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An Erotic Baptist Story

Page 1

by Franklin Eddy

  An Erotic Baptist Story

  By Franklin Eddy

  Copyright 2012

  Chapter 1

  “The greatest sin according to the Bible is adultery,” Preacher Leroy Smith said. “In the old testament it says to stone women to death who are caught in adultery. Of course in our sinful secular society, that is no longer allowed.”

  It was Sunday morning, and my wife and I were attending the service at Wayside Baptist Church.

  I listened to him for a few moments and then got to thinking. If there was anyone that had a reason to commit adultery, it was him. I glanced over at his wife, Betty, who was a skinny woman with a stern look on her face. Frankly I couldn't conceived of anyone wanting to have sex with her, but she did have two small children, so I guess that the preacher had had sex with her at least twice.

  I put my hand on my Judy, my wife's leg and slowly rubbed it up and down. She was a beautiful brunet in her mid 20s, and we had been married for two years. She let my hand remain on her leg for a couple of minutes and suddenly realized that she was in church. She smiled and took my hand in hers as she leaned over and said, “Be good. You are in church.”

  I glanced down the pew at my friend Ron who had been watching me. He smiled and gave me a thumbs up.

  I looked over at Sharon Wilson. She was the church secretary and was extremely sexy. She was divorced and not dating anyone right now. She had sang a song for the service this morning and had a wonderful voice. Everyone in the church liked her since she was friendly and cheerful. If I was going to have an affair and commit adultery, I would consider her. Of course, I had no reason to commit adultery since I had a beautiful wife that gave me plenty of sex.

  That got me to thinking about adultery. To commit adultery a person would need certain things like desire, opportunity, and be a risk taker. I didn't have desire for other women since my wife took care of my sexual needs. I actually didn't have much opportunity anyway since I was an accountant and mainly worked with spreadsheets and financial statements. There wasn't a lot of opportunity to meet women. A person that worked with people would have the best opportunity though. People like preachers, teachers, social workers, and politicians that were around people a lot had the most opportunities. Now as far as risk taking, I was more conservative and didn't believe in taking risks that could ruin my marriage.

  Now the preacher had opportunities so would be an excellent candidate for committing adultery. As far as desire and risk taking, I was not sure of that. He seemed to preach on that subject a lot. Maybe he secretly lusted after Sharon. I didn't see what she would get out of it though since he wasn't that good looking or rich.

  I closed my eyes and dozed off. Judy punched me and whispered, “Wake up.”

  “I was praying,” I responded, trying to look innocent.

  I glanced down at my watch and noticed it was already after 12 o'clock. Baptist preachers tend to be long winded, and this preacher was no exception. Finally it was over, and we walked out the front door. The preacher always shook hands with everyone as they were leaving.

  “It was an interesting sermon, Preacher,” I said, “but I don't have any reason to commit adultery, so it was wasted on me.”

  “Maybe,” he responded, “but anyone can fall into sin. The Devil is always waiting for opportunities to pull the child of God into his clutches.”

  Ron and his wife Ann were waiting for us. “Do you guys want to go out to eat,” Ann asked.

  We nodded and were soon at a nice Mexican restaurant that we liked. Since the preacher had gone over on the time, the restaurant crowd was already slowing down, so we found a table easily.

  After we were seated, Ron said, “Well, that ordeal is over for the week.”

  I nodded my head since I agreed with him. The waitress came over, and we ordered.

  I looked at Ron and said, “Do you think that Preacher ever committed adultery?”

  He thought about it for a moment and said, “I think he would like to try. Of course, if he did, he would blame it on the devil rather than himself.”

  “I don't think either of you like that Preacher,” Ann said.

  “He is not a bad guy except for being a prick,” I said.

  “I think he is probably a homo,” Ron said. “If he had sex with a man, would that be adultery?”

  We all looked at each other. Where does Ron come up with these things?

  “I think that adultery is only with a person from the opposite sex,” Judy said.

