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An Erotic Baptist Story

Page 2

by Franklin Eddy

  “I bet these women are not Christians,” Ann said.

  “Actually, most of them attend church and don't consider oral sex a sin.”

  “That seems strange,” I said. “I guess women consider what they do with their husbands in their bedrooms to be their own business and not the business of churches.”

  “That is right,” Judy said. “Actually a lot of younger women prefer having oral sex with their boyfriends, rather than having regular sex since they can't get pregnant that way.”

  I smiled at Judy and said, “You sure seem knowledgeable on the subject. Maybe you should write a book about your discussions down at the Solon.”

  “We actually talk about a lot of things down there. Women love to talk while they have their hair done. Usually it is about losing weight, politics, and sex.”

  “Well, I never talk about sex while I am getting my hair done,” Ann said. “I think we should change the subject since I am tired of listening to you discussing it. Why don't we talk about the Bible since we are suppose to be Christians.”

  Chapter 5

  Judy, Ann, and I pulled up to the Wayside Baptist Church parking lot. I was off work for the day, and Judy was working a late shift, so she was free. She had wanted to stop and pick something up from the church secretary, Sharon, before we went out to lunch. Ann was Judy's best friend, so we had picked her up from her house since she didn't have a job at the present time. Bob Arnold, the head Deacon pulled in next to us.

  I shook his hand, and we talked for a few minutes before we went into the church. As we went into the church, we heard Ann scream. We ran into the church office and was startled by what we saw. Leroy and Sharon were both seated in office chairs. Her blouse was open and her bra pulled up, so we could see her shapely breasts. I noticed that her nipples had a wrinkled circle around them indicating that she was highly aroused.

  Pastor Leroy Smith was frantically trying to put his rigid penis back into his pants. Obviously Sharon had been giving him a blow job. She smiled at us and pulled her bra down and then buttoned her blouse.

  “Leroy, it is too hard, so you can't get it back into your pants so let me fix it.” She leaned over and took it back in her mouth and started sucking on it again. Suddenly, he gave a jerk as he ejaculated into her mouth.

  I glanced over at the deacon, who was frowning.

  Sharon smiled, not embarrassed, and said, “I was just taking care of Leroy's stress, so he can work on his sermon for tomorrow. His wife should take care of that, but she doesn't believe in taking care of his sexual needs. I didn't mind since he said it furthers God's work.”

  By now Leroy had managed to get his penis back in his pants.

  “Now, what was it that you needed,” Sharon said, “since that chore is done?”

  Judy smiled and said, “I just came by to pick up that craft pattern that you had for me. Ann is going to lunch with us.”

  Ann had left the room and was sitting out in the church auditorium.

  Bob Arnold looked at us and said, “I want everyone to leave. Pastor Leroy and I have to have a talk.”

  “Here is your pattern,” Sharon said, handing an large envelope to Judy.

  “Hey, would you like to go out to lunch with us?” I asked. Judy had gone out to the auditorium to sit with Ann.

  “Sure,” Sharon responded. “I have an hour for lunch so let's go. “I sure hope that Leroy doesn't get fired. I guess we should have shut the office door before we did that.”

  “Do you think that you might get fired?” I said.

  “I was just doing what the preacher wanted me to do since he said it was part of my job, so I hope I don't get fired for doing my job.”

  She smiled and whispered to me, “I have always been nice to Bob Arnold, so I don't think he will let me get fired.”

  “You are sure surprising me today since I thought you were pious.”

  “I was married for two years, so sex is not new to me. I also liked it, especially giving blow jobs. It makes me feel good to give men pleasure.”

  We all got in the car and drove to Country Buffet. Everyone grabbed a tray and went around and got what they wanted to eat.

  We started talking about mundane things that were not connected to what had just happened.

  Ann was very quiet.

  Finally Sharon spoke to Ann. “Were you shocked by what you saw us doing?”

  “Yes, but it was sort of exciting too. He seemed to be really enjoying it from the pleasure on his face.”

  “Yes, men do enjoy blow jobs greatly,” Sharon said.

  Sharon looked thoughtful and said, “I have never given my husband a blow job. If he enjoyed it as much as the preacher did, then maybe I should have.”

  “Well, it is never too late to start,” Sharon said. “Of course, if all you want is for him to have a blow job, you could have him come by, and I will give him one.”

  “No, I don't want you to do that,” Ann said. “I think I will start giving him blow jobs myself. It might be fun to have him give them to me too. I have often wondered how it would feel.”

  I looked at Sharon and asked, “Did the preacher ever give you any oral sex?”

  “Of course,” she said, smiling. “He was good at it too.”

  When we got back to the church, there was a lot of yelling going on in the church office. Bob Arnold was sitting in the pew talking on his cell phone.

  We sat down in a pew a couple of pews ahead of him. We could hear the preacher's wife giving him hell.

  “I am going to throw your sorry ass out of the house and file for a divorce,” she said. “You forced that sweet girl to perform that sinful act for your sexual pleasure. I am going to make sure that you never pastor another church in your life.”

  The response was low, so we couldn't hear it.

