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F.M.P. Society

Page 8

by Dakota Cassidy

  Alex let the taste of her roll over his tongue as he lapped at the musky flavor of her cunt. She was wet and sweet and he could spend an eternity between her thighs, just tasting her. When she reached for his pulsing cock, gripping it lightly, he moaned against her flesh. She brought him to her lips and the heat of her breath made his blood roar.

  Her soft tongue tentatively swiped the skin just below the head of his cock. He jerked in response rolling his hips toward the warmth of her mouth. With renewed vigor, he lapped at her, driving the vibrator into her, and suckling her clit until he felt her spasm and cry out. Her muscles tensed and then relaxed as she quivered beneath him. He gently slid the vibrator out and clicked the “off” button, laying it aside. As he moved away from her thighs to sit up, she quickly sat up on her knees. Cara’s small hands pushed at his chest, pressing him to the floor again. She moved over him until she bracketed his head with the palms of her hand, her hair curtained his face. Soft and smelling like wildflowers.

  Her eyes glowed in the fading light as she took his lips, wedging her tongue into his mouth. Alex let her explore him, arching upward when she suckled his tongue. Her hair caressed his chest, feather light as she moved down his body and kneeled between his thighs. Two small hands gripped his cock, tunneling it as she caressed him. Her head lowered, as did her lips onto his hard throbbing shaft.

  He wanted to shout at the pleasure it brought him when her tongue finally made contact, but he bit it back. Cupping his balls, she kneaded them gently as she impaled his cock with her mouth. Alex’s world tilted when she took him fully. Keeping her lips at the base of his cock and flattening her tongue against his rock hard flesh. He was going to explode with the soft, suckling sounds she made. He tangled his hands in her hair and jammed his hips upward fighting the urge to come.

  Cara’s nails ran through the thick pubic hair at the root of his shaft and he gritted his teeth as she made another pass along his cock.

  “Cara, honey…I…I…” he tugged her head, pulling himself from her mouth with a pop. He dragged her up over him, and held her tightly, squeezing his eyes shut. He couldn’t breathe from the smell of her and the pleasure she had given him simply by allowing herself to try something new with him as her guide.

  “We need a condom, Alex. I can’t wait,” she whispered, then groaned when he cupped her breast.

  Shit. “I hope to hell there are some in the box these vibrators came in. Cause I don’t make a habit of doing this in my office.”

  “Really, I’m your first in-office schtupp? I’m flattered indeed,” she teased.

  He dug around in the box, keeping her close. “Aha! They usually send them along as promotional items.” He tore open the packet with his teeth.

  Cara took it from his hands and rolled it down over his stiffened length. He moaned loudly, his ever throbbing cock wasn’t going to last longer than a New York minute at this rate.

  Cara swung her thighs over his hips and guided him to her. She let him enter her in slow, agonizing increments.

  His hands gripped her hips to keep from slamming into the tight warmth. His neck arched and the tendons in it flexed when she settled on him with a sigh of pleasure.

  Cara’s fingers toyed with his nipples as she rode him in slow circles. As she leaned back, she brought her hands up to cup her breasts, tugging at her nipples.

  He watched as his cock entered her over and over. The base of his shaft glistened with her slickness. He brought his thumb to her clit softly caressing the swollen nub.

  The rhythm of their rocking increased in tempo as his balls tightened, pulling upward. Their breath came in quick gasps. Each struggling to make it last, yet pulling them toward the vortex of release. She milked his shaft with her slick warmth, clenching and tightening her muscles with each thrust he made.

  Alex couldn’t take anymore and when Cara dug her hands into his chest and her hair fell over his chest, dancing across his skin, he drove into her one last time. An explosion of sensation burst out of his cock, as thick, hot spurts of his come filled the condom. His shaft throbbed and pulsed with relief.

  Cara flopped forward on his chest, clinging to him as he gathered her close and held her tightly. He couldn’t risk speaking in sentences. He’d never felt this strongly about anyone before.


