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Dragon Rider (DragonMage Saga)

Page 34

by Platt, S. P.

  The other students Gavrie sent over to them, come up and asked what they were to do. Angel comes forward, ‘If you activate your shield and stand close so your shields are very close together. You then just walk and push the dead creatures over the deck and into the sea.’

  Looking at Angel they got their shields going and walked pushing the creatures over the edge. They soon got the hang of it and had a lot already over the edge. Angel smiled then got back to pushing the rest over the side. By the time they had gone over to the opposite side of the deck, the other side that they had just cleared was starting to build up again.

  Angel and his friends left it for the other group as now that group could keep up with what was falling. They went back to their positions and carried on firing fire balls at the swarms of creatures that were still coming over the mountain.

  They could see this was going to go on for a long time as the amount coming over the mountain had not diminished at all. So they settled themselves in for a long battle. But they still wandered just how much damage the Renegade was doing to the old spell.

  They were not able to get to the old spell on this deck to test as they were to busy and there were two many wizards and students around. They were just going to have to wait till the creatures stopped or there was a lull in the attack. It had been four hours now and they still came.

  Angel was firing at the creatures and now it was starting to get monotonous. They were firing by reflex alone with their minds on other things. Angel looked at the creatures still pilling over the mountain and no sign of relief. Something was not right for this amount of creatures it would take a lot of wizards to keep the portal open for this long.

  They must have a lot of Renegades over the other side of the mountain to be able to keep the portal open this long. They are not opening and then closing and getting relief wizards, for if they were doing that there would be breaks in the creatures coming over. There was not, so that meant there were a lot of wizards relieving other wizards.

  If only there were a group of Dragon Riders around that could take out a few of them, it would stop them opening for a few days. It just meant they were going to keep going till the attack was over. Angel looked around and could see that students were tiring and not getting many shots off at the creatures.

  Angel and his friends were doing the same but at lest they could call on their dragons to boost their magic levels but then it would be too evident they were different. They had to act like the other students and suffer the weakness that came with being tired.

  They were firing into the creatures when a couple did a funny dive and got under the firing of the wizards. The creature had there own types of weapons they used to fight them with and one was a horrible magic ball that looked really disgusting. The colour of it alone was enough to put anyone off.

  One of these hit a group of wizards and got through their shields only just. The group of wizards found themselves lying on the deck and they had burns over their bodies. Other wizards ran to their aid and found a couple of them were very serious. From in the school buildings a group of wizards appeared and started to take them back into the school out of harms way.

  This was their first major injuries and it was very bad for two of them. There is a healing wizard here at the school and he would be working on them now. It just goes to show that even adult wizards are capable of getting hit and very badly. They carried on firing their spells and got back into the fight.

  Angel spoke as he fired his spells which were now coming very few and far between. ‘I’m getting tried and I don’t know how long I am going to last.’

  Maive came close to him and she could see he was indeed tired and needed to rest. She looked around and found Gavrie just over to one side. He was busy firing spells at the creatures. As she looked further around she could see other students looked the same as they all felt.

  ‘Angel look at the other students and tell me what you see?’ Maive pointed around as she spoke to Angel.

  Angel looked and soon could see what Maive had seen in the students, they looked dirty and tired and were about to drop. ‘Thanks Maive I’ll go and see Gavrie now.’

  Walking over to Gavrie he taped Gavrie on the shoulder for he was very busy shooting down the creatures. Gavrie turned to see who had tapped his shoulder. ‘What’s wrong Angel, and why do you look so ragged?’

  Angel could well imagine what he looked like for he felt like it to. ‘I’m very tried and looking around at the other students they are all feeling the same. They look as though they are about to drop. I think we need a little break we don’t want to but I think we need to and soon?’

  Gavrie looked around and could see what Angel was on about; he never gave it a thought about the students. They are young and some have just arrived and won’t even be very strong in their magic. They will need a break soon and so will the wizards. ‘Ok leave it to me I’ll get it sorted out very quickly.’

  Gavrie thought about sending all the students in and then decided there need to be at lest that same number of wizards at the same time. This way the other wizards can go and have a break while the few here with the students will be able to be with them when all the others wizards went and had a break.

  Gavrie walked around the students sending them into get some food and to rest for a couple of hours while the rest carried on. He came to Angel speaking while keeping a wary eye on what the creatures were doing. It was good you let me know as I was getting very involved in the battle and had not noticed. Now you lot go and get some food and rest like the others.’

  Angel turned to leave and turned back to Gavrie. ‘It was Maive who spotted what was happening, are you and the rest going to be able to keep on top of the creatures. The only good thing going your way is it looks like the creatures are thinning out a bit?’

  ‘Go we’ll be fine and I can see you are right they do seam to be thinning a bit. So this is probably a good time to go and get a rest. I will call when you need to be back out here.’ Gavrie turned and went back to the battle firing a group of shots that hit three creatures as they tried to get below the defences.

