Book Read Free

F.M.P. Society

Page 9

by Dakota Cassidy

  Omigod. She snatched the magazine out of Simone’s hands.

  “Hey, what are you doing? Don’t get so grabby, I would have let you have it,” Simone huffed at her.

  Cara’s eyes scanned the front cover frantically. It was them…all three of the fab triplets, on the cover of an outdated issue of Vogue. Their arms linked together, eyeing the camera with that come-hither stare. All long limbs and cheekbones.

  Shaky fingers flipped the pages to the inside story.

  The article was titled “The End of an Era.” She ran her fingertips over the words as she reached behind her to find something to sit down on. She couldn’t breathe. They had really existed. They were really supermodels when they were alive. According to the article, they’d been at the top of their game when this accident happened. A runway accident…

  “This,” she pointed to the cover, “This is you,” she accused in a tight whisper. “All three of you, you’re telling the truth!”

  Katia removed the cucumbers from her eyelids and slapped them down on the table beside the couch. “Of course it’s us, lamb chop. Did you think we made this up?” She snorted to emphasize the believability factor.

  Cara’s head was spinning. “I…I don’t know what I thought. I thought I was nuts, crazy, insane! Desperate enough to believe in your existence because I wanted to go out with Alex!” Her voice rose four octaves with shock.

  Simone held her finger to her lips, “Shh, don’t yell, darling we hear you. So now you know you’re not crazy. What’s the big deal? We told you we were fairy godmothers.” Simone said that as though this crazy notion was plausible. Like if you just pop into someone’s life and announce you’re their fairy godmother, hand them a pair of magic shoes that will help you get the man of your wet dreams, it was all completely acceptable.

  “You didn’t seem to mind. You’ve been perfectly happy to take our advice and wear the shoes. Once we were past the initial shock we thought you were fine with it.”

  Cara shook her head and whispered, “You all died in a runway accident. You really did die.”

  “Oh, please don’t bring that up, Cara,” Mia pleaded with a whine. “These two fight like chickens in a henhouse over that dreadful day. Like we could do anything to change what happened.” Mia hobbled over to Cara taking the magazine from her hands.

  “We most certainly did,” Simone said, narrowing her pretty almond shaped eyes in Katia’s direction.

  “Simone!” Mia shouted. “I mean it, don’t even get started. Please. We’re not here to fight. We’re here to help Cara. So shut up the both of you and go back to what you were doing.” Mia threw the magazine on the kitchen table with a toss of her hand.

  “Okay, Mia. I know this brings up some serious issues for Katia and Simone, but this just happened. The article dates back two years ago. You haven’t been at this fairy godmother thing for very long.” Cara felt a bit uneasy over that.

  Katia sat up, tucking her long legs beneath her. “Well no, we’ve only been doing this part of it for an even shorter time. There’s training and classes and all that good stuff before you ever get to this part, helping people and all. You’re like subject number four,” Katia frowned, “or five. I’m not sure which. You kinda lose track after awhile.”

  Holy fairy godmother in training. It was just her luck to get the new kids on the block. “So why didn’t you just die, and go to heaven or whatever happens after death?”

  Simone sighed, “Well we did die, darling. But as we’re told, we sort of went to a branch of heaven. A place where we’d be most useful, utilizing our skills and all.”

  “You sit there and talk about this like it’s no big deal. Tell me something, Simone, when you were alive would you have believed this were possible? Fairy godmothers showing up out of thin air and handing you a pair of magic shoes, then telling you, you can have the man of your fantasies?”

  “You’ve got a point.” Simone sat on the floor Indian style and stretched upward with her arms. “I guess we are kind of hard to swallow, but we’re here and that’s all there is to it. You’re not crazy. This isn’t a dream and Alex will be coming for you any minute. So you’d better get yourself ready.”

  Cara sagged back into the couch and ran a hand over her aching temples. “Do you miss your life?” She heard Mia groan from behind her.

  Katia swung her legs over the side of the chair and slouched down beside Cara. Her glossy auburn hair shadowing her face. “Yeah, sometimes. I miss my family more though.”

