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Stripper Confessions 1: The Complete Series

Page 13

by Solae Dehvine

  Stepping off the elevator my Aunt was right there waiting for me.

  “Auntie what happened. What’s going on?” My voice cracked and the tears began to flow as she hugged me. “She’s gone Syd.” I heard the words but I didn’t understand.

  “I wanna see her. She can’t be. I just talked to her.” I repeated my thoughts so she could hear. Her eyes as red as stop signs she just shook her head.

  “I wanna see her.” I needed to see her to believe what she was saying was true. My aunt holding my hand led the way. Behind two double white doors through the ICU we went to a room with the curtains closed. Lauren was right behind me as Aunt Michelle looked at us both before we went in.

  “Pulling back the curtains we entered the room. Only the light over the head of her bed was on. Her eyes were still slightly open and a tube stuck out from her mouth.

  “She called me last night saying she wasn’t feeling well and she didn’t want to bother you for nothing.” my aunt said as I went to stand beside my Mother’s body. I grabbed for her hand but it was cold, unmoving to my touch.

  “I brought her in and everything happened so quickly. Before I knew it they were moving her up here. Saying she was having a heart attack and complications.” Aunt Michelle began crying hard now. Lauren hugged her tears were dripping down her face as well.

  “I was in the waiting area calling you. That’s when they came out and said she was gone.” My heart felt crushed hearing the words. I looked over my Mother’s body trying to put it all together. Figure out how we got here. How I talked to her earlier how she told me that she was fine and to call her later.

  Now she was gone. “Please leave us alone.” I asked them without turning around. I didn’t want them to see me cry. I didn’t need them hear me talking to my Mother’s dead body. Begging her for forgiveness for not being there.

  They left and we were all alone. I couldn’t speak to her. All I did was cry and rub her hand. There were no words left to say. She was gone and all the apologizes I had would not change that.

  “Go be happy.” I heard her voice fill the room as if she was there. “Be happy and be strong.” She told me.

  Through the tears I made her a promise that I would. And this promise was one that I intended to keep.

  Wake Up


  I didn’t know where I was. My eyes burned as I sat up in the backseat. Leaving the parking lot and Skyy bleeding and probably dead, I laid in the backseat for what felt like hours as we drove.

  I cried the whole time. Eventually, my tears turned into sleep, then a nightmare. Skyy was somehow talking to me but I couldn’t understand her because there was blood spilling out of her mouth. I somehow woke myself up only to find that I was deep in another nightmare.

  We were parked now. Matt out of the car talking to his bodyguard, it was not daylight but wherever we were seemed like another country. An old run down hotel that looked similar to something that a prostitute would work it. Very close to the places that Matt had me working when we first got together.

  They both talked not even looking at me. I felt something moving in my pocket. Oh God, I almost forgot that I had my phone this whole time. Watching Matt and the bodyguard I eased my phone out of my pocket. There were a dozen texts and missed calls but I dialed 911 bypassing all of them. Keeping my eyes on Matt I laid back down in the seat.

  “Hello what’s your emergency?”

  “My name is Donita and my child’s Dad has kidnapped me. I don’t know where I am. Please help.” the tears started rolling down my face.

  “What is his name?” They started with the inquisition. Keeping one eye on Matt I told her his name. That all I could see was an old motel that was probably closed.

  “Can you see anything else?”

  “If I sit up in this seat he might kill me. I have to lay here..if he knows.” That’s when

  Matt looked back at me. He and his bodyguard had been at the front of the car with their backs to me. I guess he must have felt the car moving or maybe he heard me talking. Either way my heart stopped.

  I sat up in the seat sliding the phone on the floor. They would just have to track my signal from the phone. “You can get out if you want.” Matt said with a smile like nothing was wrong. I did as he

  requested praying the whole time.

  I wasn’t sure what time it was but the sun was just coming up. I closed the door taking short slow steps towards him and the body guard.

  “Sorry about all that last night. You know how I get.” Matt was still smiling this was his

  Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde show. I grinned back and shrugged. All of my survival tactics from before came rushing back. I always matched his mood. If he was happy I was happy. If Matt cried I cried too, any deviation from how he was feeling got me slapped or worst. I’m sure prison didn’t change that.

  His bodyguard had his back towards me. He didn’t even glance at me, he was constantly looking at the entrance to the motel, I guess he was playing look out.