  “So you and Ann could have an affair, and it wouldn't be adultery,” Ron said.

  The women both look confused.

  “Well, if Judy was going to have an affair,” I would rather it be with Ann than the Preacher,” I said.

  “I don't plan on having an affair with either one,” Judy said.

  “So you don't think that I am sexually desirable,” Ann said.

  “Oh, you are sexually desirable but not to me.”

  “Well, I think you are sexy, Ann,” I said.

  She smiled and said, “Paul, I think you are sexy too, but I would never commit adultery with my best friend's husband.”

  “Hey, I bet the preacher would be pleased that we are discussing his sermon,” I said.

  Judy smiled at me and said, “I think we are making fun of it rather than taking it serious.”

  Soon our meal arrived. The food looked delicious, so I picked up my fork to dive in. Judy put her hand out and stopped me. “Ann is going to say grace.” So we lowered our heads as she prayed. I hoped that she wouldn't pray long, so the food would get cold, but she was considerate, so we were soon eating.

  “Do you say grace at home before you eat, Judy?” Ann asked.

  “At first we did, but Paul is in a hurry to eat, so we stopped doing it.”

  “I throw grace in when I pray before going to sleep at night,” I said. “That is a more efficient way of doing it. Hold all prayers until night time and get it done quickly.”

  “I think that prayer can be overdone,” Ron said. “Ann even prays before we have sex.”

  “Wow! I have never heard of anyone doing that before,” I said, startled.

  “What do you pray for?” Judy asked.

  “I pray that I will have an orgasm.”

  “Does it work?”

  “Not always,” Ann said. “Lots of times I don't get an orgasm at all. Ron is in too much of a hurry.”

  “After waiting until you are done praying, I am really horny so can't wait to get right to it,” Ron said.

  “Well, I spend my prayer time doing foreplay,” I said, “So Ann has lots of orgasms.”

  “Maybe, I will do my foreplay while Ann is praying,” Ron said. “Then she can pray as long as she wants.”

  “How could I pray with you fooling around with me?” Ann said,

  “Very quickly,” Ron said, with a wicked smile.

  “I have been thinking of doing grace before I have oral sex with Judy,” I said. “Dear Lord, bless this delirious morsel that I am about to partake of.”

  “Well, it makes sense to say the blessing before you eat Judy,” Ron said, winking.

  Judy got all red and said, “I think we need to change the subject. I don't know why either of you men go to church since it doesn't seem to do you any good.”

  “I go because you make me go,” I said. “I bet Ron goes for the same reason.”

  “No, I go because I love to go to church,” Ron said.

  “No, you don't,” Ann said. “You would quit in a minute if I let you.”

  Chapter 2

  Sunday afternoons we always made love in our bedroom. I had on loose fitting shorts with no shirt. She had on loose fitting shorts too with a bra top.

  She stood
by the bed in front of me. I sat on the edge of the bed and pulled her to me and kissed her deeply. Then I slipped her bra off and sucked on her nipples.

  She sighed and said, “That feels really nice.”

  I reached down and slipped my hand under her shorts and then under her panties and found her moist slit. I pushed my finger into it as I kissed her. I continued moving my finger in and out until she gasped with an orgasm.

  “I heard that christian women enjoy sex more than non-christian ones,” I said.

  “This christian woman loves sex, but I can't speak for any others. Now I would like some oral sex.”

  She pulled her shorts and panties off and climbed up on the side of the bed and lay on her back with her heels resting on the side of the bed. I got a pillow and put it on the floor beside the bed.

  I admired her pussy for a moment then reached over and licked her pussy lips a couple of times. Then remembering, I said, “I forgot to say grace.”

  “Well, say it and get started,” she said.

  I closed my eyes and said, “Lord, bless this delicious meal that I am about to partake of.”

  Judy laughed and said, “That was a great prayer. I thought you would have said Bless the lunch and pass the pussy.”

