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Consensual Infidelity

Page 3

by Shayla Kersten

  A flush of heat shot through Brady but he stood his ground. He knew the outline of his cock showed through his jeans but he kept his gaze level with Jay’s.

  “Maybe.” Jay’s tongue slid between his lips, leaving them wet and tempting. His gaze did another once-over of Brady’s body. “One thing I need to mention. Or maybe it’d be easier to show you.”

  Moving down the hall, Jay motioned for Brady to follow. He pushed open the first door, reached in then flipped on the light. Standing to one side, he watched as if waiting for a reaction.

  Brady stepped inside. Several dim lights spotlighted various pieces of equipment—a set of stocks, a sling, a table with cuffs and straps. A bed secured a corner spot with several lights over it. Everything straight out of gay leather porn from the internet. Desires Brady kept hidden so far in his soul he sometimes forgot rushed to the surface.

  Jay’s body pressed against him from behind. The ridge of his cock taunted Brady’s ass. Hot breath teased his ear. “Do you like being tied up, Brady?”

  He couldn’t say yes to Jay’s question but his body responded with massive enthusiasm. Tied up, strapped down or anything else Jay wanted to do to him.

  Damn! Raw need rushed through him. His gut twisted with desire. He grabbed his balls, pressing tight. Wouldn’t do to come in his pants like an over-sexed teenager.

  “So you want to go through with it?”

  “Yes.” His mouth went dry as his throat tightened around the word. Oh, fuck yes.

  “Good.” Jay gripped Brady’s hips, bumping his dick against Brady’s ass.

  Brady barely heard the question. His mind was too busy playing with each piece of equipment, wondering how the cuffs would feel against his skin, what the sling would feel like against his back. Or the wood of the stocks on his neck and wrists.

  The height of the stocks would require the…prisoner to bend over at the waist, leaving his ass available for whatever his captor had in mind. Or his mouth level with a cock in front of him.

  The sling was similarly placed. His ass would be positioned just right for Jay to—

  Brady closed his eyes as he gasped for air. His hand pressed hard against his cock. He forced his mind away from the visions playing across the inside of his eyelids.

  “So you like, huh?” Jay reached around Brady. His hand slid under Brady’s, cupping Brady’s denim-covered cock. His body pulsed forward, lining Brady’s back with hard flesh.

  “Yes.” Brady’s thoughts were a mish-mash of fantasies all come true. The only thing missing was Denise. Need guided his hands behind him, made him grip Jay’s hips, pull his body closer.

  Jay’s other arm circled Brady’s chest. His fingers tugged at Brady’s lips. “I’d like to feel your mouth wrapped around my dick.”

  One finger slipped into Brady’s mouth. Instinct forced his lips closed. He suckled the thick finger with visions of Jay’s dick in its place. “Hmmm…” Soft needy moans reached Brady’s ears. His own sounds of desperate desire.

  “How about I fuck your mouth right now? Fill your throat with come…”

  A deep groan of approval surfaced before Brady could stop it.

  Although Brady was a little taller, Jay was solid muscle. Before Brady could react, Jay twirled him around then slammed him against the wall. Hard lips savaged Brady’s mouth in a brutal kiss.

  His body responded with breathless shock and a sharp spike of pleasure. Instead of fighting back, Brady sandwiched Jay’s face between his hands and gave as good as he got. Hot, twisting tongues and clashing teeth settled into deep and searching moves. The scrape and scratch of stubble was so different from Denise’s smooth skin. The sheer masculine strength of Jay’s rough handling…all added up to a flood of overwhelming desire.

  Brady pushed his hips into the solid mass of Jay’s body. His cock rubbed against rock-hard flesh. Just a little more…

  Jay’s hands dug into Brady’s shoulders and shoved. Desire-weakened knees gave way, sending Brady to the floor. The impact laced pain through his kneecaps but other sensations overcame any real discomfort.

  Fingers twisted through his hair. One hand gripped the back of his neck. The slight tug forward wasn’t necessary.

  Brady leaned forward then rubbed his face against the smooth khaki material hiding Jay’s dick. His shaky fingers popped the button then yanked the zipper.

  Thin cotton briefs separated Brady from the hard flesh of Jay’s cock. The aroma of purely male musk set his dry mouth drooling. He dug his fingers into the elastic waistband, pulling hard.

