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Surviving the Pack

Page 7

by Shannon Duane

  Katarina was so utterly pissed that she didn’t realize he was joking with her. She sprang at him and tackled him to the ground. He went down easy and when she had him under her she brought her claw out and positioned them at his neck. He simply lay smiling, not attempting to engage. “Are you going to attack?”

  Dante growled low in his throat and everyone stilled. Katarina chanced a look back at him and was surprised when she felt a hand cup her breast. Turning back to the young man she slapped his hand away and sent him a scathing look. “What is your name and what are you about?”

  The young man gazed up into her eyes, “I’m Peter, ma’am. I don’t want to attack you at all because you should never hurt a girl.” His cheeks pinked, “I mean a woman.”

  Peter’s hand came up to attempt another touch of her breast but she recoiled from him and vaulted off him. Noticing the huge erection he had she also flushed and turned away. Unfortunately, her gaze landed on a fuming Dante who attempted to burn her with his eyes. “What?”

  Dante addressed Peter first, “Cover it up boy and be lucky I like you. She’s mine.” Seeing to the crowd he merely gave a terse, “Are we done now?”

  A shout came from the back of the crowd. “Listen up, son, I have a problem. This here lil’ lady is stirrin’ up all kinds a trouble. I think she should get on outta here.”

  Dante took two big steps and grabbed Katarina’s arm pulling her behind him. “I don’t think so, Leroy. I told Katarina she could stay here for a while and I meant it. It’s abhorrent the treatment she has received thus far and will not be allowed to continue. Are we clear?”

  Pack elder Dusty came to the front of the crowd. “No, alpha.”

  Dante’s eyes narrowed in confusion. “What’s not clear?”

  A grim look came over the elders face as he lectured Dante. “I have been a pack elder for many many years and I’ve gone through three alpha’s leaderships. I applaud you for your attempt at healing this pack. However, the killing and abuse of pack elders is wrong and you alpha will be punished. You cannot go around on your whims and make decisions without consulting us. I would have never consented to the murder of a pack elder and I don’t know what wolf in their right mind would. Nor do I know an alpha stupid enough to perform the task. We will meet tomorrow night to decide your fate. Would you like to state your plea now, or wait until the ceremony?”

  Turning shocked eyes on the elder who had always been, not only a friend, but a father figure to him Dante frowned. “I know nothing of a murder, let alone the murder of an elder. When did this happen and where is the body? I’d like to investigate.”

  Dusty’s reply was clipped and terse. “The body has not been recovered alpha. We will give you the details tomorrow night but until then please think about the impact this has on your pack and formulate a proper response.” He swiveled around on his cane and began to walk away before he stiffened and threw over his shoulder, “Tell Bailey and Paul congratulations for me. I’m so proud of her.” He winked at a window in the front of the house before walking away; the crowd parted staring after him.

  Dusty had always been the most respected elder in the group and Dante felt shame that he had to put him through more drama. Heaving a deep sigh he bowed his head and took several long deep breaths to calm his nerves. His muscles were bunched and sore from clinching during Katarina’s fights and the up and down of the evening. When will it get easier?

  A delicate cough came from behind him. He didn’t turn, couldn’t face another rejection tonight. He ambled over to the door and walked through leaving it open for Katarina and went directly to his room to think. Pulling up some of his most comfortable sweatpants he heard another delicate cough from his doorway. “Can I help you?”

  Katarina tiptoed into his room and placed a delicate hand on his shoulder in what, surprisingly enough, felt like support. He couldn’t believe this was the same hand that not only ten minutes ago sprouted claws, and an hour ago clutched him close while he pleasured and mated her. What a contradiction she was turning out to be.

  After long tense moments she broke the silence. “I’m sorry, alpha, that I’ve caused you so much trouble. I promised you I wouldn’t be a burden but I can’t seem to cease being a nuisance.” She sighed and her hand tightened on his shoulder, “I will leave. I only seem to be making your pack more aggressive and difficult to control. And I can’t stay while the females throw themselves at you because it makes me…crazy.” She giggled uncomfortably, “If I’m being honest, I haven’t quite figured that one out. Thank you for your attempt at stability and good luck in the future.”

