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Consensual Infidelity

Page 2

by Shayla Kersten

  He suddenly wished he were a mind reader. She wasn’t frowning, no outward sign of upset or anger. Not like the disgust and revulsion he’d seen when he last confessed his secret. Not to mention, Denise had actually gotten hot over the idea. Extremely hot.

  But there was a vast difference between fantasy and reality. While he wasn’t ready to commit to marriage, he was happy with Denise. She was easy going, self-confident and liked a lot of the same things he did. Not to mention gorgeous and hot for him in bed. Almost sure he was in love, he hadn’t found the right time to tell her. He could really fuck a good thing with too much information. Or…

  “Yes. I would. Under the right circumstances.” He rolled over to mirror her pose. “But I would never cheat. The way I figure it, if you’re ready to cheat in a relationship, you might as well break up.”

  Her gaze narrowed and a slight frown marred her high forehead. A strand of long brown hair slipped over her cheek.

  He pushed her hair back, tucking it behind her ear. “What are you thinking?” Hopefully not get the hell out…

  “What if I, uh…gave you permission?” A slight flush colored her cheeks pink.

  “Permission to cheat?”

  “Yes.” She worried her bottom lip with her teeth. “Call it…consensual infidelity.”

  Clever woman. He chuckled at the idea. “But with a guy and not another woman?”


  Brady’s turn to frown. “Are you saying you want me to have an affair with a man?”

  “Sort of, but…” The pink deepened, turning a brilliant shade of crimson.

  Brady’s cock stirred with renewed interest. “You want to watch.” He couldn’t stop a grin from creeping across his face. Certainly one of a kind.

  Her hair fell over her face as she dipped her head toward the bed, avoiding his gaze. “Yes.”

  He almost missed the soft mumble but his body tightened with anticipation. “Or maybe participate?”

  “Oh, fuck.” She rolled over and buried her face in the bedding. Her hands fisted the covers, pulling up the blanket to hide her cheeks. “Yes.”

  The muffled word sent a shock of desire flowing. His dick thickened with the rush of blood searing his veins. He didn’t stop to wonder at his quick recovery.

  His girlfriend hit upon his darkest fantasy, satisfying both sides of his sexual desires—at the same time. She actually seemed not only willing to make his wish come true but turned on by the idea.

  Brady rolled closer. With one finger, he parted her hair and teased the back of her neck. “Come out of hiding and face the music.”

  “I can’t.” Her muffled words seemed tinged with laughter.

  “Yes, you can.” He kissed her neck. “You need to deal with the repercussions of your scandalous ideas.” He twisted the last three words with a Rhett Butler southern drawl.

  Denise kept her face hidden as she giggled.

  Scooting a little closer, Brady nudged his dick against her bare hip. “See what you do to me. You and your naughty little thoughts…”

  Finally, she popped up her head. Glancing down, her eyes widened. “For me?” Laughing, she rolled over. Her hand slipped between them, grasping his length. “Aww, you shouldn’t have!”

  “All your fault.” Her and the vision of him with his cock buried in his hot girlfriend while some guy did his ass. “But it’s just a fantasy.” Groaning, he rolled onto his back.

  Denise rose to her knees, kicking off her other boot then freeing the foot still trapped by her jeans. Scooting across the short distance between them, she planted her hands on the mattress on either side of his head. “And if I could make it a reality?”

  “How?” Part of him couldn’t absorb what she was saying. A particular part understood exactly what she meant. His miraculous recovery got harder.

  “Jay.” She brushed a kiss across his mouth. “He thinks you’re hot. And he’d do anything for me.”

  “Really?” Brady kept his breath from stuttering with the rush of desire. Just barely.

  Jay and Denise had been friends since high school. The guy was enough to fuel a good wet dream or three. Since Jay was owner of the neighborhood bar, Brady and Denise spent a lot of time around him. Brady had always been careful to avoid any lingering looks or sexual thoughts in his company. Even when he was alone. Using his girlfriend’s best friend—male or female—to fuel jerk-off sessions wasn’t a great idea. He was good at controlling his desires. Lots of practice.

  “Yes.” Denise pulled away. Her fingers worked Brady’s shirt buttons loose. As she popped each button, she kissed a path down his chest.

  Brady gasped as she stopped to worry his right nipple with her teeth. Pleasure and need connected his nipple to his cock—both reacted by getting harder.

  “Have you spread out like a smorgasbord. Both of us sampling and tasting.”

  “Shit.” Brady white-knuckled the covers. The idea she’d be willing to share him strengthened his conviction that she might be the elusive ‘one’.

  “You’d like that, huh?” Sighing, she moved lower, kissing down his stomach. “I could suck your cock.” Her tongue swiped over the tip. “While you sucked his…”


  His hands flew to her head. Threading his fingers through her hair, he pushed her mouth toward his aching hard-on.

  She went down without a fight and only a slight giggle. Her lips circled the crown, tongue teasing the sensitive slit.

