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The Alpha Billionaire's Unexpected Baby: A Billionaire BWWM Pregnancy Romance

Page 95

by Joanna Jacobs

  If Blake was worried or had thought of that he gave no sign. During my time with working for him I had learned Blake did sometimes like to jump into things feet first and worry about everything else second. It was something I both liked and disliked about him. Some countries and places would not be so accepting of an interracial couple or of us just for our skin color.

  I felt the limo slowly stop. For a minute I thought we were at the airport until it began to move again. It was a good thing I had paused otherwise I could’ve ended up outside the limo and tumbled out onto the street. That would have made for a rather embarrassing and potentially dangerous situation.

  “We still have a little ways to go yet,” Blake’s voice said. “I asked the limo driver to take a different route. It takes a little longer but that way we can avoid disrupting the school buses and kids when they get out of school.”

  “Handsome and considerate,” I flirted as I looped my arm around his.

  Blake smirked and blushed. I had to smile as it was the first time I had ever seen him blush before. In a way it did make him seem more human and like the rest of us. I don’t know why I had thought “like the rest of us.” I suppose it was some sort of reaction to not being familiar with having a rich boyfriend yet.

  I had never imagined this, I really hadn’t. Like my sister I thought I would marry a nice middle class fellow and live a simple life out in the suburbs like everybody else.

  Instead now I was with a billionaire and I hadn’t yet told my family.

  “My family!” I suddenly exclaimed.

  “Pardon?” Blake asked.

  “I haven’t told them where I’m going!”

  “Call them if you think they’ll worry.”

  “I really should so they don’t call my home and worry about where I’ve gone off to.”

  I saw Blake tilt away from me as he began to rummage through his pocket.

  “Where did I put it?” He mumbled to himself. “Ah-ha!”

  He removed his hand and pulled out an expensive looking phone. It was about the size of a smart phone but somehow looked more expensive. Perhaps because it was because he owned it.

  “How do you use it?” I asked. I was honestly afraid of breaking it! This thing must have had a bigger security code than the president himself! What if I did something that deleted all of Blake’s important files?

  “Like any other smart phone,” Blake replied. “You can’t delete anything as I don’t keep my valuable information on it.”

  “You don’t?” I asked.

  “It would be too easy for someone to steal important information if I were to lose it or if it were to be stolen.”

  I nodded, that was an excellent point I hadn’t quite thought of. Which, of course, raised the question of where did he keep all of his valuable items on? I suppose I shouldn’t have been entirely asking those questions.

  “Slide to unlock it?” I asked.


  I did so and called up my Auntie as she was the closest family member I still had. When she answered I said the first words I could think of. “Auntie, I’m going to Italy.”

  “On a business trip?” Auntie asked. She was about to ask where Blake was hauling me off to this time but I interrupted her.

  “No, it’s a personal trip.”

  “Really? Can you afford that on your salary?”

  “Mr.—Blake and I are going together.”

  She paused and I could practically hear the gears grinding in her head as she was trying to decipher what I was saying. I didn’t come right out and tell her Blake and I were an item but somehow I think she knew. Either way I wasn’t going to mention it right away to her. While I didn’t think she’d completely disapprove I wasn’t sure how much she would approve either. All my boyfriends in the past had been black men. How would she react to a white man in the family? As much as all of us humans like to ignore it there were times racism was alive and well.

  I could hear her say something about having to go and to call her when I got to Italy safe and sound.

  “Here you are,” I said and handed Blake back his phone.

  Reaching out Blake took the phone and then squeezed my hand. “You don’t sound too happy.”

  “I’m a bit worried about how the family will feel about you…”

  “Because of whom I am or the color of my skin?”

  “Most likely because of the color of your skin.”

  Blake paused as if carefully choosing his words, “I will do my best to leave a positive impression on them. Now, this time is for us so let’s stop worrying!”

  “Right, no more worrying,” I agreed.

  Smiling Blake bent in and quickly kissed me, “I think you’ll really enjoy seeing Italy.”

  “Where will we be going first?”

  “Where would you like to go?”

  I grinned at him, “Do you really want me naming all those places I would like to see? How long is our trip?”

  “I was thinking we could see Italy.”

  Reaching out I grabbed Blake’s arm, “I like the way you think!”

  “And I you.”

  Gradually the limo pulled up into its parking space and we were free to go outside. It was nice being able to stand again as it meant we were one step closer to going to Italy.

  Looking up I could see the gigantic airline building. I could hear the rumble and shriek of the planes taking off and still others landing. I couldn’t help but wonder if the people who worked here long enough had ringing ears at the end of each shift? Imagine being around all that noise all of the time.

  Blake was busy helping unload the limo and thanked the driver before gently taking me by the arm and saying that we needed to get inside so we didn’t miss our flight.

  Feeling giddy with excitement I followed Blake inside and off to our new adventure.

