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Hell's army officers

Page 14

by Andrew Komarowski

  — It just flies well... — protested Orlov. — And you are jealous!

  — Don't worry, Irina! Good is a understatement. It flies just fine. If your Victor, I'm afraid from the system Pronin we would not have returned... — hugged Orlov's shoulders, gently said Semenov.

  — Oh! You came to new ships? — with slight envy in her voice exclaimed captain Becker, just potolkalis through the crowd around the landing square. — Why so many?

  And Schaub Bulo — puffing out his cheeks, eclipsed case the closest "Merlin" Conti. — I've two drove! As a particularly dangerous...

  — ...chatterbox! 'interrupted Helen. — Proven audio equipment, issuing his nonsense on the air live simultaneously on both sides, is able to cause resonance in the protective fields of fighters Cyclops. And then Ricky will kick one left...

  — Yes, he had both legs — the left... laughed Semenov. — And hands are the same... well, I still don't understand why he told us so gave up!

  — To die of boredom during rest between workouts... — chuckled Williams.

  — Hey, Igor! — mentally addressed to Semenov Ira into a common channel. — But with these machines we will be able to experiment with fields of interference! And if what is written about them is true, it will actually compete with vehicles heavier fighters...

  I already thought about that... — pause a few seconds, said Semyonov. — Hard to believe, but we must try...

  — And try the machine give? — suddenly burst from the captain. Realizing that he said something wrong, Becker immediately looked down and continued to tone lower: — I Look at what you are doing, and die with envy...

  Roll up your lips, commander — patting the captain on the shoulder, grinned a crooked one standing next to a Demon Werewolf. — You technicians see? And their faces? Yes they are the same stigma! Some "counterrevolutionaries"! Yes, I do to their ships to come I'm afraid — I'll shoot you accidentally. And to sit at the helm would be afraid from such overloads the spine crumble in Fig... Well them flying until the "Tornado"...

  ...Two hours umotala, but very happy with the new "Merlin" the wolves finally got out of the last hatch of the ship and looked at waiting for his verdict guys, smiled cheerfully:

  — These six neighbors to you of machines I liked. Three. standing closer to Becherovka "Tornado", — do not roll. The machine, which I planted at my side, for Irka. In General, you can choose from the rest...

  — And what do you recommend for me? — without moving, asked Harry.

  The wolves looked at Ford, then standing next to him Gomez:

  Okay, say Ricky — I would have understood. But you're a fighter!

  — Me and Mark are really interested in your opinion... — without a shadow of a smile replied Harry. — If I felt the machine in the same way as you, I would not fly the second number...

  Wolves Conti took the whole pack of cards, keys, and, selecting two, handed them immediately poulybalsya guys:

  — These machines you will enjoy...

  — And at us Marines, today pay attention? — taking the hand of Schwartz and leading to the tarmac Shoe the forty-ninth in size in a baby voice asked Ricky. — Or you decide that we have enough staff "Crosses"?

  — You will have enough language... laughter of Vic and throwing each card, I removed the excess in his pocket. — Well, try will? Or first Breakfast?

  Flight tests on a full stomach? did Williams. — Fu...

  — But I'm hungry... — looked reproachfully at his host Ford. — First be sure to sing. Now five thirty-three. At exactly seven — departure training. In the process, and break in...

  ...The car was not worse than "Merlin" Victor — an hour after the workout and Irina felt that it begins to understand it. And after two and a half decided that being a slave is much more interesting than sit in the chair next to my first room and try to control the actions of the pilot.

  The work plan for the next five hours proposed by Volkov, was quite simple — the time of flying in pairs. So, having left behind the orbit of the ninth planet of the system, Victor broke the story on deuce and were all dispersed in different directions. Not forgetting to throw each leading the pack with requiring practice exercises generated iskinom him "Merlin". Of course, every hour the tasks assigned to pairs that become increasingly complex, and at some point, a second room howled without control from the BK-ashek leading to stay on the tail maneuvering in front of them the ship ceased to get almost all...

  — M-Yes. We're all dead... — he began a General conversation of the wolves in one of short breaks. On such low speed, the Cyclops will eat us. You need to train more, guys!

