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The Alpha Billionaire's Unexpected Baby: A Billionaire BWWM Pregnancy Romance

Page 94

by Joanna Jacobs

  For a second I thought he was just saying that until I looked at him and saw his attitude was genuine.

  He really would be missing me if I left.

  I was not one to get flustered easily but after what he said I certainly was. I felt myself trying to think of something to say but no words could come out. Even the words inside my mind refused to connect and come together! What was I going to do let alone say?

  I had certainly dug myself into a nice pit that I didn’t know how to get out of.

  Oh boy.

  Chapter Six

  The situation between Mr. Covington admitting that he would miss me if I left had seemed to pass. He never brought it up again nor did I.

  The trip back to what people often called “the lower forty eight” was rather quiet. We had landed in New York and were put up in a big and expensive looking hotel.

  I swear my room had a man eating bed inside of it. If I so much as tried to lay down on it I swore it was beginning to swallow me up. It must’ve been in the mood for American food.

  The room itself was nice with a flat screen TV that sat across from the bed.

  The windows were large and allowed for plenty of cheerful light to enter. The curtains that covered them were white in color.

  Along the way I had heard that Mr. Covington had been invited to some big gala in New York City. I figured while he was away on this gala it would give me time to rest. Jet lag was starting to set in and whoever found a cure for it would make a fortune.

  However, fate had other plans for me. As I wanted to rest for that evening there was a knock on the door.

  I wrestled myself out of that man eating bed while calling “I’ll be right there!”

  It was something out of a Loony Toons cartoon by the time I was able to free myself from the bed’s grasp. Once I was steady on my feet I went to the door and opened it to find a well-dressed man standing on the other side.

  In one hand he held a large envelope. His other arm was raised high as he held something that looked like a person’s dry cleaning. I imagined he must have been going to each door down the hallway and delivering goods to the person. I admit I was curious as to what could be inside the black bag. It was long enough it had to be a fancy dress. One for someone going to the gala, no doubt.

  “Miss Amanda Granger?” He asked.


  “Mr. Covington has instructed me to give you this,” he thrust the envelope out towards my chest which I quickly took. Before I could thank him he added, “And this.”

  I could’ve gasped when the heavy black bag was soon thrust upon me. I was able to catch it but it sure did feel heavy. What was he wanting me to do? Dispose of someone’s remains?

  “Will that be all?” He suddenly asked in that formal stiffness he had been trained to show.

  “Yes, thank you,” I quickly said.

  My hands were full and I didn’t dare kick the door shut behind me. Instead I used my hip to close it until I heard the door knob click and I was certain I was once again safe inside.

  Part of me wondered why I was receiving these. Did Mr. Covington expect me to deliver them to someone? If so, why didn’t he just tell the man to deliver them himself?

  Just in case that whatever was inside the black bag was for someone else I carefully set it on the bed and looked over the envelope.

  Written in a fancy font was my name in large red letters. I flipped open the envelope and pulled out a lavishly decorated card. It was covered in gold leaf and red ink. The lettering was typed up in the same font as was on the front of the envelope. The writing was an invite from Mr. Covington saying that I was invited to attend and the designer dress was something to wear to the gala.

  To say I was surprised would be quite the understatement! I was being invited to such an expensive gala!

  I debated about going. I really did. I thought about attending as I didn’t want to disappoint Mr. Covington but at the same time I would very much be a fish out of water. I didn’t know anything of these people. To them I was probably just the help! I really didn’t think that I could fit in at all!

  I wrestled with myself and my ideas up until the very last minute when I finally thought that I should go and attend.

  The dress that was loaned to me fit quite well. It was a cream colored dress with a low neckline and no sleeves. It was also covered in acres of pearls, sequins, and beads. I knew the name of the designer but couldn’t think of it right off hand. It’ funny how things like that work out.

  I was about to head on down to the gala when Mr. Covington showed up on the other side of the door. He smiled when he saw me and offered to be my escort.

  “I’m surprised that you invited me,” I said honestly.

  “Why?” Mr. Covington asked.

  “It seems something that you’d be more socially adept for than I am.”

  “You’re a person and there’s no reason why you can’t attend!”

  I didn’t really have an answer for that but I thanked him and allowed him to take me into the room where the gala was being held.

  An orchestra began to play an older sounding song and Mr. Blake asked me to dance with him. I wasn’t much of a slow dancer but I was willing to give it a try if it made him happy. It would also give me time to size up my surroundings and everything in it.

  As we danced Mr. Blake began to speak up and say things that I hadn’t expected to hear him say.

  “I really like you, Amanda,” he said. It was the first time he used my first name which surprised me.

  “Thank you, Mr. Covington,” I replied.


  “Well, thank you, Blake.”

  “Amanda, I want you to stay on as my companion.”

  Companion. That word alone surprised me. I had expected him to say anything but companion. I had expected secretary, partner, anything but companion.

  “I like you Amanda, I really do. I want us to be together.”