  Chapter Two

  Being inside the airport was something out of a documentary. People were walking and hurrying everywhere and could’ve easily have gotten lost.

  Blake, however, seemed to know exactly where he was going and held my hand as he led me along a path.

  We had to go through the usual stuff such as going through the metal detector and removing our shoes. It was times like this that you hoped no one was wearing week old socks. On the other hand, if they were we would probably get through the line a whole lot faster!

  It’s funny what you think about when in new places and positions. Before working for Blake I had never been out of the country before but now I was going to Italy on a trip! And a romantic trip at that! I never thought I’d see it but I wasn’t about to complain.

  For once riding first class on a plane without having a job to do was a nice thing. I had gotten so caught up in having to do work I had forgotten what it was like to just be able to sit and enjoy the scenery.

  Nearby an elderly couple sat together holding hands. Upon spotting them Blake nudged me and said “That could be us one day.”

  I couldn’t help but smile at him, “Perhaps one day.”

  He grinned at me and nodded.

  Above us a voice crackled over the speaker system announcing the usual protocol that went into flying. I had heard it so much I jokingly thought I could repeat all the words in my head and not miss a single one. Still, the guidelines had to be listened to.

  There were a few about the trip to Italy but most of it I felt myself drowning out as I was already fairly familiar with what they were saying.

  Blake only appeared to be half listening to what the voice was saying anyway. I imagine he was more used to it than even I was!

  When the voice was done speaking part of me was grateful for that. My gratitude, however, was short lived as a movie began to play. It was for the latest “it” movie that followed the latest “it” guidelines and so on. I wanted something with substance! Not just the latest “it” movie! It was too bad electronics had to be turned off otherwise Blake and I could be watching some sort of movie on a tablet.

p; I really hated feeling the mental complaints in my head as I knew I shouldn’t have them. What was wrong with me? I should be happy instead of thinking these types of thoughts. I supposed I wasn’t used to it and felt stuck too much in the past and what would other people think?

  There was only one way out of that thinking.

  I had to think positive and that was it.

  Blake wasn’t confessing to where he was taking me despite my joking prodding. Due to our working together I had already seen a few of the sights including the Leaning Tower of Pisa. You certainly do stand out as a tourist when you’re looking up at it with your mouth hanging wide open. I don’t regret it, though.

  When we landed in Italy Blake immediately took me to the place we would be staying. It was not a fancy hotel like I had expected but rather a quaint little bed and breakfast.

  At first I had wondered about our translator but Blake knew enough Italian to get us to him. I had taken Spanish in high school and could speak enough to get by and carry on a simple conversation.

  “I think our translator has turned in for the night. I should really see about looking into one of those learn a language programs and starting that,” Blake admitted.

  “Oh, so there’s something my handsome boyfriend can’t do,” I joked.

  Blake laughed, “Yes, I must admit it is my one weakness. I never did learn to be fluent in any one language other than English. I was always being taken from place to place I never did have a chance to really learn the native language. At least I know the major phrases used here and there.”

  The little bed and breakfast home was painted a dark salmon color. Around it were other brightly colored homes, villas, and a large lake.

  “Where are we?” I asked as a boat quietly sailed by. It was not a motor boat but rather one of those boats with a large white canvas sail. You sure didn’t see too many of those around these days.

  “Lake Como.”

  Through doing research from what I could pick out from photographs and bits of Italian I could translate Lake Como was part of the Italian Lake District which is an area that is popular with visitors. It’s also known for its fresh air, water, mountains, and good weather.

  There were many small gardens around that benefited from the mild climate. Most of the plants and plant life were temperate plants but there were the occasional tropical ones that burst forth in bright colors. I did feel it was a pity that not all plants like these bloomed back home. Imagine what a garden that would be!

  Many of the villas had been around since the Roman times, something I found really rather fascinating. Imagine buildings lasting for so long! At the same time I imagine we shouldn’t be so surprised as the arch and other important features in Rome and Italy still remained.

  Blake’s translator seemed like a nice enough person though he didn’t speak too often. When he did speak in English it was done with a thick Italian accent. I knew that many Europeans were taught English as well as sometimes other languages to be able to communicate. In a way I wish this was demanded for us in America so we could better learn to communicate with others. Think about how much smaller the world would be if we all knew one other language.

  With the help of Blake’s translator we were told that the lake is shaped like that of an inverted “Y”. Two branches started Como in the South-West Lecco and in the South-East. They joined up together half way and the lake continued all the way up to Colico in the North.

  If I had known where we would be staying I would have brought a camera to take photos. Blake, however, had my back and thought of everything. I took multiple photos of the mountains, the lake, and anything else that looked interesting. I didn’t want to forget it and I suppose some part of me wanted to turn it into a scrap book when I got back home. While I wasn’t entirely into scrap booking I knew people who were.

  “Having fun?” Blake joked as I snapped a photo of a little motor boat.

  “With you I’m always having fun,” I replied.

