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She's Mine (A Bad Boy MC Romance)

Page 13

by Sara Crest

  We pulled up to Petrov’s old apartment building. There were still some police activity, I assume they were still investigating what happened at the bombing.

  “Well, thanks for everything old man” I said hopping out of the truck. “Wish I could give you something in return but I got nothing.”

  “Look, obviously you did something that got you put in that hole on my land. I don’t know what you did but it was enough for them to bury you, if you have any feelings of revenge you should just throw them away and get out while you can. Your revenge should be escaping with your life.”

  He pulled the truck away, leaving me standing there in the road. I may not have been out specifically for revenge but he did make me more weary about going back for Viktoria. Just having the thought of not going back for her made me feel guilty, but maybe it was time to start being selfish again. I dunno.

  A car whizzing past me blaring its horn knocked me out of my train of thought. I shook it off and started walking across the road towards the building’s parking lot.

  “Baby steps Jack, baby steps. Gotta figure out what to do before I even get to Viktoria.”

  I kept my fingers crossed, hoping that what I was looking for would be there. With all the cops and detectives that were poking around after the explosion who knows what could have happened to it. Could have even taken it in for evidence, then I really would have been fucked.

  I walked past all the parked cars, checking parking spot after parking spot to see if it was there.


  It may have been dusty, it may have been covered in the debris of the explosion, but it was there.

  Chuck’s motorcycle stood there proud but dirty, with Chuck passing away in the explosion this was a bike without a rider. I guess the best way to honor Chuck would be to give his bike a good ride.

  I looked around to make sure nobody was looking before kneeling down next to the bike. I was a bit rusty but I still remembered how to hotwire a chopper, hell it was how I got my first bike back when I turned 17.

  The chopper sputtered out some leftover debris and then roared to life.

  “Thanks Chuck” I said with a smirk.

  I revved the engine and savoured the feeling, I thought it was something I would never experience again in my entire life. When you go through a near death experience like that you start to appreciate the things you always used to take for granted.

  I only had one place to go; the abandoned house where I left some extra money, it wouldn’t be much but it’s something. From there I could decide on what to actually do about this situation.

  When I pulled out onto that road it was like I really did die and go to heaven, feeling the wind on my face and in my hair again almost made me forget about what happened. Certainly helped that Chuck’s bike rode like a dream, made me regret not taking him up on his offer to tune my ride. I thought I knew how to tune a bike up but this was on a different level.

  That brief moment of happiness quickly died when I felt the emptiness against my back. I had gotten so used to Viktoria holding onto me that now riding just didn’t feel right.

  “You really know how to fuck up, Jack.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  That old neighborhood wasn’t exactly abandoned anymore, guess that’s what happens when your best clean up guy leaves the club.

  Nearly half the houses had been broken back into. I had no idea how many addicts there were, what they were on, or if it was even safe for me to be there. One of the houses had cars parked on the lawn with loud music blaring from inside, looks like someone was calling that place home. All I knew was if any of them touched my money then they better hope they’re high enough not to feel what I would do to them.

  I saw some lights coming from the house I was using, from the looks of it they were just using some candles and flashlights to keep the place lit in the dark. I pulled into the driveway and turned the bike off, trying to listen in and figure out if anyone was inside.

  I reached into the bag that Chuck kept on the back of the bike and started looking around. Chuck always made sure that a gun wasn’t too far away from him at all times, I assume he had a very valid reason for that. Chuck used it a few times when we were playing clean up crew for the Iron Horses and kicking the addicts off of our turf. As far as I was concerned using it would just be me following in his footsteps.

  I finally felt it, pulling the pistol out and watching it shine from the street light. Magnum revolver, six shots, and a silver plating that would make your mom’s jewelry look worthless.

  This was for protection only, last thing I needed to do was set off god knows how many addicts high out of their minds and get into a shootout. I’ve already cheated death once for the day, can’t imagine I have much luck left.

  I stepped off my bike, I normally used the backdoor but someone had already busted the front door wide open. I checked my pistol one last time to make sure it was loaded, gripping it hard in my hand just in case someone inside tried to strip it away from me.

  I walked through the door, pointing the gun in every corner of the room just in case some drugged out freak tried to run at me.

  I saw something move in one of the corners and immediately fixed the sights of my gun to it. There was a flashlight on the windowsill nearby so I grabbed it and pointed the light where I saw the source of the movement.

  The light revealed a young woman about Viktoria’s age. She was sitting on the ground and leaning against the wall as she shook uncontrollably. She had messy sandy blonde hair that looked like it hadn’t been washed in weeks, she was wearing a dirty wifebeater with no bra underneath and jean shorts that revealed her scratched up legs.

  I stared at her for a few seconds with the barrel of my gun pointed straight at her before lowering it, she seemed like she was too out of it to be a threat.

  I pulled a chair up to the ceiling tile that hid the money and climbed up onto it. I pulled the tile out and was relieved to see that nobody had found the last bit of cash I left. I turned to the girl and saw her eyes widen as she looked at me counting the money. I probably should have hid it from her but I didn’t think she was a big enough threat to be a real concern.

