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Hell's army officers

Page 13

by Andrew Komarowski

  — Go... — I turned off the engine, disconnected the shunt and... almost deaf from hearing Ricky's voice in the General channel of mileslas:

  — What are you doing there?

  Yes Vic I decided to promote... — scary satisfied voice replied Ira.

  — And me? I also have surpassed themselves! — indignantly exclaimed Conti.

  — I'm afraid this kind of promotion you might not like... — a wild laughter the rest of the guys, "explained" to him by Williams. — However, if you insist...

  Evil you are... And feminine... not in a hurt voice he growled and thought, said: — Hey, Vic! And I'm gonna be somebody...

  — No doubt... — I chuckled and connected to the communication channel of the Werewolves, called captain Becker: Training completed. Can follow to the base. I'm still a little delayed...

  Tonight wolves! Will be waiting for you at the Horseshoe. Thank you for the lesson...

  A crowd of Marines breaking in "Bent horseshoe" at eleven o'clock in the evening, was pretty tipsy. And another of the entrance and demanded beer and "something for Breakfast". Fat Ted, the owner, at the first "guest" jumped out from behind the bar, spent a merry company to the four free tables and quickly Potashev the availability of the chairs, went to execute the order.

  — Standing, image! The young Lieutenant was not enough smart to sit down, grabbed the sleeve of a passing bartender and dragged him to her: — Quickly set up a dozen chairs... and free from the feathered cattle table three... or four... Okay?

  — Excuse me, Lieutenant! — sadly shrugged Ted. I brought all of the chairs, which was. There are no more. Tables, unfortunately, busy. How to be free — I will tell you... now please, release my sleeve, I'll bring you and your friends beer...

  — Do you have hearing problems? I said that it is necessary to release the furniture from sticking to her garbage...

  A crowd of Marines happily laughed: apparently, the thought of a colleague seemed to them very original.

  — Hey, kid, now's not the time of the building itself — gave a vote of some guy in a uniform operator of small complex orbital fortress. Go to my table and drink. Or eat. Preferably in silence...

  — What kind of crappy flier said that? instantly turning to face the room, asked the marine.

  I said it... — not looking up from his plate of soup, growled the shooter. I was told that here the flap with the "winged", but it turns out that the first blather your...

  — They have eight hundred[24]... — said divers[25], sitting next to holovision.

  — You have a truce? — loudly tapping his fist on his chest, laughed the Lieutenant. — Wow, I never heard of that happening! You that here in Lagos, all such zashugannyh?

  Drop dead, the infantry! Glumly looking at the "hero", the gunner moved the chair so they can get back to him. It is not up to you...

  It seems so... — putting on the closest table, an empty jar from-under beer, a bully defiantly began to roll up the sleeves. — Hey, guys, went for the chairs?

  Drinks ordered? — current Fat Ted tried to put in his hand a six-pack, but could not: — Put on the table. SchA organize kid chairs and then drink with a clear conscience...

  — Can we delve into what you said? — contemptuous glance at him from head to toe again, his voice divers. — And in General, letea, where did you drew?

  — With Kweli. Came to teach you how birds ramming. Look, they've really got. And you can even wipe I'm afraid... — standing shoulder to shoulder with a colleague, he chuckled, another marine. — You spoiled them. Come on, Serge, I also did not have enough chairs...

  ...Igor, resting in the company with Helmut, mark and Ricky saw that the Marines flexing the fingers, went to the nearest "flying" table, behind which sat a grim fellow of the crew of the downed Cyclops the destroyer, stood up and barked at the entire bar:

  — If you want chairs and a table, you can take our. We already had dinner and was just about to go to the barracks.

  — Thanks, girls! — happily grinned the Lieutenant. — Darted and carried furniture to my friends. While we communicate here with these cuties...

  — Hey, kid, isn't that enough? — jerked them off on the way asked Conti. — Get off the guys dick! Not to you, okay?

  — Who you calling a jerk, the wolf[26]? — Knocking shoulder of the nearest of the visitor, the grunt grabbed the leg of a plastic chair. — Dude, there is someone povospityvat! Let's go have some fun!!!