  She chuckled against his neck. “Now He had nothing to do with this. Hey,” she poked his shoulder and smiled up at him. “Are you gonna feed me? I’m starving, and now that you’ve had your way with me, I think it’s only fair that you make me dinner.”

  He pulled out of her reluctantly, sitting up and pulling her to her feet. “All right, woman, quit moaning. Let me get cleaned up and I’ll take you back to my place.” He headed off toward the bathroom to dispose of the condom and wash up. When he came back she was holding her uniform in her hand, the towel securely wrapped around her again.

  “First you have to fix my zipper. It would be indecent of me to go out in public flaunting my wares, don’t you think? The zipper stops here,” she pointed to just below her breasts and giggled at him.

  He threw on his jeans and shirt and took the uniform from her. As he jerked the zipper, turning the uniform over to get at it from a better angle, little pieces of yellow paper flew to the floor. He bent to scoop them up. Catching a glimpse of names scrawled across them…and phone numbers. Men’s names, and their phone numbers. His pissed off factor went from zero to a hundred in no time flat.

  He held up the papers, “What the hell are these?”

  Cara turned to look at him, appearing quite cool and completely unaffected by his obvious anger. She shrugged, “Oh, just some suggestion forms for improving the cafeteria’s menu.”

  He crumpled them in his tight fist, “And how do you plan to improve the cafeteria with a bunch of men’s phone numbers?”

  “What? What phone numbers, Alex? Don’t be ridiculous.”

  He began unfolding the crinkled slips of paper, “Oh, let’s see. Well there’s Tom, from the second floor. He wants to meet for a drink sometime and Donnie, oh, look he puts little hearts over the ‘i’ in his name. Cute-very manly. Very high school,” he ground out. “Donnie says he’d love to buy you lunch sometime. And here’s one from Phillip, He says that he’d really love to get to know you better—”

  “Alex!” she cut him off by yelling sharply. “Stop it. I didn’t even look at those stupid things. Ruby gave them to me and I just stuffed them in my pocket. Take a look at what the header on those say, Suggestion Form. Not Cara’s personal ‘let’s hook up service.’ Jeez, do you really think I’d fish for dates like that? I’m not as hard up as you might think.” She crossed the room yanking the uniform from him and pulling it over her head angrily.

  Suggestion form or not, these men wanted in his woman’s drawers and he wasn’t having it. How could she be so unaware of her own attractiveness to the opposite sex? How could he have missed seeing this after all this time and why the hell didn’t she call everyone of those assholes up and tell them to go the fuck away? Better yet, he’d do it for her. Alex ran a hand through his hair in frustration. Judging by the way she was glaring at him he was not going to be making dinner, or anything for that matter if he didn’t shut his big mouth and keep his jealous tendencies to himself. He’d known her for two whole days and already he was behaving like a total ass. As impressions went, he was really making one.

  Fuck. Shut up, Alex and make nice. She’s telling you she didn’t know anything about all those slugs. Take her word for it ‘till you know differently.

  “Okay, look, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean—”

  Her face flushed with anger, her pretty eyes were narrowed and sending the daggers of death at him. “Oh, yes you did, Alex Mackenzie! I had no idea those men would use a suggestion form as an outlet to get laid. I mean who would have thought that a simple little form—”

  “We’re men, honey. We’ll use whatever form of persuasion we have to.”

  She wrinkled her nose at
him and laughed. “Don’t try to makeup with me now by giving me the ‘men can be so dumb’ speech. I already knew that,” she said smugly.

  Alex pulled her to him and kissed the top of her head. “Wanna be friends again?”

  Cara tweaked his chest, “Well, I don’t know. You boink me within an inch of my life, accuse me of having hoards of men lined up just waiting to go out with me and you still haven’t fed me. That’s unforgivable in my book. And I don’t think Hamburger Helper is going to give me the warm fuzzies.”

  Alex chuckled, “How about macaroni and cheese? I hear it has healing make-up powers.”

  Cara laughed into his chest, “Oh, well if we’re talking macaroni and cheese that’s a whole different ball of wax. How can any girl resist macaroni and cheese, especially if it’s “make up” macaroni and cheese?” Her stomach growled in agreement.

