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Hell's army officers

Page 15

by Andrew Komarowski

  ...Pop-in the system of Kweli, I first glanced at the radar. And almost howled in frenzy: for five minutes since the firefight, the Twelfth fleet managed to lose four of the "Tornado" and the destroyer. Despite the crazy density fire force ships of the line twenty-four fighter Cyclops in pairs attacking a protective order from different sides, were doing what they wanted.

  They shot down one... Key — common channel of mileslas said upset Williams. And, apparently, here-here will burn the second...

  Throwing a look at what is happening near the planet, I activated the injection "cocktail" and wait for clarification in the head, took control of the link.

  — Working... — seeing that from remaining near Quinti two attacking Cyclops orders separated six fighters, I exhaled, and giving half the thrust on the engines, took the ships to meet...

  Cyclops was moving quite lazily. Not boosting the engines and not making unnecessary maneuvers, Even after seeing that our "Merlin", divided into three segments diverge in hand, they immediately changed course. However, their demonstrated contempt for the pathetic squad of ten. personally, I was the drum — pre-figuring the trajectory of the attack on the first two, I forced myself to keep the pace accelerates to the extent possible for the usual "Tornado".

  On the eleventh minute from the moment we arrived all four of my "Merlin" gave full thrust and avertises in a mad dance, approached the Cyclops at a distance of activation of the generators of fields of interference. Slatina a pair of enemy fighters did not react to the arranged in front of their eyes show. Lost in a steep turn, leading Cyclops easily attached to the tail of the private field reflection and Ricky tried to test the power density of the film by a pair of anti-ship missiles with multiple warheads. When his wingman flew all four feed the emitter of the protective field, it is not truncating. And for good reason — after six seconds the "Kasatka" loose weapons pylon "Gyrfalcon" Gomez, smashed the body of a fighter into two unequal pieces. After another two mentioned, and I pity the heavy torpedo, put three "Piranha," the cockpit of the ship the first issue.

  — Two-zero! — in-band joyfully howled Ricky. — Give the bearing to the next!

  One of the two fighters Cyclops who tried to detain link Semenov, was just finishing a turn relatively close to us, and I, having worked with evolutionnisme all four machines, rushed in pursuit. Tried to go to the tail Krause, the pilot, knows how to break away from his partner reacted to our attack a little late — covered shields of the aft hemisphere and tried to go to the limit for his ship turn. The maneuver was nothing. At C grade. Only here leaving it devoid of three of the eight emitters, the ship ran into a "Whale" irishki. And a split second later, caught two Piranhas, then released Conti.

  — Vic! With these alone! Take the destroyer! — shooting down left alone fighter screamed Semenov. — Oh shit, there is not one, but two...

  Eight minutes before the approach... I dropped the car off a couple struggling with link Williams.

  Helen managed without my help: both of her opponent exploded with a two-second interval, however, almost close to "Merlin" Ford. Almost damaging.

  — Everything! — enthusiastic cry Ellen almost made me a stutterer. — What next, boss?

  Ha! Scared? watching the destroyers, slowing down the pace. Conti screamed And noticing how they are attached at the two fighters, became sad: — M-Yes. Something this option I like the least...

  — It is normal. Run... trying not to let the children be frightened, ordered I first took my position in the side...

  Two triples, which were divided in the order of six ships, at a good speed moved after the departing side of the point of our ascent of "Merlin".

  Throwing a glance at the timer counting down the time remaining until the system transports, I sighed, slightly diminished cravings and banked, ditched their cars towards the first destroyer.

  Attack just three Cyclops was scary: experience against this order I had, and the ideas that swirled in his head, after calculation on the AI looked pretty pathetic. However, the time work was less, and the fire contact I walked in, bringing the car almost came. And posting from two shields with front and rear hemispheres. Clearly and calmly, like training. But Hasek, controlling weapons systems, late: after the suicide of stairs through a gauntlet stunned by such impudence of the Cyclops we had a very good chance to put a torpedo in the nozzle of one of the two fighters. But the "Whale" off the pylon machine Ricky after the Cyclops moved the protective field in the rear hemisphere.

  Ira, for a split second, taking out both shield and curse like a longshoreman: apparently, looking at completely unscathed Cyclops, pristraivaemy to his master, was unbearable.

  — Attack destroyer... just in case I informed personally Yasha and spreading machine in different directions, led them through the chaotic trajectories to the Board slowly rotating around its axis of the ship.

  The density of fire at the border of the force field was crazy — first time I barely found the opportunity for one pulse: to monitor the status of all four machines in the battle against the destroyer Cyclops was much more difficult than against the cruisers of the Confederacy!

  However, in the second approach, I got a little absorbed and carried alternately by two emitters and the weapons pylon. And then I had tight, apparently having received information about the character of the destroyer of damage, fighters Cyclops like crazy. If not for the Ira, I probably would have lost Hasek and Conti.