  And there are more... in no particular enthusiasm in his voice joked Ricky. And trying so hard, chief. Just try and hold out for wolf! No, I'm not you... noting that "Merlin" Volkov began to turn towards his master, he exclaimed. — You will hold out for anyone. And I only know how to shoot... Or parachute bots in atmosphere.

  — Have to learn... Okay, last exercise, repeat four more times...

  ...Two o'clock in the obseruations Conti and Schwartz actually stopped to think and asked for mercy. Half an hour later surrendered to Ford: not a joke raging Ellen brought him to the condition in which he nearly rammed her nozzles. Forced to use a generator flicker Williams long wing "game trainers" Harry who, "instead of learning this miracle of flying, doing who knows what". And then, on reflection, demanded Victor to "stop terrorizing the kids"...

  — Another half an hour and go to lunch... — maliciously smiling, he promised. — After lunch, we'll work on the tactics of attacks on large ships. So I suggest you brush up on the manual...

  — Where will you take these very large ships? — wearily asked Conti. Or will practice Hiking on equestrian[33]?

  Iron Joe has promised to allocate a cruiser and a few destroyers. So training will be quite real...

  The first fight against a cruiser in an expanded line up from the first two and the fifth lasted forty-seven minutes. And ended in a draw: the crew of the cruiser failed "to bring down" no one was too shifty "Krechetov" and the lack of cohesion in the actions prevented the Demons fast enough to cut off the emitters of the protective field. Therefore, the repair robots "Desperate" time to restore the destroyed field of the interference elements of the external structures. However, Volkov was tickled pink: the idea worked, and how!

  His feelings were divided and the others: the second group composed of Williams, Ford, Krause and Hasek twice managed to conditionally destroy the destroyer, At the first attempt "losing" only Harry.

  Gomez and Ricky in the show were not involved — were going crazy, practicing the pursuit of virtual lead. Hurt and kept quiet.

  While Colonel Hoffman, the commander of the "Desperate", take your vehicle to the original position, wolves staged a debriefing, clinging to every mistake made his second offer. And stopped dressing only when received ready signal from a simulated enemy.

  While Vic scolded the boys, Orlova thoughtfully looked at the field of the radar tactical helmet and tried to figure out how to optimally share responsibilities between pilots and managers. And, having considered the AI a few options, before starting the second fight threw the rest of the solution.

  — What you could try — after a couple of minutes interested muttered Igor. With weapons systems I can manage. You will work with shields. But Helmut will protect...

  — Maybe Victor will leave only the pilot? — with doubt in his voice asked Schwartz, And I will be engaged in the fields of interference?

  — I'm pretty sure in Vic you don't have time... — said Orlov. — Pulses at the point of resonance should occur exactly when the ships will take the right position relative to the cruiser. And feel it can only wolves. As builds of the car itself... Let's try so...

  You know, I think that this option would be only three cars... bad holding back impatience, he chuckled Victor. — Although the first try... Well that went?

  This fight was much easier, more fun and shorter than the previous one: V
ic, relieved of unnecessary duties, get up with cars that are slightly muddied even accustomed to his freaks Orlov. That felt Semenov and Schwartz, there was no time to think: to Irina it was necessary to control the relative position of the "Desperate" and all four "Gyrfalcons" in time to close their fields of reflection. Not enough time even to track the number of successful resonance. — There! Ira! You umnichka!!!

  — Well... — assented extremely pleased with the win Victor. My second room, by the way! ...And a girlfriend... — switching to the personal channel Orlova, he added. — I'm proud of you...

  Slightly lowering the rate of perception and accepting congratulations from the rest of the Demons, a link connected to the communication channel with the cruiser. And almost deafened by the cries of Colonel Hoffman:

  — That's crazy! What was it? Eleven minutes and cruisers there! Can't be...

  — Maybe... — laughed Ricky. — Now Vic I work out a little and make you Adecco...

  Alone can not, but in three side — just... — .the wolves grinned. — Now repair, I will...

  You crazy... — frantically muttered Hoffman. We burned almost forty percent of the ammunition and never you have not got! How???

  ...Late night, dancing cheek to shoulder lying on her back Vika, Irina sadly murmured:

  — Well, here. Now that we understand how to fly in threes, I probably won't be able to protect you...

  — Why? — gently touching her thigh, I asked the surprised wolves.

  — Ten of us, Three triples and one abandoned car. In extreme situations you're going to go on free hunting. Or to help those who need it. And I'm going to go crazy from fear...