  “So, where are you staying now that you have no house.” Matt asked me with another grin. I know that was his way of being clever and telling me that he burned down my house.

  “In a hotel.” I lied. Sebastian and Jenn were hidden away at an apartment of my client’s. He was more than happy to let me occupy one of his empty spaces for a small fee. Probably and added fuck to my schedule but I was willing to do anything to keep Sebastian in a space with normalcy.

  “Well good. Were gonna burn your car and leave it here. Then we go get the kid and hit the road.” He said it like Sebastian was a bag of potatoes.

  I didn’t respond. I just smiled and nodded my head. I would make him think whatever as long as he didn’t kill me.

  “Get the gas.” He told the body guard. He reached for me and I pulled away, out of habit or fear. I didn’t mean to but it sent a frown across Matt’s face.

  “Aww baby your afraid of me aren’t you. I”m sorry for that.” He said grabbing for me again. “I’ve changed I promise. I will be better to you this time.” He held me holding em in an embrace. His henchman was in pulling gas cans from the back of the SUV when I started to hear the sirens.

  Lord, please get me out of this. I started praying hard when Matt let me go. His head jerking towards the direction of the sound.

  “Yo I think we got company.” The body guard said dropping the gas cans and reaching towards his waist to grab his gun.

  “Matt grabbed a gun himself as the police cars entered the motel lot, the Matt and his friend started shooting and ducking behind the truck.

  I ran, ducking behind my car I took cover hoping that Matt would run the opposite way, but instead he was right behind me.

  “Fuck, how did they know we was here?” I covered my head with my hands as the officers returned fire. Lord if I get out of this alive to see my baby. I will turn my life to you. I prayed to God asking for help. With Matt right behind me and bullets whizzing passed me I screamed.

  “Bitch shut up. We’re gonna go out in a blaze. Bonnie and Clyde style, he said passing me a gun to hold. I couldn’t move and I dared not grab the gun.

  “You ain’t gonna help protect your man?”

  “Let the girl go and come out with your hands up.” The cops said over the loudspeaker before I was able to reply.

  He looked at me, and then in the direction of the cops.

  “You set me up. You backstabbing bitch.” He punched me, hard in the head where my hands were covering.

  “Please just let me go.” I cried still holding my head praying from deep within my soul pleading with God that I be allowed to make it through this. My son needed me, my life couldn’t end like this.”

  “You stupid bitch.” He grabbed me from the ground standing me up in front of him as a shield. A few feet around the car I saw his bodyguard stretched out on the ground not moving.

  “LET HER GO AND WE CAN TALK ABOUT THIS” They yelled over the horn. Matt had one arm around my neck in a choke hold in front o
f him. His other hand had a gun pointed right into my head. I felt the gun scratching my scalp as we took steps towards the front of the car.

  “She belongs to me. I’m not letting shit go.” Matt barked at them. The tears were still rolling down my face. His hold on my neck so tight that I could feel the pulsing of the blood vessels in my neck.

  “I’m gonna kill her ass you stay back.” Matt yelled. “You hear that bitch, after everything I’ve done for you.” He whispered to me

  “Sebastian, think of our son Matt.” I shook as I said the words. My son’s face was flashing in my head. With the dozens of police officers around pointing guns my son was the only thing I could think about.

  “Our son, you didn’t think about that when you kept him away from me.” I had no energy or time to argue with Matt. With guns being pointed at us I thought maybe he would have taken a different approach.

  “You know what. Fuck this.” was the last thing I heard before I heard the shot. My knees buckled and I felt the dirt him my face but I couldn’t move.

  Things were happening around me, I heard multiple shots but I was afraid to open my eyes. Something stung my left shoulder but I didn’t want to move. Inching my eyes open I saw the police rushing towards me. Blood was splattered everywhere but I couldn’t see Matt. Just the police rushing towards me.

  “Lord please get me out of baby.”

  “Ma’am can you hear me.”

  “Yes, my son. Please..I need to get to my son.” I cried feeling the tears but I couldn’t see. I wasn’t sure if I was shot or hurt. Maybe I was dead but I prayed.

  “Lord please get me out. I need to be with my baby.” I said out loud this time not sure who was around me now. “I will give my life to you.” I screamed as loud as I could. Begging and pleading as I felt my body being lifted and placed on something.

