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Blooming Life (Fate's Intent Book 10)

Page 5

by Bowles, April

“Well. Looks like you’ve gotten along.”

  “Yeah. She’s—great.”

  “I think she likes you.”

  I smiled and pulled myself to look away from her direction. “What makes you think that?”

  “Don’t worry. You’ll see her again.”

  My mood changed, thinking of when that would actually be. “Yeah, next summer.”

  “I didn’t know they were leaving or I would have waited for this meeting. I tried to convince Meg to stay longer but they can’t. They have to get back. Cadence has school too.”

  “It’s fine.” I said, getting back to my horse. “I’ll wait.”

  “Ready to go back?”


  We turned from the small park and walked slowly back towards the palace.

  “Meg’s not your woman on the side, is she?”

  My father looked shocked from my sudden question. “My what? No. Of course not. Why would you ask that?”

  “Well, you’re away from mother a lot and—”

  “I would never ever do that to your mother, Seth. I love her. Us being apart like we have just makes it all the more grand when we reunite.”

  “That’s gross. I didn’t need to hear about that but then how do you know her? Meg, I mean.”

  “I know her family. Highly respectable. You’ll find out someday.”

  “Oh, well, sorry that I—”

  “It’s all right. I knew something like that would have come up and it’s understandable to think that but I could never want to be with anyone else but your mother. She knows that.”

  “Well, why haven’t you ever introduced me to Cadence before? She’s been coming here every summer for a long time.”

  “It’s your mother, actually. That’s why she can’t know about this.”

  “Why wouldn’t she want us to meet?”

  “Because she didn’t want it to interfere with Cadence’s future as an Assassin. She says boys cause the wrong kinds of thoughts but I say it’d only want her to be better so she has someone to impress. Your mother overruled me there of course but I didn’t want you to have to suffer from it.”

  “Wow, at least one of you is on my side.”

  “I’ll always be when it comes to the girls. You only deserve the best.”

  I smiled and we rode back through the palace gates and into the stables. “What do you have to do today, father? Anything I can help with?”

  “Not today but it looks like your grandfather got here while we were out.”

  I saw a Kaluian horse resting in a stall.

  “Can I go see him?”

  “Of course you can. I knew he’d be here at some point before summer’s end. I’ll take care of the horses.”

  “Thank you, father. Oh, and I had fun. I won’t tell anyone.”

  “That’s my boy. Go on.”

  I ran out of the stables to see grandfather in the main hall with what seemed like everyone else.

  It wasn’t until my father came in that he parted from everyone to greet him. “Zayden, how are you?”

  My father smiled lightly and they embraced for a moment. “I’m good. Getting through—still but getting passed it is what’s best.”

  “Spoken like a true King. I’m proud of you.”

  “Thank you. We’re humbled by your visit. You are always welcome to stay as long as you’d like.”

  “Just a couple days this time, I’m afraid.”

  “Better than not at all. Please excuse me. I’ve got to check on one more thing and we can gather for lunch.”

  “Of course. Do what you have to.”

  He nodded to him and walked off with Darius and Troy following.

  I spent the rest of my day in the company of Dirk and Bryce as we listened to past stories from grandfather. I wanted badly to mention my meeting with Cadence but kept my word to my father that I wouldn’t tell anyone. I didn’t even say anything to Dirk or Bryce who I usually share everything with. It was hard not to but I managed to make it through one day even with the thoughts of her always on my mind.

  I laid in my bed that night while Rift was sleeping next to me and I just kept thinking about Cadence’s lavender eyes, smile and especially the kiss she planted on my cheek. I could never forget and to me, waiting a year would be worth it.

  I was knocked out of my train of thought when I heard an unusual noise outside my balcony. Rift even raised his head a little and growled.

  “Settle.” I whispered. I took my covers off and slowly got out of bed. “Hello?”

  The glass doors were cracked open but I didn’t hear a reply. I opened it up all the way and stepped out, looking around. I didn’t see anyone but was suddenly grabbed and pulled back inside the room as the doors closed.

  “What the—”

  “Shh!” A voice whispered. “It’s me.”

  “Cadence?” She stepped into the light with a smile and I smiled back when I realized it really was her but Rift was right there like he was ready to protect me. “Rift, no. Back to bed. It’s okay.” He ducked his head but did what I asked and I turned back, still shocked to see her. “What are you doing here?”

  “I’m sorry. I had to see you. We’re leaving in the morning, remember?”

  “Yeah, I know.”

  “So, this is your room, huh?” She looked around quite enthusiastically.

  “How did you get in here?”

  She kept the smile on her face and looked back. “I’m not going to be an Assassin for nothing.”

  I had to smile to her confidence. “Your skills are good then.”

  “I guess so. They’ll get better. So? How have you been?”

  “I managed to get through the day.”

  “Yeah, me too. My mother wanted me to pack my own things. It wasn’t that much. It got pretty boring after that.”

  “My grandfather is here from Kalu for a few days so my time was well spent.”

  “Right, King Aleksander. How is he?”

  “He’s good.” I paused as we stood in the almost completely dark room and I tried desperately to think of something else to say. “Can I get you anything?” Being polite, it was the only thing I thought of.