  I turned and looked out of the doorway at my bike, it was already well into night and I was way too tired to hop back on and find a place to stay. I kept a couch upstairs in a locked room that I knew I could sleep in, it wouldn’t be a good night's rest knowing this crazy broad was down here and probably coming off of her high but I was too strapped for cash to pay for a motel.

  “I’m going upstairs, are you and I gonna have any problems tonight?”

  She looked at me with a blank stare, almost as if she was looking right through me, I’ve seen that look too many times unfortunately. “N-n-n-no” she sputtered out shaking her head, looked like it took all of her remaining energy just to answer me.

  I slowly walked up the steps, watching her to make sure she was going to stay where she was. I wouldn’t be surprised if she forgot I was even there once I was out of sight.

  I went up and found the locked door, only problem was the key was on my old keyring with my bike key. It had fallen out of my pocket sometime when they dragged me out of Kansas City. Looks like I was going to have to break it.

  I took the butt of the pistol and with one clean hit knocked the door handle straight off, letting me push the door wide open.

  I looked back down the stairs one more time to make sure she didn’t follow me and then walked into the room. I took my t-shirt off and jammed it underneath the door to hopefully stop anyone from getting in, last thing I wanted was for that girl or one of her friends to come and finish what Petrov failed to do.

  I lifted up one of the couch pillows and put the money underneath it before laying down. The moonlight shined through the window and landed right on my face and body, it’d make it harder to sleep but at this point I was probably too tired for it to be a real factor.

  I ran my fingers o
ver the cut on my throat, goddamn was that gonna scar. I felt the other scars on my body and remembered how I got them all, I had tattoos all over my body but I’m a firm believer that scars tell better stories.

  My neck and throat were still in a lot of pain, it was a constant reminder of what I let happen to both me and Viktoria.

  All I could think about was how she was probably alone in her room somewhere without any way to get out. How her dad probably put more restrictions on her because of what I did.

  The real question on my mind was not only if I could save her but if I should save her.

  I loved Viktoria, I loved her more than any other woman I had ever met in my life, but in the back of my mind I couldn’t shake the thought that this was the most free I had been since I joined the Iron Horses.

  I couldn’t go back to Kansas City because I was identified by Petrov’s man but still I didn’t have a real care in the world. The MC thought I was dead, Petrov thought I was dead, and as much as I hated to say it Viktoria thought I was buried in the ground somewhere. I could go off and live my life and nobody would ever come looking for me.

  But was it right to run away? When I still loved her so much? When I was ready to sacrifice the chance to run an MC just to stay with her?

  I promised her that I’d always protect her. If I ran away to pursue my dreams then that promise would be permanently broken.

  “What’s the fucking point, if I took her away from her old man again then he’d come after me. If I killed him then the whole Russian mob would come after me.”

  I hated to say it, but it looked like this was one promise I was going to be forced to break.

  I rolled over on the couch and felt something in my pocket. I reached in and pulled out the picture of Viktoria that I had, I thought it had gotten lost in the scuffle back in Kansas City.

  She looked absolutely gorgeous and yet somehow the picture really didn’t do her justice.

  I turned it over and there was writing on the back, writing that wasn’t there before.

  “To Jack, I know we have our differences but I know that a man like you can figure out how to do anything. We’ve come so far and I know if we stick together we can go even farther. I love you so much and I’ll always love you. -Viktoria”

  She even wrote a heart next to her name.

  I’ve never loved a girl like this in my life and I had to give her up, reading that just made it a whole lot harder.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  I woke up in the middle of the night to the sounds of murmuring outside of my room. My tears had dried on my face but the pain of losing Jack was still very fresh.

  I’d give anything to feel his muscular tattooed arm running down my back, swaying me side to side by my hips before pulling me in and kissing me. I couldn’t bear to think that it was something that I would never feel again.

  The murmuring outside my room died down but I couldn’t fall back asleep, I hadn’t eaten anything since I was in Kansas City so I was absolutely starving.

  I rolled out of bed and walked to my door. I knew that the new guards wouldn’t let me get my own food but at least they would bring me something. God it made me feel so useless having to ask the men that kept me imprisoned in my own room for something to eat.

  “I wish I got to cook for Jack, maybe he would have liked that. Not that dad ever let me get near a stove.”

  I opened the door and the men immediately fell quiet from their conversation. There were two men there, different than the ones who had escorted me to my room a few hours earlier, I guess dad hired so many that he had them working in shifts. One was old enough to be my grandfather but still seemed like he could handle himself in a fight, the other was about as young as I was an almost seemed nervous just looking at me.

  “Go back to bed it’s past midnight” the older one said crossing his arms and looking down at me. His voice was harsh, gruff, and deep. Sounded like he was a long term smoker at one point

  “I haven’t eaten all day, and I really doubt you two are going to defy my dad’s orders and let me out to get food.”