  I smiled as I spread her pussy open with my fingers and took her clitoris between my lips. I sucked on it for a moment before she trembled with another orgasm.

  “That wasn't much of a prayer so maybe I should enlarge it,” I said. “Dear Lord, that you for Obamacare.”

  She started laughing. “Where did that come from?”

  “I was watching the news and the newswoman was talking about Obamacare.”

  “Is that the lesbian newswoman that you like?”

  “That is the one,” I responded. “I think she is sexy.”

  “I bet she gets plenty of oral sex like this,” Judy said.

  “Maybe, but it is a shame that she only gets it from women. Men could give her better oral sex. Her partners probably also don't say grace before they eat her.”

  Judy raised up and sat on the side of the bed and pulled me to my feet. She felt inside of my shorts and took hold of my rigid penis. I slipped my shorts down since my penis had gotten pointed the wrong direction and was uncomfortable.

  She moved it up and down. “Does it get rigid sometimes when it is in the wrong position?”

  “Sometimes,” I said. “It seems to have a mind of its own. It even gets hard in church even though it should know better.”

  “In church,” she said. “That is so sinful.”

  “The first time that I saw you was in church. It was the first time that I had gone to that church. You were so pretty sitting in the choir. I couldn't keep my eyes off of you. Then my penis got stiff and rose up at an awkward angle. Luckily, I had a large Bible that I covered my lap with. Then I put my hand inside my pocket and managed to get it straighten up.”

  She laughed and said, “I noticed you squiring around and wondered what was going on.”

  “Don't laugh,” I said. “It was very embarrassing.”

  She smiled at me since she thought it was funny.

  “Stop moving your hand for a moment since it is distracting. Then I waited on the sidewalk in front of the church, so I could introduced myself when you came out.”

  “I noticed you had a hard on so were obviously interested,” she said, laughing.

  “I didn't have a hard on at the time. Once I got up and walked around, it subsided.”

  “Well, I think it was a little rude, to take one look at me and get a hard on.”

  “Judy, you invited me back that evening to the youth fellowship. We sat together and had a great time.”

  She looked thoughtful and said, “I felt the same way about you as you did toward me. I got moist just looking at you.” She started moving her hand up and down again on my penis.

  “Lay down on the bed,” I said. “I want to have some real sex with you. I am not going to pray though.”

  I climbed on top of her after she lay down and was soon embedded within her. I started moving inside of her and pushing in and pulling out. I stopped after she shuttered with an orgasm.

  “I can't believe that Ann doesn't always have an orgasm or only has one,” Judy said.

  “Maybe she gets distracted from praying and can't get into the lustful mood,” I said.

  Judy started moving under me. I just kept still and let her move.

  “I don't think that prayer and sex works too well together,” I said. “Of course, I guess it is proper to say grace before I eat you.”

  She shuttered with another orgasm. “Are you about ready to finish?”

  “Sure,” I said, as I started moving rapidly in and out of her. Then I ejaculated within her. She met my orgasm with one of her own.

  Chapter 3

  On Wednesday evening we went over to Ron and Ann's apartment for dinner.

  After Ann said grace, Judy said, “You would have been proud of Paul. He said grace before he gave me oral sex.”

  “That is proper,” Ron said, with a smirk on his mouth. “He should say grace before he eats you.”

  “Don't say that, Ron,” Ann said. “It sounds so gross!”

  I smiled at Ron and asked, “Do you say grace before you eat Ann?”

  Ron look sort of sad before replying. “I would be willing to say grace before I had oral sex with Ann, but she doesn't let me do that.”

  I looked sort of shocked and asked, “Why not?”

  “Because it is sodomy, and it a sin,” Ann said. “Don't you read the Bible?”

  “Of course I read the Bible, and it says nothing about oral sex. The cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, Admah and Zeboyim were destroyed by God because of their great sin, but the Bible doesn't say exactly what the sin was. Usually it is interpreted to mean that they were homosexual. However, homosexual practices were common in those days, and God didn't destroy any other cities.”

