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Blooming Life (Fate's Intent Book 10)

Page 6

by Bowles, April

  The South Hall was where meals were provided at mid-day and was fashioned to be orderly and efficient with their acute line system. Tables were stationary in a design to cause less clutter and fewer confusion amongst the attendants. It was to be neat and obedient at all times and noise was only tolerated to a normal speaking level.

  The East Hall was the academic building where most of the classes were taught, such as world as well as national history, mathematics, physical science, literature recite, theatrical performance, creative arts and cuisine study for girls.

  The North Hall was the training room where the boys’ combat study class took place as the Academy looked very highly on teaching and encouraging the young men to take up a military based career and serve their great country in the best way possible.

  It was everything I read. We arrived through the main gates and simply tied the horses right out front since this was just to be a quick visit and we had no need to use the stable service that was provided.

  We walked at our father’s sides as we entered and other kids have already begun to show up to register as well. Everyone seemed to stop what they were doing when they saw us and whispers started to spread around of the arrival of Seni’s Prince and young Lords.

  We tried not to act like we noticed as we followed our fathers to the office of the Academy’s High Master, overseer of the entire school and all its attendants and went inside.

  “Morning, High Master. I do hope we’re not interrupting.”

  We heard a laugh and a man turned a chair around towards the desk. “I knew I recognized that voice. Zayden! Always a delight to get a visit from you, your majesty. Everything well I hope.”

  “Ah, well—” Zayden smiled as he pulled Seth in front of him and had his hands on his shoulders.

  “Oh, my! It’s like looking at another you!”

  “Yes, I know. The boys are very excited to be joining your great institute.”

  “Twelve already? Well, we could never turn away such a great honor. I just hope they’re not going to be as much trouble as their fathers were!”

  Troy laughed. “Oh, we were not that bad!”

  “No. Not entirely but no one’s an angel either. We’ve been more prepared for such incidences since you left.”

  “Well, I assure you—” Zayden replied. “Whatever the necessary discipline for any actions caused will justly be taken. Though, I don’t see you running into too much trouble.”

  “Well, good. Let’s work on getting them settled in then. They can take a quick tour of the grounds if they’d like while we do all of the boring paperwork.”

  “That is a good idea. There are some other things we need to discuss along with it.”

  “Very well. Boys, access to the grounds is out the door to the right. You may feel free to see anything you’d like until we’re ready for you and I do believe they’re still serving breakfast for the early arrivals.”

  “They could use that.” Zayden said. “They were in a hurry this morning. Go ahead, Seth.”

  “Of course, father.” Seth respectfully replied.

  He turned from them first out the door and Bryce and I followed.

  “What do you think they’re going to talk about?” Bryce asked in a whisper as we walked down the hall away from the office.

  I stated the obvious. “Us.”

  “Maybe what we can do.” Seth said. “You know because we’re special. I doubt they’ve had kids like us here before. We’ll probably be forbidden to use our gifts at all.”

  “You really think so?” I wondered it because it would have been horrible to try and do.

  Bryce just laughed. “And what would you have to use yours around here for?”

  “I don’t know. What if we get picked on?”

  “You could easily teach them a lesson without either of your gifts.” Seth replied.

  “Yeah, something tells me that’s not going to be tolerated either.” Bryce said. “This is a place with rules.”

  “Then we’ll abide by them. Now let’s take that tour. We don’t know how long they’ll be. They’ll probably have to come get us.”

  We nodded as we head outside into the courtyard where we could see the other three buildings clearly.

  “Whoa. I could get used to this.” I muttered. “It’s better than the illustrations.”

  “So, what should we do first?” Seth asked.

  “Well, I’m not feeling that hungry.” Bryce said. “We could just walk around and get used to the setting.”

  “Not to mention all the stares.” I added, seeing them already.

  “All right. A quick tour it is.”

  We walked out into the open courtyard where there were benches placed elegantly around the garden landscape and students walking the stone paths in between.

  “Well, that’s obviously the dining hall.” Bryce said, looking towards the South Hall where we could see right inside from the full glass walls on the building’s face.

  “And that’s probably where all the classes are.” Seth replied, looking at the three story East Hall. “But what’s that?”

  The North Hall was a large one story building that was completely made of brick with only one door on its face, no windows in sight.

  I figured it had to be the training hall but I had to joke because of its outside appearance compared to the other buildings. “Maybe it’s where all of the punishment happens.” I whispered it and hung my arm around Seth’s shoulders.

  A girl’s laugher chimed in from behind us and we quickly looked back.

  She was standing a few feet away with a couple of books held in her arms, hugging them to her body and a smile of amusement. “Not even close.”

  She was wearing the uniform for girls, a white high collar dress with a gray and silver weaved knit waist cincher wrapped around it. Her blonde hair was left down and simply pulled back on the sides and she stood with her feet right together in their knee high gray boots.

  I turned completely and dropped my arm from Seth’s shoulders. “Oh, I knew that.”

  “You’re some of the new ones, I see.”