  Chapter Seven

  I couldn’t remember much else of the gala other than my insisting that I had to leave suddenly. I was able to escape back to my hotel room without being pursued by anyone. I also hoped I had not been spotted by anyone in particular.

  I closed the door behind me as my heart finally began to return to its normal rhythm. What Mr. Covington still felt like quite the shock to me as I tried to get my head around it and think my way out of it.

  The next morning we would be going back to the office but at separate times due to him having to speak to some people. No one had mentioned anything so I had assumed they were all still in the dark about it. That suited me just fine. I was also grateful for the time to be alone to collect my thoughts and bearings as to just what I would be doing with myself.

  I struggled hard to resist Mr. Blake Covington. I wasn’t from his “world” and he was not from mine. We were really far too different. How could it possibly work out? Life wasn’t like some sort of romantic comedy movie where everything works out at the end and everyone’s happy! Life isn’t some sort of script you could write and edit when something you didn’t like comes up!

  Even if it could possibly work out what about the press? The media, especially social media, would be more than happy to jump upon him and tear apart any tidbits that they could find. I could practically see the headlines now “Blake Covington has affair with personal assistant.” That alone could seriously damage his reputation.

  Even more than that there was still the race issue that many would be bound to bring up. As much as people liked to claim that they were open minded there was a good chance that people out there would not approve of an interracial relationship. I had already seen plenty of interracial couples who have had that problem. People were dumb that way. In some countries such things would practically be unheard of and create a whole host of problems for the company.

  I knew I could bear some of the fall out. If it didn’t work out or I got laid off it would be incredibly difficult to find a new job. I didn’t wan
t to live in that fish bowl lifestyle that he had. He was used to it having grown up that way all his life. I, however, was not. I didn’t like being confined in such a way.

  My mind continued to come up with ways and excuses as to why it wouldn’t work out and why I should stop.

  I had chosen to avoid discussing the issue with my sister and others. I didn’t want anyone else to be dragged into this mess if it could be at all helped. Getting out alone would be hard enough.

  Over the weekend I began to draft up a resignation notice. I must’ve written and rewritten that letter several times as I thought about what I would say and how I would go about it. I tried to sound as professional as possible without bringing in anyone’s emotions into it.

  My first draft was about being unable to work for him due to constructive differences. I paused as that sounded almost confrontational. If he were called for a reference I wanted it to be a positive one and without any complaints leveled against me.

  I also wanted to avoid the subject of relationships and romance. Why make things anymore tangled than they already had to be. Mom always used to say if you were going to shoot a man down do it right away so you don’t lead him on. I didn’t want him to think he was being lead along.

  I decided to scrap my first draft of my resignation letter and tried again. I must have edited and re-written that letter close to a dozen times before I was remotely satisfied with it. Now, at least it sounded professional and reasonable.

  The next day I felt my stomach tie itself into a knot as I went into the building and gave Mr. Covington my resignation notice.

  “What’s this?” He asked me.

  “My resignation,” I said.

  Mr. Covington looked surprised by my words. “Why are you resigning?”

  “Because it can’t work out.”

  “What can’t work out?”

  “Us! We can’t be an item! It would interfere with our work and private lives! I’m not from your world of caviar and endless galas!”

  Slowly a look of recognition washed over his face. He looked at my resignation that he held in his hands. Without one word he folded it in half with his long fingers. With one quick jerk of his wrists he tore the letter in half and then in half again.

  “I can’t say that I can read your resignation,” Mr. Covington replied.

  For the life of me I couldn’t tell if he were being sarcastic or sincere. Sometimes I really disliked how mysterious and unreadable he could be!

  He then looked up to me. “Amanda, we can work it out both professionally and privately! Life and feelings aren’t always a big black and white mess!”

  As much as I wanted to believe him I could not bring myself to do it. He was indeed right that things weren’t always black and white but there was far too much gray there for me to feel comfortable.

  “Trust me, Amanda,” Mr. Covington asked.

  I still felt myself resisting. I knew whatever answer I gave could possibly be the wrong one and lead me further down this rabbit hole. Instead I forced myself to ask “What is on the agenda for today, Mr. Covington?”

  It was left at that.

  Chapter Eight

  Over the next few days I called in sick to work until it got to the point my sister called me to see if I were even still alive.

  Really, that’s what she asked me.

  Are you still alive?

  I told Janice that I was indeed alive but did not mention Mr. Covington. I still felt the need to keep her in the dark about that particular issue.

  If the phone showed the number to Mr. Covington’s office I ignored it and let it go to voice mail.

  Yet, part of me still wanted to go into work. I feared losing my job which was paying me quite well. Part of me was also afraid of losing Blake. I had to chuckle to myself as that was the first time that I thought of him by his first name. Blake, it suited him.

  I felt myself lounging on the couch while staring up at the ceiling. I didn’t like feeling so lazy like this but I didn’t feel like going outside. Even if I was claiming to be sick, which I wasn’t, if I had been caught I could be in some serious trouble. It was better just to not risk it all together.