  He pulled her by the hand toward the elevator, “C’mon. I’ll take you back to my place and make you some ‘suck-up’ macaroni and cheese.”

  “It better not be the cheap powdered kind,” she warned him.

  “Is there any other kind?”

  Chapter 7

  Cara woke to the fab trio on either side of her looking picture perfect and very pleased with themselves. Each flawless face was grinning, not a hair out of place. Sunlight poured in from the far window. Shit! She was late! She popped upright and smacked right into Mia. “Mia, please move. I’m late. I have to get to work!”

  “Relax, silly. It’s Saturday.”

  Cara groaned, flopping back down and pulling the comforter over her head, “Then go away so I can go back to sleep.”

  “Daaarling,” Simone drawled, turning back the comforter and peeking in at her. “It’s time to get up and tell us all about your little romp with Alex.”

  Why did these women have to be so perfect? Even at, she looked at her bedside clock, eight in the morning. Simone’s creamy skin literally glowed. Could they have just one bad moment between them when they looked like shit? Cara wanted to mess up their hair or smear their lipstick.

  “How do you know I romped anywhere? And how come you guys are up so early? Daybreak doesn’t usually happen for you before noon, I thought all supermodels partied into the wee hours of the morning.” Could they actually see what she’d been up to? Maybe this fairy godmother thing had some sort of crystal ball that let them keep tabs on their shoes.

  Katia cocked her head, “We haven’t gone to bed yet. Let’s see. Your bed was unmade until the wee hours of this morning. You never came home for dinner. I fed The BEAST by the way. Aaannndd, you have that ‘I’ve just been boffed’ look about you.”

  The just been boffed look? Can you see that?

  “Your cheeks are flushed and you positively glow. So, give it up,” Katia cajoled.

  Simone sighed, stretching her arms upward. “God, I sooo miss the glow of good sex. There’s just nothing like it for your skin.”

  “You’re in love.” Mia stated simply with a smug smile on her face.

  Cara squirmed under the blankets. “Just because I had sex doesn’t mean I’m in love,” she said defensively. She could have sex without being in love. People did it everyday. She was not going to fall in love. She was not. She couldn’t.

  “This wasn’t just any sex, Cara. This was mind-blowing fabulously, orgasmic sex. Sooooo, how are you feeling about this?”

  How did they know anyway? So what if it was fabulous? Did that constitute love? No. It meant that she’d had a mind-blowing sexual experience of the millennium, and she could have one with someone else, too. Her heart leapt in her chest, but the truth of the matter was, she didn’t want to have sex with anyone else.


  “How do you know I had sex last night, anyway? Skip the ‘just been boffed’ look. Are you like hovering in that other realm place watching me?”

  “Euuwwww, how utterly distasteful,” Simone huffed, “we most certainly do not hover in another realm or otherwise. I resent that you’d even ask such a thing. I’m no voy…” Simone bit her lip and frowned, “Voy—”

  “Voyeur,” Katia finished helpfully.

  Oooooh, big word. Cara stifled a giggle.

  “Yes, Katia, voyeur, I mean no! I am not a voyeur, thank you very much. That look in your eyes and the smile on your lips while you sleep says it all, Cara.”

  “You watch me when I sleep? Cut that out! You’re giving me the friggin’ creeps.”

  “Well, like who could help it? I mean you’re in here all moaning and tossing and turning. The state of Montana heard you, for gravy’s sake! We came to see if you were all right and what all the noise was about.” Mia grinned at her knowingly.

  Cara’s hand flew to her mouth, “I was groaning?” Jesus Christ in a miniskirt. “Okay, yes, I had sex. Earth shattering, mind-boggling sex. But I’m not in love or in anything else for that matter. We had a great time. He made me dinner and then I came home. That’s it.”

  “Yes, and?” Katia inquired cocking her perfectly waxed eyebrow at Cara.

  “And what?”

  “Ya know, there’s something about saying no too much…” Mia reminded Cara.

  “That’s ‘Methinks you protest too much.’ It’s Shakespeare, Mia, and I am not being defensive. We’ve had two dates and some sex, that ain’t love.”