  “I miss the parties and Geoffrey,” Simone chimed in.

  Cara gave Simone a puzzled look. “Geoffrey was my butler,” she explained.

  “Not me, I miss the farm.” Mia brushed at a stray tear, falling in a salty bubble down her cheek.

  “I’m sorry. It wasn’t that I didn’t believe you. Well, I guess I didn’t. I don’t know, I can’t explain it. It all happened so fast. But I do now, believe you that is. I was just so wrapped up in this shoe thing, well…you know.” Cara smiled sheepishly at them.

  “Of course we know, darling. It’s all very overwhelming and exciting. No one can blame you for getting carried away.”

  Cara toyed with the edge of her shorts, “Are you happy? I mean being fairy godmothers?”

  “It beats hell,” Simone said dryly, grunting as she let her body fall forward on the floor in front of her crossed legs. The muscles in her back rippling beneath her caramel skin.

  Cara laughed. It would definitely beat hell.

  * * * * *

  Alex loved the beach. There wasn’t a place on earth he felt more free or alive. The hard crash of the waves against the sand and the clean salty air invigorated him. Puffy, white clouds drifted lazily over the horizon. It was fairly deserted for this time of year, but he loved it. The water was decidedly colder than he’d expected.

  Cara sat on the blanket by the picnic tables staunchly refusing to swim with him. She said she didn’t like the feel of sand on her feet. She claimed she was cold, or her feet were cold. She told him to go swim. She was perfectly content to sit on the blanket and watch. Her small frame was busying itself with arranging the basket he’d brought so it would hold down the blanket against the wind.

  She stood to flatten the blanket back out, fighting the wind, bending over and giving him a full view of her ass. His cock rose and stiffened against his bathing suit in response to the visual. He couldn’t get enough of her and they were only on date three.

  Now he was counting dates on his fingers and toes. Jesus.

  Alex figured this was the falling fast part that he’d heard of, but never experienced until now. Women came and went, he took them out, sometimes he even slept with them, but no one held his attention quite the way Cara did. It might only be date three, but he felt like he’d known her a lifetime. She felt right and good in every way and he was having a hard time thinking of anything else.

  Now if he could just get rid of some of the other assholes who felt the same way. She was pretty good at pretending they didn’t exist, too. She shrugged off the stares, dismissing them lightly and smiling at him absently. A girl as beautiful as Cara was used to men ogling her. He should be used to men ogling a beautiful woman. He’d dated plenty of women who were ogled. None of them mattered now, they weren’t Cara.

  Those phone numbers that fell out of her uniform were still pissing him off, too. He wanted to have a T-shirt printed up that said “mine” and make her wear it everyday. He grunted at that. He was going to scare her off if he started making claims on her before like date four.

  Alex paddled his way back toward the shore and found her lying on the blanket, stretched out and dozing, her arm thrown back over her head as her chest rose and fell in a slow rhythm. Alex’s gut tightened as he watched her sleep. He felt a need for her that was so overwhelming it threatened to bring him to his knees.

  “Hey, toy man, you’re dripping on me.” She opened her eyes and looked up at him, blocking her eyes from the sun.

  He grinned at h
er, “Sorry, but you’re lying on the towel.”

  Cara pulled the towel out from behind her head and sat up, handing it to him.

  “You could dry my back, you know,” he said as he plopped down in front of her.

  Cara gave him a shove and laughed, “My dad used to do this to my mother. She’d sit all nice and polite on the beach while he swam, then he’d come out of the water all wet, demanding she dry him off. Pushy lot, you men.”

  He handed the towel to her over his shoulder. “I think I like your dad. Where is your family?”

  “My dad passed away about eighteen months ago and my mother lives with my aunt now. My mother and aunt live upstate.”

  “I’m sorry, I bet he was a great guy. Do you miss them, your mother and your aunt?”

