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Hell's army officers

Page 16

by Andrew Komarowski

  — The second option I like more... is relieved Olsen. Okay, all this stuff. When will be ready the first working samples?

  — I think within a month...

  — So, you can gradually consider a PR campaign for their advertising...

  — I think Zombies should hold, boss, ' said Groner. — It is not the time...

  — Do not understand? — frowned Brian. — What do you mean "hold"?

  — To sell the product with maximum benefits, for starters the company should choose the optimal moment. You put familiar concepts, after winning in the system Pronin, Lagos and Quicly action of the project "the Demon" is continuously becoming more expensive. Thrown on the market information about the "tragic death" of hundreds of graduates of the Academies at the hands of the creators of these monsters quietly dissolved among the screams of enthusiastic fans. And we have nothing against them. Well, except for the involvement of Demons in a pathetic fight in a provincial garrison bar. That is, even if we initiate investigations into all incidents of loss of young officers, it will achieve little. The winners are not judged. In General, today Zombies not wanted, people still think that Demons will easily knock any of the Cyclops, will protect the Edge and the ten men will stop any hordes of enemy... But over time, even under ideal Demon scenario, this euphoria will come to naught. It is worth it once not be able to jump to any attacked by a Cyclops system, as rise up a terrible howl. And Demons would be quickly found guilty in the death of millions who died in the bombardment of the planet and all those who will burn with her...

  And then we'll flood the market with their Zombie... — smiled the banker.

  — No. Then, boss... — watch said Groner. — First, you need to make it so that Demons HATED. Every mistake, every difference that causes the envy of Everyman, every action that can be interpreted in two ways, should be placed under the microscope, And turned on the wrong side. Then even the meager advantages that we have now will seem like a Joker. And the money spent on black PR, will return tenfold...

  — Perhaps you're right...

  — In principle, there is a peaceful way, boss, but, I think, economically, it doesn't look good...

  Olsen arched one eyebrow and looked questioningly at his assistant.

  We analyzed the data transmitted by you day before yesterday. People working with transport and equipment from debris systems Pronin, was a damn good technician.

  — Sorry, boss! In General, if it is very short, try boarding a transport failed. All three members of his transportation were killed in small arms of Demons, and a missile fired from their "Merlin". That is, in order to cope with the Cyclops one-on-one abilities modificando Kharitonov is NOT ENOUGH. So, with the right approach to business is theoretically possible to fit into their Project now. Lobbying mixed crew of Demon and Zombie: I think that efficiency of such two when working with large enemy ships, and when carrying the war into the territory of the Cyclops can be very high...

  — About a... — wagged her head banker. — Perhaps there is something to think about...

  — Think... — nodded Groner. — But if we lose, that's when the pendulum will swing back a little will not seem...

  — What is a pendulum? — I do not understand Brian.

  — Public opinion. The scary thing is, boss...

  Spaceport Park city, the capital of Arlina-four, slowly descended the warm southern night. Getting out of the ships parked next to the Tower, we sat on the body of the Elevator articled and stared at the distant mountains, turning pink snow caps in the rays still illuminating their bodies. Ira, with his arms around me, purred a cheerful song and occasionally sopela in my ear. Igor, tossing in a hand a coin, impatiently glancing in the direction of the air corridor, which was supposed to show the Parking lights already late for three minutes in a taxi. Mildly gnawing Ricky and Helen were entertained by the others.

  I tried to force myself to relax the orders received personally from General Kharitonov, forbade any workout, exercise and all that can somehow distract children from the main purpose of the arrival to Arlene. From the rest.

  To stop thinking about the left in twelve hours Hyper war was with great difficulty: if you ask me, two days allotted for vacation, you could spend much more productively to departments. However, the recommendations of psychologists Ramon Rodriguez seemed Kharitonov is more important.

  — The war cannot run away... standing on the bridge of the battleship "Ivan the terrible", he warned. — Cyclops not going to stop. And in order to be able to resist them, you must relax. Okay? This is not a request but an order! Therefore NOT DISCUSSED.

