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Pleasures of Promise Lake

Page 5

by Marti Shane

  “Sam.” Jax extended a hand while Jake and Travis had a staring contest. Sam straightened, greeting her future client. “We haven’t officially met. I’m Jax.” His smile was easy, a dimple at the right of his chin.

  “Pleasure.” Her response was a rehearsed one, designed to segue into business without idle chit-chat. Shit, she was standing in bare feet fifty yards from where he pulled her from a sinking car. “Thank you.” She added, shaking off her professional cloak. “For helping us the other day.”

  “Of course.” He shoved his hands in worn jeans. “Glad you’re okay.” His smile was less charm and more nerves as he glanced towards the hill. “I told Travis we’d build that up.” He pointed to where the road had given way. He and Jake talked shop, working easily together as they discussed drainage, slope, and materials. They built the road with their hands between them bringing their ideas to life. Obstacles were turned to opportunity as they devised the plan, the collaboration seamless between them. Jax slapped his brother’s shoulder when they were done, turning back to Sam. “Is this guy any good on that thing?” He nodded his chin to her jet ski.

  “Good at falling off,” she teased. “Not so good at getting back on.”

  “At least you can fall back on baseball,” Travis jabbed.

  The conversation broke into horsepower, torque, and all kinds of testosterone. Travis eventually let Sam go, finding it impossible to talk without his hands, and she took a seat, dangling her legs off the dock staring at the damaged hillside. What if they hadn’t been there? She slammed her eyes closed, pushing the thought away. She took in a long breath, fighting against the persistent nightmare of being trapped and helpless.

  “Sam?” Jake sat beside her, his palm flat to her back. “You’re pale.” Concern etched his features much like when he pulled her from the lake.

  “I’m fine,” she said softly, eyes drifting to where they crashed. “I want to see it.” Her voice found the volume switch, loud enough for Travis to hear. “Pull it out.” Travis kneeled behind her, his face looking between their shoulders.

  “Why don’t you head back, Sam?”

  “Why don’t you pull the car out, Travis?” She countered, electing a bored tone over argumentative.

  “Stay with her.” He patted Jake’s back, before his boots beat the dock, Jax’s falling in stride.

  “You sure?” Jake asked. She couldn’t explain it, but she needed to see it. Her body shook and she sucked in all the fresh air her lungs could hold.

  “Exposure is a proven therapy technique,” she offered. “Scary as it was, I survived. I need to see it.” His hand wrapped her shoulder, lips softly brushing her temple.

  “It’s scarier now that I know it was you trapped inside.” His admission gave her a shiver, and she swore his reaction was the same.

  They watched as Travis and Jax waded in the water, hooking cables to the rear of the car. The trunk was almost fully submerged, the hood and roof completely under water.

  “So, you and Travis?” Jake changed the subject.

  “Were a thing,” she filled in. “For two seconds.” Jake nodded slowly next to her, disappointed with the news. “He took me to his senior prom. I went with Travis and Mick went with my brother.”

  “Why’d you break up?” Sam bumped her shoulder to his.

  “We were never together. I was in ninth grade. He was my first kiss and my last…until Mitch.” Jake’s head swiveled, his brows furrowed in a frown. Her head thumped from the swelling which was obviously making her stupid. “Someone’s gotta be first. Who was yours?” She steered them away from Mitch or Travis. Features slowly softening, he leaned back on his hands, triceps popping out to support his weight.

  “It was gross.” His lip snarled and he shook his head. “She was all tongue down the throat -- disgusting.” He laughed, distracting her from the churn of equipment starting.

  “How old were you?”

  “Seventh grade. She was staying the night for my cousin’s birthday.”

  “You don’t remember her name?”

  “Not at the moment. Funny thing is,” he held up a finger. “She thought I was Jax. So, no pressure if she didn’t see fireworks.”

  “You guys swapped places?” His grin was the devil.

  “This time was an accident. I was just going to the bathroom and she assumed I was Jax. I can’t even remember what she looked like, but Jax had to let her down easy the next week at school.”

  “That’s hilarious.”

  “So, how was yours? With Travis.”

  “I don’t kiss and tell.”

