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Pleasures of Promise Lake

Page 4

by Marti Shane

  “Better than a boat.” She grinned, pulling him inside. Four jet skis were suspended over the water. “You get to keep up.”

  These babies weren’t stock. Everything was custom, even the paint. Sam pointed to the metallic gold machine, red stripes laid vertically in a pattern from front to back. The art was abstract. The longer he stared, he made out the Atlanta Braves tomahawk.

  “This one’s mine.” Sam said, patting the seat. He had no doubt. She was Sloane’s granddaughter. Of course she was a Braves fan. So was he, growing up. She moved to the next one. “You can drive this one.” The colors were green and black, the design not literal. “Nick’s” she explained as he made out the eyes staring back at him from the paint scheme.

  “The Hulk.” His hand ran the black line framing the beast’s face. “You guys Marvel fans?” There were four machines, each personalized to the owner. The glimpse into Sam and Nick was nothing he’d expected. They were so…professional…sophisticated?

  “Who isn’t?” Sam replied, walking with him as he admired the custom work on the other two machines. “Mick’s badass with a paint gun,” she bragged.

  “Mick painted these?” Captain America’s shield shining through camo netting had to be Travis, leaving the black and gold cat eyes to be Mick. “Sweet.” His adrenaline pumped, his body needing the rush these things promised. Sam slid back a door, revealing wet suits, towels, and other supplies.

  “How long have you had these?”

  “Two years. These are upgrades.” She pulled down two suits, tossing one over. “We started riding when we were ten.” Gauging the high-performance exhaust, Jake assumed she could handle herself. The last time he jet-skied was Spring break in college and the thing looked like a tugboat compared to these. “You’ve done this before, right?” Sam asked, pulling the string at her waist. His mouth went dry watching his shorts pool around her ankles, the hem of his t-shirt teasing her thighs. She stepped her long legs one by one into the tight neoprene suit.

  “Yeah.” He coughed out. “It’s been a while.” She wiggled and tugged as she talked, making it hard for him to focus. She slipped her arms from his t-shirt, shoving them through the wetsuit. The black neoprene wrapped her perfect curves from shoulder to mid-thigh. A circle pull tab at her breast tortured him, the zipper diving to her naval.

  “We’re wasting daylight.” She kicked the cotton clothes at her feet, catching them in midair. She turned her back to him as she folded them, her ass the perfect mound.

  He made quick work of suiting up. His contract prevented him from high-risk activity, but they were on a secluded lake. Besides, it was just a slap on the wrist as long as he didn’t get hurt. Live a little. Life jackets were last before she handed over keys, the lift lowering the Hulk into the water.

  The exhaust pushed out promises of performance, as he idled from the boathouse. He tested the throttle once, then twice to get the feel. Damn, this baby was all torque. Sam idled next to him, gesturing for him to slide his wrist through the kill sling. He couldn’t help his focus on the bruise at her temple, her hair slightly raised from the cut on her head.

  “Be careful” He gestured to the same place at his temple, second guessing if they should do this. “Seriously.”

  “Always.” Her gin was ear to ear as she squeezed the throttle.

  Cold spray from her ski showered him. Her ski sped off, leaving him in her wake. He tested his throttle, adjusting his weight on his quads, then went balls to the wall after her. Shit, the things were light and quick on the glassy surface. His arms tensed as he steered, thighs gripping the seat. She glanced back, her smile stretched across her beautiful face. Her expression lit up, raven hair fighting free of her braid. This was a version of Sam he didn’t know existed, so carefree.

  Jake didn’t mind second place, because the view was fantastic. Her strong thighs flexed as she pressed her weight on them, ass hovering the seat as she threw roosters left and right. They hugged the shoreline, Sam pointing a few things out along the way. She wasn’t the most interactive tour guide, her interest more in the ride than the tour. He liked seeing her mind a thousand miles away from where it’d been.

  Sam slowed around a narrow bend, their engines calming to a rumble. Jake’s ass hit the seat for the first time, relieving the burn from his thighs. This was better than squats. Making a slicing motion with her finger at her neck, Sam cut her engine.