  “Very much, but when dad passed away they decided to move in together to save on expenses and there just wasn’t room for me to grow there. It was getting a bit crowded living at home. I’d toyed with a lot of different college courses while I waited tables, but never pursued anything seriously. When dad died, it was time to get serious. I really needed to make a break anyway, spread my wings or whatever you want to call it. I needed something of my own. So I decided to buy the cafeteria with the money dad left me and move here to the city. I see them every holiday and for a week or so here and there. They’re too busy for much more than that, but we never miss a Sunday night phone call.”

  He felt the warmth in a smile he couldn’t see, but lodged in his soul.

  “How long were your parents married?”

  “Forever…almost forty-five years. They were happy and it showed. Mom had a tough time adjusting to dad’s death and that’s where Aunt Flora came in. She got Mom involved in all sorts of senior citizen activities and kept her getting up in the morning. She’s great now. She even has a boyfriend.”

  “A boyfriend, huh? Well I’m not surprised if she’s as pretty as you.”

  She finished drying his back with a pat. “What did ya pack in that basket? I’m starving.”

  “I made chicken salad sandwiches. I hope they live up to your expectations. I don’t think I can beat the ones you make at the cafeteria.”

  “Well, toy man, why don’t you let me be the judge of that.” She crossed her legs watching as he took the food from the basket.

  Dragging the heavy basket over beside them, he began laying out the sandwiches, along with some fruit and cheese. He handed her a sandwich and she nibbled happily, while he popped the cork on a bottle of wine and poured two glasses, passing one to her.

  “So what about your family? Do you have any?”

  “I have a brother. He runs the manufacturing plant for Mackenzie’s, out in California.”

  “What about your parents?”

  Alex leaned forward and wiped the corner of her mouth with a napkin. “They were killed in a car accident ten years ago.”

  “Oh, Alex, I’m sorry.” He saw the concern on her face and knew that they shared a bond over losing a parent.

  “Don’t be, they had good lives, and they were good parents. I’m close to my brother, Adam, even though we’re so far apart. Right now it makes sense for him to be in California handling things out there, while I do the paperwork here.”

  She sipped her wine and eyed him over the rim of her glass. “So what’s the toy thing about? I mean what made you think here’s something I could make a fortune at, selling adult toys. It’s not exactly something you major in, in college.”

  He threw his head back and laughed. “No, that’s true. I majored in marketing. It just sort of happened. I was surfing the Internet one night and found a whole world I didn’t know existed. So I did some research and here I am five years later.”

  Cara plucked a grape from the vine and popped it in her mouth. “You make it sound so simple. There has to be more to it than that.”

  Alex’s mouth watered as he watched her eat the grapes, sliding the glistening purple fruit into her mouth slowly. If she went for the banana, he would surely make a mess of himself.

  “There was a lot of hard work involved, but we struck gold with the ‘Buzz My Gear’ vibrator. From there on, it was downhill. They sold like wildfire and we made our first million. It gave us the cash we needed to invest in future endeavors.”

  Cara’s shoulders shook as she howled. “Buzz my gear? Buzz my gear?”

  He grinned at her, “Yeah, ya know…To orgasm and beyond.”

  She was still laughing as she lay back down on the blanket and stretched. The sun had changed position, glinting off the copper strands of her hair. “So how do you research all this stuff? I mean, how did you know the ‘Buzz My Gear’ vibrator was going to be such a success?”

  Alex lay down beside her and raised himself up on his elbow. He brushed the hair from her face, wrapping the soft tendrils around his fingers. “We didn’t really know. There are lots of things that have to happen before you find out if it will really give the promised pleasure.”

  Her soft lips parted in an ‘O’ and her pink tongue ran across her lips. She rolled toward him and placed her hands on his chest. “I guess it must have given the promised pleasure then…”

  He slid his tongue into her mouth, savoring the scent of her skin, a mixture of her scented soap and the salty air. “It’s not quite the same as the real thing, you know…”

  “Really?” She groaned into his mouth when he rubbed a finger over nipple. “I don’t know, toy man. I kind of liked the blue thingy. It was quite an experience. I’m not sure if I could get over the ‘Buzz my Gear’ vibrator.”

