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Stripper Confessions 1: The Complete Series

Page 12

by Solae Dehvine

  You’re an employee, nothing more. My conscience was finally chiming in. She was right but employees got paid, that’s all I cared about.

  Walking towards the dancer’s locker room I scanned the club. Only a few stragglers were there, no big deal as they would probably be lonely until some of the girls decided to come out and pay them some attention. But one guy in particular made me stop walking. I really didn’t stop walking, but he raised his glass to me as I stared walking slowly to the back. Lauren wasn’t going to believe that her asshole Extra whatever she was calling him was here.

  I turned my head looking straightforward towards the locker room. Like that day in my room I had nothing to say to him, and after hearing more about him last night I really had nothing to say.

  Slipping into the back I pulled my cell phone out as fast as I could calling Lauren.

  “Hey I’m up. I’m getting dressed now.” Lauren said answering on the third ring.

  “You wouldn’t guess who is here sitting in the back sipping on a damn drink.”

  She rattled off a few names and laughing as if I were joking. When I told her all laughter ceased. “Are you serious? What the fuck!” I heard her slam something on her end and I felt just as pissed as she sounded.

  We had both broke the code, but her code breaker knew where we lived.


  Pimp Down

  No woman had ever turned down his advances. His plan for dominating Lightening had gone in an unexpected direction, but he had always planned for the unexpected. Collin was his real name, but so were Craig, Chris, and Cameron. He wasn’t sure who he really was anymore, but by far he wasn’t a man that a women could turn down.

  So tonight, sitting in the back of the Club Fantasy with the music beating through his body, Extraordinaire played the observer. He waited for the one that had just turned him down after they had shared a few intimate encounters. He was there to put his foot down and claim what was his. I didn’t give her that money for nothing. Like every other so called pimp Extraordinaire expected a return on investment. Showing up at the club the other night was supposed to draw Lauren closer to him, not the opposite.

  He sipped his drink admiring all of the fresh meat that drifted through the club. They were all nice but none of them compared to Lightening. My stable needs a top bitch, not one of these scavengers he thought to himself as he waved a girl away that begged for a dance.

  A few moments later he finally saw her, Lightening, making her way through the crowd with another Lightning bolt sewn on the ass of her outfit. He quickly swallowed the rest of his drink, emptying the glass, and placing it down on the table.

  Extraordinaire pushed guys aside on his way through the maze of flesh hungry vultures. He made it to Lightening that now had her back turned to him, the Lightning bolt showing as she charmed another customer.

  “Let me talk to you.” Extraordinaire told rather than asked as he pulled Lauren by her arm away from her paying lap dance. The customer protested by that still didn’t stop Extraordinaire from pulling Lauren away.

  “What the fuck are you doing? Get off me!” Lauren yelled but the music was too loud for her screams to reach far. She finally was able to pull her arm away. By that time Extraordinaire was in her face, close enough to kiss her but that was the last thing he wanted to do.

  “Why couldn’t I come over last night?”

  “What the fuck are you talking about?” Lauren said with her head swiveling around the room seeing who was watching.

  “When I say I want to come over all the fuck you say is Yes.” Extraordinaire grabbed her face pulling her closer.” Lauren screamed in his face as if she had seen a demon. This wasn’t the man that sexed her and made her call out his name. At that instant she knew she had fucked up more than she ever knew.

  “Let her go.” One of the bouncers, Bruce, screamed as he appeared through the crowd. His fist leading the way, as he punched Extraordinare in the face narrowly missing Lauren; Extraordinaire tumbled back. Another bouncer was there to hit Extraordinaire with another blow pushing him further back towards the wall. They both took turns hitting, punching, kicking as Extraordinaire tried to fight back, but was no match for the two bouncers who punched first and asked questions later.

  They soon stopped beating up on Extraordinaire. Another group of security came and took him outside as Bruce ushered Lauren to the back of the club.

  “What the hell was that about?” He asked once they were back by the dancer locker and shower room.