  “This is my favorite spot.” Slinging her leg around, she laid backwards on the craft, her hands behind her head mimicking the handlebars. Jake wasn’t as graceful as he did the same, the light machine threatening to tilt under his weight. He glided to Sam, her pulling his handlebars until they were side by side. “This bend is like a lazy river.” She explained, her face free of worry. She’d grown more beautiful, kissed by the sun and windblown hair.

  “There’s an underground spring here that feeds the lake.” She made a show of dipping her toe in the water. “There’s a little current that will pull you. Besides, my glutes and quads are on fire,” she laughed. “I haven’t worked out in a while.” Tilting her face to the sun, she absorbed the peaceful surroundings as they floated. He took her hand, their weight easy to slide across the smooth water if they drifted apart.

  “How’d you find this place?” He asked, amazed at the miles of shoreline the lake offered but no one occupied.

  “Red, Mick’s dad, used to take us out on the boat.”

  “No, I meant how’d you find Promise? Are you from here originally?” Tilting her gaze towards his, she didn’t answer for the longest time. He knew so little about her, but he knew she cherished this lake.

  “Kay and Gram met at the hospital,” she said, decidedly. “The first time Gram battled cancer, they went through it together. Lost their hair, their breast, and a little vanity. They’ve been close ever since.” Questions stacked up, but he couldn’t bring himself to spoil her mood.

  “You’re lucky. This is amazing.”

  “You have no idea.” She said softly, eyes fixed on a canopy of tree branches as they passed under. Shadows passed over her face. He squeezed her hand, wanting her to share more. When she didn’t he decided on deliberately vague questions.

  “How old were you?”

  “Too young. I don’t remember her first round with cancer.”

  “Have you always lived with Sloane?” Rocking her head to the side, she met his eyes. He linked their fingers again, asking for her trust. She blinked away a thought, her gaze going back to the sky.

  “I was six when she took me from my parents.” She offered to his surprise. “We hid here until things got worked out in court.”

  “And Nick?”

  “He ran away and eventually made it here. Red and Kay took him in.”

  “So you guys were separated?”

  “We all worked here in the summers.”


  “Yep. You and Jax are in our cabins.”

  “You worked here when you were seven?”

  “Red and Kay are a lot of fun, but they believe in a strong work ethic. It was good for us.”

  “I never would’ve imagined you growing up here.” She sat up, eyes curious and a little guarded. “I guess I imagined a high-rise with a concierge desk in the middle of downtown.” Her brows lifted in surprise.

  “You nailed it.” Her soft laugh was infectious, her dark lashes shying her gaze from his.

  “And I never imagined you shy.” She shook her head, determined to keep her resolve. “I like it.” The admission earned him shy smile that put a shimmer in her green eyes.

  “I’m just a little over exposed.” She sucked in a deep breath, eyes darting from his as if searching for a distraction.

  “Tell me about this Festival in a few weeks.” He remembered seeing the signs at the front drive. She gave it some thought, days of the week not her strength after sleeping through two of them.

  “The Pumpkin Festival.” Her shoulders relaxed. “That’s next weekend.”

“Are we going?” Jake asked, sitting up to secure their first date.

  “It’s open to the public,” she answered, a slow grin curving her lips. “You’re welcome to go.” He tugged her over, a hand on each of her hips as she lowered on the seat facing him. “I should get a high score for that balancing act.” The hint of nerves in her laugh made him harness his need.

  “I give it a seven.” He raised his hands between them, seven digits displaying the score. Pressing her palms to his, she pulled his middle finger up to make an eight. He provided the extra points, palms and fingers flush with hers. “A bribe,” he said, starved to taste her. “To take me to the Pumpkin Festival.” Her smile reached her eyes, a bashful blush tinting her cheeks.

  She balanced herself as they shifted on the water, her hands on his shoulders and his molded to her hips. “If you insist. You can buy me one of everything. The food’s amazing.”

  Tugging her closer, her legs crossed over his. Their bodies were inches apart, she straddling his lap. He tried willing his cock to stand down in the crowded wet suit. Her finger stroked softly over her beard, eyes tracing their pattern.