  He chuckled at the memory as she reached between them and ran the heel of her hand over his cock. “This is going to be quite an experience if we don’t stop right now.”

  Cara giggled into his mouth, suckling his tongue, “All right we can stop, no public sex. Wanna come back to my house and watch a movie?”

  He pulled her on top of him and shifted his hips to rub enticingly against hers. “Can we have private sex? Wait, are you gonna make me watch a chick flick?”

  “Maybe, don’t you like chick flicks?”

  “Depends on the chick I’m watching with.”

  “That chick would be me…”

  “Well, in that case.” He kissed her again, sipping at her lips and enjoying the texture of their silkiness.

  Cara pulled out of his arms and rolled away. Her lips looked swollen from his kisses and her nose had sunburn. Again, his heart did that funny jumping in his chest. Damn, she was straight out of a high school boy’s wet dream.

  “Are you going to help me clean up or just lay there?”

  “I kind of like the domestic side of you.” He smiled lazily at her.

  She grabbed the towel and snapped it at him. “Help me, or they’ll be no chick flick for you, mister.”

  As he was helping her fold the blanket up, he spotted a couple of guys walking along the beach. When they passed Cara, they stared, twisting their necks to check out her legs. His temperature soared and his fuse became an instant bonfire. He threw down the blanket and yelled after them,

  “Hey, you wanna take a picture of her?” They quickly looked away and hurried down the long stretch of sand.

  Cara had that perpetual look of confusion on her face again. The one that was starting to really get his goat. “Alex, relax, would you?” She put a soothing hand on his arm. He shrugged it off, angry and even angrier that she didn’t seem very affected by these men that were everywhere.

  “I’m getting a little tired of every man in creation eyeballing you like you’re the last piece of candy in a candy store.”

  “Alex, we’ve known each other for three days. How can you even say that?”

  He blew out a puff of air, “Don’t you see the way men look at you?” What the hell was the matter with her? Surely, she knew she held some measure of allure. And he didn’t like it. He didn’t like it one God damn bit.

  She put her hands on her hips and bit her lower lip. “I wasn’t paying attention to them, Al
ex. I’m here with you.” She poked his chest with a red-tipped finger.

  Oh, sure go and make it like he was some raving, jealous lunatic.

  You are, you knuckle dragger.

  So, he was jealous, big friggin’ deal. It was normal and healthy…and making him nuts. He wanted to rush her off to his car and hide her from the world.

  He ran a hand through his hair, shaking out the sand.


  She stood, waiting patiently while he smiled at her sheepishly. “I guess it’s makeup macaroni and cheese again, huh?

  She pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes, “Oh no, toy man, you have to rent the movie, too.”

  With that, she gathered her things and headed off to the car. Shaking her luscious hips and stomping up the hill.

  He was in for a chick flick for sure.

  Chapter 8

  The ride back to her apartment was deafening. The silence was anyway. She was furious that he would imply she’d even paid attention to those men. She still couldn’t believe men paid anything to her, let alone attention. If she could explain the shoes, he’d understand, of course then the shoes spell would be broken and it would be over. Or he’d have her committed.

  Shit, shit, shit! How did the pretty girls do it? Pretty girls always had boyfriends and they never seemed to suffer for them.

  She peeked down at her shoes. Damn fuck me pumps. What kind of name was that for them anyway?

  Alex turned into the video store parking lot and shut off the ignition. He turned to look at her, his brown eyes with those damn thick eyelashes, gave her a wink.

  “If I get two chick flicks, can we make up?”

  “You know what, toy man? I don’t even favor chick flicks, but I ought to make you watch them anyway.”

  He raised an eyebrow at her. “You don’t like chick flicks?”

  “I’m more of an action/adventure kind of girl, but I can sit through a chick flick…” her tone warned.

  “You like Aaaarnold?” He puffed his chest out and did a poor Arnold imitation. She began to laugh as she opened the car door, “Yes, I love Arnold. Now come on and rent me a movie.”


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