  Noting four hits in the force field first and three second, I quickly realized that the tactics have to change. And, seizing the moment, took ticks first podstavitsya fighter. The first "piranha", released Hasek exploded inside his protective field. And almost threw it out, "Merlin" under the salvo of the main fire of the destroyer. But two managed to slip out before the Ira again, "covered" his car ran into the cockpit of an enemy ship.

  The second fighter, losing a slave, he decided to break the distance and afterburner went over the hull of the destroyer. To chase him I did not — slightly changing the mutual configuration of their ships, I quickly demolished all remaining undamaged emitters and without waiting for the response James, put yourself in the stern of the destroyer from two "killer Whales"...

  The explosion, a reversal of the huge ship, was so strong that my "Merlin" thrown on the car Conti. Ricky responded before me: lost in the flickering, he moved perpendicular to the course of convergence, and gave me a chance to rectify your car.

  — Goes! — making sure that we have everything in order. Ira breathed a sigh of relief. — Third goes to the second three.

  — Where will he go? — Comparing the speed of a fighter with the capabilities of the ships of his unit, I dropped the "Merlin" after going to the fast and furious enemy...

  Knocking was not enough bright-eyed Cyclops, we had a little help Savassi in battle three Williams and Semenova: burned find themselves deprived of half of the emitters, the destroyer. And then, leaving the boys to deal with the order of the demoralized fighters rushed to intercept our transports, you have four minutes as a moving on-Board to Quidly two...

  However, to protect them had not been necessary at my level, to cover the unwieldy ships, all four of the Cyclops, who had remained scared about torn orbital fortress at full speed went in the direction of still the fighters of the Twelfth fleet.

  — The Leader Of The Twelve! I — Delta-one hundred and five... — he waited until the first transport crosses the virtual mark, after which it falls down us from the Cyclops will lose their last chance to attack, I yelled. — "Heroes" were. Go to meet you...

  — Delta-one hundred and five!!! I — Key one! — happy the voice of the dispatcher nearest to us orbital fortress muffled unintelligible answer of Colonel Lisin. — Thank you, guys! I have ammunition remained at twenty-three minutes of the fight! My last name is Mercer! Alex Mercer! Will be on the surface, ask the garrison! I owe you one! And guys, I think, will support!

  — Thanks, Alex! While there is no time. We're not all UB... — Ricky chuckled and sh
ut mid-sentence — angry, I disconnected his ship from the shared channel.

  — The Leader Of The Twelve! I — Delta-one hundred and five... — waiting for the silence, I spoke again. — Fall back under the protection of the Keys. We will try to cover...

  Work... ' yelled the Colonel, and this time in the ranks of his ships were swollen huge ball of fire.

  — Bitch... — in the General channel of mileslas swore Semenov. — The cruiser was shot down...

  Vaguely hearing the comments guys, I feverishly calculated optimal vectors of attack, and by the time our "Merlin" halfway to a wild cereal of their own and other ships files with my recommendations and got Igor, and Helen. Link obediently parted to the side, and after a few minutes the three Williams knocked down the first of the Cyclops...

  ...Alas, peck Stroy the enemy from the rear and flanks we managed long — lost sixth machine, Cyclops oriented and forward us towards the two remaining destroyers and as many as eight fighters. And then I realized that we are going to come cover.

  — Let's go! — I commanded and gave full thrust to evolyutsionnyi.

  The command to retreat Semenov and Williams has fulfilled almost before me, but to break away from clinging to the tails of the machines of the enemy failed them or me. Had to go to the orbital fortresses, closing the boards from time to time catching up with us torpedoes. — Wow... And how many lost?

  — More than twenty-five... — throwing a glance at the tactical screen, I answered. — The horror...

  — And imagine if we hadn't got to the Project... — she sighed — that could be back there. And go crazy from the fact that we have nothing to oppose them...

  — Yeah... — I said. — Irish! Don't get too comfortable, okay? Their is still too much...

  Of course, to come to the Keys to the distance of a possible attack Cyclops did not. And, in advance of dropping the speed, went into a gentle turn, I waited with great impatience. As soon as the nearest to me a couple of bent sides, and I put their engines such cravings that Ricky briefly lost consciousness. And began to think only about thirty seconds after completion of the maneuver.

  What the hell? — Irina was indignant, not forgetting to adjust the position of the shields. — Die...

  But these two cars are going to get exactly... a couple of times, blinking to get rid of red spots in the eyes, I threw the "Merlin" Hasek and Conti in the narrow gap between the next pair of fighters.

  Cyclops reacted instantly: the host has moved the force field in the back, and driven in the forward hemisphere. Perfectly open the case for me. Miss nozzles slave I have, of course, did not happen.

  — See? — averting her break apart from the fighter, I smiled. And, focusing on the generator field interference through the "Merlin" James, consecutively cut all four emitters on the host machine...

  — You're a monster... — driving in the Cyclops, who lost the protective screen "a Whale", she yelled Hasek. — And here's another two..

  — Igor!! In a cocoon!!! — I yelled, noticing how the machines offered themselves and their children Semenova fit six enemy fighters. — Faster!!!