  “I don’t know. He was a regular that I danced for. I guess he got jealous.” She lied. If anyone knew that her and Extraordinaire had done anything more than dance, her time at Club Fantasy would have been over.

  “Well you be careful. You’re too damn pretty to be in here anyway.” Bruce showed a soft side, just for a moment before Carl the club owner came busting into the back area.

  “What the hell is going on? Lightening are you ok?” He asked Lauren by her stage name. “He didn’t hurt you did he. Can you still work tonight?” Carl fired out the questions quicker than Bruce and his crew piled on punches.

  “I’m fine just need to freshen up.” Lauren said trying to hold back tears. Carl nodded his head and turned his attention to Bruce.

  “You should have killed that motherfucker coming in her fucking around. I’ve seen him in here before. Wanna be pimp motherfucker.” Lauren heard the words that solidified Extraordinaire actions. He wasn’t a damn gigolo, he was a pimp, and he was recruiting her to be one of his hoes. Lauren wanted to evaporate into thin air and disappear. But with a big gold lightning bolt on your ass, it’s hard to go unnoticed.

  Till Death


  Usually by 11 o’clock at night I would be at work or with a client. Instead I was downtown sitting in my car outside of a restaurant. I demanded that we met at a public place, this was the few places he would agree to.

  Talking to him briefly on the phone earlier made my stomach bubble, my palms sweaty, and my mind go back to horrible places. To think I used to be in love with him. So much in love to the point that I would die for Matt if he asked me too. Now my stomach was in knots waiting for him to arrive as I sat in my car nervously.

  Maybe this is a bad idea. I had been trying to talk myself out of this meeting all day; now that I was here it was way too late to turn back. Especially when I saw an all-black truck creep into the parking lot. The car slowly pulled into the parking lot beside me. When the door opened, it revealed Matt’s slender frame as the small butterflies exploded into a full-blown migration of insects crawling around my body.

  He motioned for me to get out of the car; he still had his signature smile. His smile was perfect, shining white teeth and the facial structure of a model. In a navy blue polo shirt and jeans a person would think he was harmless and couldn’t hurt a fly. I thought the same thing until he turned his wrath on me faster than a speeding bullet.

  Getting out of the car, I was cautious. Over the phone he sounded calm. I hadn’t asked him about his involvement in the fire, he would have denied it anyway.

  “Hey ladybug,” That was his nickname for me. “Come give me a hug.” Matt said stretching his arms out for me. I wanted to show him affection to make it look like I was happy to see him but my brain handicapped my body as the thought raced through my head.

  “Hi Matt, how are you?” I asked as I gave him a half hug with one arm.

  “Aww you can do better than that.” He said scooping me up into his arms and lifting me off the ground.

  “It’s been too long ladybug.” He said softly into my ear while he had me pinned in his arms. There was nothing for me to say. When he tried kissing my neck I wiggled from his embrace.

  “Aww you’re not happy to see me?” Matthew asked letting me go with a huge smile on his face.

  Another person emerged from the car when he said that. It was a tall guy with similar clothes to Matt. He said nothing; he simply stood there by the truck with zero emotio
n. Matt didn’t address him, it was almost as if the man wasn’t even there.

  “No it’s just. We have a lot to talk about.” I lied trying not to make him think I didn’t want to see him even though it was the last thing I wanted.

  “Aww, you were always the talkative type. What’s on your mind?” He asked crossing his arms and leaning on the truck. His friend was sitting on the hood looking around at cars driving in and out of the parking lot.

  “Well, I thought maybe we could go inside.” After all I did tell him I wanted to be in a public place. This parking lot wasn’t so public at almost midnight.

  “Naw were not staying here. I wanna show you the house,” Matt quickly covered up his mouth when he said it. “Ooops I spilled the beans.” He laughed as if someone had told a joke. He fished around in his pockets and pulled out a set of keys.

  “Here I wanted to wait and give these to you.” He dangled the keys in front of my face then put them in my hand. “Mom told me you had a house fire.”