  Of course, to convince him I could not, twenty minutes later after the conversation, our machine is undocked from the landing of the table hanging over Kweli-two battleships and kerf boosters...

  Our holiday was chosen by the General himself: Arlene-four were located relatively close to Lagos, the place of our permanent home, and was considered one of the best resorts sector. However, before the conversation with Kharitonov I didn't know about it, but the Konti heard this name, could not banish from the face satisfied smile to landing in "Merlin." However, I understood that even I, relatively quietly emerging from the moral discomfort of clashes in the system of Kweli, sometimes I caught myself feeling that tired. Tired of crazy loads, regular flights, responsibility to the division and fear for the lives of irishki and others entrusted to me Kharitonov guys. So, having gone into Hyper, I tried to dismiss the plans for future training and went to bed...

  ...As usual, our stay on the planet decided to check the "counterrevolutionaries". It was clear from the first words spoken by the Manager of orbital fortresses in response to my query about the landing:

  The demon five! Welcome to Arlene! Come in for a landing on the hallway one!

  Laughed at the fact that landing on the Parking lot of the Admiral's boat is a good tradition, I was distracted by a call received at a protected from eavesdropping channel. Called a major Tishkin, senior group insurance, for the entire day working on the planet. A short greeting, he immediately sent me a file-identifier and a hefty array of data for institutions, recommended for visiting. And then asked "not to fly" beyond the boundaries specified in the array sector in the capital, as "inadequate to cover all areas of the planet," a number of people. Presenting the scope of their work, I was horrified. and promised to listen to his recommendations. Tishkin and then immediately passed out.

  Despite the joyful cries of the Manager of the Tower, sabodisho us to the spaceport, boarding the square was not a single welcoming: whether to Arlina has not yet reached the ubiquitous golosiivskiy, whether with the local staff job guys major Tishkina. What was glad I'm not the only one guys order from muzzy procedure honoring "the heroes of the defense of Kweli" dream about anything except the interview. Or kissing the spouse of the local government and the business community...

  — And here is our taxi... is poking me in the shoulder and interrupting my memories, smiled Igor. And, having picked up plastobeton nearly empty backpack, threw it over his shoulder: — Well, what? The adventure begins?

  — And then! — assented him Helmut. — Judging by the glow over the city, the nightlife here is in full swing!

  — The best resort in the area! Unless, of course, Ricky's not lying! — dreamy eyes narrowed and Helen, showing the language "offended" Conti, first jumped into the doorway stood before us a taxi. At least three hours. Tired of looking at myself in the mirror: not the girl and the crocodile...

  — Oh, crocodile! — protested Harry. — If you're a crocodile, then who am I?

  Zoophyte fool! laughter irrepressible Ricky and I felt two solid slap. — Okay, okay, I was joking!

  — I am now so you joke that the fins stick together! a scowl furrowed her brow Williams. And you're going to portray a dead seal...

  Gentlemen breeders. Than in vain to laugh, you better book your place in any decent hotel. And chase him this bitch: makes me want to bathe! — interrupted her laughter Irina. Or let me look..

  Yeah okay, I'll do it myself. — leaving the rest of the downtrodden Ricky chuckled Williams. — How many rooms? Eight? Harry and I are going to live together...

  And I'm with Vic, too! — Ira smiled, And then playfully looked at me.

  — You guys still bored? — sarcastically asked Conti, preemptively covering his head from the expected slap.

  — Will not wait... I Williams. Guys we don't like you... Oh, found it... the center. Nine minutes of summer...

  — Hurray! impatiently swiveled his chair, mumbled Ricky. — As I will suffer!

  — What, the toilet?

  — Forever you will oposite. You want to relax. To meet some pretty girl to have dinner, dance...

  — Keep a handkerchief... she demonstratively reached into his pocket and, noting that Conti in surprise trying to figure out why he needed it, he added: — I'm Afraid, until we get all the taxi saliva peramugari...

  Huddled away in a corner, he immediately gave up his traditional diagnosis:

  — Aggressive!