  Two threes and a four... — kissed Irina on the forehead, adjusted the wick.

  — Don't argue. I know you... — sighed the girl. — Just try to substitute someone's tail, okay? I can't live without you...

  The fourth full day of training began with a nice surprise: Troyka Orlov — Semenov — Schwartz running irishki double-hit "Desperate." And the second attempt managed to stay within twenty minutes. Thus, in the unit of a fourth leader, capable of holding from three ships. I, Semenov, Williams and Orlov. Alas, the rest of the first numbers of the pairs with the cruiser could not handle. And if the wolf Krause sometimes even withdrew its ships necessary to destroy the emitters of the protective field position and turned a training battle to fight with the repair robots to fix machines, Hasek kept "losing" their fighters, either pushing them together or trying to stick in the side "Desperate." Attempt to add a fourth pilot focusing exclusively on generators flicker, no good did not lead, Ricky had time to react to his mistakes and moved the right "Merlin" to the side in time. But the joint evolution of four has lost all logic.

  Is not mine... — twelve hours to days[34] said Hasek, just managed to ruin all four of his ship. — In the two I can work. The three, alas, only a slave. Vic! This is my ceiling! Don't you see?

  — For the fourth day of training — I... — I said grimly. Okay, the time will make you tighter. And while on the starting line — Semenov, Krause and Conti. Igor is the leader, Come on...

  ...After lunch, drew optimal lineups of future threes: according to calculations iskina, there were only two options. And in one of them I had to fly with the Ira in different triples. Fifteen minutes of torture by remorse with its leadership giving the efficiency of the unit is six percent above — I announced the final composition of the combat units:

  — All the experiments completed. Today the first combat triple — Semenov, Schwartz, Krause. Second Williams, Ford, Hašek. Third — I, Orlova, Conti, Gomez.

  — Some you have three weird... — giggled Helen. — Or am I not taught that arithmetic, or your four person...

  — Yes! It is not fair somehow... — too serious tone said Ricky. — But there is a variant better: get involved in a real fight, give a steer Hasek, and we get three links for the three whole and one third of the machines. But Hey, sharing is not me...

  — Thanks... — after a pause in the personal channel, he heard a grateful voice irishki: probably considered the options in parallel.

  — Please... — I whispered. And plugged too rssatellite guys: — four thirty come two more cruisers. Each link will work with your machine. Questions?

  — No, boss! — goofy snapped Conti. — Let us run?

  — Are not allowed. It's cold outside — you'll catch cold... — I grinned and, noticing on the radar label of something huge, pop-up nearby, said: — Attention! Combat readiness number one!

  Oh, wow... Mamochka — escaped Conti, at a good speed built into my four. — What is Hippo?

  Key-one! I am the Leader of the twelve! Channel two-sixteen-forty-seven...

  "Wow! Battleship! The leader of the Twelfth fleet, I thought, removing the thrust from the engines. — I wonder what was he doing here?"

  Channel closed... — sighed Williams. — Connect does not work. Have to die of curiosity...

  — Delta-one hundred and five! I — Key one! Channel two-sixteen-forty-seven... — in the air came a worried voice Manager. I repeat Delta-one hundred and five! I...

  Key-one! I — Delta-one hundred and five. Listen — switch to a specified frequency, has reported me.

  I'm the Leader of the twelve... Take the bearing of a planting table and a confirmation of my powers...

  Viewing a file encoded with the private key of General Kharitonov, I frowned: Cyclops attacked the system of Quinti. I don't know what you like to drive over some sort of ten fighters a battleship! Would you tell us?

  — Senior Lieutenant Volkov. Arrived at the ship by order of General Kharitonov... His question I naturally ignored. — Need to immediately accompany me to the commander of the ship...

  — Gallant boy. . For example, the commander — I. Then what?

  Please confirm your powers... — making a face brick, I raised it to face his Communicator and glanced at its screen. The officer did not move:

  I decide when, what and to whom to confirm!

  — Reported that, according to the instructions, in case of refusal of officials to confirm his powers do I have any way to destroy the above-mentioned person and as part of the units entrusted to me to return to the place of permanent deployment.

  What? blushing from anger, yelled the officer, and then subsided, seeing that the barrel of my "Cross" rests in his nose.