  “ I didn’t tell your Mom that?” I made specifically sure not to say anything about the fire.

  “You sure?” He asked as if I would forget that. “Well, maybe you did and forgot. Anyway these are the keys to our new house.”

  I thought maybe this would work. Trying to get back with Matt or talking to him and diffusing whatever sick problem he had in his brain. But now as I stood in front of him I knew that fixing this demented soul was beyond me. No one could fix this; it was if he were the son of Satan himself.

  “You bastard, you set my house on fire.” I spat the words at him not able to hold it in any longer.

  His presidential smile faded. All the years of being mistreated and beat upon was still racing through my mind. I couldn’t hold back any longer. I knew he was the one behind the fire and this motherfucker stands right in my face and lie to me. It was warm outside by my body felt as if I were standing on planet Mercury.

  “Why would I do that?” He asked stepping a little closer to me. My heart had long ago jumped out of my chest. Somehow I was bold enough to stand up against this man.

  “Because you are a fucking demon and you don’t wanna leave us al….” Before I could finish the sentence he smacked me hard across the face with the same hand that held the keys. I put my hand over my face covering it but the stinging felt as if an angry gorilla had hit me.

  “See what you made me do. I’ve got blood on my keys now.” He said shaking them off. I took my hand off my face and looked at it. My hand had blood on it as well, the keys must have scratched my face.

  You made a mistake by coming here. I looked around for somewhere to run but between him and his bodyguard I was trapped.

  “HELP” I screamed to a crowd of people that was leaving the restaurant. I could barely see them through the tears that were filling my eyes. Another slap came to my head knocking me to the ground.

  “HEY! WHAT’S GOING ON.” I heard faintly as I dropped to the ground. I recognized the voice but maybe my mind was playing tricks on me.

  Looking up and blinking my eyes a few times to knock the cobwebs off I saw what I thought was Skyy, the cutie from my self-defense class.

  “Donita, what the fuck!” Skyy reached to help me up from the ground.

  “Leave her alone. Were cool.” Matt said standing between Skyy and me on the ground.

  “I saw you hit her you fucking coward. I bet you can’t do me like that.” She said getting in her fighting stance.

  “No Skyy!” I thought I was yelling but my voice was stuck in my throat. I struggled to get up seeing Skyy about to strike that’s when I heard the thunder.

  Although it sounded like thunder, it wasn’t. It was two gunshot hitting Skyy in the chest stopping her from the kick thrust that she was about to execute. The force from the bullets hit her body like a freight train.

  I couldn’t move. I was frozen with fear and grief as Skyy’s body flopped on the ground leaving her motionless. A few other people in the parking lot ducked and screamed. Some how I was lifted up and thrown into the back of my car.

  “LETS GO.” Matt’s bodyguard said jumping into the black truck they arrived in. The gun was still in his hand when he got in. Matt jumped in my car and hit the gas, burning rubber taking us out of the parking lot. While we were fleeing the horrific scene, Skyy’s body still laid on the black asphalt spewing blood, just as blood was now leaking from my face.

  “You see what you made me do.” Matt’s tone was even but serious, he rarely raised his voice anyway.

  “I told you that you couldn’t leave me bitch.” He laughed as the car swerved and sped up behind the black truck.

  “I..I..I… didn’t” I tried to speak but my body shook violently with fear. I felt like my body was in an iceberg somewhere in the North Pole.

  “You belong to me forever D. Remember M and D forever.” He laughed again pressing hard on the accelerator. “It’s either M and D or there won’t be a D.” he said referring to me.

  Maybe it should have been me that he shot. Sebastian might be better of with me dead and someone else taking care of him. I laid down in the back seat where I was thrown. Too scared to move. Skyy’s dead all because I couldn’t stand up and stay away. I should have ran, I should have taken Sebastian and moved to another country. But it was too late for that now. I was caught and there wasn’t a damn thing I could do about it.