  “Haven’t you heard of love at first sight? You’ve been ga-ga over him for a year now. This was meant to be.” Each fab triplet nodded their head in agreement with Katia’s declaration.

  Cara’s stomach turned. Wasn’t it sort of malicious of them to consider love if they knew Alex only wanted her because of the shoes? When she took those bad boys off, the ride would be over and she’d be left at the train station.

  “He only wants me because of those shoes and you know it. He didn’t know I existed before I put those things on.” Was her time with the shoes running out? Like sands in the hourglass… Crap, she wasn’t asking if they weren’t telling. She didn’t want to know. When it was over, it was over and she’d walk away.

  Shoeless, but still walking.

  “It would seem that lots of other people are interested in you too, Cara. What about them?”

  Cara sighed of course they were interested, because of the shoes! Not because she was suddenly spewing pheromones left and right.

  “Yeah, that’s kind of weird, ya know?” Cara shook her head. “Never mind how could you three know? This kind of stuff happens to you all the time.”

  “Be careful what you wish for, they say.” Yet another startling observation of brilliance, from Simone the rocket scientist.

  Well whoever said that, hadn’t walked a mile in Plain Jane’s shoes.

  “Look, guys, can’t I just enjoy this? Can’t I just have a great time and not think about the love thing right now?”

  They all looked at each other. Mia patted her arm, “Sure, honey buns. You can do that. We can wait.”

  Wait? Wait for what? For her to give back the shoes and be alone again. The BEAST hopped up on the bed. Well, not totally alone. She had The BEAST. She refused to think about it or acknowledge it out loud.

  “Okay, you wait. I have a date. A date that I’ll be late for, if I don’t get moving right now.”

  Cara left them on the bed to go shower and get ready to meet Alex. At the beach, for God’s sake. She loved the beach, but you couldn’t swim with shoes on. Well she didn’t have to swim. She could just sit on the sand right?

  As she applied her makeup, she replayed their lovemaking in his office. He must think she was some slut. They’d known each other a grand total of two days and they’d been intimate as many times.


  Yes, so? Cara didn’t care, she’d finally realized her dream and all of the longing and need had come full circle. She was going to take this opportunity and run with it. With a vibrator to boot!

  A vibrator! Hell’s bells, who would have thought a vibrator could be so exciting. So liberating? Who would have thought that Cara Anthony would use a vib
rator, let alone let a man use it on her? A rush of forbidden pleasure swept over her.

  It was wicked, decadent, and exciting. She wondered what other toys she’d missed out on all this time. She wondered what she might be able to purchase discreetly so that when the time came, she’d have an outlet for all of this newfound sexuality.

  No, no, no! She wouldn’t think about the end ‘til it came.

  Cara eyed her face critically in the bathroom mirror. She stuck her tongue out at her reflection. She did not have that ‘just been boffed look’.. She did have that heart thing going on, where it sped up every time she thought about Alex. He was so easy to be with and even easier to talk to. They had so many things in common.

  Better enjoy it while you can, it ain’t often you sport that just boffed look.

  Cara sat on the edge of the bathtub. Damn. She would not fall in love. This was not good.

  Not good at all.

  Boff this.

  * * * * *

  “Oh, lamb chop,” Mia jumped up from the kitchen table walking on her heels while her toes dried. “I love those shorts, very cute. But I don’t know about the top. What do you think girls?”

  Simone peeked at Cara over the top of a fashion magazine from the corner of the room. “I think we ought to let Cara pick her own clothes. She’ll have to do that on her own eventually, darling.”

  “I think I agree with Simone.” Katia sat up on the couch and pulled the cucumber slices from her eyes, she smiled in Cara’s direction, “but I do like the top and the matching sandals.”

  Cara wiggled her toes. They were cute and so comfortable. There were definitely benefits to not worrying about what shoes to wear with an outfit, especially when they appeared out of nowhere sitting very nicely alongside of your clothing.

  Cara happened to catch a quick glimpse of the magazine Simone was reading as she was gathering her purse.


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