  “You better brag about me.” He leaned up, full lips making a playful smack to hers. He smiled against her lips, stealing another quick kiss before leaning back. She could get used to him kissing her. His lips, full and soft, made her want more. She wanted more of him wanting to kiss her, liking the way he took as he pleased. “Tell me how awful Travis was.”

  “Travis had lots of experience at seventeen. Being best friends made it awkward and comfortable at the same time.” Jake tilted his head, eyes traveling to Travis and back to her. “We practiced a few times, trying to make the fireworks happen, but it never did.”

  “Because he didn’t have that beard yet.” He wiggled his eyebrows, scrubbing his own beard. She wanted to laugh, but her head thumped with the slightest movement, so she settled for a smirk. “You feeling okay?”

  The cables tightened with a pop, and then creaked under the strain. Water rushed from the trunk of the car as it emerged. Black smoke puffed from the dozers, the tires sliding on the still soft earth before gaining traction. Water poured from every crevice of the mangled steel, the back passenger door hanging from its hinges. She fingered the tender flesh at her scalp.

  “I’ve got a headache.” And a head full of bad memories, she thought to herself. She’d seen the evidence. She’d survived, but as her breaths fell short, she realized she was freaking the fuck out. Jake stood beside her, pulling her gently to her feet. She rested her cheek on his hard pec, letting her eyes close. She focused on his scent mixed with the fresh lake air, ignoring the stale cigarettes invading her memories.

  “Let’s go.” She opened her eyes, staring down the fate he’d helped her escape. She gathered strength, hit reset, and left it behind. If you don’t deal with it, it’s only behind you because you’re outrunning it. Kay said it so often. She never had the chance to deal with the source of her claustrophobia. Her hospital records and adoption were sealed, and she’d never told a soul. She couldn’t believe how close she was to telling Jake today. He pulled at a secret place inside her, making her believe she could break free.

  Chapter Seven

  Sam packed the few outfits Mick left for her but she hadn’t been conscious to wear. Assuming Jake would be there, she was disappointed to find the cabin empty and the bed made. It was Friday, according to Travis, who claimed to know nothing about her phone. It was missing, but she wouldn’t bother opening a new one when she’d be home in a few hours. She could run the planet from a cell phone, anticipating every need of her clients and making their lives easy behind the scenes. Nick was making her life effortless right now, but she was ready to take the reins.

  She was starved for getting up at the same time every day, hitting her favorite lunch spots and doing a job she was great at. She needed the normalcy to deal with the changes. Stretching across the bed, she pushed away the list of cons mounding in her head, trying to focus on the pros. Jake’s scent lingered in the linen. He was by her bedside last night, his feet propped on the bed while he snoozed in the chair. It was morning when she woke again, and he was nowhere in sight. She missed him.

  Sam stared at the tongue and groove ceiling, working up her nerve. Jake was going to drive her back today and she wanted him to stay the night. If she asked him to…heat flushed her body remembering their kiss. She knew exactly what would happen if he stayed the night. The screen door distracted her from her dirty thoughts, Jake’s big body filling the door frame. She p
opped up to her elbows, crossing her ankles to hide her lust.

  The room dimmed when Jake pushed the wood door closed behind him. His eyes never left hers, his hand working the lock without a word. Squeezing her thighs tight, she fought her natural instinct to open for him. Her pulse rushed her ears as he closed the distance in slow deliberate strides. His knee dipped the mattress, his arms flexing under his weight as he climbed his way over her body until their lips were inches apart. Her shoulders sinking back to the mattress, she let her hands explore. The strained noise from his throat thrilled her as his abs contracted against her palms.

  “Kiss me,” she whispered against his lips, following the fine hairs of his happy trail with her fingertips. Humor mixed with the heat in his eyes.

  “Where?” Her nipples answered the call, sensitive nerves prickling as they puckered for his lips. Her body arching in response, Jake’s hand seared skin to skin contact at the small of her back. His callused palm ran her spine, pulling her from the mattress to face him sitting back on his knees. His fingers hooked her hem, thumbs gliding her skin as he peeled the thin fabric, leaving goosebumps in his wake. Laying her back down, his thumb dipped in the cup of her bra, eyes burning into hers as he plumped her breast in his hand. Her nipple strained painfully, the rope of frenzied nerves connecting to her core. “Here?” Jake asked, his voice strained. His lips wrapped her peak, his hot mouth pulling suction as his tongue teased.