  The roar of falling chairs and warlike cries anticipating a good brawl officers blocked his master's voice "Bent horseshoe":

  — Lieutenant! People GRIEF!!!

  — You got your whining! snorted the Lieutenant, taking a step forward, hit a chair on his head standing in front of him Ted...

  ...Slipped over the right shoulder broke into attack Ricky, Igor automatically connected to BK-the Ashkali and felt like slow motion rushing towards the Marines, joined the fight.

  — Do not mutilate! Just cut down! — seeing as under the Conti elbow elbow break in two some very smart officer, in-band yelled Semenov. And then he heard a worried voice Volkova:

  — What do you have there?

  — That's a Little... fight... — down the next enemy, and then gently blow it off of the edge of the Shoe in the head, laughed Ricky. — Infantry in General ohrenel...

  — Now will be... — yelled Williams and Orlova, Three minutes will last?

  I'm afraid this time they are not enough. Without us... well knead — throwing a glance at the four of sabotage by getting involved in the fight on the side of the Demons chuckled Semenov — I Think you won't have time...

  — Oh shit!!! — Helen was confused. — Damn it! Get the hell out. Fast!!! Then someone from the big bosses showed up!

  Iron Joe? — driving a fist in the right hypochondrium crank hooking Helmut opponent grinned variance is not a joke Ricky.

  — What the fuck Joe! — Williams voice sounded panicky notes. — Near the "Horseshoe" sits "ACE-Phantom-Elite"! And with him five of the flyers golovizina! All, you do not have time...

  Civil — flyer?! — Igor stopped for a moment, imagining this picture, and then blokirovka tibia someone's attack on the inside of the thigh. — Conti! Schwartz! Gomez! To my table! Fast!!!

  ... What do we have here? — Male, emerged in the doorway, slowly began to fall off the jaw, and in the eyes of Kharitonov taking a leap to the bar behind him, flashed a frenzy.

  Is friendly scuffle, Mr. Chairman... — gesture, ordered his men to remove the flock of the automatic cameras, alternately fly into the bar through the doorway, grimly said the General. — Something like the workout... Nothing special...

  — Yes, but there's blood! — trying to shout over the roar overturn furniture and militant fighting screams, exclaimed the Chairman, and Igor, watching him from over the table, stunned muttered:

  It's McGregor! The President Of The General Assembly Acceded. Himself!

  — Can't be... — excitedly said in the General channel of mileslas guys.

  — Well, guys healthy, trained... — tried to "explain" what is happening Kharitonov. And noticing that his companion slowly backs away to the door, snapped on the room: — Smir-R-RNO!

  Driven into the subconscious reaction to the command worked like a cold shower: second, everyone is in the minds of the officers were standing in the share front, with arms stretched at the seams, and with views, which was read infinite respect for authority...

  — About as! — admired McGregor. By the way, where among these hooligans your eagles?

  A glance turned into statues of "hooligans", Kharitonov frowned, then noticed the four sitting at the other end of the room the Demons and smiled.

  — There, near the table... We tore them from the dinner, Mr. Chairman...

  — They have that pacifists? — he chuckled at his own words, asked McGregor. — Though I understand them: Cyclops in the diner there. And something smaller for them, not prey...

  Where are the others? — feigned frown
, asked Semenova Kharitonov.

  — Engage in tactical class, sir! — duplicating a phrase in mileslas away at the Horseshoe guys, reported Igor. — We finished a little before the others, sir!

  — That's fine! We walk... to them... Ridley! All participants in the brawl, five days ' imprisonment... with a nod to the Demons in the side of the exit growled the General. And, turning on the spot, held the leaf in front of staropolska outside Chair...