  ...Getting out of the hotel at midnight local time, Irina and quickly popped into the nearest shop to change clothes to go to the restaurant in the form of aircrew HQs did not want me or my "weak" half. However, to quickly freshen up failed: at first Irina was killed half an hour to pick me up some absolutely stunning summer suit, then nearly the same time chose a evening dress. And when I decided that the process of changing over, suddenly asked to wait three minutes. In mileslas asking me to help her find something from the Laundry to your taste. Hungry as a dog, and not understanding the reason for her absence, I took to the assignment creatively: each piece of clothes, handpicked by me with the help of the saleswoman, was very playful. Or a bit of a pervert over the exact wording of the chosen style to think I was too lazy. After shopping, I got out of the lingerie and ran to the front window of shop of children's toys. With which, her head on his shoulder, rocks a cute grey little wolf.

  "The Ira should be like..." — I smiled and quickly by purchasing a soft toy, mentally asked Orlov to hurry...

  ...In the smile of the woman coming down the escalator, there was so much mystery that I couldn't help asking:

  — Well, confess what you've done?

  — I bought you a gift! Only show it later. At lunch. And I will die of hunger...

  Oh, is that so? — pretended I was offended. — Okay! Then I will give you his!

  — I again bought something? — In her eyes flashed a light, the craziness, and clutching in my palm, Irina dragged me to the exit of the building. — To the restaurant I am, so long... Because to him one hundred meters... Fifty... Ten... All came! Fall out over the table. Give it to me...

  Assumed a serious expression, I slowly unwrapped the printed (!) menu, reviewed the list of proposed school meals, then slowly made the order jumped to the table the waiter and only felt that the Ira is about to die from impatience, handed her a package of underwear. Looking inside and opened one of the boxes, and she blushed, not meeting my gaze, whispered:

  — Do you really want me wearing that?

  — Really... — I suddenly lost all desire to laugh. — Dying of anticipation...

  — I'm shy! — hiding her eyes, she confessed in a whisper. Is... it too...

  — You will be matchless... — imagining some of the things bought for her body, I felt that there are already don't want to... Oh, I almost forgot. That's not all! — Putting on the Desk a bundle with the cub, I took a few deep breaths to calm down — He liked it so much that I could not pass up...

  — Oh, how cute! — Irishki eyes suddenly brightened, and for a moment I think she's going to cry. — It is similar to you... I'll fix it in front of his chair. So that he always looked at me. Thanks, Vic... And that is you!

  She handed me a small box and broke into a dazzling smile, asked: — come on!

  I looked inside, barely kept from falling off the surprise jaw.

  — What are you doing? You know how much it costs? Let's get back and give back!

  — Try it! — instantly pouted Ira. — This is MY GIFT! And just try not to take...

  — It's too expensive... — figuring how much she had to spend, I muttered. — I suppose here all premiums received in the last month?

  How can you think about money? — looking at me with tearful eyes, she whispered, — It's a gift! You, my love! In short, put. Now! Let me help you out...

  To tear it from my wrist comm of the army, it took about five seconds. But snatched from my hands the box with the Communicator "To — calf on a string, only. Sitting in his chair, looking at the tactical screen, trying to time to start "Whale" or "Piranha" in goal, appearing in front of one of the machines link. Cool, right? Still sometimes put the car to the launch site. Or off. If Volkov laziness. And then stand in front of the lens of galokamera, smile and allow you to hang on to the coin. And call yourself a hero, "Master-pilot" and the Savior of Lagos and Kweli... Nonsense!!! Wolves, Semenov, Williams, Orlova — they really FLY. I — ballast, Modified, hung with awards and even appeared in the news ballast BK-ashkoy in the head. Translator command of the flight leader."

  Soul suddenly became so sick that mark grit his teeth and pulled to the left on the night table beside the bed a bottle of whiskey.

  Why aren't you asleep, honey? drowsily asked moved down from his shoulder to Lola. — You didn't like?

  — You were amazing... — making a couple of large SIPS, Gomez listened to their feelings and put the bottle back. Just heart something not very...