  Sam gasped, every muscle contracting to absorb the pleasure rushing to her core. Jake’s mouth was heaven, his lips trailing to her other breast. She was panting, pleasure overriding her ability to breathe. “Here?” Jake teased, his tongue flicking her shameless nub straining for the hot affection of his mouth. Her body bowed, serving her breast for more pleasure. Her hands threaded his hair, his head lifting leaving her sensitive skin to the cool air. His lips found her neck, nibbling where her pulse raced beneath her skin.

  “Take this off.” She pulled at the cotton barrier, Jake rising to his knees and pulling his shirt overhead. He took care of her bra next, the lace tossed to the floor as she laid beneath him with arms overhead. His beautiful body towered above hers.

  “Sam.” Her name from his lips was awe and appreciation. Her confidence soared under his gaze, blue eyes flooding with hunger as he took her in. She liked him taking his time, but passion roared through her veins. She’d never been this turned on, never enjoyed foreplay. Her hands went for his jeans, his happy trail tickling her fingers as she worked his fly. Bringing her fingers to his lips, he kissed softly before backing off the bed. “I want to see all of you.” Capable hands unsnapped and unzipped her, the black silk of her panties exposed and wet with her desire. Sliding his hands under her ass, he peeled the fabric from her heated skin.

  Laid bare and frenzied with need, her clit pulsed painfully. Her hand trailed its way south shamelessly, the other cupping her breast. Knees parting, she dug her heels in the mattress, hips lifting to meet her touch. Her heels lost traction, Jake tugging the sheets beneath her bringing her sex to the edge of the bed as he kneeled. Her thighs rested one over each shoulder, his face carnal between her legs.

  “I said everywhere.” His tongue flicked her clit, his lips capturing the quivering nub. Her heels dug in his back, hands gripping his hair between her legs as she coiled tight inside. Her nails raked his scalp, the sweet suction of his mouth giving a delicious pull. She tried rocking her hips under his hold, needing release, never having been wound so tight. Her thighs gripped tighter, Jake releasing her clit and his tongue slow and deliberate in a lap around her entrance. She clinched up, ass, thighs, head thrown back against the mattress as waves of pleasure exploded through her. Tight cords of muscle released one by one, the contractions calmed from what she recognized as the first time she’d ever came.

  “You can make that sound for me anytime.” Jake kissed his way up her body, still taking his time. Had she made a noise? Feeling a silly grin stretch over her face, she ran her fingers through his hair as he feasted on her breast. Her limbs were heavy, Jake’s mouth keeping her body at a comfy purr. His arm snaked beneath her, bringing her head to the pillows and bringing his lips to hers. She tasted herself, hips rocking beneath him seeking another round. His erection was hard and smooth against her belly, her hands itching to explore.

  Jake broke their kiss, his hand wrapping her grip around his stiff length. He was commando, the open fly giving access while faded denim still wrapped his ass. “I want you inside of me.” She stroked up his shaft, his hand removing hers with a groan as she swiped the pre-cum from his tip. He was as turned on as she was. He stood, the jeans pushing over his lean hips, his cock thick and long like it felt in her hands. He pulled his wallet from the pocket, fishing two square packets from the leather while stepping out of his jeans. Tossing both to the bed, he climbed over her, this time with no barriers between them.

  His mouth covered hers in a hot, searing kiss, his hand cupping her sex, one finger sliding inside. Jake swallowed her moan, another finger joining the first. Her hands glided his back, fingers digging into the meaty muscle of his ass. Her knees dropped shamelessly to the sides, hips tilting to cradle his. His teeth grazed her lip, his fingers stretching and plunging inside her. “Jake.” She heard herself plead, wanting him buried deep. He pushed in once more, fingers curling at the tips making her gasp. She cursed the emptiness when he withdrew, pushing up to his knees between her legs. He grinned at her pout, ripping the foiled condom with his teeth.