  Katarina released Dante’s shoulder and twirled away, only to be slammed up against the wall. Dante pinned her from behind with his body.

  Dante had no intention of allowing her to leave. He reached up and pushed her hair to the side leaning in to whisper in her ear, “You would take my mate from me? The one I’ve chosen above all others.” He licked a trail from her neck to her shoulder where his teeth nipped and stroked.

  Katarina’s breath caught and she moaned when the scrape of his teeth caused her breasts to become heavy and her core to clinch. How the hell does he do this to me? “Dante, please…”

  “Please what? Please do this?” He brought his hand to her breast and cupped her with his hand squeezing gently. “Or this?” He used his thumb and index finger to pluck at her budding nipples.

  Pushing her ass against the ridge of his growing erection caused her breath to catch. I’ll have him once more before I go. She rested her head back on his shoulder and allowed him to fondle her. When it wasn’t enough anymore, she pressed back into him, reaching back to take him in hand. She could easily feel him through the cotton of his sweatpants. “Yes, Dante.”

  He pulled back briefly while he lowered his pants to mid-thigh and ripped her top off. He quickly lowered her jeans and panties baring her to him. This time he needed to dominate her, let her know that she was his and he didn’t intend to let her go. Not without total surrender of her body and soul.

  Leading her to the bed she attempted to climb up but he stilled her by grabbing her hips and pulling her down so she was bent over the side of the bed. He stroked his hands down her spine, over the glorious mounds of her bottom and around to test her wetness. “You’re ready for me, love. I’m going to take you this time and not let you release until you’re screaming my name. I want you to know it’s me loving your body like no one else can or ever will again.”

  Trying to pull herself up Dante put a hand in the middle of her back, “Don’t fight me, Katarina. I know you want me. You can’t hide it anymore.” He stroked his hand through her wetness once more and brought it to his mouth, “Oh yeah, you taste amazing.”

  Lining the head of his manhood against her he popped the head in and sighed. “I love the feel of you, so warm and silky.”

  Attempting to push back into him he held her hips firmly in his strong hands controlling the depth of his penetration. “I need more. Please…”

  Dante fed her another inch, holding her in place while she writhed endeavoring for more of his length. He was shocked at the pleasure he was getting from her loss of control and struggles to take more of him. “Stop wiggling, Katarina. Tell me what you want.”

  She was breathless but managed, “More please. I need more…of you.”

  “More what? I need you to be more specific. What do you want more of?”

  Katarina growled at him and tried to get up again but with his hand pinned to her back she couldn’t move. Another bid to back up and force him deeper had her even more frustrated when he let himself pop out of her.

  “Oh no, I guess you don’t want this. You have been a very naughty bear.” He slapped her bottom and smiled when she began to increase her struggles. He could smell her arousal and knew she was enjoying herself. If she was really struggling to get away he would allow it but with every shift and grunt he felt her increased wetness. Keeping one hand in the middle of her back he placed his fingers at her
opening, dipping into her nectar he brought his hand to his mouth licking and scenting her. “I love that you’re so responsive. Only for me right?”

  She stilled and grunted, suddenly knowing she wasn’t going to get anywhere on her current path except more frustrated. Giving him what he wants wouldn’t be that hard. “Dante…”

  His hand stilled, “Yes?”

  Running her hands up the sides of her body she cupped her breasts and moaned her delight. He stiffened at her self-pleasure. Taking the dark and peaked nipples between her fingers she rolled them until they became stiffer and she increased her efforts to push back into him, “Please…”

  “Please what, Katarina? Say it?”

  Closing her eyes in rapture she finally gave him what he wanted. “Please, Dante, give me what I need. Bury yourself in me until I can’t feel where you begin and I end. I need you feel your heat in mine.” She noticed his breathing had increased so she went for the gold, “Please make love to me Dante. Only you.”

  Dante knew he held her hips in a death grip but he couldn’t ease up. Was she just saying that or had she really meant it? People would say a lot when in a sexual haze and he wanted to be clear. “So, you agree. Just me.”

  Plucking more firmly at her nipples and grinding her hips against the bed her reply took a lot of effort, “Yes, Dante.”