  Why? — reaching to the sensor in the head, the girl darkened window glass and his arms around Gomez's neck, looked into his eyes. — Tell me, maybe I can do something to help?

  — Sleep, my little girl. sadly smiled mark. — I can't help...

  — Are you ashamed of what you did? Lola got up on one elbow and twisted PAL from his temple, lightly slapped Gomez's forehead. And then, the gloomy, hid her face on his chest. — You know, I remember my childhood in fits and starts. According to doctors, it is a normal reaction to stress. But I really saw nothing! Or when we pushed into smelling something acrid in the hold of a cargo ship. During takeoff from Baikonur. No overclocking for the care of the Hyper. But I remember very well the feeling of panic or extreme grief to all around me adults. A man in a tracksuit sitting on the floor next to the loading robot did not take my gaze from the deck, under which, as I later realized, was fodder and boosters. And constantly sweating, sweat, skativshiesya on his face and leaving dark spots on his chest, he didn't notice. But flinch from any foreign sound. So much that every time I was scared. His neighbor is continuously trembling. Look how he's trembling chin and hands, which he clutched to her constantly crumbling convolution, too, was scared — he was an ADULT! And could not, should not have been so afraid! Remember pale as snow face some of the team members of the truck — a young man, Takasu us water and food, before we jump into Hyper constantly Vimal his shoulders. Though waiting for the explosion. And every two seconds, swallowed...

  Lola paused a moment, ran her fingers over the chest of Gomez and sighed.

  A woman near where I was sitting, all ten hours in hyperspace stared blankly at the hologram of his son, who served on one of the Cyclops destroyed the orbital stations. And her face is not-continuously rolling tears. I remember a boy two years younger than me, clutching in whitened from the strain takes the fingers of his father, His mother, turned gray from grief. I remember crying to my mom, barely audible repeating the names of their parents... you Know, I was admitted to the Academy of planetary infantry six times...

  Why? — broke away from Gomez. — After the second failure did not take?

  My dad remained in Newport... — muffled said the girl. — He wasn't military. Just worked on the other end of the continent. Not had time to return before the end of the evacuation. He was big, strong and very kind. When I went to bed, he sat down, quietly told me stories and fingered my fingers my curls. And when I brought home bad grades, he did not scold me, and sad
ly looked me in the eye and asked: "Daughter, if you do not understand this topic, why not ask? I have explained to you!" And I, instead of to sit by him and listen as he says, snorting and running off for a walk... Bitch! I would now give anything to be able to be near him... to Feel his touch, hear the gentle "daughter," and to fall asleep with his head resting on his palm... that will never be! Not be because these creatures have destroyed the planet on which HE lived! My dad, you know? And I still want to just die when you look at his holography...

  Wiping my eyes with the corner of the blanket, the girl swallowed the approaches to his throat and whispered:

  — I wanted to finish the Academy of planetary assault. Air assault school. To be able to see Cyclops is not on the tactical screens of the helmets of fighter pilots, but through the visor. Close. Close-close. And tear them with their bare hands... Yeah, I know that a person can not be compared with them nor force, nor speed, nor in the reaction, but at least one enemy I would with a visor...

  — Why you didn't get in the Academy? — patting the girl on the head, quietly asked mark.

  Psychologists rejected. Now I'm a regular tech weapons systems. Working on a Key or two. Serve artavtomaty and elevators. I don't care about pride, if at least one torpedo, which will give my Elevator hook's ship Cyclops, then I will die happy... — said Lola. Yeah, I don't love my job. I will agree that any experiment, even if I have a one in a hundred chance of successful completion...

  — You know what you're talking about? — remembering my "awakening" in the lab Complex, sullenly asked mark.

  Yes. I HATE them... AND would give anything to be one of the two girls in your unit...

  ...Captain Koshcheev appeared in the doorway and, after reporting on the arrival, with the hope looked at the General:

  — Have you read my report, sir?

  — Sit down, Alexei... — Unbuttoned the top button of his jacket, Kharitonov nodded towards the sofa and get out from behind his Desk, sank down in a deep chair on the other side of the coffee table. — Of course, I read it.


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