  “I have heard of Sodom and Gomorrah but never about Admah and Zeboyim,” Ann said.

  “You can read about it in Deuteronomy 29:23,” I said. “The Bible seems to leave a lot out of stories, so people make up what they want to believe.”

  “So you are saying that sodomy is actually anal sex?”

  “It seems to be a Christian view that sodomy was anal sex. It was illegal in most of the states during the '50s, and you could go to jail for doing it. Now it is legal in all states since 2003 due to the U.S. Supreme Court decision Lawrence v. Texas.”

  “So do you like anal sex?” Ron asked.

  “No, I don't. Judy and I tried it a few times, and she liked it okay, but I didn't feel that it was safe. So I didn't want to take a chance of hurting her. I also thought that it wasn't any better than regular sex.”

  “I guess I would give it a try,” Ron said.

  “Not with me, you wouldn't,” Ann said.

  “Actually I thought it felt really good,” Judy said. “He says that he was concerned about my safety, but I think he just didn't like it.”

  “One thing that I didn't like was it was too tight, so I ejaculated too quickly. I like to take my time and enjoy it. Also I really didn't have much control like I do with regular sex.”

  “Well, maybe we will try it again sometime,” Judy said. “Maybe you will like it better then, Paul.”

  Chapter 4

  The next Sunday the pastor preached about the sin of oral sex. He gave a few Biblical scriptures that were vague and didn't actually refer to oral sex.

  I sat there and listened to what he had to say. I doubt he had much experience with oral sex. I glanced over at his wife and saw the stern look on her face. Somehow I couldn't visualize her giving him a blow job or receiving his oral attentions either.

  I looked around the room and wondered how many people agreed with him. They probably were hoping he would get done preaching, so they could go out to eat. I glanced at my watch and hoped he wouldn't go over the time limit again.

  When I shook the
preacher's hand as we were leaving, I told him that I had enjoyed his sermon.

  “At least you weren't asleep,” he responded. “A lot of our members don't take sin seriously anymore and think that anything goes. They will end up in Hell for not listening to God's words.”

  We chose a hamburger place for lunch that we liked. It was decorated in the 50's style. Our best friends Ron and Ann had joined us.

  “I felt good about the sermon this morning,” Ann said. “I told the preacher that I never do that sinful thing.”

  Ron smiled sadly and said, “I wouldn't mind if you were a little bit more sinful.”

  “I thought he had no idea what he was talking about,” I said. “He is really old fashion and only preaches on sin. Frankly I wished we had a preacher that emphasized God's love instead.”

  “Well, I would never give oral sex to my husband or let him do it to me,” Ann said. “I don't believe in doing sinful things.”

  “Judy looked thoughtful and said, I don't consider oral sex to be a sin and don't mind giving oral sex to Paul or receiving oral sex from him.”

  She thought for a moment and said, laughing, “Actually I like receiving it more than giving it.”

  “I think oral sex sounds dirty, and I don't think I want to try it,” Ann said. “It is also sinful.”

  “Well, if you think something is sinful, don't do it,” I said.

  “Then that means that I don't get to try oral sex either,” Ron said.

  I thought for a few moments and said, “The average marriage only last seven years, so maybe your next wife will be willing to do it with you.”

  “We have only been married for two years, but I am missing out of a lot that other guys are enjoying, so our marriage might not last seven years.”

  Ann looked at him and said, “If you just consider me to be your sex slave, then maybe it is better if we don't stay married.”

  Ron shrugged his shoulders.

  Judy had been listening to this discussion for a while and decided to jump in. “As you know I am a Hair stylist down at New Look Beauty Salon. Women love to talk while they are getting their hair done. A frequent subject is oral sex. The majority of women think that cunnilingus and fellatio are wonderful ways to enjoy sex within their marriages. Most of them enjoy both having it done and doing it to their partners.”


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