  Schwartz made it on time — red flares exploding in the force fields link torpedoes, followed one after another, and imagine what would happen to their machines, they not shut up from the three screens, I was covered with cold sweat.

  — Everything is fine. Vic! — Judging by his voice, he was scared seriously. — Go to the Key...

  — I don't! — howled Williams, and a second not far from its level swelled up ball blast. — I'm fine! Yay! Minus another one!!!

  ...Cyclops left Quigly four hours later Leaving in the system of twenty-eight from thirty-six fighters and three or four destroyers. When in hyperspace has disappeared the last of the nine prizes, in the air has started something incredible. Manager of all five orbital fortresses, Towers, the captains of the ships of the Twelfth fleet and even Colonel Lisin screaming so that I had to turn the volume of the speaker system of the helmet. Listening to warlike cries had a taste of victory officers frustration I was going through the entries made in the system of Fifths, and tried to calculate what cost us this "triumph".

  In my estimation, was that it was too expensive: the Twelfth fleet had lost forty-four fighters, twelve destroyers, two cruisers, and Kweli one orbital fortress.

  "A Pyrrhic victory... remembering that we need to let children out of control, I thought. — Crazy..."

  — Look, Vic, the gang shot down twenty-eight of thirty-one cars! — In the voice of Helen sounded such a genuine joy, what about our losses, I decided to remain silent. — Figure out how to be happy with Rodriguez and Kharitonov...

  — Yeah... — I muttered, and contact the nearest orbital fortress and asked to fill our cars. And to replenish ammunition.

  — Delta-one hundred and five! I am the Key. Always at your service, boys! Sit on any landing-table — service! By the way, can I ask one question?

  Yeah... not taking his eyes from the columns of our losses, I replied.

  Is you on news shows? Well, the project "the Demon" and all...

  ... Remembering the instructions of Mr. McGregor, I sighed. — What?

  — Then why Delta? Demon-one, two, and so on! in the voice Manager was so sincere happiness that I felt ashamed of my rudeness. — Let everyone know that if the Demons arrived, you can sleep peacefully!

  — Vic! Disable the lock! — howled in the General channel of mileslas Ricky. — And that is not Moo, no calves. Give at least I'll have a chat...

  Holovideo testing a working sample turned out to be surprisingly interesting. Zombies surely worked "field" obstacle course, perform fairly complex tactical tasks and demonstrating incredible accuracy. And the area of the "city" began to use the ability to metamorphosing, and so creatively that Brian's jaw dropped. "Being chased by" Zombies managed to change the appearance and mingle with the "crowd", each transformation took a little more than two minutes! And performed in any convenient place — the alley, empty entrance or in the interior of a taxicab That is interesting — every time an entity has managed to take a situation in which the start and end of phase transformation could not be fixed even street holocamera. So, having made actionhe could disappear into the crowd. Moreover, if you believe the explanation sitting next to Ben Olsen, at the time when the Zombies turned into a different person, changed not only the shape of his face. Or sensors of the security services of private companies, covering ninety-eight percent of the territory, even the smallest, town of the Confederation...

  ...Latest phase of testing — work in a high-density counter-fire — proved to be the most striking, attacking, protected by dozens of bodyguards of VIP-person, a Zombie, has received hundreds of hits to the head and body, stopped only after he has produced four (!) control shot to the head is the target of the task object.

  Looking at mutilated with bullets the body of the sample, Brian momentarily shivered: to stop a liquidator could, probably, only shot from a heavy gun!

  — Well, boss? — the decency to wait a couple of minutes, I could not resist and asked Groner.

  — Crazy... — honestly answered the banker. — The only thing I am afraid of is that the samples can spiral out of control. And... that someone will use them against us.

  — It is unlikely... — smiled Ben. — Each instance is equipped with an imprinting unit. And after activation only responds to the commands of his master. Orders, the execution of which is hypothetically capable of causing harm to the host are automatically ignored. For products to be delivered to army units, there is provided a three-step imprinting: Zombies will report to the commander of platoon, company and regiment. With an adequate response to the priority command. Besides, there are two software options for protection against a sudden loss of the owner. For army models — automatic deactivating and challenge "expert", whose services, naturally, will cost money. And the so-called "civil" — the need to periodically enter a code as proof of ownership... Three days without confirmation — and the pro
duct will self-destruct...

  — Okay... — thoughtfully handed Olsen. But this is the only answer to the first question? What if someone wants to SIC Zombies on me?

  — We have already thought about this... — sigh Groner. The decision is, but not yet implemented. While not enough time...

  — How will it look like? — concerned asked the banker.

  — The unit is integrated into the comm, flyer or security system of the mansion, and continuously sending signals of type "I". Nothing particularly impossible...

  Okay. For example. But any signal can be faked. Or to drown! did Brian. — Too simple and vulnerable...

  — Well, you can add the block of recognition of three-dimensional model of your face shapes and characteristics of gait... murmured Ben, and prescribe unconditional ban on any action against. Or, say, add each Zombie one-step imprinting. So that your have the highest priority. In General, on the implementation we still think...


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