  His manhood was standing proud, the thick vein running his length flushing the velvet smooth skin. Sam’s mouth watered for it, suddenly feeling selfish for her lack of quid pro quo.

  “Let me.” She pushed up on her hands. Jake pulled her lips to his, hand strong but tender around her nape. His lips caressed hers, full of passion but with no demands. Lowering her gently, he broke the kiss. He lingered above her, thumb tracing her lip. She kissed the pad, his eyes flaring with heat.

  “I need inside you.” Jake pushed back to his knees, sucking a breath through his teeth as he sheathed his length. One side of his mouth lifted, his expression drunk with desire. “Your sexy mouth got me worked up.” Pressing the swollen head against her entrance he hovered his body over hers. Sam gasped at the contact, nervous to be with someone new. They’d gotten here so fast, but it felt right and oh so good. He cupped her cheek, gaze intense into hers.

  “Only me, Sam.” He reminded her, filling her with one thrust, grinding against her sex and hitting her deep inside. Sam saw stars, her sex showering the welcome penetration, allowing him to pull back with ease. His mouth covered hers, tongue dipping in as his hips found a rhythm. He consumed every inch of her, tasting her, filling her…making love to her. Another first.

  Chapter Six

  “Hey slugger. How’s our girl?” Our girl. He liked it. Mick was upbeat as ever, a busy street in the background.

  “Stubborn.” Jake tossed a clean shirt on the bed even though Sam carried clothes from her dresser drawer into the bathroom. He liked her in his clothes, even though they swallowed her curves. “She’s in the shower. Want me to have her call you back?”

  Pinning the phone between his shoulder and ear, he dug through his duffle. He pulled out the giant bottle of ibuprofen he always traveled with.

  “Stubborn about what?”

  “Name it.” He wouldn’t worry her with his suspicion, but he’d seen enough concussions to know. Sam didn’t say a word on her ride back, but she was shielding her eyes from light and keeping her voice low. She probably had a splitting headache.

  “How’s your patient?”

  “Believe me, you don’t know stubborn.” Mick laughed. “Give her a kiss for me and then have her call and tell me all about it.” She made a smacking sound and the line went dead. His recent call list was a steady alternation of Mick and Nick except two missed calls from Mitch. He’d only seen him from across home plate since he’d almost choked the life out of him. He could only imagine what the prick wanted. Hi
s silence.

  “Ya’ll decent?” Jax tapped the screen door.

  “Whatever.” Jake motioned him in. “You get it loaded?” he asked, hoping the car was somewhere out of sight. He wasn’t into exposure therapy.

  “Yeah.” Jax helped himself to the fridge, pulling out two longnecks. “We put it in the barn ‘til insurance sends someone to pick it up.” He passed a beer to Jake, the hairdryer starting up through the bathroom door. Maybe she didn’t have a headache. “How’s domestic life?” he asked, twisting the cap and ringing a two-pointer in the trash.

  “Don’t start.” Jake twisted off his cap, making the same shot. Taking a long pull, he set the pills on the counter. “How was the trip?” Cross City was just over an hour from Promise, but he was curious if Jax had run into Mason.

  “Dad wasn’t happy at first,” Jax said, taking a stool. “He didn’t like the customer helping haul equipment.”

  “Circumstances aren’t exactly normal. Travis did okay?”

  “He was a kid in the candy store at the loading yard.” Jax laughed. “Dad gave him the full tour and then demanded we stay at the house.”

  “Did Mom send food?”


  “Yes!” Their mom brought food to the jobsites pretty regularly. The crews looked forward to it.

  “Travis just threw it in the oven. She sent soup in case Sam wasn’t feeling up to a heavy meal.”

  “Of course she did.” Their mom was happy to fuss over a complete stranger. “Sam needs to eat.” He glanced at the door, the hair dryer still running.

  “I didn’t see a stick up her ass.” Jax gestured to the noise. “Hard to hide it in that wetsuit.” Cocking his head, Jake wondered if he’d heard him right. “What?” Jax waived off his surprise. “I’m gay, not blind.”


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