  In Need Of Security

  The rest of the night went by in a blur. I didn’t do much working after that. My mind was too stuck on what I heard Carl say. I was at home now laying in my bed trying to figure out how I could have been so stupid.

  Now we had to move, this crazy ass man knew where I lived and would definitely be coming to fuck me up once he recovered. I overheard some of the girls saying the guy was barely breathing when the ambulance came to pick him up.

  You left Daniel to be with that jerk, my conscience wouldn’t forgive me for being so stupid. Daniel who still hadn’t returned my call, was all I could think about.

  The sun was up now, beaming through my window. Ordinarily I would be sleep but all of this nagging on my mind, I needed to hear his voice.

  Daniel’s number was still programmed into my phone. It rang a few times with him answering. I heard fumbling and my heart skipped a beat waiting to hear his voice.

  “Daniel” I called his name through the phone but nothing.

  “Baby you there?” I listened closely. The fumbling still going but now there was a new sound; it was a woman’s voice now. Her moans were clear and distinctive; someone was having a good time.

  Disgusted I hung up the phone. Somehow he must have answered the phone by mistake. Tears raining from my eyes like a thunderstorm as I sat up in the bed. “This is all your fucking fault.” I yelled to myself as I starred at the phone. I guess I wasn’t the only one that could find somebody to fuck.

  I couldn’t stand this. This being alone shit, not having someone to hold me and love me. I should have kept Daniel. When I wanted him, he was always there. Now Extraordinaire wasn’t whom I thought he was, and Daniel was gone and my bed was now empty. The rage through my body wanted to my fist to punch my face like security did Collin.

  I called the only person that I knew would be available. Bruce from the club gave me his number before I left. “Call me if you need anything.” He said as I left the club. I called him and this time fumbling was followed by his voice.

  “Hello” he sounded sleep. Normal people without a bad conscience usually went to sleep after working all night.

  “Bruce its Laur… I mean Lightening from the club. I’m scared can you come over.” I lied to him with tears coming down my face.

  “LAUREN, I know your name,” he put emphasis on my name letting me know he knew my real name and not just my stripper name. “Ummm yeah sure.” I rattled off my address with his promise of being there soon. I hung up letting the phone fall to the bed.

  At times like this I needed to be held. Syd couldn
’t do it, Daniel was holding someone else, and Extraordinaire was trying to hold on to his life. Bruce would have to do for now, even if it was a lie.

  The Inevitable


  I wasn’t sure how long I had been sleep when the phone calls started coming. One call after another coming through as I tried to ignore it whoever was calling really wanted my attention. Finally, I jerked out of the covers to find my phone. Another call came through as it sat in my hand.


  “Sydney this is Aunt Michelle. Can you come to the hospital hunny? It’s your Mom...she’s.”

  “My Mom what? What happened? Which hospital.” I was in a t-shirt, no bra, only sweatpants but I grabbed my keys looking for shoes.

  “Memorial City honey and don’t drive yourself. Have someone bring you. Just come as quickly as you can.” I started screaming for Lauren. As I searched around for shoes she came running into my room.

  “What’s wrong, what happened?”

  “Memorial City Hospital. My mom.” Was all I could make out as I searched through my discarded clothes for shoes?

  “Okay let me get clothes.” She said dashing out of the room. I found my shoes and snatched them on. Now I searched for car keys and my purse.

  Lauren was back at my door with a jacket and her hair tied up with her keys already in hand.

  “Come on lets go.” She reached for my hand as the tears rolled down my face. Behind her was Bruce from the club but I didn’t care who was there. I just wanted and needed to get to the hospital.

  We said nothing on the way there. Bruce drove speeding through yellow lights and bumping stop signs. I felt numb not not knowing what was going on. Bruce let us out at the front entrance, getting inside Lauren rattled my mother’s name to a receptionist. She pointed us in towards an elevator but when we got off it said ICU. That made no sense to me. I just spoke to her not even eight hours before. How could she be in the ICU?


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