  The old man looked down at me for a few seconds before grumbling and walking off to go downstairs.

  “Wait, I didn’t say what I wanted to eat” I called out.

  “You’ll eat what I give you” he replied, slowly walking down the stairs.

  I looked at the younger one, he was trying to look tough but I could see right through him. After spending all that time with Jack I knew a tough and hard man by the look in his eyes, this boy certainly didn’t have that look. Maybe I could use that to my advantage, or at the very least make my situation less shitty.

  “Sooo… what’s your name?”

  He was silent for a few seconds, looking back to see if his partner was in earshot.

  “Roman, my name is Roman.” He had a thick Russian accent and struggled to enunciate his words, seems like he was new blood that my dad just brought in. Hell he was probably fresh off the boat from the old country.

  “Have you been a bodyguard for long Roman?”

  “Look I am sorry but we aren’t supposed to have conversations with you.”

  “Well I won’t tell if you won’t, who knows how long we’re going to be stuck together. Might as well make this somewhat pleasant.”

  “I cannot risk it, I’ve been in this country for 2 whole months and this was the only job I could get through my family connections. I can’t afford to mess this up.”

  “Roman is that you talking up there?” the old man said as he began walking up the stairs.

  “I-I was just telling the girl that you’d be back shortly Mr. Bobrik” he said trying to save himself.

  “Yeah, sure, we both know what happened to the last guy that tried to get something going with this girl. Keep it in your pants or you’ll end up rotting in the ground like him.”

  Hearing him talk about Jack like that made the tears begin to well up in my eyes again. The old man Mr. Bobrik shoved a plate with a sandwich on it and pointed me to my room.

  “Now look what you did she’s crying” Roman said.

  “I ain’t paid to keep her feelings intact I’m paid to make sure she doesn’t get out and that young guys like you don’t get lost in her eyes and try to steal her away.”

  “Jack didn’t steal me away! And I would never leave with any of you! I loved Jack in ways that I never thought I could love a man and men like you took him away from me!” I was holding back the tears as hard as I could but my voice was shaky, I couldn’t stand to hear them about Jack like that.

  “Look sweetheart” Bobrik said condescendingly “there’s no need to get worked up just head on back to bed.” He put his arm on my shoulder and I slapped it away immediately.

  “Don’t you touch me, don’t you ever touch me as long as you work for the man that killed my Jack.”

  As I turned to go back into my room I saw Roman’s face and he actually looked sympathetic. His sympathy wouldn’t help me now. I slammed the door behind me and let the tears run down my face. I leaned with my back against the door and slid down until I was sitting on the floor. I set the sandwich down next to me and put my face in my hands crying.

  I heard them talking in Russian to each other through the door. I used to be fluent when I was a young child but my father never cared if I learned the language or not so he let me slowly lose proficiency. I think he wanted me to not understand so that he could talk about plans with his men around me without me knowing what he was saying.

  From the words I did remember I could pick out Roman defending my outburst while Bobrik called me a brat. He said that I should be lucky that my father didn’t kill me after all the trouble that I caused. After he said that the Russian became too advanced for me to follow and I began to drown it out.

  Was this really going to be my life?

  God please, when will the pain go away? If I couldn’t have Jack and I couldn’t have my freedom then what could I have?

nbsp; Chapter Twenty-Six


  I felt something rubbing against me, a pressure on my chest and a rubbing against my groin as I slept. I dreamt of Viktoria on top of me as the warm water from the shower hit her back and went down the drain. I dreamt of the way she made me feel that night and how badly I wanted it again, god I’d give anything to feel her tightness around my cock. She looked at me in a way that no other woman has ever looked at me before, I was her first but she was by far my best.

  I started to wake up, slowly realizing that what I was feeling wasn’t just a dream there was someone on top of me. I opened my eyes to see the girl from downstairs straddling me, grinding against my jeans with her hands on my chest.

  “What the fuck!?” I yelled out pushing her off of me and onto the ground. I looked at the door and saw that my t-shirt did absolutely nothing to stop her from coming inside.

  “What the hell is wrong with you? Get the fuck out of here!” I yelled pointing to the door.

  “Come on big boy please! I need the money” she said laying on the ground pleading. “I saw all that cash you have, just let me get you off and then you can pay me for it it’s a win-win.”

  Disgusting, I felt bad for her but with the way she woke me up this early in the morning I was pretty pissed. I was enjoying that dream too even if it was her that was causing it.

  “I’m not fucking touching you and I’m not giving you any of my money.” I felt dirty just knowing she was grinding herself on me, even if I was wearing my jeans.

  “Please! I just need maybe $40 and I’ll be out of your hair. I’m clean too I promise I just need that money man.”

  “Not interested, and I’m not paying for your addiction.”

  “I swear on my life it’s not for heroin, at least not for me, my boyfriend crossed his dealer and he can’t pay the $40 he owes him. The dealer said he’s gonna cut my boyfriend’s tongue out if he doesn’t get the money by the end of tomorrow and I gotta find a way to come up with it.”


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