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She's Mine (A Bad Boy MC Romance)

Page 12

by Sara Crest

  “You don’t even know him!” I cried out.

  He slapped me hard with the back of his hand “soon enough you won’t know him either!”

  I watched as they pushed Jack to the ground, kicking him hard in the back and the head. I wanted to cry out and tell them to stop hurting him but I was too afraid of what they’d do to him if I did.

  “Put him on his knees” my dad said as he walked towards Jack. The men lifted Jack so that he was sitting on his knees.

  “You think you can just run off with my daughter? Did you really think I wouldn’t find you? I have eyes all over this fucking country! You could have just taken the 10 grand and left with your miserable life but no you had to drive my poor innocent girl through the dirt with you. Nobody and I mean nobody crosses me and doesn’t pay the fucking price!”

  The men that my father brought along with him grabbed me by my arms and brought me forward, putting me on my knees right in front of Jack so that we were looking at each other face to face. He was so bruised, I just wanted to take him home and take care of him until he was better. I hated seeing the strong man that I cared about so much being reduced to this.

  “Dad please you don’t have to do this you can just let him go and-”

  “Viktoria… just let it happen” Jack said looking deep into my eyes. “I got to experience something amazing with you even if it did all come crashing down. I’m sorry it had to end this way.”

  My dad punched Jack hard in the side of his face, shutting him up before he could finish. My dad grabbed Jack by his hair and forced me to look at him “I’m going to make sure you never pull some bullshit like this ever again, you’re going to remember this for the rest of your life.”

  One of the men holding me pulled out a box cutter and handed it to my dad.

  “Dad please no!”

  Jack stayed silent, he knew what was coming and I could only assume he wanted to die with dignity.

  I started to break down sobbing, it wasn’t supposed to be like this. I just wanted us to be together why did this have to happen?

  “Viktoria… I’m so sorry. I wish I could do this all over again” he said looking deep in my eyes.

  “Shut the fuck up” my dad said as he walked behind Jack and pulled back on his hair, exposing his throat. “Did you really think you could fucking get away with stealing my daughter away from me?” He said looking into Jack’s eyes as he pulled his hair back. “Did you really think I didn’t have eyes everywhere? That I didn’t have someone somewhere that wouldn’t rat you out for the chance to make a few extra thousand? Maybe you didn’t understand that before but not this wake up call is too fucking late.”

  He unsheathed the box cutter and put it to Jack’s throat, taking a few deep breaths to prepare himself for what he was about to do.

  “Jack, no matter what happens I want you to know that I love you!” I cried out in between my sobs. I was a fucking wreck I couldn’t believe what was happening, I wanted to think that this was all some cruel sick joke but deep down I couldn’t convince myself that it was. “I’m sorry I got in the way of your dreams, we could have lived our dreams together I’m sure we could have. I’m so sorry Jack I love you please don’t leave!”

  My father looked at me straight in the eye as he made the initial incision into the side of Jack’s neck. “Let this be a fucking lesson to you Viktora” my dad spurted out as he began to slowly cut Jack’s throat.

  “Viktoria, I want you to know that I’ll always lo-”

  Jack’s voice fell silent as my father ran the blade along his throat, pushing him onto the ground after the cut was made.

  “Jack no please!” I cried out breaking away from the men who held me back and embracing Jack on the floor. “Jack please no don’t leave me” I whispered into his ear before sobbing into the back of his shirt.

  Through his back I could still hear his heart beating, and his body moved slightly against the weight I pushed on him. I put my hand on his throat to stop any bleeding out of desperation, just like Zeke said Jack was tough I knew there was still time to save his life if we acted fast enough. “Please, please! We can save him!” I pleased to the Iron Horses that stood there watching me. “He’s not dead yet I know we can save him! You were his brothers once you have to know that this is wrong! I love him too much to let it end like this, please don’t let it end like this…”

  My dad grabbed me by my arm and pulled me to my feet “get the fuck off of him you’re goddamn embarrassing the both of us.”

  “Make sure you dig him a shallow grave boys, a worthless fuck like him barely even deserves that.”

  My dad practically dragged me out of there by my wrist as I uncontrollably sobbed. Watching them lift up Jack and take him back outside towards the car we came in on.

  “Jack please!”

  “Please… you can’t be gone… you promised you’d always protect me…”

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  I didn’t even want to move, I just wanted to curl up into a ball. I wanted him, I just wanted to feel his comfort. Even when we argued I just wanted to feel him because nobody made me feel as safe as Jack did.

  I sat in the back of a small limo with my father on one side and my new bodyguards on the other. I could only assume that we were driving home, my new home I should say.

  We were all completely silent except for my silent sobs, I was afraid to cry as loud as I wanted to out of fear of my father. I even hid my face from him so that he wouldn’t see my tears but I knew he had already seen them.

  We pulled into a massive neighborhood filled with nothing but gated mansions, I guess this was where my father would be keeping me from now on.

  “This is a gated community” he said “which means that even if you try to escape the house you’ll have to get past their security as well. Don’t worry, I made sure to tell them about your little history, they’re not letting you out of here.”