  Angel and his group moved off to the school buildings to have the food and rest which they indeed need. They came into the meal hall to find students and wizards a like laying their arms on the table and sleeping. They were exhausted and were going to be out to it for a while. They found a table over by the windows and sat and did the same.

  They were woken up and found themselves in a daze as they tried to figure out where they were. The women in front of them had brought food over to them and she told them to eat as it would bring up their strength. They had not felt like food but with the smell of it in front of them, they found themselves suddenly get hungry.

  They ate all in front of them and when finished found they could still eat more. They decide to go up and get more for they are not sure when they will get another chance. Coming back to the table Shylyn asks something they had all thought about. ‘Angel can we not get magic from our dragons, won’t that help revitalize us?’

  'It would but we can’t afford to be seen with more energy than any of the others who have been out as long as us. But the main point is we need to build up our strength and not have to rely on our dragons just to get us through. This is important for we need to get our fitness levels up so we can face the Renegade and then if we need that extra we have our dragons.' He looked at each of them as he spoke and could see it in their eyes they knew he was right.

  ‘You are right it’s just with them around we tend to take it for granted we could do that when ever we like.’ She felt bad she was taking their dragons for granted, as she did not want this to happen.

  ‘This is important; we need this for ourselves, so we must build up our magic strength.’ He found the others looking at him and nodding as he finished.

  ‘If these attacks are going to be like this and more often then we are going to have trouble getting to our dragons and to the tower and see the spell the
Renegade is using. I hope the Dragon Riders start their patrols over the mountains next and maybe that will stop them coming here.’ He knew he was being hopeful, for the Dragon Riders to be able to get away to cover the mountains when the Renegades could hide in any of the valleys.

  Angel just lay there with his head on his arms thinking of what could happen. He now knew when they are with their dragons they will now have to be very careful with the Renegades coming into the mountains they will come close to the far end of the decks where their dragons are staying.

  I must ask Gavrie whether the Dragon Riders will move their patrols over the mountains or if that was too hard. The other point to that is they don’t want Dragon Rider patrols coming close to were their dragons are. We don’t want them seen so we need to come up with something soon.

  They just lay there at the table resting their heads as they would call it but anybody else would say they were asleep. They did this for a couple of hours when they were shaken awake. Standing in front was a wizard who looked at them as they slowly woke up.

  ‘Gavrie needs you outside; he will see you in the cave.’ The wizard turned and left.

  They slowly got to their feet and had a loud yawn and then left the table and move outside. As they got to the door they slowly looked out the door to see groups of wizards standing around looking into the sky.

  There were no more creatures attacking at the moment so the groups were slowly getting relieved by fresh wizards and students. They proceeded to the cave were Gavrie was getting lances ready.

  ‘Ah the thinkers now we have a little problem which relates to this attack. Why did we get so many creatures attacking when other times they were just little attacks?’ He was giving them a hard look for he wanted to see what they thought of the situation.

  Angel looked at the others before answering. ‘At a guess I would say they brought more wizards with them this time probably double for it would take a lot to keep it open for the time and amount of creatures to attack.’

  ‘Yes that’s what I thought so what do we do to stop this latest attack?’ He had a look of tiredness in his eyes for it would be harder on him as he has got to make it safe for the students.

  ‘The only thing you can do is get the Dragon Riders to make patrols up into the mountains on a regular basis. That would be the only way and that might not work for there are a lot of valleys up there in the mountains.’ Angel stood and looked into Gavrie’s face as he explained his idea.

  ‘That’s my thoughts as well so I will be going to speak with the council when this attack is over. I don’t think it is over yet; there will be more of this one. That is why I have got the wizards who have rested to come out and relive the groups that are out here guarding and keeping an eye on the sky above.’ He did not have a very happy face with Angel’s thoughts on the matter.

  ‘Do you think they will send the patrols over the mountains, as it would be good to know they patrol above?’ Medwin speaking with a hint of hope in his voice. He knew it would be very slim for the Dragon Riders to fly above the school there might be a few.

  ‘What do you want us to do now Headmaster?’ Angel asked knowing what the answer would be.

  ‘You lot can go back inside and up to your rooms and get some sleep for you are just managing to keep your eyes open.’ He turned back to what he was doing as they turned to go.

  ‘Headmaster we could not do that as it means leaving all the others out there while we sleep. It just would not be fair they worked just as hard as we did.’ Angel had turned to speak as the others halted outside the door.

  ‘You are the students and are better off resting and keeping your magic nicely honed, for when the next group come over the top.’ Gavrie looked at them and knew they would need convincing.

  ‘We still don’t think it good enough to go and rest while they stay outside to protect us.’ He looked at Gavrie who had turned away from them; waiting for an answer that was not going to come.