  His body fought to react, rush into the teasing wetness but he forced his hips still. His imagination teased him with the image of a thick cock dangling over his lips, moving lower while Denise swallowed his dick. Pleasure spread through him, pulling need from his formerly spent cock. Getting it up again was one thing. Coming again so soon—

  “Damn!” Powerful and almost painful, his body gave up what come he had left. Denise took it all. Her enthusiastic participation only made his pleasure more intense.

  Eyes closed, he couldn’t move.

  Denise kissed her way back to his lips. “So should I talk to Jay or not?”

  His racing heart almost drowned out her words. “Yes.” As soon as the word left his mouth, he doubted the wisdom of his decision.

  Losing Denise wasn’t something he wanted to consider. Years of experience with domestic disturbances reminded him that many relationships didn’t stand up well to competition. Could he and Denise really survive inviting a third party into the bedroom? Was the possibility of fulfilling a fantasy worth the chance of losing her?

  Chapter Two

  “You’re kidding, right?” Jay stared, eyes wide and mouth open.

  “No, I’m not.” This wasn’t going as well as Denise expected. At least he hadn’t thrown her out of the bar. Yet. “You said to let you know if he was interested.” She shrugged. “And he is.”

  “I was kidding. Okay, only half-kidding but you want to watch?” His laugh bordered on scorn.

  “Well…yes?” Doubt rushed in. Denise slumped on the barstool. “This all sounded so much easier last night.”

  “While he was horny and willing to agree to anything?”

  “No. Well, yeah, he was horny. We both were. Majorly horny.” She exhaled hard at the memory of her orgasms. Just the memory had her ready to go again. With or without Brady.

  “TMI, sweetie.” Jay wove through a maze of high tables and bar stools to the entrance of the bar, turned on the ‘open’ sign then unlocked the door. He whirled on his heel to face her. “But what makes you think I want a straight woman—even you—watching my moves?”

  “Oh.” Her body tensed and her throat tightened. She hadn’t expected that argument.

  Jay broke into raucous laughter as he slipped behind the bar. “You look like someone just stole your puppy.”

  “Well.” Denise jumped off the stool then followed him, stopping on the customer side of the polished wooden bar. “TMI or not, you have no idea how turned on I was. Or he was.”

  “At the idea of m
e?” Jay raised an eyebrow, and then swept a hand downward. “Or just any man?”

  Last night’s conversation in bed flashed in her mind. She hadn’t mentioned Jay until after the first round. Then again, Brady had recovered really fast after she did. “I don’t know for sure. Things did…uh, take off again after your name was mentioned.”

  “Hmmm…” His frown deepened and his teeth caught his upper lip.

  “I won’t push the issue but please think about it.”

  “Oh, I’m thinking about it all right.” He dropped a glance down behind the bar and grimaced. “Why do you think I moved behind here? However, have you really thought about it?”

  “I can’t think of anything else.” Her body hummed with the possibilities she couldn’t wash out of her brain.

  “Not just the fun parts. I mean the possible repercussions.”

  “Oh.” She hadn’t wanted to think too far past her pussy’s needs. As soon as doubts popped up, she stomped on them with an image of Brady with Jay. Nice of Jay to spoil her fun by bringing up reality.

  There could be problems. Her breath caught in her throat. What if being with a man brought out needs Brady had refused to admit before? What if he decided he’d rather have a relationship with a man? She could lose him.

  Denise chewed on the inside of her cheek. “I don’t think there’ll be any.”


  “We’ve only been going out a few months. It’s not like we’re married or anything.” A fabulous few months. They’d met when he had to give a deposition at the law office where she worked.

  As the senior para-legal, she usually sat in on depositions. From day one, she’d been hot for the hunky cop but ethics surrounding the case kept her from acting. A month later, after the case was pled out, he called her.

  “You’re into him more than any man I’ve ever seen you with.”

  “I know. But hell, we haven’t even gotten to the ‘I love you’ stage.” Although she’d come close a few times. Since the second date, they’d been inseparable and insatiable. She had bitten back the urge to tell him how she really felt for fear of confusing lust with love.

  Her mother’s pathetic search for the perfect love, bouncing from one marriage to the next, one man’s bed to another, convinced Denise there was no such thing as the perfect mate. Relationships for Denise were about her pleasure. Not a life – long commitment.

  “But I know you. You’re damned close.” Jay leaned across the bar. His fingers tapped her cheek. “Do you want to risk it all on a fantasy?”

  Did she? Would she? “It’s his fantasy as much as mine.” Immediately, she winced. Her words rang a little too defensive. “He said he’s always been bi.” She never expected the relationship to last forever and the chance for another encounter like this might never come along again.

  Taking a deep breath, Jay shook his head. “I hope you don’t regret this.”

  Triumph pushed aside any misgivings. Denise resisted the urge to pump her fist in the air in victory. “So you’ll do it?”