  “You think you might shave?” She tugged on the short hairs at his chin. The sharp tug pulled desire up his spine, and he captured her soft lips with his.

  Chapter Five

  Jake’s lips were softer than she fantasized, pressing firmly to hers. His tongue licked at her seam, and she parted willingly, eager to taste him. Electricity climbed her spine, nerve endings fighting for their share of his caress at her nape. She sighed when his lips suddenly left hers, leaving them tingling and wanting more. Strong hands lifted her easily, setting her ass back to the seat. Jake scrubbed his beard when she looked up, regret on his handsome face. The distance chilled her frenzied nerves, disappointment taking its place.

  Jake slammed the breaks on what she thought would be the hottest kiss of her life. Why? He’d sent her signals all day. Hell, more than signals. The soft flesh of her hips still felt his molded fingertips gripping her. Pressing her palms to the seat, she lowered her body off the back of the ski. She waded to her jet ski, hearing Jake splash in behind her. She kept going, insides buzzing, skin tingling, and crazy for wanting more. She went through the motions of fastening her lifejacket only for Jake to grip the rear straps and turn her around.

  His blue eyes were dark with desire and there was a touch of humor tugging his lips.

  “I can’t say I’ve ever made out in a wet suit.” Her body heated the cool water around her, realizing his dilemma. “The cold water helps.” His fingers freed her jacket, hands gliding over her shoulders and arms to remove the thing. His lips crashed to hers, hands fisting in her hair as hers wrapped his massive body. He lapped at her seam, demanding entrance with no restraint. She gladly parted for him. He tasted even better than he smelled, exploring her with a controlled hunger that lit her on fire.

  Sam’s head relaxed into Jake’s hold, her body weightless and molded to his as he owned her mouth. Their chests rose and fell together with heavy breaths, her exhales a shameless moan. Jake nibbled her lips, his eyes the darkest slits as he checked in with her. Smiling against her lips, his hands untangled from her hair, wrapping her waist.

  “We’re going under,” he warned her. “Ready?” He took a deep breath, Sam rushing to do the same as he plunged them under the cool water. Eyes open, his white smile gleamed at her as the cold helped dampen the desire. Breaking the surface with a deep breath, Sam wiped her hair back from her face.

  “Still shaving the beard?” Jake asked, stealing a quick smooch from her lips before backing away. Yes, back away she thought before she climbed him.

  “You’d really let a girl make that call?” she asked, wading back to her jet ski.

  “Woman.” His hand found the small of her back, the correction giving her a thrill. He played the role of gentleman, holding her life jacket as she pushed her arms in. “As long as I’m the only man kissing you.” His voice was deep and laced with sex at her ear. “Anywhere I want.”

  “Then I’ll let you know,” she said huskily, imagining his lips at her aching core. His fingers snapped the buckles at her chest and waist while his eyes stared pointedly into hers.

  “I won’t share.” Snapping her final clip, he lifted her to her jet ski.

  “Received.” She started her engine, the rumble drowning anything left to be said. She had no intention of dating, not even Jake. Whatever they were doing, she wasn’t doing with anyone else. Why would she want to?

  Jake made his first attempt at climbing on the ski from the water. The task was a tricky one. His weight unequally distributed, the light ski leaned dramatically to one side. His large body slapped the water, but he quickly got back to his feet. Sam laughed, showering him with her spray as he climbed aboard on the second try. He took it in stride, no visible damage to the ego. “I’ll give you a head start,” he warned, zipping and snapping at a casual pace.

  Idling to the break of the bend, she kept a watchful eye as he was cranked and following her. Raising his ass from the seat, she watched his thighs tighten and bulge as he tested his balance. Professional athlete that he was, no doubt he wanted to race. She’d need to throttle it back to reduce his risk. Too sharp of a turn on glassy conditions can send you skipping like a rock, even at twenty miles per hour.

  Crossing into open water, she cranked the throttle getting up to speed in seconds before throttling back. Jake shot past her, howling into the wind like the frat boy she was sure he used to be. She crossed behind him, taking flight when she jumped his wake. It didn’t take him long to catch on, jumping her wake and catching his own air. They kept at it, each of them dumping a few times as they tried to outdo each other. After her second wipe out, Jake backed off, trying to help her up. She was more experienced than he, always getting it on the first try.