  They headed off into school and went to their rooms where they lay and waited for the next attack. Angel knew there would be one and so did not say anything at the moment as the others were very tired. They would be told when they next attacked, so it was not long and they where a sleep.

  They were awoken by a loud banging on the door, which Shylyn went over to see who it was. Standing out side was Gavrie and he did not look happy. ‘I summoned a council meeting but none would come for they knew what it was going to be like and what I was going to say.’

  ‘What can we do apart from just wait here to see when the next attack is and how many will be in on it.’ Shylyn was starting to get a little scared when Gavrie did not have a solution.

  Gavrie looked and could see he was scaring Shylyn. ‘It’s ok I just needed to rant a little as this is getting frustrating. I can see the others are sleeping so I won’t disturb them now. Shylyn don’t worry, can you tell the others what I said, as at the moment you four have ideas that no one else is prepared to suggest. I like the new ideas your little group brings around here.’

  ‘Angels group for with out him this would not be a group, it is his thinking that is bringing out the ideas in us all. You might say he is our centre, the brain and we are what protect that brain. We enjoy what we have become together and look forward to what lies ahead. I’ll tell Angel you were here and what you have told me. Thanks Headmaster.’ Shylyn had relaxed a bit now she had explained what their group was, she felt it was right.

  ‘Rest now and I’ll send someone to wake you when the next attack comes.’ He turned and left closing the door behind him as he went.


  As he walked down the hall he thought on what Shylyn had said. She has noticed what Angel is becoming to them. She is right as now I can see it in the group; Angel is the centre with the others around him. But not as a hanger on’, but guardians for him, I can see it in the way they look out for him. There is always one on each side of him.

  I don’t think they see they do it but I think it has become their way around Angel. They notice he is different and what he does keeps them safe so they guard him unknowingly. Now back to the problems of the moment, the next attack will come soon and I think it will be before night.

  Gavrie went to his room and lay down to get a little rest before the next storm that will come. Laying there his thoughts turned to why he went up to their rooms and told Shylyn about the council not meeting. He would normally never do anything like that as they are too young to have that type of worry put on their shoulders.

  There was just something in them and he felt they needed to know what was happening. As if they could do anything about what was happening was beyond their capability of fixing or finding an answer. But it felt like the right thing to do telling them, well I’ll just have to wait and see what happens.


  It was mid afternoon when the word comes of the next attack. Gavrie was woken and he ran downstairs to the Dragon Deck and out to the middle where looking up he could make out the creatures coming over the top and heading down.

  As he looked around other wizards come running out of the school and getting into groups and spreading out over the deck. They would be down here very soon and there appeared to be hundreds again as they come down.

  The groups of wizards waited till they could be sure of getting as many as they can. Angels group come running out of the school and Gavrie indicated the cave for them. They headed over and as they ran they had their heads in the air looking at the hundreds of creatures descending down to them.

  They formed their little group into a line that faced out of the cave, joining other first year students doing the same. They were to stop the creatures trying to enter the cave and those who worked at the weapons in the back of it. At their feet they had lances ready when their magic was getting to weak.

  The first of the creatures were now being fired upon and soon the rest of the mass would be here. So far only two groups had opened fire with their spell fire balls and lighting bolts
, (these not as effective as the balls.) The others waited and conserved their energy for the creatures that came at them.

  ‘This is going to be a long day and I hope they don’t attack during the night. We might need our dragons help so I think we had better let them know what’s happening?’ Angel did not try to hide how he felt as the others would be able to tell.

  Aura came into his mind just as he finished talking to his friends. ‘We can see the creatures coming over the top of the mountain; they are not even trying to come to this end of the Dragon Decks. We are high and out at sea so they are unable to see us, so we can let you know when they have finished coming up out of the valleys on the other side of the mountain.’

  ‘Just be careful we don’t want you getting hurt, but thanks for letting us know.’ There was worry there in his voice, for if the creatures seen them they would probably attack them.

  The creatures were now in full attack as they waited in their line to stop any that got past the groups of wizards. The creatures did not worry about damaging the school as all they were interested in was the wizards. The creatures wanted food the blood that flows through the wizards.


  Tears For Dragons Lost


  There was nothing callus in what the creatures thought, it was all they ever thought about was food that was their lot in life. They could sense blood of any creatures a very long way off. Their world having life that was very tough and so they had to work very hard to find food in their world.

  Then one day they got a sense of blood that was so strong it was like nothing they had ever felt before. It drew them to a point high in the air, where they saw a shimmering circle. The smell was coming from there and so a couple of the creatures flew through then more of them followed.

  A lot of the creatures got through when all of a sudden the shimmering circle was gone. All the creatures that had not gone through went in to frenzy as the smell had gone when it disappeared. They were all flying around trying to find it again but to no avail.


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