  Thick, long… Brady’s entire body shuddered at the idea of taking Jay’s cock in his mouth, in his ass. Raw need pushed his arousal to the edge. A simple taste of the leaking tip would be enough to set him off.

  With his hand wrapped around the base, Jay ran the tip across Brady’s lips. “You want to suck me?”

  A slight swipe of his tongue against his mouth gathered the taste Jay left behind.

  Jay’s phone chirped in his pocket, breaking the spell.


  “Whoa!” Brady pushed away, slamming against the wall behind him. “I promised Denise…” His breath ragged, Brady struggled for another breath. “I mean, I don’t cheat.”

  “Except with her here.” Jay’s eyes glittered with a dark intensity. “Yeah. Wouldn’t be nice to start without her.”

  “But we’ll be starting?” Brady’s heart rate thudded in his ears and pulsed through his cock.

  Jay stepped backward while he tucked away his dick then zipped his pants. “How’s Sunday afternoon work for you?”

  Regret at the interruption was so thick, Brady wasn’t sure he could breath. “Yes. Sunday.” Not that Brady could remember his schedule at the moment. His hands fisted and released. He didn’t care. What he did know was the next two days would last an eternity.

  Chapter Three

  Denise worried the edge of a fingernail with her teeth. Neither Brady nor Jay had called yet. She’d kept her promise and hadn’t called Brady. She hadn’t, however, said anything about not spying.

  She’d seen Brady go into the bar nearly an hour ago. How long could they possibly talk with only one question to ask and answer?

  Excitement had tinged her entire day. That and paranoia. Could someone smell how turned on she was?

  For the umpteenth time since she arrived home, Denise paced across her living room then back to the window. And once again checked her cell phone. No messages.

  What if Brady changed his mind?

  Maybe he should…

  “Damn.” On days like this Denise wished she still smoked. Something to take off the edge.

  Jay’s words about losing what she had kept pushing through her horny visions. What did she have?

  Brady’s hot. Definitely. Great in bed. Heat flushed her skin. Two major points in her book.

  Most of the time her relationships were all about the physical anyway. Why shouldn’t she want someone in great shape? With a great dick. And who knew how to use it… Her mind turned to steamy memories of sex before the nagging voice of reason jumped in again.

  But he was sweet too. Like when she was sick last month. He braved her noxious germs to bring her miso soup from her favorite sushi restaurant. Kept her in ginger ale and orange juice for a week. He stopped by every day before and after his shift.

  Not that he was perfect. His temper flared occasionally, butting heads with her own impatience, but making up was the best part of their arguments. They were alike in good ways but just different enough to keep things interesting.

  Again, she glanced at her watch. An hour. What could they be doing? Once more, sentimentality took a backseat to desire.

  Visions of all the things they could be doing—without her—raced through her head. She didn’t know whether to be turned on or pissed off.

  But then, Brady promised he’d never cheat. So sincere when he said it. And slightly humorous, with his jeans around his knees and his deflating dick splayed across his lower stomach.
Endearing in a way. Much like the man himself.

  “But it’s his fantasy.” As if saying the words aloud could convince her heart she had nothing to lose by indulging her lover. “Nothing lasts forever.”

  Her brilliant idea imploded. Maybe Brady would last. What if he was her ‘one’ but things fell apart because of her overactive imagination and out-of-control libido.

  A lump the size of a tennis ball formed in her throat. How could she stop things now? She’d brought up the idea. Pushed it even.

  Maybe the two men couldn’t come to an agreement. Maybe the problem would take care of itself. Maybe snow would fall in fucking hell…

  Movement at the door of the bar caught her attention. Through the growing dusk, a familiar silhouette shaded the doorway.

  “Finally!” Denise ducked back from the window. With her back to the wall, literally and figuratively, she shook her head. “Now what…”

  A quick peek around the window casement told her she wouldn’t have long to decide. Brady headed across the street at a slow jog.

  “Oh, fuck…” Denise sucked in a deep breath and stood in the middle of the room as her thoughts swirled. Her mind and body split in opposite directions. Logic said to stop things before she lost Brady. Her libido screamed for the satisfaction of seeing her lover with a man.

  The buzzer interrupted her internal argument. Not enough time.

  “Calm down. Maybe they decided against it…” With a deep fortifying breath, she gathered her courage then hurried across the room and pressed the intercom button. “Hello?” She cringed at the insipid tone of her voice. She’d been going for innocent.

  “Dee, it’s Brady.”

