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Dragon Rider (DragonMage Saga)

Page 33

by Platt, S. P.

  They were too young for all this and it was going to take its toll on them if they did not learn to control the joy and extreme pleasure the magic was giving them. As they learnt more the feelings were going to get stronger and so they will have to learn how to work around those feelings.

  If we keep up as we get stronger we are likely to fall down hard one day and if we let that happen then the Renegade will beat us. If it were to happen then we would lose and everyone sufferers, so we must learn to take control of the feelings use them to our advantage.

  ‘We will go to bed and bring our bodies back to normal for if we are back in the room tomorrow then we must get the sleep to get our magic back under our control.’ He got up and the others followed as he led them out of the meal hall. ‘Thank you Aura for being strong with me and helping me. Also I never thanked you for brining me out of the feelings that over took me in that room. Thanks.’

  Getting back to their room and going over to their area by the window where the afternoon sun was just starting to come through they sat to talk but soon a feeling of complete exhaustion took over and they just curled up and went to sleep. There was a knock at the door which they never heard.


  Gavrie knocked at the door and not hearing anything opened the door and looked in. there in their favourite place by the window were four very tired kids. He walked over to them and looked to make sure they were all ok, pulling the curtains over the windows he then left them to build up their strength for tomorrow.

  As he walked down the hall he decided tomorrow he would control the speed of the balls for giving them that control just might have pushed them into the deep feelings one gets in there when practicing with the shields. It was a very deep feeling when you use your magic to that extent.

  If he keeps them on a slow speed and not have it going fast for the next two days he will see then if they can control it on the third day. Then he would give them back the speed and see if they lose it again. I think by then they just might be able to control it a bit easier so we will just have to wait and see.


  The following morning there was a knock at their door and Angel woke first. He looked around just a bit disorientated before realizing where he was. Getting up and walking over to the door he realized he still had his clothes on from yesterday. He felt a bit jaded this morning so opened the door with a bleary eyed look.

  Gavrie stood at the door and seeing the state Angel was in indicated he go back and sit down. ‘Angel I see you are now feeling the full effects of yesterday, so I think before you have breakfast you all go down to the baths and have a soak and then get a meal and when have finished you can join me in the room again.’ Angel just nodded as Gavrie had turned and left.

  After Gavrie left Angel woke the others who all looked just as blurry eyed as he was. ‘Ok we have got to go down to the baths and have a soak before we have a meal and then we go back to that room. Gavrie just left so lets go as I think a nice hot bath will soon hopefully bring me back to the living for I feel horrible.’

  They all trudged down to the baths where they split up and went their separate ways. The baths were rooms with large tubs of worm to hot water just running into them. You choose what heat you want and go and use that tub, the water is scented and you have a liquid soap that’s used.

  They spent about half and hour in the tubs before finely getting out and changing the clothes. They felt really good after the baths and now felt hungry as for the hot baths have taken all the fatigue that was left over from yesterday and now all they had to do was eat to fill that last spot.

  Having had their breakfast they headed back up to the room to see what Gavrie was going to do as he wouldn’t let them control the speed again, which they thought was a good idea. Entering the room they find Gavrie just getting a little practice and so sat and watched him till he was ready for them.

  Seeing them come in Gavrie just carried on as he worked himself hard as of late he had not done. Feeling he needed it for a time was coming when he was going to need to be up to scratch. He finished and walked over to the four sitting on the floor watching him.

  ‘Well are we ready for another go but this time I am going to control the speed of the fire balls and let you just learn that you control the magic and not the other way round. Now I think today Shylyn you go first and we will see how you go.’ Gavrie took her over and when he was with her spoke one last time. ‘Now remember you control the magic and if it starts to take over and you feel the thrill coming then stop and just stand there and wait for the control to come back to you, understand?’

  ‘Yes I think so, I’m ready now.’ Shylyn took a deep breath as she got ready.

  Gavrie come back to the others and sent the fire balls at Shylyn. They sat and watched as Gavrie controlled the speed. They could see Shylyn dancing around lifting then lowering her shields knocking the fire balls away. Whenever she started to get going faster Gavrie would slow the fire balls right down and thus bringing her back down as well.

  He was not giving her time to allow the magic to take control, and they could see it in the way she worked around the hall hitting the fire balls. She was in control and not the magic. Gavrie let the speed build up again just a little to see what would happen, when he did so she stopped and waited then she moved again.

  Gavrie seeing her stop had stopped the fire balls and waited for her to move again when she was ready. He speed it up again and this time it was faster than before, he needed to see her stop herself from going a bit to far, that would bring on the feeling of euphoria. When they get to that stage it is when they are overwhelmed by the magic.

  Shylyn was starting to move in a graceful motion that told them the magic was controlling. Gavrie immediately stopped the fire balls and waited to see if she was coming down. Shylyn turned to look at them and walked over to them. ‘It’s very hard once the balls get faster. I had it under control the first time when you stopped it but that time they got just a bit to fast and I lost it.’ She felt wrung out as she told of how she felt.