  Cadence smiled. “Besides getting me arrested for breaking in here, no, I don’t think there’s anything. I’m all right.”

  “Your mother doesn’t even know you’re here, does she?”

  “No. I couldn’t tell her. I’ll be back before she realizes I’m gone. She’s asleep. I wanted to say good-bye to you the right way.”

  I laughed because I didn’t mind our last good-bye so much. “What way is that?”

  Cadence stepped closer and wrapped her arms around me. I was surprised and wasn’t quite sure what I should do but I slowly brought up my hands and hugged her back.

  “I’m going to miss you.” Cadence said as she pulled away first with a yawn.

  “Me too. Are you tired?”

  “Just a bit. It’s late and I don’t know why but I got up really early this morning.”

  “Then why don’t you rest?” I moved to the side so she had a straight sight of my bed with Rift lying at the end of it. “If you want. You can still make sure you’re back before your mother gets up. It’s a long walk.”

  Cadence smiled to my gesture. “Okay. You sure your pet won’t mind?”

  “Rift? Of course not. He doesn’t bite.”

  Cadence walked over and carefully laid down, lying her head on a soft pillow. “This is nice.”

  “You can rest here for as long as you need.” I said, still standing stiff on the other side to see a girl in my bed.

  “You’re not coming? I won’t bite either.”

  I got a nervous smile and carefully inched myself on the bed next to her. “Okay.”

  “Good. I better be getting back soon though. You’ll write me, won’t you?”

  “Of course I will. Where—”

  “Here.” She passed me a small piece of paper like she’s had it ready in her hand since she’s been here
. “Send it here. I’ll get it and I know where to send yours.”

  “Well, I don’t know where I’ll be staying yet. My mother could still change her mind.”

  “Then I’ll send the same one to both. You should get it.”

  “Okay. Don’t forget?”

  “I won’t.” Cadence laughed, pushing me over by my shoulder playfully.

  I still enjoyed it but there was a knock at the door and I panicked instinctually. “Oh, no. Hide.”

  Cadence quickly hopped herself under the thick blankets and covered herself completely.

  “Seth?” The door opened and my father stepped in.

  “Yes, father?”

  “Did I just hear you talking to yourself?”

  “Talking to myself?” I shared a worried look with Rift and he tried covering his face with his paw. Some help. I had to think of something. “Ah, yeah. That’s exactly what I was doing.”

  My father blinked and his eyes went from blue to solid black in an instant. “You were not.” His voice was a little deep and I looked next to me on the bed where Cadence was. There was really no point in hiding it now.

  She moved the blankets down and sat up just a little. “Ah—good evening, your majesty.”

  My father’s eyes thankfully changed back when he started to smile. “Cadence. Well, I guess I shouldn’t be so surprised.”

  I wasn’t sure if he really wasn’t mad or not but I had to do something. “Father, I can explain—”

  “It’s all right, Seth. Just be sure that she’s gone before her mother finds out. Knowing Cadence, I’m sure Meg has no idea that she’s away.”

  Cadence just smiled innocently.

  “Of course, father.”

  He kept his smile and turned back to the door. “Goodnight you two.”

  He closed the door as he left and Cadence and I looked at each other for a moment. There was just a short pause until we both started laughing.

  “Whoa. That was close.”

  “He said he’d be on my side. I’m glad that’s true.”

  “Me too but I really should be going.”

  “So soon?”

  “I don’t want her to wake up and find me gone.” She said as she started to get out of bed. “That would be bad but this was nice. I really am going to miss you.”

  I got out of bed with her and walked her over to the balcony doors. “We’ll still be able to write until we can see each other again.”

  “That’s true. Good-bye, Seth.”

  We hugged.


  “See you next summer. I look forward to it.”

  She kissed my cheek again and walked out onto the balcony. I followed her and leaned over the side as she was climbing down.

  “Be careful.” I whispered. “And don’t get caught!”

  Cadence reached the bottom and looked up with a smile. “Don’t worry. They can’t catch me.”

  She ran off and I smiled, looking down at the small paper in my hand. I couldn’t wait to see her again.

  Chapter 14


  I woke and looked next to me at the empty space. I didn’t remember falling asleep at all. An image of Cadence laying there flashed in my mind and I sat right up. She was probably gone by now and my eyes found their way towards the balcony the way she left. I already missed her but Rift was right there by my feet with a comforting sigh. It was enough for me to look away and pet his head.

  “Good. You’re awake.”

  My head turned when my father entered. “Morning, father. Come to check in on me?”

  “I just wanted to know how it went last night. She obviously left.”

  “She left minutes after you did.”

  “Not because of me, I hope.”

  “No. She knew she had to get back. I’m sure they’re on the road by now.”

  “I am sorry that she had to go.”

  “It’s okay. We’re going to write each other and in the meantime, I’ll have public school to focus on.”

  “Exactly. So, you better get up and ready so we can go.”


  “The next session at the Royal Academy begins at the start of fall.”

  “The start of fall? But that’s today!” I hopped right out of bed with sudden urgency.