  At her agreement he surged into her going as deep as he could. Her moans and whimpers of pleasure allowed him to recognize her pleasure and take it on as his own. He plunged into her and took control of her body, feeling like he owned her gratification. She came with a scream contracting violently around his cock. He held still sweating and withholding his own release so he could continue to indulge her.

  Panting and cursing the sexy man above her she choked on the words that leapt into her mind. Instead she asked, “Are you done?”

  Dante chuckled rolling his hips into her.

  “Oh my goodness, are you still hard?” She felt him swell and pulsate in her still quivering channel. It felt decadent and carnal; she couldn’t prevent the gasp and moan that followed.

  “That’s right, Katarina. I’m going to imprint myself on you permanently. You will never want another after we’re done here. You’ll know that you belong to me, body and soul.”

  Feeling him surge into her and withdraw slowly she was ashamed to admit she was already addicted. Instead of an agreement she felt like a challenge was in order. “You, alpha, are a cad and your caveman tactics will not work on me.”

  Stroking, tapping and caressing her nub extracted a strangled sound from her and he had a feeling that this was it. She squealed her release and he allowed himself to follow her into ecstasy with a shout of his own as he spilled his essence into her.

  As they lay next to each other panting Dante knew she was right for him; he’d even go so far as to say perfect. “Let’s just give it a try, shall we.”

  Chapter 10

  A hard knock on the door woke Dante from the most peaceful sleep he’d had in a very long time. He pulled the warm bundle next to him even closer smelled the clean scent of her hair, relaxing even more.

  The knock sounded louder this time and Katarina wiggled in his arms causing his member to come to life. Her words spoiled it for him moments later, “Answer the damn door wolf, unless you want me to maul your early morning visitor.”

  Releasing his hold on her and pushing the covers to the side, the door suddenly flew open and a very annoyed twin sister entered with her mate hot on her heels. Seeing Dante rise she addressed the lazy bear in bed, “Wake up, Miss. Fuzzykins.”

  Katarina’s eyes popped open, “I swear you have a death wish. Shoo.” She closed her eyes hoping they would all leave as a nice happy family. No such luck.

  Bailey turned to Dante, “Did she just tell me to shoo? Like a dog?”

  Katarina heard whooshes of movement in the room but kept her eyes closed and remained hopeful they’d all leave. After a minute, the noises and grunts continued she sighed, opening her eyes to see Paul and Dante restraining Bailey. Apparently, she was angry. “Someone get up on the wrong side of the bed?”

  Bailey growled, “Someone get up in the wrong bed, hoe?”

  Chuckling Katarina smiled Bailey’s way causing the struggle to go out of Bailey. “You know, wolf, I like you. You have spunk. And you’re not afraid of poking a bear. You’re a warrior like your brother.”

  Paul chose that moment to put in his two cents, “Not always a good thing. Come on, Bail’s, let’s get this over with so we can go.”

  Dante stiffened next to Bailey, “You’re leaving? It’s probably for the best but I’ll miss you.”

  Bailey sent her brother the stink eye, “Get dressed stupid, we need to talk. I just can’t talk to you with that thing poking out and waving around.” Paul growled at her as she walked out of the room heading towards the living room with confidence, knowing the others would follow.

  * * * *

  Katarina and Dante dressed, heading into the living area of alpha house. “Do you have any idea why Bailey and Paul want to talk to us? Maybe they know something about the murder.”

  Dante grunted but didn’t respond.

  “Okay, you’re back to Mr. Personality. Great.”

  The scent of discomfort and nervousness was the first thing Katarina noticed. She didn’t bother talking to Dante because he was, ever so slowly, closing off his feelings. She couldn’t even scent his mood.

  Bailey and Paul sat on the loveseat with steaming coffee cups in hand. Katarina walked past them to get her own cup of coffee because for some reason she knew this wasn’t going to be a conversation she enjoyed.

  Coffee in her hand and battle armor up Katarina re-entered the room. Dante had taken a seat on the couch so she plopped down into one of the recliners and put her feet up. Noticing Bailey’s scowl she prompted, “I’m ready, what’s up?”