  Gavrie moved over to her and indicated she should sit. ‘You did ok I just needed to see how much faster before you got locked into the feeling of euphoria. It won’t happen over night but you will get the control, now sit and we’ll watch the others have a go.’

  Angel stood up to go but Gavrie shock his head and indicated Maive. ‘Ok Maive your turn, come and lets see what you can do.’

  Maive started off slow and worked herself up to about where Shylyn got and stopped herself. Gavrie waited to see how long before she got herself right before starting again. This time Maive got a bit faster before she had to stop, as she looked around the others could see she was just a little disorientated.

  Gavrie went over to her and brought her back sitting her down with Shylyn. He then turned to Medwin and indicated out to the middle where he followed him. As he turned to come back Gavrie looked into his eyes and could see the fear in them which he thought was good. ‘Ok Medwin it will be fine I control the speed so if it gets to the point where you are losing it just stop like the girls and bring yourself down. You’ll be fine now so remember what I said.’

  Gavrie came back and got right into it and worked the speed of the fire balls up quicker than he did for the girls. They all watched as Medwin wove around the fire balls and knocking them all over the place. Gavrie indicated with his hand and the speed got faster and Medwin got faster. They could see he was caught up in it so Angel got in touch with Aura and got her to let Medwin’s dragon know to come in.

  Gavrie looked at Medwin and seen he was lost to it and was about to stop altogether when Medwin stopped. He just stood there and Gavrie quickly stopped the fire balls before they hit his shield.

  Medwin’s dragon had worked fast and was with him as it happened. When Aura told him to stop Medwin he had been just about to do it anyway. Medwin stopped and looked around and had a sheepish grin on his face as he came over to join the others.

  ‘I think I lost it
that time, thought I could handle it and then all of a sudden I was a way with the Pixies. It’s just so easy to lose yourself.’ He was still a little high with the feeling but was almost down.

  ‘Ok Angel lets try you now and see if you can control yourself. So come with me and as we go I will explain to you what I have told the others. If you feel yourself start to go I want you to stop and bring yourself down. If you keep letting yourself go high with the feeling then you will have a harder time learning to stop yourself from getting to that point. Now just relax let it flow and when you feel yourself start to go I want you to stop right away. It does not matter if there are a lot of fire balls coming at you I want you to stop OK.’ Gavrie looked into his eyes and made sure the fear was there and he could see that he was serous.

  ‘Ok I will stop myself, I will.’ He looked with determination into Gavrie’s eyes.

  Gavrie walked back and stopped behind the white line and started the fire balls just like Medwin. Angel worked hard at it and when he felt himself start to go he slowed himself down not stopping just slowed which let a few fire balls hit his shield.

  Gavrie was about to stop the balls but when Angel started getting faster again he held himself back. Angel did this a few time before he got faster but this time the others could see Angel was in control and not the magic.

  Angel felt the feeling coming on and slowed himself but not to stop just to slow, that allowed a few to hit his main shield. Once he had himself under control he speed up again and he felt now he controlled what was happening.

  He slowed himself down at lest two more times but came out of it very quickly and got back into it. He got faster and Gavrie was letting him keep going for he looked as if he had the control and so as Angel showed he controlled what was happening Gavrie speed the balls up until Angel was dancing all over but they all could see it was he who was in control and not the magic.

  Angel put his hand up and stopped at which point Gavrie gave a wave of his hand and the fire balls just disappeared. Angel walked over to them and was a bit short of breath as he stopped in front but he had a big grin on his face.

  Gavrie looked at him before speaking. ‘How did you do that it should take you a few days of the slow balls before you get a little control but that out there was full control, How did you do it?’

  ‘The trick is when you stop your self don’t, you must only slow yourself down even if it means a few fire balls hit you body shield. You must not slow the fire balls down just leave them like you did for me. You can bring yourself back quicker and then get back into the shielding quicker. If you stop the balls then you are stopping the rhythm that you need to fight the balls.’ He was panting as he spoke trying to get some air as he tried to tell them.

  ‘Ok Angel I think I see what you are getting at and we will try it tomorrow, you can start us off and explain as you go. Maybe I will let you control the speed tomorrow and that way if I think its not working I am libel to stop the balls, where as you know what you are talking about. So I think tomorrow morning back here after breakfast and we will give it another go. You can show us first, now off with you and get a meal.

  They all left the room with Gavrie staying behind watching them head down the hall. They are coming along fine they lasted longer than others when they are first confronted by the feelings brought on in here. We shell see if what Angel says is right for if he is then other students will get the benefit of this room quicker.


  Biggest Attack Yet

  Angel was looking foreword to showing the others what he found out in the room. He is sure he is right and will be able to try it out this morning. The others were just as excited as he was for the feelings one gets in that room are just incredible and to be able to go in and just let yourself go, would be great.

  They headed down in anticipation of going to the room after breakfast and it sounds as if Gavrie is very interested in what he thinks. They arrive at the meal hall to find it full and a buzz in the air. They wander what is going on and find one of the teacher wizards and ask.