  “You are going to be alright ma’am. Please hang on.” I heard a voice say. As my world turned black, I hoped they were right.

  The Aftermath

  We were moving out. Weeks removed from my Syd’s Moms funeral but we still cried. Bursting into tears at a moment’s notice. But now we had to take care of business. We decided to not renew our lease after the events of the past month. Extraordinaire hadn’t tried contacting me but I still felt paranoid living here. Especially with the things I heard that happened to Donita. It was all over the club that she had almost died after her stalker ex tried to kill her in a shootout.

  That brought things into perspective for me that my relationship with Extraordinaire was the most idiotic thing I could have ever done. And I put myself and Syd at risk. As we packed and filled boxes I had to apologize to her.

  “Syd I’m so sorry.” I said with tear filled eyes as we packed up our apartment.

  Me getting my own place and her moving into her Mom’s old house was a turning point for us. We planned on living together all the way up through my med school days. But that wasn’t going to happen now.

  “Life is life.” she told me tapping shut a box. She told me a week ago that she was done crying. Her body was empty with no more tears left to cry. After the funeral she was now done crying, now it was time for moving on. That’s what Momma would have wanted but I was still scared for her. She seemed different now.

  “So, when are you going to go back to school?” I touched on the issue. Syd took a leave of absence but that was weeks ago. I didn’t get an answer from her, as she picked up a box and put it by the door

  “Syd, did you hear me.” She was looking at me now. Her eyes piercing through me.

  “I’m not.” She told me as I started putting items into another box.

  “You’re not what?” I wasn’t getting the connection. “You’re not going back this semester?”

  “I’m not going back to school at all.” She didn’t look up to see my response. She simply kept packing as if she hadn’t told me devastating news.

  “Why, Momma would have wanted you to finish.” That made her look up at me. With fire in her eyes.

  “Momma would have wanted me to be happy. School doesn’t make me happy. Being on stage does.” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.

  “Being on stage at the fucking club getting called a bitch and a hoe makes you happy?” I was confused now.

  “I”m happy being noticed. I’m happy being wanted and people throwing money at me so I didn’t have to want for anything.” Her voice echoed throughout the apartment.

  “But that won’t last Syd. Your body is only going to be like that…”

  “For what?? Ten to fifteen more years? By then I would have created an empire, more money than I can fucking count.”

  She had her mind made up, I could tell and she had already thought of this and planned it out.

  “I’m glad you think you know everything about this business and you are still a fucking rookie.” I tapped another box shut as she starred at me.

  “I know more than you do and you’ve been at it longer.” She shot back at me. “For example I know better than to fuck a customer. Bring him to my house and jeopardize my life.” That stung, the truth always did feel hard than fiction.

  Before I could respond Bruce was walking through the door with another guy to help us move.

  “Alright L. I got the truck we can put your bed in first.” He said smiling oblivious to the tension that was just created.

  “And Syd we can put your stuff in last since you’re the first drop off.” Bruce said making his way to my room with his mover friend.

  “No need to pack up my stuff. Just worry about her I’ve got my own.” Syd said dropping the tape she was using and picking up her purse. “I don’t need anyone’s help.” She said walking to the door.

  “So that’s it. You’re gonna walk out on me and make a stupid decision.” I asked her before she got out the door.”

  “Life is life L. The quicker you figure that out the better.” Putting on her sunglasses she closed the door behind her.

  “What the hell happened?” Bruce asked dumbfounded by what he saw. Looking at him and his friend all I could do was cry. As the tears rolled down my face Bruce came and hugged me.

  “Baby don’t cry. It will be okay.” I had come to rely on his judgment the past few weeks, but now I wasn’t so sure. “She is just going through a lot right now.” he told me but I cried harder.

  There were no words to explain the hurt I felt over my best friend choosing the obviously wrong path. Syd had turned into a monster before my very eyes and it was my fault. I knew her coming to the club would be a bad idea, but somehow I felt I could stop her and protect her if things got too bad. I had failed at both and now it was too late, she was gone.

  Thanks for Reading

  Other Titles By Solae Dehvine

  Red Bottom Diaries

  Abducted By Lust

  What’s Done in the Dark I

  Madam Soccer Mom

  Love Lock Down

  Feel free to contact Solae





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