  Jay shrugged. “Probably but I want to talk to Brady first. Alone. Without you around to influence him.”

  “Okay.” Excitement bubbled through her overriding darker thoughts. Her pussy already pulsed with excitement.

  “Have you mentioned any of my…particular preferences?”

  “No!” An intense rush of desire made her knees go weak. How could she have forgotten! She gripped the edge of the bar. The idea of Brady—

  “Then don’t.” He waggled his index finger at her. “Actually, you can’t call him or tell him anything I’ve said. I’ll call him this afternoon. Ask him to meet me here. If he’s really good with the idea, I’ll let you know my decision.”

  Denise jumped up on the edge of the bar then leaned over to plant a kiss on Jay’s cheek. “Thank you!”

  “I haven’t said yes yet!”

  “I know but you’ve been eyeing him since he first walked into the bar. You won’t be able to resist a chance to get into his pants.” Denise darted for the door before Jay could say anything else. A bar towel just missed her head as she ran out laughing.

  Her blood raced with excitement. She didn’t know how she’d survive until she had an answer.

  And if Jay said no? She’d deal with that critter when it bit.

  * * * * *

  Brady sat on the edge of the barstool, nursing a beer waiting while Jay dealt with a customer. His thoughts kept drifting into dangerous territory as he watched the well-muscled man move gracefully behind the bar. Brady’s T-shirt wasn’t long enough to hide his body’s reaction.

  Jay came back down the narrow space behind the bar. “My evening help will be here in a few minutes then we can go up to my apartment to talk.”

  “Sure.” Brady wished he hadn’t shown up early. Impatience about the meeting got him here a full thirty minutes early. He hoped he carried off nonchalance but the slight curve of Jay’s lips told him he deluded himself.

  The door whooshed open behind Brady. A glance over his shoulder showed cause for relief and added tension. He recognized the redheaded woman as one of Jay’s bartenders. Brady downed the last dregs of his beer then took a deep breath.

  “Evening, boss.”

  “Evening, Angela.” Jay ducked around the end of the bar. “How’s life?”

  “Trying to get one. Work keeps interfering with it though.” She flashed him a sassy grin before she ducked through to the other side of the bar.

  “I’ll be upstairs for a little while. I don’t expect things to get busy this early but holler if you need me.” Jay glanced at Brady then canted his head toward a door marked Private.

  “I’ll try not to disturb you.” Angela’s broad grin and quick wink left no doubt about her assessment of the situation.

  Jay laughed as he shook a finger in her direction. “Keep your naughty thoughts to a minimum. He’s taken.”

  With heat rising on his cheeks, Brady forced his feet to move slower. No sense in running over Jay. His blood pumped in a different direction. His dick was so hard he could hammer nails.

  Jay took the steps two at a time, only pausing to unlock the door at the top of the stairs. “Come on in.”

  Dark-colored woods decorated the room—several tables and accents on a lush leather couch and matching recliner. The bar must make a lot more than Brady suspected. Expensive-looking tastes. Or good imitations.

  “Have a seat.”

  Brady shifted his weight from foot to foot then moved to the couch. “Thanks.” Rubbing his sweaty palms on his thighs, he tried to relax. Nervousness was making him jumpy and the anticipation of Jay’s decision had him on pins and needles.

  Part of him wanted Jay to say no. However, the part he’d buried most of his life had other ideas. Need to explore the other side of his sexuality nearly incapacitated him with desire. Fear of losing Denise over something he could put a stop to kept taunting him.

  “Want something to drink?” Jay’s face was calm, almost disinterested.

  “No. Thanks. I’m good.” He forced a swallow past the huge lump in his throat. He hadn’t been this nervous since he lost his virginity at fifteen. The comparison struck him like a ton of bricks—the possibility of losing another type of virginity.

  Jay crossed his arms then leaned a shoulder against an open doorway. “So how’d you and Denise decide you needed to be fucked?”

  From his tone, he might have been discussing the weather. Brady choked back a groan. His cock twitched as if trying to tear a hole in his jeans.

  “You really like the idea, huh?” Jay’s brow creased with a hint of a frown. “I was sure she talked you into this.”

  “Naw.” His mouth was so dry his tongue stuck to the roof of his mouth. “Maybe I’ll take a drink after all.” Get a hold of yourself… Brady wasn’t accustomed to being so unsure of himself. His line of work required confidence, or at least the appearance of it.

  Jay disappeared through the doorway behind him and Brady moved to fo
llow. Before he could get there, Jay reemerged with a bottle of water. He tossed it at Brady. “I thought she came up with this harebrained idea because of what I said last night and was dragging you into it.”

  “I…uh. I guess I’m bi.” Brady shrugged. He opened the bottle then gulped back a few swigs.

  “You guess?” One eyebrow arched but his lips curved in a smile. “Never put it into practice?”

  “Never had the nerve. Just the…desire.”

  Jay’s gaze narrowed then dipped down toward Brady’s waist. “Does look like you’re interested…”


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