  Sam realized the time had passed when her fuel gauge let out a beep. Low fuel. “You giving up?” Jake asked, circling her as she idled.

  “How’s your fuel?” She motioned to the dash between the handlebars. “I’m low.” They both cut their engines, Jake checking the old-fashioned way by uncapping the tank and peering in.

  “I’m at half. I can tow you,” he offered. She was tired, muscles thoroughly worked and stomach running on empty.

  “There’s a dock a quarter mile from here.” She pointed in the direction she’d been avoiding. The fishing dock was in the cove next to where Nick’s car sat submerged in the lake. “I’ll tie it up and we can come back for it later.”

  “Lead the way.” Shaking thoughts of the crash, she picked a fuel-efficient pace. This was her favorite part of the day in Promise, when the sun’s glow dampened to a deep orange. The clouds absorbed the hue, creating a new canvas around the sleepy shores. Her body ached in the best way, having burnt all her energy and starved for food. Throttling back for the cove, she braced herself.

  The hillside was marred with their tire tracks, tree limbs littering the bank. Fear sped her breathing, crushing metal sounding in her head. Memories flashed in sequence, the car collapsing in on them with every blow. The horror was fresh, the smell of stale cigarettes creeping in from old memories. Breathe, she encouraged herself, just as Jake had done when he carried her to shore.

  “Yosemite Sam.” Sam shook her head, finding Travis striding down the dock. His big frame blocked the sun, the glow illuminating his long red beard. His boots planted in front of her, and she took his outstretched hand. He plucked her weight easily from the seat. She landed on the dock while he knelt to secure her jet ski. “Good to see you vertical, Knothead .” He gestured at her wound. She could feel the swelling, one of her wipeouts a direct hit. He hadn’t seen it for a few days so he wouldn’t know it was fresh.

  “I’m out of gas.” She swatted his hand, denying the triage he attempted on her head. She glanced toward where his ambulance had been, eyeing two bright yellow vehicles parked on the lower bank. “Jaeger” was written down the side, the logo she’d seen at every co
nstruction site in Atlanta. It was Jake’s family’s business, his father and grandfather before.

  “Those are diesel.” Jax strode toward them, his short hair and clean shave a different version of Jake. She’d have to get used to the twin thing. “These babies are octane I’m sure.” He stretched a hand to catch Jake, but Travis stepped in.

  “Beach it.” He pointed to the shore. “Saves you the embarrassment of cracking your head against the dock.” Jake’s grin was an honest one. Balancing the light ski climbing on and off was tough at his weight, and he’d barely managed the few times he’d needed to. She’d let him have his pride, idling around and pretending to ignore him as he tried three and four times. “Does Jake have enough to get you back to the boathouse?” Travis asked.


  “Did you guys take it easy?” Travis asked, watching the brothers at the shore. Jake’s hands were animated, reenacting jumps and dumps from the last hour.

  “Yep.” Sam shielded her eyes, gauging the position of the sun. They were ten minutes from the boathouse, leaving them an hour to burn. “What are you guys doing?” She refocused on the yellow equipment perched on the bank.

  “We’re pulling the car out.” Wrapping his brawny arm around her shoulders, Travis gave her a quick squeeze. “You should scat. You don’t need to see it.” She leaned into him, his concern sweet from his prickly personality. The dock moved beneath their feet, the Jaeger brothers shoulder to shoulder, their long legs in step. Jake had peeled his wetsuit to the waist, fine blonde hairs glistening on top of tight tan skin. “Damn.” Escaped from under Travis’s breath. Her thoughts exactly.

  Jake’s jaw was tight, eyes fixed on Travis’s grip on her shoulder. She could feel the laugh Travis held back, his arm staying exactly where it was. Yeah, they went way back. Travis had been her first date when he took her to his prom, her first kiss because you have to kiss someone, and she was the first person he told he was gay. He was under wraps, having been a medic in the Army and still in the Reserves.


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