  “Don't blame it on the Devil since you are the one to blame!”

  Soon they both came out of the church office and walked down the aisle. When they got outside, she started yelling at him again.

  “So what is going to happen, Bob?” Sharon asked.

  He gathered his words and said, “I talked to the other deacons, and we have decided to fire him. Of course, we will have to get approval from the church at the Wednesday business meeting to make it official. But that should only be a formality when they find out what he did and his wife leaving him.”

  “What about my job?”

  “I will recommended that we keep you on since you were a victim of his lust. So you will still have a job.”

  “Well, I guess I had better get to work,” she said. “Who is going to give the message tomorrow?”

  “I think I will,” Deacon Arnold said. “I think I will entitled it, Betraying God.”

  Chapter 6

  Sunday morning Deacon Arnold gave the message. Before he started, he said, “I guess some of you were wondering what transpired with our preacher. He was caught forcing his secretary to do some improper things. So we had not choice but to terminate him. Since she was a victim we are going to recommend letting her keep her job.

  The sermon was not real good, but the nice thing was that it was short. So we were soon eating lunch with Ann and Ron.

  “Well, I wonder where Leroy spent the night,” I said.

  “I heard that his wife called her folks up in Denver, and they came and helped her pack up and move out,” Ann said. “So I guess he stayed there.”

  Suddenly I looked up and was startled to see Leroy and Sharon come in. The place was crowded, so I waved over to them to sit with us.

  The waitress came over and took their orders.

  “I am sorry that you got fired,” I said, trying to be nice.

  He smiled and said, “I am not unhappy with their decision. I never wanted to be a preacher anyway. It was more Betty's idea than mine. I have a degree in computer science, so I think I will find a job in that field. I actually like working with computers better than people.”

  “It seems strange that we caught you in the act,�
�� I said. “Judy said that you, Sharon, had asked to come at that time. It is also strange that Arnold also showed up then.”

  “I guess I forgot about him having an appointment to meet with Leroy and also about Judy coming down. Actually I wasn't aware the other two of you were coming.”

  Abruptly I had a strange feeling. “Was that a setup to get caught?”

  Leroy looked thoughtful and said, “I knew that Betty would give me a hard time about a divorce. So it is good that it was her idea to leave.”

  “So you gave her some motivation,” Judy said.

  “Are you and Leroy going to be a couple now?” Ann asked.

  “Actually we have been a secret couple for a while,” Sharon said. “Leroy was locked into an unhappy marriage that he needed to get out of. So we made a plan to make his wife angry enough to leave him. I like him very much and am thinking of asking him to move in with me. He can only stay in the parsonage for a couple of weeks.”

  “Well, at least I won't have to listen to those boring sermons any more,” I said.

  Leroy looked at me and said smiling. “They were boring, weren't they. Betty wrote them for me and insisted that I concentrate on sin. I would have preferred to have preached about God' love.”

  Chapter 7

  Judy and I went to the business meeting on Wednesday night. There was a lot of discussion. Deacon Arnold had thought that it would be a simple thing getting Preacher Leroy's resignation approved.

  A woman got up and said, “I always felt sorry for that young man. He was so nice and his wife was so terrible. No wonder he had to find comfort in another woman's arms.”

  A man got up and echoed what she said.

  I was simply amazed. Nobody seemed to blame him and everyone blamed his wife.

  Then someone suggested that his resignation not be accepted, and he be encouraged to stay on as the pastor.

  I got up and said, “I don't know if he would be interested in coming back. He told me that he has found a job as a computer programer. It pays a lot more money and doesn't have all the problems of dealing with people.”

  They ignored my remarks and asked Deacon Arnold to contact him and see if he would come back. Leroy said that he was looking forward to his new job but would be willing to give the Sunday morning message until they found a new pastor. He was allowed to stay in the parsonage.

  Three months later Judy and I were sitting in a pew listening to Rev. Leroy Smith. A lot had happened to him during this time. He was now the full time pastor again and was married to Sharon. He was like a different person and was no longer uptight and strict.

  I sat and listened to his sermon. He was preaching on looking at porn on the Internet.

  “A lot of people think that looking at porn on the Internet is a sin. However, the Bible doesn't deal with this issue at all. Some Christians do not believe in having pictures in their homes based on Exodus 20:4. You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.”

  He paused in thoughtfulness before continuing. “Some Christians such as the Amish and some other groups don't even allow their pictures to be taken. So they consider even looking at a picture to be a sin. Looking at a picture of a nude person is not any different than looking at a fully clothed one.”

  I thought about that. I wondered what he was going say about men looking at nude women. I have been guilty of that before, but my wife knows about it and doesn't really care. I don't do it a lot anyway.

  “Some Christians look at nudes on the Internet. Usually these Christians are men since women don't seem to have this particular taste.”

  This brought a chuckle from the church body. “This issue is very clear to some Christians. Looking at nudes and porn is clearly a sin. It can come in the form of magazine, DVD, Internet, etc. However, the easiest way to see this type of material is to use the Internet since it is free and secretive.”