  We pulled into the driveway of our new home and my bodyguards escorted me out of the car and into the house. The place was mostly empty but it was clear my dad had begun to start filling it with all the useless expensive trash he loved to put in his homes. I thought that maybe with his last place blowing up that he’d move on from that kind of stuff but I thought wrong.

  We were greeted by even more bodyguards. Never in my life did I have more than 5 guards at one time but there must have been at least 8 men waiting for us inside the house. God knows how many more my dad had waiting for me, he probably had them switch out in shifts to make sure they didn’t get tired and accidentally mess up.

  “We have a meeting with some of the other Dons in a few days” he told me putting his hand firmly on my shoulder. “Just telling you now so that you’re ready for it.” He squeezed my shoulder hard, I wasn’t used to him touching me like that so I brushed him off, he didn’t seem to like that.

  “Why do I have to go?” It was hard just to speak without breaking down in tears over what was going on.

  “Because I fucking said you’re going. You’re coming with me, you’re gonna sit there and look pretty, and you’re gonna nod and agree with everything that comes out of my mouth. I need to make a real fucking impression on these people and if you stand in the way of that again so help me god.”

  He sounded incredibly worked up. He walked to the kitchen and poured himself a glass of water and chugged it, taking a few deep breaths to calm him down. I was truly afraid of him, he had never been this angry before, and I had never seen him actually kill someone before. I don’t know if me running away broke him or if he realized that he didn’t have as much control as he initially thought but he was a changed man. It was the same kind of change I saw when he first became a Don, somehow his no nonsense attitude became even worse.

  “I got some business to go take care of” he said calming himself down. “You take her up to her new room and make sure she doesn’t get leave for any reason. If she’s hungry then you bring her something, if I find ou
t that you let her leave tonight I’ll do to you what I did to that sorry tattooed biker fuck back at the warehouse that’s laying in a ditch somewhere.”

  He turned to me and scowled “if you thought I was hard on you before you have another thing fucking coming.”

  My father took out his phone and began dialing while the bodyguards escorted me upstairs to my room. The house was absolutely massive, I don’t know why my dad ever bothered with that apartment instead of getting some as big as this where he could house all of his gaudy bullshit.

  The bodyguards practically threw me into my room, slamming the door behind them. The only thing really in there was a bed, there were a few pairs of new clothes laid out for me on my bedsheets and a new laptop to keep me busy.

  There was a note taped to the laptop, I tore it off to see that it was written by my dad. “Don’t even think about trying to contact anyone on this thing, it’s set up so that I see absolutely everything you look at online.”

  I tore the piece of paper up and threw the laptop across the room, watching it shatter against the wall. I looked around everywhere to see if there was a way out.

  The windows were designed so that they would barely open, they would open up just enough to let the air in but not nearly enough for me to climb out. I took my already broken laptop and tried to throw it through the glass but my dad had put in anti-shatter panes. I took a chair and hit my wall in it to try and make a hole but the legs of the chair merely broke off and barely even left a mark in the paint.

  I walked over to the door, listening out to see if the guards were still there. I heard complete silence so I decided to see if I could make a break for it.

  As soon as I opened the door I was met by one of them staring me down with his arms crossed, blocking my way. “Do you need something?” he said sternly. I didn’t even respond, I just closed the door and slowly fell to my knees. There was no way out.

  Even if I did get out what was I even going to do? I had no real way of getting out of here I’d just get caught again and who knows what my dad would do to me after a second time.

  I had my freedom and I wasted my chance.

  I had Jack and I let it all fall apart.

  I could feel the tears begin to well up in my eyes when the reality of the situation began to hit me again. I jumped into my bed and began sobbing as loud as I could into the pillow.

  My bodyguards began to beat on my door, yelling at me to keep it down but all it did was make me sob harder.

  I couldn’t believe Jack was gone, my dad took him away from me. I wanted to kill my dad for it but I knew I could never have the strength to do it. I looked out my window and through my tears all I could think about was how close Jack and I were, how we had let our own roadblocks get in the way. I wanted him back just to touch him again, just to feel his presence again. The thing was even if I did have him would it have worked out for us? Would we have always ended up here no matter what?

  It seemed like no matter what fate deemed us to be separate either through capture and death or through conflict of interest. It wasn’t fair, I had never loved a man in my life before Jack and now he was taken away from me in the blink of an eye.

  I would give anything to go back to the moment we shared together in the shower. I wanted to feel his touch, to feel him wrapped around me again, to see him look deep in my eyes again before he kissed me over and over. Those moments made me feel better than any time in my life.

  I didn’t know if it was from the extreme sorrow of losing him but I just had this feel, this feeling that I had to figure out a way to escape for his sake. He sacrificed his life in order to free me from my father, to honor him I had to find a way out of here, I know for a fact that’s what he would have wanted. Whether it took a week, a month, or even years I would get out of here. I wouldn’t let his death be in vain.

  Was it even possible? I just wanted to not feel so helpless.