  — Lord! We are cursed! Yes, do not be surprised! The ancient Chinese people who lived on Old Earth, believed that the most terrible curse for any man is the desire to live in an era of change[27] — for some reason got up from the chair and laying one hand over the side of the jacket pricey, well-modulated voice began broadcasting McGregor. Our generation, alas, have lived in this period. Humanity, which conquer one star system after another, it's time to face other civilizations, a meeting that dreamed of romance and fiction. Alas, the first "brothers on reason", with which we crossed in its path, turned enemy, which is alien to basic concepts of good neighborly relations! The contact attempt ended with the war. The most terrible in our history. Eleven years of the Earth's valiant defenders of the Confederacy have placed their lives on the altar of bloody war, to little to slow down the irresistible momentum of the military machine of the enemy. Slow down! For stop or reverse, we were not able to. But give up we gathered the best minds, not seeing the light of day, trying to come up with weapons capable of confronting the Cyclops, and now I can confidently say: they did it! You are the first warriors of the new era! The best graduates from elite universities and the Military Space forces, whose bodies are modified with the latest science and technology. And you have learned not only to fight the Cyclopes on an equal footing, but also to run! So I, a man for whom service to humanity is the sole aim of life, want to do everything for the citizens of the Earth Confederation was finally able to perk up! Tomorrow will be a great day! — dazzling smile Orlova and waving in front of him with his left hand, continued McGregor. I will present Humanity, tired of living under the sword of Damocles the enemy threat, his NEW defenders. First division "the Demon"...

  — What about secrecy? the actor was surprised a little stunned uttered speech Hasek.

  — Damn it we will put before holocamera? 'interrupted Williams.

  And about tomorrow's workout will be forgotten... — sigh Irina Orlova. — And Cyclops will not wait...

  — I look at your face and try to understand what you now think... by making two steps in the direction of a flight simulator and turned on the spot, depicts the thoughtfulness of the Chairman. — Surely you now imagine yourself in front of the lens holocamera and...

  — Excuse me, Mr. Chairman? all of a sudden his voice the wolves. — We have planned for tomorrow another training flight. Unfortunately, we have not yet reached those conditions that allow you to fight with the Cyclops. And their recent appearance in the Lagos system suggests that here-here will begin a new round of war, which you told us. We would like to prepare as best you can.

  — The Sonny, you don't understand. McGregor looked sadly at Vic. Then she went closer to him and, standing on tiptoe, fatherly Pat on the shoulder: — Cyclops appeared not only here! Their recon ships emerged from the hospital system, and I know what that means. Think — I the nature of their activities should consider much more factors than you can imagine. At your level of perception of the situation, the most correct is to maximize the seal training process. But it is necessary to take into account at least one additional factor is mild panic, which was the population of a good half of the Confederation — as the picture changes. You begin to understand that at the moment, training is not so important. Losing a few hours of your training, we will support the morale of those who are weak. Who is waiting for the protection og the enemy from the people standing on guard of our borders. Once they learn that the Cyclops beaten, and beaten well, as all of humanity in unison rise up against the bloodthirsty enemy. And each of those who are now looking with fear into the night sky, will do everything necessary to ensure that you are standing at the forefront of this struggle, nothing felt needs...

  — Ten people... — grimly continued wolves. And only five ships, adapted to our possibilities. As we close the sky all systems in the Suburbs?

  — All. what we can we do -- again smiled McGregor. Four days later you will take another ten machines. Further, the design office has Received technical task for the development of more powerful fighters, weapons, ammunition, and everything that will facilitate your hard work. In addition, running the second phase of the Project. In General, soon humanity will be someone to rely on...

  Yes. And these eight months, the Cyclops will humbly wait... — mentally grumbled Orlov...

  ...All two hours ten minutes that it lasted McGregor before lenses holocamera, Semenov to solve problems in celestial navigation, answered questions on TSG and at the same time trying to keep control of trying to resist Schwartz: wolves, deciding that spending a lot of time wasted — a luxury, did whatever I could. However, it turned out that I praise in the address and not notice the annoying mini-camera holo of visiondtv, climbing almost to the eyes, it really is easier. Therefore, the moment around it's stupefying silence, Igor missed. And almost flinched, trying to understand what happened.

