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Hold My Hand

Page 14

by Paloma Beck

  His fingers stroked so lightly, his breath brushed my skin and the ticklish vibrations created an undercurrent of pleasure.

  “Repeat after me,” he whispered, “I am perfect.”

  I squeezed my eyes closed. I didn’t want to do this. I’d come to dread these times when he made me lie here, nude and fully exposed, saying these words. I’d also come to know he wouldn’t let me out of this.

  “I am perfect.”

  William kissed my smooth mound and looked up at me with hooded eyes. He’d remained fully dressed and against my naked body, his clothes feel sinful. The scrape of the fabric against my exposed flesh drew goose bumps.

  “You are perfect, deliciously perfect.”

  I smiled. This was different, more playful. “I am perfect.” My nose tingled as I fought the tears working their way to the corners of my eyes. I felt it, I felt as if I was saying the truth.

  His tongue pushed out of his mouth and he made a show of dipping it down into my folds. I wanted to scream. My core grew warm again, my stomach tightened like a coil, and I looked at him. A wave of pleasure washed through me as he winked and continued on, “You are perfectly beautiful.”

  “I am perfectly beautiful.”

  He watched me so intently that I trembled. The vibrations in my center increased again as he dipped into my folds, licking and nibbling. My body began a rhythmic movement as my stomach continued to tighten.

  William looked up at me, licked his lips and said, “You are perfectly kinky.” He lightly stroked my thighs and waited for my reaction. He expected me to fight this. I could see it in his expression.

  I wanted so much to please him. I smiled up at him even as I angled my hips forward in invitation. “I am perfectly kinky.” My voice may have been weak but I managed to get the words out.

  The look of astonishment on William’s face was my reward. He grinned widely and shook his head, shocked by how easily I acquiesced. His fingers edged their way towards my core and stroked up and down my folds.

  “I am perfect.” I said it again even though he hadn’t asked me to. I wanted to see his smile again.

  He increased the pressure of his strokes. “Again.”

  I didn’t know how many times we did this but I knew I must’ve been getting it right because I couldn’t take my eyes off William. With his eyes on my face and his fingers at my core, he was everywhere. My body was at full attention, near combustion. I was desperate to take William into my body, to have his cock filling me.

  “Please, be inside me. Please, please, sir,” my voice broke with tears as I thrashed my head back and forth on the pillow William so sweetly placed underneath me.

  “Yes. I’m going to take you now.” William moved over me and nipped the lobe of my ear, his breath tickling me and sending shivers sprinting along the entire length of my body. His lips, his tongue followed a trail down the slope of my neck.

  “Thank you, sir.”

  “Hard.” He nipped my neck and then laved it with his tongue.

  “Yes sir.” My voice was barely a whisper. It was husky with my own desire as my center turned warmer, wetter and more wanton than I cared to admit even to myself.

  “I need it to be hard, to be rough. I need to claim you.” William bit my shoulder.

  “Yes sir.” This time, my words came out in a moan. Whether from his words or the nip to my flesh I couldn’t determine, nor did I care.

  I knew this was how he liked his sex. I knew he’d always held back with me. Now I’d feel all of William because I’d given William all of me. Now that I’d fully submitted –fully embraced our lifestyle- I’d have all of him. A thrill raced through me, chasing those earlier shivers away, and speeding along with a heated lust that I could no longer hold inside.

  His cock rubbed right where I needed it most, encased in my warm folds, as he laid his body against mine, only using his arms to keep up the majority of his weight. Still, I needed more, craved more. My pelvis pushed back against him of its own accord.

  “The scent and taste of your desire is only bested by the heat of your core, little elf.” He watched me and continued his light thrusting against me until I was almost out of breath and ready to beg.

  “Are you ready, little elf?” William asked as he shifted the angle of his body to change the position of his cock. Now so close to entering me, I knew I could simply lift up and take him but I forced myself to wait for him. William always gave me what I needed. He’ll satisfy me as only he could.

  “Yes, sir. Please.”

  “Ready to take it hard?” William’s breath was labored now.

  “Ready for however you want me, sir.”

  “Then feel me, feel my strength inside you,” William’s words became suffocated by the sudden invasion. His cock filled me so suddenly that I couldn’t hold back a scream for mercy. He remained still as I became accustomed to him and then I felt him pull out. “Focus only on the feeling of my cock sliding into your tight channel.”

  I took a deep breath, let it out and did as he said. I focused all my attention on the feel of his cock inside my body. I couldn’t think of anything aside from the ridges of his cock scraping against my inner walls, the pull and strain of my muscles as they gripped him. The sensations were intense, just on the pleasure side of pain as he stretched me to fit his wide girth.

  He slammed in and out of me at a bruising pace, hitting that oh-so-sensitive spot that pushed me to my limit every time. “Come with me.” William’s command vibrated through my ears and released the final barrier to my fall. I cried out and without warning, the warm jets of William’s ejaculation flood my core.

  Knowing that William was inside me was something I might never become accustomed to. I’d come a long way in accepting my life with William but still, the knowledge that this man thought I was perfect was more than I’d ever dreamed. It was more than I’d ever believed I deserved. I was well and truly ensnared by him.

  ** The End **

  Coming in 2014

  The Continuation of Aubrey & William’s Story

  Heal My Soul


  He reaches to Hold My Hand

  And I walk into the unknown.

  I cling to the possibility

  As I escape into the forbidden.

  He whispers Hold My Hand

  And I lay myself before him.

  I hunger for his offering

  As I soar to new heights.

  He reaches to Hold My Hand

  And I am touched by grace.

  I am set free through my bonds

  As I reach to Hold his Hand.

  About the Author

  Paloma Beck is a Romance Author living a life of contradiction... she's a happily married carpooling mom writing erotic romance. It's almost naughty! Paloma writes in both the Contemporary and Paranormal realms, journaling the stories her characters tell her, and they are anything but PG. She dabbles in vampires, witches, ménage, spanking and bdsm - all in her books, of course.

  Paloma believes a daily dose of espresso and a good book make any day better.

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