home. In your pack I have endured ridicule and assault, even though I was invited by your alpha with a promise of protection. I fight for my honor and the dis
respect you show your alpha.”

  The man flushed, turning toward Dante he simply stated, “Sasha is my addiction and I will fight in her honor. I would ask for mate status between us.”

  Dante nodded his head and responded with a clipped, “Is she your mate? You’re fated?”

  The young man inclined his head, “Her father wishes for her to be alpha mate but we meet in secret. I love her and would mate her if accepted.”

  Dante’s heart warmed, “I understand. Sasha is a lovely woman and will make you a great mate. I give you my blessing.” Dante glanced at Katarina, “She is my mate and will defeat you. I do not wish for my pack to be broken any longer. Take your mate home and leave. I will have an official mating ceremony at the next full moon and I will make sure you and Sasha are there together.”

  The young man, Dusty, scooped Sasha up and carried her away. “I believe alpha Dante has our best interest at heart. He would like to heal this pack and his mate is strong. Leave with me if you wish for a healthy pack,” turning he walked away snuggling his mate.

  Dante turned to Katarina, “You are alpha mate. I know you’re strong, you have nothing to prove.”

  Gritting her teeth she announced, “I am no one’s mate. I will end your pack before I become one of them. I am a force to be reckoned and I will not tolerate their insolence.”

  Dante saw his pack on the lawn, unaware of what they were saying, and longed to scoop his mate up and take her back to their rooms. “Katarina-“

  “Who’s next? I have all night.” Katarina thought, I’ll defeat them all for not believing I’m good enough.

  Another young male approached, “I do not wish to challenge you ma’am. But I love a good tumble,” he bent at the waist, “so let’s wrestle lil’ lady.”


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