  — You have ten seconds on the decision... I hissed, feeling that me burning hatred of the man, whose battleship was still drifting in space, instead of accelerate for the jump to the besieged system of Quinti.

  A file with the confirmation fell on my comm after eight seconds. Moving the file to the tactical screen, I became acquainted with the received data and, when finished reading, looked down grimly at the Colonel Lisin:

  First. I require immediately start overclocking. Second: tell them to select ten people to service the fighters in my division: it is necessary to promptly replace combat training ammunition. And also to fill all the cars. Third: give me all the information you have about the start of the invasion. Fourth, prohibit access to our ships all crew members, with the exception of the aforementioned technicians. Fifth: immediately after the release of Hyper provide the primary output of my machines to the operating room. Sixth, require that during the collision with the enemy all my commands were carried out immediately and without question. A file with instructions signed by the General Kharitonov I'll send...

  I voiced every item on the Colonel's face became more and more crimson by the end of my speech, I was seriously scared for his health. And just in torture removed the gun:

  — By the way, the premises for recreation, there is no need — we'll wait ascent in their ships...

  ... — Gentlemen! Have to interrupt your workouts... — Kharitonov looked wearily at the camera lens. Until your vehicle accelerates to move, I would not want to waste time. So when you get this file, it will take two days since the fleet of Cyclops, composed of thirty-six fighters and four destroyers attacked the sys
tem of Quinti. One of the patrol ships of the local garrison managed to escape into Hyper, and report to the command HQs on the start of the invasion. We can't just abandon this system. It is home to one billion six hundred million people! Presented? To take them fails, so it remains only to protect. Thus, the system of Quinti. The only territorialnaja planet second. Around her six orbital fortresses of the last modification. In addition, the planetary base of nearly two hundred warships. But in this ointment is the fly in the ointment: three of the six Key — brand new. Posted on orbit a month ago. Download of the ammunition starts after debugging, that is, from the middle of the second month of the Assembly. Accordingly, at the beginning of the invasion they were without ammunition. The cost of lives of the twelve pilots, three old Key gave them part of his, but in the process overload the garrison lost all available transports that can carry ammunition. Another problem is the rotation of combat units, HQs Margin. By the time of appearance in the system of the Cyclopes in the garrison turned out to be a crazy shortage of personnel: one hundred ninety-four aboard the fleet only fifty-two pilots. Including retirees from civilian companies. With artillery calculations of new Keys, the situation is even worse. In General, the planet under threat of destruction. According to analysts is not available with the set of personnel and shortage of ammunition of the fortress will last at best five days. Since the beginning of the attack. And as soon as they run out of ammunition, the Cyclops will burn the planet. Hours for six. Yes, I understand that the ten "Krechetov" forty against the sides of the Cyclops — nothing. But I'm not asking you to do the impossible. The only task I'm giving to you, is to provide unloading of ammunition from the transports of the Twelfth fleet in the orbital fortress. And all...

  The General sighed, took a SIP of water from a dispenser outside of the frame of the glass and a sad look into the camera, he continued:

  So, at the moment, the fleet awaits your arrival in the system of Fifths. A ten minute jump from Kweli. By the time you dive, the plan of operation will be ready. While outlining the highlights... Instead of the General's face appeared on the screen a virtual system model of Kweli with a scattering of points around the orbit of the fourth planet. — In quadrant forty-three-fourteen-seventy-seven, a half-hour cruising speed from Kweli or two POPs up all Twelfth fleet. According to estimations of the analytical Department, toward them draw at least two dozen boards of the enemy. Time to approach the planet from a specified point — about twenty-one minutes. Transports will emerge after another twenty minutes in the same spot as you. And will go three times as long. Most likely, you attack the order of five to eight ships. You need to link them fight and pull away from the trajectory of the transports. Option their appearance at a different point system, I do not consider without your cover them burn a single fighter. Realize that I'm asking the impossible, but... other way, alas, no. By the way, in addition you Fifth will arrive with all the existing "Master pilots" of the Confederacy. If you deem it necessary, they can strengthen your group. Although the fleet they will be useful more. It would be on hand Demons two hundred, the operation could be planned differently. But I don't have. Alas. The second phase will be ready for solo flights only after six months: they haven't even all delivered on new Georgia. So, except you nobody else to hope for...


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