  He paused again to collect his thoughts. “It would be easy to just say that looking at questionable pictures on the internet is wrong, however, we don't have any support from the Bible, so we must fall back on common sense. I think that if you think that it is a sin to look at porn on the Internet, then don't do it. I also think if your spouse doesn't want you to do it, then it may hurt your marriage, so it would be better for you not to do it. If your spouse doesn't care, then it up to you to decide whether you think is okay for you look at porn. There is no evidence that looking at porn actually hurts anyone.”

  I thought about that for a moment. Leroy would never have said something like that when he was married to his former wife. Now it was much more liberal in his views. Some church members seemed to like his new viewpoint and others didn't. However, the church was starting to grow, so it was obviously having an impact on people attending.

  He also seem to be paying more attention to the time, so we got out exactly at noon. We were soon eating lunch with Ann and Ron.

  “Well, the preacher said it was okay for me to look at porn on the Internet, so I guess I am okay. Actually I prefer looking at good looking nude women though. Of course, none of them are as good looking as Judy.”

  Judy poked me and said, “Then why look at them at all?”

  “A little variety is nice, even if the quality is not as good.”

  “Ann, the preacher said that it was okay if I looked at nudes on the Internet, so I am going to start doing it.”

  “You are already doing it by sneaking around to do it. I guess I might as well just accept it as a man thing and ignore it.”

  “Do women look at porn?” I asked.

  “Women like porn,” Judy said, “but they prefer written porn rather than visual porn.”

  It got quiet for a moment since our meal had arrived. “Leroy really looks a lot happier now than when he was married to his prior wife.”

  “That is true,” Ann said. “He can get all the blow jobs he wants and won't have to beg them from his secretary.”

  “Isn't his wife, his secretary?” I said.

  “I don't know if he really had to beg for blow jobs from his secretary while he was married to his former wife. Maybe Sharon liked him and gave them willingly,” Ann said.

  “Ann has started acting more bold in the sexual department,” Ron said. “We are even having oral sex now. She really likes when I do it to her since she has lots of orgasms.”

  “Do you still pray before having sex, Ann?”

  “No, I wait until I am ready to go to sleep and pray then. Prayer tends to dampen the sexual fun.”

  I nodded my head. “I only gave grace one time before oral sex, since Judy said wasn't necessary.”

  “Well, it wouldn't have been too bad,” Judy said, “but Paul would pray for a few moments then perform some oral sex, then start praying again. It about drove me crazy. Just when I was about ready to go over the edge, he would stop giving me oral sex and start praying again.”

  “Maybe, he was doing it on purpose to tease you,” Ron said.

  Ann look like she wanted to ask something. “One problem I have is that Ron's penis gets too hard and large, so it is difficult for me to take it into my mouth. So I can only lick on its sides.”

  “Well, that is not my fault,” Ron said. “It has a mind of its own. I also have a really large penis.”

  Ann laughed and said, “We measured it rigid one time and it was six inches long. I looked it up on the Internet and that is standard.”

  “I think you just got shot down, Ron,” I said. “At least it wasn't only four inches long.”

  Ron frowned at me.

  “Sometimes, we have that problem too,” Judy said, going back to the original discussion. “When that happens, I jack Paul off until he ejaculates. Then I wait for five minutes to let him recover and then I can take it into my mouth and suck on it since it is smaller and softer.”

  “Actually it feels better when it is not too hard,” I said. “Sometime
s it gets so hard that it actually hurts a little.”

  “Yeah, I have had that happen to me too,” Ron said.

  “So what are the two of you going to do this afternoon?” Ann asked.

  “We always make love on Sunday afternoon,” Judy said. “It is our tradition.”

  “Well, it has become our tradition too,” Ann said.

  Chapter 8

  “What would you think about taking a shower together,” Judy said, later. “We haven't done that for a while, and it might be fun.”

  We have a nice walk-in shower in the master bedroom bathroom. It had a seat on one end, so a person can sit down.

  We pulled our Sunday church clothes off and hung them up in the closet. I still had on my shorts, and Judy had on her bra and panties. I stepped behind her and unbuttoned her bra, allowing her breasts to fall free. Then I cupped them in my hand since I loved to do that. Her breasts felt like a helium balloon that had gone soft overnight. Then I knelt down and pulled her panties off.

  As she turned toward me, she said, “It is really hard already, so I guess I won't be able to suck on you yet.”

  “It will get smaller when we take our shower,” I said.

  I stood behind Judy and let the water rain down on us. It felt really nice. I held her breast for a moment then turned her toward me. I bent over and sucked on her nipples, one after another. They tasted really nice since the water was falling on them. Then I stood up and kissed her deeply. I put my hand down and ran my finger into her pussy. It went in easily since she was excited.

  I moved it in and out and then felt around and found her clitoris. I rubbed it gently between my fingers. She gasped and had her first orgasm that afternoon. She pulled me to her tightly and took my rigid penis in her hand. I started moving my finger inside of her again. She moved my penis up and down. Since it was excited, I ejaculated almost immediately.

  “Rest for a moment and I will give you some oral sex,” she said, climbing out and handing me a towel.


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