  Chapter Three

  Next up was one of the biggest tourist attractions in Italy and with good reason! Pompeii was a huge area that held a lot of fascination for me and others. I had grown up hearing the documentaries on the twenty-fourth day of August in 79 AD. At first I didn’t know if Blake was humoring me because he knew I wanted to see Pompeii. Any fears I had were washed away when he seemed to be enjoying himself.

  Blake slid his arm around my shoulders when we came across the plaster casts of bodies that were now locked behind glass.

  “Imagine how it would’ve been,” Blake said quietly. “It really makes you think about just how precious life is and how quickly it can be taken away by disasters either man made or natural.”

  My mind went back to when I was a child and the TV station was airing their documentary. It was obviously the camera man who was running down the street with sounds of voices and screams playing in the background but it felt so real to me at that young age. I kept on thinking that the people needed to get away. The morbid part of me had wondered how they died. I suppose all children did when it came to something they didn’t fully understand.

  At the same time Blake was right about life and how easily it could be taken away.

  Yet, learning about Pompeii was quite the gift. What happened with Mount Vesuvius gave us tremendous insight into the life of people living two thousand years ago. As much as we did learn about them there was still even more to learn.

  Human life and how much we knew and didn’t know about it was fascinating. Pompeii had so much history to it! It was only one part of Italy that had even more history to it.

  “Imagine walking down these steps,” I said to Blake.

  He kept his arm around my shoulders as he spoke, “During the good times it must’ve been a great thing to do. I’d be terrified of being down here when that volcano was erupting. Even the wealthy, with all of their valuables, could not save themselves.”

  “It makes you realize what the important things in life are.”

  “You are one of the important things in my life.”

  I looked to Blake who smiled at me. I felt myself smiling back at him and feeling that rush of knowing how important I was to him. I liked that feeling and hoped that I would never lose it.

  Skipping our way through Italy we traveled by both plane and train. If the place was close enough we’d walk the difference. I liked walking around the area because it allowed me to see Italy and the scenery around me. It was far too easy to lose sight or miss things if we were traveling quickly. There was also something peaceful about walking and talking together.

  On the final day of our trip Blake decided to surprise me and bring me to a place I had not known previously existed.

  Early in the morning we went off to one of Europe’s greatest medieval squares which is known as the Piazza del Campo. The Piazza del Campo is one of the principal public spaces in the historic center of Siena, Tuscany.

  This area was renowned worldwide for its beauty and architectural integrity. Where do I begin with the architecture? There were handsome buildings everywhere around me! Beautiful buildings and roads were all around us as people went by.

  The Palazzo Pubblico held a famous tower that loomed high above us. Long ago, and perhaps even today, the wealthiest families in Siena lived here.

  The translator gave a brief explanation of the races that took place here that lasted little more than ninety seconds. I was told they did this over a thick layer of dirt. One could only imagine how much dirt that would kick up and what it would do to a person.

  “Would you believe I’ve been here but have never stopped to pay attention to it?” Blake asked.

  “Perhaps you never had the right person with you,” I replied. I still had my back to Blake as we spoke. Because of this I could not see what he had planned.

  I did not see him reach into his pocket and pull out a small jewelry box. I did not see him open the box and get down on one knee until I turned around.

  The mom
ent I saw that I gasped. A proposal! Blake was proposing to me of all people! It was all so soon and so sudden!

  I could feel my heart stop for a moment. It really was like the movies when the handsome hero gets down on one knee.

  “Will you marry me Amanda?” Blake asked hopefully. In his hands he held a blue ring box with a diamond engagement ring. I didn’t know if Blake chose a diamond because it was traditional or because he knew it was also my birth stone? At the moment it didn’t really matter as to me it was the most romantic gesture a person could possibly do.

  At first the words hitched in my throat as I struggled to say them. Suddenly I blurted out “Yes! Yes I will!”

  I truly did want to marry him and had never imagined my proposal would go like this.

  Getting up off his knees Blake seized me in a hug and kissed me.

  I felt like the luckiest woman alive.

  Chapter Three

  Our last day in Italy seemed to go by too quickly for my liking. Before I knew it we were back on a plane and going back to the States. I was still riding a wave of giddiness and practically felt hyper. You know that hyper giddy feeling you get where it feels like you’re going to start climbing up the walls? I was firmly in that camp. I imagine it would only become frightening if my head somehow found a way to do a near complete three hundred and sixty degree turn.

  When we reached home reality began to set in a bit more than I would have liked it to. It was a bit early for us to become engaged. Didn’t most couples wait a year or so before becoming engaged? Were we making the right decision?

  Blake was as happy as a clam sucking sand. I wish I was so easily comforted as I began to wonder these things. What was the right decision? I had never thought my life would turn out like this. I never thought I’d be accepting a marriage proposal so quickly.

  Which then brought us to the question of what about the wedding? Would it also be a quick wedding? When we needed time it never seemed to be around!


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