  Sitting at a table close to where they are is a teacher that has taken them a couple of times and Angel goes over to him. ‘Excuse me sir but can you tell me what everyone is talking about around here?’

  The teacher looks at him and then the others before he answers. ‘There was a very large attack of creatures at the Dragon Riders School in the early hours of the morning. There is a contingent of wizards on their way over there now to help.’

  There is a worried look on Angels face as the teacher told him of the attack. ‘Do you know if any of the Dragon Riders got hurt in the attack sir as my mother and brothers are there?’

  ‘We don’t know yet but there is talk of some light injuries with some of them. Also as of now the school is on alert in case we get attacked. So if I was you kids I would get some breakfast now for if there is an attack you want have any time to eat, now off and eat.’ The teacher got up and headed out of the meal hall as soon as he had finished talking to them.

  They look at each other and Shylyn gives Angel a pat on the back as she reassures him. ‘They will be fine, from what I’ve seen of your mother and brothers they are very good Dragon riders. So come let’s eat in case we don’t get a chance. Knowing our luck they will attack just as we are about to eat.’

  As their luck turned out they were able to get breakfast in and were on there way to the room when Aura came into Angels mind. ‘The dragon calls they come and are very close, you must warn everyone as they come over the mountains just above the school.’

  They race out onto the deck and look to the mountains above the school trying to see any sign of the creatures. As they look up and were about to turn back they spotted the creatures just coming over the top. They were very small dots in the sky above; quickly they decide to yell the warning. ‘Creatures Attack.’

  The four of them yell at the top of their voices and go running to the cave to get lances ready as the creatures will be on the wizards as they run out of the school. They grab two lances each and head to cover wizards and students as they leave the school to come and fight.

  The four of them start firing fire balls up into the creatures as they reach the top of the school buildings. They join together and fire groups of shots at the creatures so a group of about ten fire balls are heading for the creatures. The fire balls hit creatures and there is a very good success rate, with nearly all the shots hitting targets.

  They keep doing this and are getting very good results, as more wizards and students come running out of the school. Students ran to the cave to get lances ready while the wizards start firing their spells.

  Gavrie came running out to see how things were going and stopped to watch Angel, Shylyn, Medwin and Maive in a group firing groups of shots so they got a lot of hits. He quickly come to a decision and yells to the nearest four wizards and points to the four kids indicating see how they do it.

  Gavrie runs over to them and gets them grouped and firing like Angels group. They can see they are now getting better results which encourage them to get more groups of shots off. Seeing that he has one group copying Angel, he sets about getting other groups up and running.

  Soon there are ten groups firing groups of fire balls into the mass of creatures still coming from over the mountain. Gavrie has an idea and runs to the cave and gets the forty odd students out to the front of the cave. There he gets them to stand in line and aim their lances and then tells them to fire at the same time.

  The students all fire of together and then Gavrie tells them to keep firing altogether so there were groups of fire balls hitting creatures? They were now getting more hits this way than when they fire individually. Gavrie looked happy and could see the wizards were now really getting into the group shooting.

  While there was a mass of creatures coming over the mountain the groups were working good but once they start to thin out then they would have to go back to firing in ones and twos. But looking at the amount that was
still coming over the mountain, that was not going to happen for a while yet.

  Angel and the others were now moving a little out into the centre of the deck were they could now help set up a wall of fire balls. The Dragon Deck was starting to get real messy as the dead creatures were starting to fill the area. Angel looked around and could see the groups were now keeping the creatures at bay and from coming closer to the wizards.

  ‘If this keeps up for to long the deck is going to be covered in that many dead creatures there won’t be any room for the wizards to work in. We’ve got to do something?’ Angel looked around as he told his friends.

  ‘What can we do, with this many creatures attacking there is just no time to remove the dead ones?’ Medwin was looking around as well trying to see a way out of this.

  Angel looking around and thinking what we can do, when he had an idea. ‘Come on leave the shooting to the wizards as they are now getting more of the creatures and that means that very few are getting through. Now when we are in the room and knocking the fire balls away we don’t feel anything when they hit and bounce off our shields. Now if we use our shield and put it up in front of us we can use them to push the creatures of the deck and into the sea.’

  ‘That could work and if we walk in line and have our shields just touching we will be able to push them off, so let’s go and do it?’ Maive has a big grin on her face as she spoke; this was what she wanted to be able to help like this instead of loading lances and passing them to the wizards.

  The four of them got in line and put up their shields and started walking, in the process the creatures that were in front of them got pushed with the four not even feeling any resistance. They had a big pile of creatures in front of them when Gavrie turned to see what was happening.

  Seeing what they were doing a big smile come to his face, yes they are coming on very well indeed. Now let’s see if there is another group that might be able to help do that while the others keep the creatures at bay. Ah there is a group of students and they seam to be having trouble so I will get them to help Angel and his group, push the creatures over the edge of the deck.


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