  By order of the commander of the VKS Earth Confederation for heroism in the defense system of Lagos, Lieutenant Semyonov, Williams, Krause, Hasek and Volkov is awarded the order of Glory of first-degree... — a solemn voice said vidavshiy a small pause McGregor. — Unit commander "Demon" senior Lieutenant Volkov, personally shot down four of the enemy ship, and participated in the destruction of two, was awarded order of the Purple Legion. Yes, friends, you heard right! Six ships, not four! The day before the appearance of the Cyclops system in Lagos, he and his staff performed special tasks command. Which in the hardest fight destroyed four fighter aircraft and a transport. Look at the holo screens — now you will see footage of these machines is modest and taciturn officers...

  Over the next hour and a half after the ceremony Semenov cursed Means that the scanners work did not. The same experts who reviewed the "knuckles" after the seizure of the defendants: triggering transfer of the circuit was not...

  Yeah, there was no skin contact. No one is remembering at some point of the trajectory bumps "brass knuckles", blocking, or fighting Demons, or hedging their "sabotage," the General smiled: — And, under lieutenants airborne assault regiment you mowed very well.

  — Well, some of my Werewolf? — without a shadow of a smile said the major. — No plastics, no fine motor skills. And to portray the Devers no problem for me — Dasco[30] finished. And not just me...

  — Okay. Okay, what's with "clients"? sigh Kharitonov: judging by the grim expression Tishkina, and the opportunity to feel the sacred thread did not work.

  — They are very well err. Protective unit tripped with loss of consciousness, the introduction of any striker, paralysis and even artificial stroke!

  Wow! The General looked at the "counterrevolutionaries"[31]. — Seven clients you used four different detention?

  — Planned on limit option. Now we know for sure — the one who pays them, do. And has in its Arsenal of developing at least four years ago. And for the last month any special device, used by customers in the "Horseshoe", from the warehouses did not leave...

  — Serious guy... — smiled grimly Kharitonov, on the other hand, the number of persons with this level of access, not so great. To work out of their...

  — Yes... — threw in the hearts of major. — Not much. Some two thousand three hundred seventy-two people in the whole Confederation. Plus their familiars, friends and acquaintances... What is there to work out?

  — Hmmm... — frowned Kharitonov. — I thought that would be less of them... And then the work — no end... Okay, what with the biological material?

  — Nothing... — shrugged mayor. — After the participants of the fight was sent to the brig, we wandered all over the
room. Hair your guy can not climb, the skin peels off. There were droplets of saliva, but with her you we did a good job: to identify changes in organisms and objects from her almost useless. So everything is fine. But at the reception, and after it had to suffer...

  — What is it?

  — Memory erased forty three drones[32] with built-in bioskinergy and are still working for their owners

  Standing in the crowd of Werewolves and not really awakened Demons, Irina sad considering the contours of new ships and moved to the head of the phrase, she said Volkov before take off:

  "You can not look at me like that. Of course I will choose for you the most extreme..."

  — Why are you not in the spirit? — seeing the look on her face, asked in surprise tightening on Micah Semenov — Today you will cease to be "ballast"!

  — Why would she be in the spirit? — Ricky grinned, flipping in the palm of a pack of card keys from remaining on plastobeton nine "Gyrfalcons". — A man has escaped! Right out of bed! Forgetting about conjugal duty and all that...

  — What a chatterbox you are, Konti... — sighed the Ira. — I'm just used to always be with him. And now...

  — Now you can protect his tail... Or whatever it seems to you the most important... — he giggled Ricky, just in case hiding behind Igor. — Who, except you, it can be charged?

  Oh, and break it for you one day... — yawn Williams. — Will not find it... What, Irish, probably promised to pick the most violent?

  — Yeah... ' said Orlov.

  — Correctly. In order for him to stay, need just such. Or not to get out of control. He you crazy...

  — He's just greedy, and all... — feigned frowned Conti. — Wants to be the heroic type in the history of mankind! And collect all the medals that you can get... Vic knocks everyone sees. I'm still surprised that he was allowed Krause and Hasek to shoot the engines from the transport of the Cyclops...

  Yes, Ira, keep up with him is gonna be hard... he said Semenov. — And to get one of the enemies of the unreal: shoot down six out of the nine available to us ships — it is necessary to manage!


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