  Scowling at Katarina, Bailey began, “Couldn’t you have, as least, asked Dante if he’d like a cup of coffee?” Bailey sounded really pissed.

  Katarina smiled sweetly at Dante, “Would you like a cup of coffee?”

  Dante looked between his sister and his chosen mate, “Uh, sure.”

  Nodding Katarina replied, “Good, it’s in the kitchen.” Looking back at Bailey, “So…what is it you wanted?”

  Paul pulled Bailey onto his lap and whispered something in her ear. After taking a few deep breaths Bailey calmed substantially. “We need to talk about mates and the process of mating.”

  Shooting out of her chair Katarina headed to the kitchen, “I’ll just get you that coffee Dante. I’ll be right back.”

  While taking her sweet time in the kitchen she heard murmurs from the other room. She so did not want to talk about mating with wolves. They were big mean, horny, stinky dogs. Except Dante, she kinda liked him. Just thinking of him made her heart beat faster and her knees weak.

  “Hate to interrupt your five minute stirring, Miss Fuzzykins but we’re waiting on you.”

  Ggrrrr, why does she always sound so smug? “Coming, Lassie, don’t get your knickers in a twist.”

  Bailey shrieked and launched herself at Katarina knocking the coffee out of her hand and landing a solid blow to her face. She continued to hit Katarina everywhere she’d been longing to hit. Closing her fist and simply pounding on her felt great. Until, Paul yanked her off and sat her restrained in his arms on a kitchen chair.

  “What’s wrong with you? You should be protecting our pups not fighting dirty with a bear. You should be ashamed of yourself.” Paul sounded genuinely upset and when she thought about the situation she was very disappointed.

  Dante picked Katarina up off the ground. “Wow, guess you’re not as strong as you though if you let my sissy of a sister pound you.”

  She smelled his anxiety at the situation but it was a very irritating thing to hear. Katarina’s reply was clipped, “I could have whooped her hillbilly ass but I would never endanger cubs. My only option was to take it like the woman I am.”
She looked over at Paul cradling Bailey in his protective arms and felt a longing she couldn’t hide. That must be what mates look like; happy and protected, safe.

  Shaken to her core she stood straight and put her superior façade back in place; shoulders back, chest out, head up. She edged closer to the door, attempting to slip out quietly.

  “Thank you, Katarina. My pups are very important to me and I thank you for not risking them. You are a welcome and wonderful addition to this pack.” Paul’s lips edged up in a smile, “And I love that you’re giving Dante a run for his money.”

  Katarina inclined her head in acknowledgement and headed back to her room when a shout came from the kitchen and Bailey came running out with Paul and Dante on her heels.

  “He’s not coming.”

  Those three words spoken from Bailey had Katarina lose all hope. “Yes, he is. I spoke with Jake yesterday and he said he would be here this afternoon. He’s coming.”

  Looking sheepish Bailey responded, “That’s why we need to talk. I called Jake and explained things. He’s not coming.”

  Popping her hip out and placing her fist on it, Katarina held in her anger. “Spit it out then. You’ve been acting shitty since you got here and I want to be done with it; done with you, your family, and your pack.”

  Bailey sat in the loveseat with Paul as they originally were and she explained. “I came from this pack, raised here since birth and I’ve seen the changes, good and bad. It’s been over ten years since there was a mating and by the time we were of age we hadn’t learned the signs. Paul is my mate. I had no idea and stayed away from him for months thinking my attraction was one sided. He also held back thinking I wasn’t ready because of…” she motioned to her scars. “We were able to overcome a lot of things and now we’re stronger than ever.” She leaned over and kissed his cheek causing him to blush a pretty red.

  “Katarina, I believe there is a reason you made the switch to the Sacramento pack. I think you were drawn to Dante. On the flip side I believe that no matter how hard my brother attempted to forget about you he was unable. I know because we share a bond…” She looked apologetically to Dante, “I’m sorry to have to mention this but I believe it’s the only way to clear the air. Often, lately, I’ve opened the twin bond we share and before he realizes I’ve connected to him he has, inadvertently, allowed me to pick up on his attraction to you.”


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