  “I know. You’re ready for this, aren’t you?

  “Of course I am!”

  “Then just get yourself dressed. They’ll issue the proper attire today and you’ll have to start wearing that.”

  “Even me?”

  “Yes. Even you. They make attempt not to treat you differently so you’ll just be like everyone else.”

  “Oh, that sounds swell.”

  “You don’t have to be nervous. I’m having your mother convince Ruby and Jaylyn that this is the right thing so Dirk and Bryce will be with you.”

  I sighed in relief. “Okay. That makes things a little better. At least I’ll know someone.”

  “That was her concern and why she’s doing it. Get ready. I have to go down with you and get you registered in an hour.”

  “Okay, father. And thanks.”

  “No problem. Come on, Rift. I’ll let you out.” He opened the door and they both went out it, leaving me to get dressed.

  I was nervous and anxious about it at the same time. I badly wanted to go but had no idea what it would be like. I’ve never really spent time around other kids besides Dirk and Bryce my entire life. I wasn’t sure what to expect.

  I got ready nonetheless as I would for any other day except today, I left my crown up in my room. If I wasn’t going to be treated differently like father said then I wouldn’t be needing it.

  I went right downstairs to meet him and Dirk and Bryce jumped me at the bottom of the stairs.

  “This is so awesome!” Bryce said excitedly as he had his arm hung around my shoulders. “You planned to start today, right?”

  “Of course!” I smiled, starting to walk with them towards the dining hall. “Why wait?”

  “Exactly my thought!” Dirk replied. “We deserve this big time!”

  I laughed to their enthusiasms too and we continued on our way.

  “Oh, look at this.” Jaylyn looked over our excitement. “Your first day! Excited?”

  “No. Not really.” Ruby replied.

  “I wasn’t asking you.”

  “Don’t worry, mother.” Dirk said. “We’ll be all right. We want this.”

  “I know. You’re growing up and we can’t stop it but are you sure you’ll be okay? Aleksander hand delivered a mission for us yesterday so we’ll be gone for a couple of weeks.”

  “We’ll be fine.”

  “Then we’ll have to stop in to the mountain palace on our way back so we can make sure you have everything you’ll need to stay here.” Mother added.

  “Then will you be staying here?” I asked.

  They looked at each other and mother was hesitant at first to answer. “Well, maybe. We just want to make sure everything is taken care of at home first. You can stay here with just your fathers, can’t you?”

  “Of course they can.” Darius came in with a clear answer. “Take his advice and don’t worry.” He leaned down to Ruby, kissing her head. “Let’s go boys! Say good-bye and grab something quick! Your fathers are waiting.”

  We quickly grabbed something we could carry to eat and hurried around the table. “Bye mother! See you when you get back.”

  “Bye boys.”

  Chapter 15


  We couldn’t have been more ready for this and we ran to finally get out of the palace.

  “Dirk, hold up!”

  I stopped in the hall before reaching the door and looked back at my father walking towards me. “Yeah, father?”

  “Let’s talk first.”

  “Oh, no. Not another one of those, I hope.”

  He laughed as he reached me and patted my shoulder while leading me out the door. “No. Not exactly that kind of talk. I just wanted to let yo
u know that you’ll notice how different things are going to be in the coming days. There may be several or one particular girl that will show an extreme amount of interest in you but I don’t want you to get too attached.”

  “Attached? Why? I thought that was a good thing.”

  “Not in this particular case.”

  “Oh.” I sighed. “I see. You don’t want me killing anyone.”

  “No. That’s not it. You already have a destiny with whoever will be chosen as your mother’s successor.”

  “You mean, like an Assassin?”

  “Mmm hmm. That’s why I think it’s important for you to keep your emotions and desires separate when it comes to the girls you’ll meet through the Academy.”

  “But if I’m already destined to be with someone, why haven’t I met her?”

  “We’re not even fully sure who she is but when the time comes, she’ll reveal herself and take her place at your side.”

  “How long could that take?”

  “I don’t want you to worry about your fate with her now. It will be several years before you meet her. By then, your experiences will be well enough to sustain her.”

  “So, you tell me that and now I’m just supposed for forget about it completely?”

  He laughed but I wasn’t amused by the thought. “Not forget. Just put it in the back of your mind so it’s always there when another girl thinks she’s in love with you. You’ll easily be able to not share in that feeling by knowing there’s someone more special waiting for you.”

  “Okay, I’ll do that.”

  “Good. Now let’s hurry and catch up to the others.”

  We made it to the stables and were given our horses that were there waiting for us. We both got on and took them out into the city along the streets towards the Royal Academy built for families of Randal who resided a near distance to the palace.

  From what I researched, it was located just a couple of streets north where it was enclosed by its own walls of rules, discipline and privacy for the molding of the young minds of Seni. Four one story buildings made up the whole of this great school, each with its own design and purpose and named by the direction in which they sit.

  The West Hall was the main building of the Academy where all the young learners would pass through to get to the rest of the grounds. It held their perfectly coordinated library as well as the offices for the Academy’s highest positions of educators and had its own facilities for any unsuspected medical emergencies.


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