  “Ah, yeah.” Seth replied. “Starting today.”

  “Well, so you know, that’s the North Hall. It’s where the combat study class is held.”

  “A combat class?” Bryce wondered, liking the idea while he shared a look with us. “You taking it?”

  The girl laughed loudly like he was joking. “Oh, no. Girls aren’t allowed. That’s just for boys.”

  “That doesn’t seem fair.” I said.

  “We’re pretty used to it. We can’t even see inside. Notice it has no windows?”

  “Yeah, we did notice.” Seth replied.

  “This is actually as close to it I’m allowed to get.”

  We looked at each other again, only this time confused that things were this way. We were used to women being completely equal because of who our mothers were. Things seemed to be different in other places and I wasn’t sure if I could get used to it.


  The girl turned her head to look behind her and two other girls were waving her over.

  “Come on!”

  “Okay!” She turned back and looked at us. “Sorry. I’ve got to go. I’ll ah—see you later or something. We can—meet for lunch and—eat like people.”

  “I speak solely for myself when I say, I’d love to.” I replied.

  Janie smiled shyly to my remark. “Okay. Great.”

  “How will I find you?”

  “Don’t worry. I think it’s better if I just find you. It shouldn’t be too hard. Oh, and I’m Janie, by the way. Janie Mott.”

  “Hi, Janie. I’m—”

  “I know who you are.” She cut in with a smile and her eyes still on only me. “Dirk.”


  She turned her head back to her name being called by both girls with more urgency and shouted back. “I said I’m coming! I better go.”

  “Yeah. Sure.”

nie just gave me one last smile and jogged off towards the other girls with her books still held snug in her arms. They all looked back at us with giggles before heading off into the East Hall.

  “Would you blink please?” Seth asked, seeing my eyes still locked in Janie’s direction.

  “What? Sorry. Did you not see her? She’s cute. That’s definitely going to be my first kiss.”

  Bryce laughed, trying to hold it back. “Right. Can we worry about other things?”

  “Good idea.” Seth agreed. “I want to see what’s in there.”

  We turned back around and had our eyes on the mysterious North Hall.

  “We should be able to go in.” I said, taking the first step towards it. “We’re not girls.”

  Seth and Bryce followed slowly towards the door.

  “It’s weird how girls aren’t allowed.” Bryce said.

  “Well, this is the real world.” Seth replied. “They do things differently here. Not every woman has what it takes to become an Assassin.”

  “That seems to be the only way they get respect.” I muttered, not wanting my voice to be heard by whoever happened to be inside.

  “I’m sure we’ll get used to it.” Seth said, reaching for the door.

  It opened and we slowly stepped inside. The sight amazed me. There was equipment covering all spaces of the walls and dozens of each piece. Long sticks, short sticks, shields, bows and protective gear. The floor had markings on them, outlining several rings for dueling and our mouths were hung open from the sight.

  “Whoa.” Bryce muttered. “Definitely a class. I’ve never seen so many.”

  “Oh, we’re so ready for this.” Seth smiled. “I wonder how experienced they really are.”

  “Probably not like us.” I joked.

  “There you are!”

  Our father’s came through the door behind us.

  “Oh, father.” Seth replied. “Looking for us?”

  “And right in the first place we look.” Zayden smiled. “I knew it.”

  “Is everything settled then?”

  “Yes. Everything has been discussed that needs to be. I’m sure you can already guess the terms.”

  “Yeah.” Bryce sighed. “No powers.”

  “Precisely.” Troy replied. “No one is supposed to know about them so try to stay under control.”

  “That shouldn’t be a problem.” Seth smiled.

  “Dirk, that means you especially.” My father said.

  “Yes, father. I know.”

  “Don’t worry, Darius.” Seth laughed. “He’ll be too distracted to get angry over anything. In fact, you’ll be pleased to know that he already has a lunch date.”

  “Really?” My father smiled, moving his eyes over to mine.

  “Ah—yeah.” I hesitated then came out with a smile.

  “Her name’s Janie!” Bryce leaned into me with a teasing voice and a poke in the cheek.

  “Quit it.” I immediately pushed his hand away. “It’s nothing.”

  My eyes met my father’s so he knew that I remembered about what we talked about and he nodded. “Good. Let’s get you boys ready. You’ll have to get to your first class soon.”

  “Did you get everything?” Seth asked as we started to leave the North Hall and head back to the main building.

  “It’s waiting for you.” Zayden answered. “From today on, you’ll look like everyone else.”

  “Yeah, says the normal looking one.” I muttered.

  “Dirk!” My father’s deep voice jumped me. “Do something for me. Keep your comments to yourself.”

  “Yes, father.”

  We went into the West Hall where we were to put on the Royal Academy’s uniform for boys. A white long sleeve shirt with white pants and a gray and silver sleeveless dress tunic with a high collar.

  “Oh, no.” I muttered with an obvious tone of dislike. “Can we change our minds?”

  My father laughed while he waited with me and made sure I was doing it right. “No. You know you don’t really want to.”