  So I laid there, screening calls, and wondering just what I was going to do with myself. I had indeed gotten myself into quite the messy situation.

  One day passed and another as I continued my stay at home and do absolutely nothing routine. Something really had to change. I knew I couldn’t keep on doing this and avoiding him. So what was really stopping me?

  To my annoyance I didn’t have an answer for that.

  The brain and the heart certainly worked in different ways. This was certainly one of the times I wished they would work together and tell me what is the best or the worst thing to do.

  I was lounging in a pair of jeans and a shirt. Certainly not the most professional attire but something for around the house.

  I could hear the cars go by outside but paid no attention to them. I was so used to people driving by at sometimes odd times I didn’t bother glancing out the window to see who it was.

  I had been debating with myself about getting up off the couch and doing something when I heard a car honk.

  Ugh, what was it with people thinking honking a horn was a perfectly acceptable form of communication? Did I miss that it was somehow a bizarre mating call that only a select few accepted?

  I ignored it when I heard the horn honk again.

  Curiosity began to take over me as I got up off my couch and went to the window. Perhaps I could see what barbarian was still using this primitive form of communication.

  Throwing open the curtains I first saw a black limo parked in front of the house. It didn’t fully click for me right away as I wondered why someone would be renting a limo when it certainly wasn’t prom season.

  I tilted my body slightly in one direction to try to see who the driver was. Instead, and to my shock, I saw Blake standing by the limo door. He wore a familiar dark colored suit and his hair had been slicked back. In his left hand he carried a large bouquet of roses.

  I heard him shout something to me but I couldn’t make out what it was.

  Reaching up I opened the window and leaned my upper half out of it. “What did you say? I couldn’t hear you.”

  Blake grinned, “I said that I’ve come to court you and hopefully sweep you off your feet! I love you Amanda and I want to be with you! Tell me you feel the same way!”

  I could’ve hesitated.

  I could have lied.

  I could have done anything but the words that came out of my mouth surprised even me.

  “I love you too!”

  Blake grinned more, “Then run away with me Amanda Granger! Run away with me and we’ll be happy forever! I promise that we will!”

  “Yes, of course I will!” I promised.

  “Then pack a bag and run away with me tonight! We’ll tell the family that you’re fine and will be away for a few days.”

  “Will you wait here?”

  “Of course! I’ll wait for as long as it takes!”

  Grinning from ear to ear I found myself slamming the window shut and running as quickly as an Olympic sprinter to my bedroom.

  I threw a bunch of my nicest clothes into a suit case. I don’t even think I bothered folding them as I was in such a glorious rush. At least I was able to close the suit case.

  Before hurrying out I changed into some of my nicer clothes for Blake. I didn’t want him to be seen with me wearing frumpy clothes. If I was to be with Blake it was time I dressed nicely.

  Despite wearing a nice pair of flats I kept a pair of practical shoes with me just in case I needed them for something.

  True to his word Blake and the limo were still waiting for me when I came outside and locked the door behind me.

  “You waited for me,” I said with a smile.

  “I told you I would!” Blake replied. He pulled me into his arms and gave me a quick kiss. “Are you ready for a new adventure with me? I
have a surprise inside the limo.”

  I didn’t know what to expect inside the limo but I was excited for the possibilities. Once I got inside I felt myself gasping out loud. Around us were carefully organized bouquets of beautiful roses as well as a large envelope.

  “What’s this?” I asked when I picked up the envelope.

  “Open it,” Blake said. “Open it and we’ll travel to that place together.”

  I did so and soon learned we would be visiting Italy for a romantic trip together.

  With Blake at my side and a trip to Italy I was giddy with excitement and love.

  I liked this feeling and hoped we would be together and very happy together. When I told Blake this he simply said three words.

  “We will be.”

  Part Two

  Chapter One

  When Blake announced our trip to Italy I was more than a little excited. Italy! The place of so much heritage and the Roman Empire! Imagine walking through the streets of Pompeii! The museums! Imagine walking through those! I had to admit I was a little more than excited for this trip. We could go anywhere in the world and visit there for as long as we wanted. The possibilities were endless and the world was practically our oyster.

  Blake chuckled a bit at my reaction. “Excited?” He asked as he got settled.

  “Are you serious?” I joked making him laugh again and shrug.

  “There is a lot to Italy.”

  Italy! I felt another jolt of excitement at the possibility of going there.

  I began to gush lightly, “Imagine the history! Think about going down those streets and how many old buildings there are! Before, when I was your personal assistant we did nothing but business things. There was never any time to explore and go have fun.”

  “That is true,” he admitted. “I haven’t seen Italy for the fun of it in a long time. It’s always been business related stuff.”

  “This time it’ll be different,” I said and smiled.

  Blake and I could go exploring and not have to worry about business. As soon as I thought that I had begun to wonder what about other people? Blake was a billionaire and he was sure to be recognized somewhere. There were also people who might not approve because of our skin colors.


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