  I would never forget him, and I knew I would never love again.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  I opened my eyes to complete darkness surrounding me.

  Confusion started to set in. “Am I dead? Is this what death is like?”

  I could hear the muffled sounds of birds chirping in the distance, but I could also feel a sharp pain all across my throat and neck. I had no idea what was going on.

  I took a deep breath and had the most relieving experience when I felt my lungs fill with air.

  I was alive. I couldn’t believe it I was actually fucking alive.

  I wanted to laugh but the pain in my throat quickly put a stop to that.

  I tried to move my arm to feel my throat but I was stuck. I struggled and thrashed my legs a bit and came to the realization that I was surrounded by dirt, they actually fucking buried me. They let that asshole try kill me, take Viktoria back to that shitty life, and then they fucking buried me.

  I clawed my way upwards, shoveling dirt out of my way with my fingers until I felt the warm summer air against my hand. I grabbed the soil around me and with all my strength I pulled myself up towards the sunlight.

  When I freed my upper body I began coughing uncontrollably, grabbing my cut throat in pain only to feel that the dirt had gotten in the wound and helped stop the bleeding. I massaged the cut a little bit with my fingers to feel that Petrov hadn’t cut me nearly deep enough to kill me, fucking bastard. My body must have gone into shock from all the pain and knocked me unconscious. Viktoria probably thinks I’m 100% dead, can’t imagine what’s going through her mind right now.

  “Petrov’s so rusty he couldn’t kill someone handed over to him on a silver platter. If I ever see him again I’ll make him fucking regret not doing the job right.”

  I grabbed the soil and the grass around me and with all my strength I pulled myself out of my own grave. My neck ached as the dirt coated my skin and got underneath my nails. Soon I had freed my whole body from the earth, lying on the ground on the loose dirt that was supposed to be my final resting place.

  They didn’t even spring for a tombstone.

  I rolled over onto my hands and knees as the pain from my throat began to really hit me.

  I didn’t know what hurt more; my throat or knowing that Viktoria was back with her father.

  I slowly got to my feet, looking around I saw that they had buried me far outside the city in the middle of a massive corn field. I could only assume I was somewhere in rural Illinois. As I watched the sun starting to set over that sea of yellow and green I actually felt a wave of relief, somehow I had survived, I had lived to see another day.

  In the distance I saw a farmhouse, with no other choice I began to walk towards it. I took my first step and realized that I was barefoot, they couldn’t even bury me in my fucking boots.

  “I bet Axel was the one that fucking took them, probably threw them out of the window on the way back home or set them on fire just to spite me.”

  I tore off a piece of my dirty t-shirt and wrapped it tightly around my neck to stop the remaining bleeding. Thank god for the compressed soil that held the bleeding off, whoever patted down my grave after they buried me probably unwittingly saved my life.

  I walked through the field not even knowing what I was going to do. What do you do when you’re given a second chance of life?

  The one thought that I couldn’t get out of my head was that I now truly had my freedom. Everyone thought I was dead, nobody would ever come after me, I could disappear and it wouldn’t matter. But the thought made me feel guilty, I had promised Viktoria that I would always protect her and keep her away from her father.

  “Even if I did go and try to save her it would just be suicide, she’s probably protected beyond belief now I can’t just sneak in and sneak out with her. I don’t even know where she lives now that the apartment is gone.”

  I walked out of the cornfield to the farmhouse to see an old man rocking back and forth in a rocking chair half asleep. Parked outside the house was a truck, I’m sure I cou
ld steal the truck and be out of here before the geezer even knew what was going on but I didn’t see a need for it and I always preferred a chopper. Mine might have been back in Kansas City but I knew exactly where to get a new one.

  I walked up the steps of the house and shook the old man awake by his shoulder, probably nearly gave him a heart attack.

  He looked at me up and down absolutely horrified, I would say that it looked like he saw a dead man walking but I guess that’s exactly what he did see.

  “Hey old man, you know how to get to Chicago?”

  He nodded his head, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more confused man in my life.

  “Good, we’re going on a little evening drive.”

  * * *

  Driving through the city in a pickup really did feel weird, being in the passenger seat felt even weirder. I couldn’t complain though, it was better than being in the trunk.

  The old man was kind enough to give me a jacket and an old pair of work boots that he said was left behind by a field worker a few years back. Even let me shower and gave me a bandage for my throat. I would have thought a man his age would have been married but there was no sign he even had a family. I guess in a way he might have been like me, he chose the lifestyle he wanted to live and in the end he possibly sacrificed the chance to had to be with a woman. I knew that it would be thoughts like this that would keep me up at night if I did let Viktoria go.

  “I’ve let those bastards bury god knows what in my field for decades” he said. “You’re the first one I’ve ever seen to actually walk out of there.” We were getting closer to where I told him to take me, felt weird being back in this city.

  “You just let it happen?” I asked.

  “If I stopped them or called the cops they would bury me right alongside the other sorry men that crossed them. It’s a shitty excuse but even if I did anything it wouldn’t stop them, it would just make me another victim.”


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