  “But look at me. It’s so colorless it makes my head look like it’s on fire.”

  He could only laugh again at my lifeless expression. “Oh, it does not.”

  “How would you know? You don’t look like me.”

  “At least not your hair but your mother will think you look rather dashing.”

  “Yeah, well, she’s not the one I need to impress.”

  “Hey, remember what I said.”

  “I know, father. I do. I’m just—starting the experience. Like you said.”

  “Just watch the attachments. If you think it’s becoming too much, walk away.”

  “Mother wouldn’t like that advice, you know?”

  “I know but I’m not her and your mother doesn’t know I told you about this. It’s going to stay that way, isn’t it?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Good. Now let’s get you out there. You only have a few minutes to get to your first class for orientation.”

  I nodded and we walked out into the hall.

  “Hurry up.” Seth said, looking around the nearest corner for me. “Don’t want to be late.”

  “Yeah. I’m coming.”

  “Well, here’s your schedule.” My father handed me a small sheet of paper. “Just follow it and you should be all set.”

  “Okay. So, when does this get over?”

  “Around sunset. You can walk home, can’t you?”

  I was startled by the question and looked up. “Alone? Mother never lets me go anywhere alone.”

  “Well, again, I’m not her. Don’t worry. I’ll take the heat from her later when she gets back.”

  “Okay. So, I guess I’ll see you tonight.”

  “Good luck.”

  We parted ways and I stood and watched until my father was out of sight before looking down at the paper in my hands again.

  “Dirk!” Bryce shouted.

  “I know! I’m coming!”

  I jogged to catch up and we headed to our very first class in the East Hall.

  More students have arrived while we were dressing and the scene was fuller than before.

  It seemed everyone was trying to get to classes at the same time and the halls inside quickly became crowded with hustling feet in every which direction. The uniforms all blended in together in one sea of gray and white that it would have been impossible to find any one particular face among all the moving traffic but that’s not how I was feeling.

  I felt stares coming from every direction and though they may not have all been on me, I felt like they were. My rose red hair surely stood out above everything else in this dull scene like it was just glowing from the lanterns. I could see locks of it around my eyes just hanging there, mocking me as if it had a mind of its own and purposely laid there to make me suddenly feel self-conscious for the first time in my life.

  I couldn’t bear to see it. I kept trying to push it off to the sides or even over my head so I could get it out of my sights and hopefully out of my mind but it just fell back in place.

  Untamed indeed.

  Nothing I did seemed to work. I eventually gave up and knew I would have to deal with it. This is how things were going to be from now on but it just aggravated me seeing the stares. Whether it was really for who I was or what I looked like, I fought my hardest to keep my anger in and my eyes on the more realistic side of normal.

  What felt like the longest walk of my life soon came to an end when we reached our first class for orientation. Seth and Bryce didn’t seem nervous or agitated about any of this at all. They wanted to be here and have been waiting for it. I soon remembered that I did too and dropped all thoughts of mental abuse due to my appearance and took my seat with them all in a row.

  “So far—” Seth smiled in a whisper.

  “So good.” Bryce whispered back, finishing his sentence.

  “Yeah.” I laughed under my breath. “So far.”

  “Order, please! Order!” The instructor said to ca
lm the class of talking students. “Let’s get started, shall we? Welcome to the Royal Academy, the finest institute the world has ever seen for its fresh young minds. Here, you will grow strong-minded and sure, right to adulthood. Now, let’s familiar ourselves with each other since this is just the first day with quick introductions. I am Master Colbrid and you will address me as such. I will be your assigned advisor and your new best friend for the time of your stay here. I will also be your instructor for physical science studies. Who would like to go next?”

  A boy sitting close to the front raised his hand up in the air to volunteer. “I will.”

  “All right.”

  Master Colbrid waved him up to the front of the class and the boy turned to us, speaking in a confident voice. “My name is Chester Brig and my father is the King’s personal tailor.”

  A few gasps were heard and everyone started whispering.

  “Watch this.” Seth said quietly while laughing. “I’d like to go next.”

  “Very well.” Master Colbrid nodded while Chester retook his seat.

  Seth stood tall in the front of the class for a second like he was giving everyone time to look at him. “If you have yet to notice, my name is Seth Vendel and the King is my father.”

  Louder gasps spiraled around the room and Chester shrunk in his chair.

  “Well, thank you for informing us, young Prince.” Master Colbrid said, allowing Seth to take his seat. “It would seem we have the honored class this year. Seni’s young Lords are also with us.”

  Everyone turned their heads to Bryce and I and we just smiled, trying not to act shy about all the sudden stares. “Hi.”

  “Let’s continue, shall we?”

  The rest of the class took part in their introductions, thankfully we didn’t have to and Master Colbrid went over the basics of how each day would work.

  We followed our schedules precisely and were most eager to attend our last class of the day, Combat Training.

  “I just want the day to hurry up to see what it’s like.” Bryce said as we made our way outside to get to lunch.

  “I know.” I agreed. “It’s all I’ve been thinking about.”


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