  Shit. He called her Dee. At his horniest moments, Brady’s vocabulary turned to single syllables. “Come on up.” Her voice cracked on the last word. Come on and come…

  Whatever Jay and Brady had talked about seemed to have left Brady a bit in the mood.

  She unlatched her front door, peeking toward the elevator. The click of the stairwell door made her turn just before Brady’s hand pushed the door open wider.

  “Hi—” Anything else she might have had to say was muffled by a hard kiss.

  With a sharp kick, Brady slammed the door behind them. “Need you. Now.”

  At the desperation in his voice, Denise’s pussy clenched. Her heart hardened, preparing for inevitable loss. “Horny, huh?”

  Pushing him back to arm’s length, she ran her gaze up and down Brady’s body. Flushed face, a line of sweat beaded across his forehead. His long cock was hard and a tiny wet spot on his jeans attested to the extent of his arousal. “What’d Jay do to you?”

  “Talk later.” Almost sweeping her off her feet, Brady rushed her toward the bedroom door.

  “Whatever you say.” Her body couldn’t resist the heat of his kisses. Desire ramped up, pushing all other thoughts to the back of her mind. She’d take what she could for now and deal with the consequences later.

  Brady backed her up against the closed bedroom door. Kisses flurried down her neck. His fingers tugged open the buttons of her blouse.

  His lips teased the rise of her breasts revealed by her bra.

  “Love your body. Perfect.” He pulled open her shirt then cupped her breasts with both hands. “Great rack.” He glanced up and met her gaze, a smile crinkling the corner of his eyes.

  “Play all you want.” Almost from day one, her breasts seemed tuned to his touch. Several times, she’d almost come just from him playing with her ‘great rack’.

  One finger dipped inside the top of her bra, teasing her lace-covered nipple. Denise drew a ragged breath and closed her eyes. A shiver of heat teased through her body, swirling through her lower stomach then settling in her pussy.

  Another swipe of her nipple left her flesh rigid. Goose pimples beaded her aureoles, tightening the skin around the hard nub. Moisture slicked her labia. Her clit throbbed in anticipation.

  “Going to make you come so hard.” Brady buried his face in her cleavage. His stubble-roughened jaw abraded tender skin. His hands tugged her bra down under her breasts.

  “Yes.” Denise spread her hands against the door. Her fingernails scraped against the cold wood. Her body welcomed his rough play. A new side of him.


  Once again, she banished her doubts. Whatever happened after tonight, after Jay, she’d take the pleasure offered now. Tomorrow was another day.

  His mouth latched on to her right nipple. Tongue flickered against the sensitive nub. Teeth tugged in gentle abuse.

  A shock of need connected her nipple and her pussy. “Yes.”

  “Love your tits… More than a mouth full. Less than a hand full.” He attacked the other side, worrying her left nipple with the same vigor as the first.

  Denise couldn’t keep her hands still. Gripping the back of Brady’s head, she held him close. “What…got you so turned on?” As soon as she spoke, she wasn’t sure she wanted the answer.

  “You did.” Brady kissed his way up her chest. Lips fluttered across her neck to her shoulder. “For being willing to…” His frantic pace slowed, and his hands cupped the sides of her face. “For accepting the part of me I never thought I could share.” His voice choked on his words. Emotion clouded his eyes.

  Tears blurred her vision. She could never turn back now. “I just want to make you happy.” The blurted words were true. Shock settled in her heart. But if she lost him because of her decision?

  “You do.” Fervent kisses emphasized his words. “You definitely do.”

  “Good.” She bit back regret for now. Enjoy the moment. Life taught her that now was all that mattered. “Now fuck me through the mattress.”

  Brady raised an eyebrow. “Such a naughty mouth…”

  Her morbid mood couldn’t resist Brady’s smile, or his roaming hands. “You love it.”

  “Yeah. Confirms you’re my kind of girl.” A lopsided grin offset the intensity in his gaze.

  Her heart skipped a beat. My kind of girl… Her thoughts needed physical distraction. “So what are you waiting for?”

  Brady slipped an arm behind her. His other hand disappeared. The click of the bedroom doorknob warned her seconds before she lost her solid support. Brady’s arm kept her from falling through the doorway.

  Muscled arms tightened around her, half-carrying, half-pushing her into the bedroom.

  My kind of girl… The words echoed in her head, beating a rhythm to match her heart.

  “You’re amazing.”

  His whisper thrilled her. His shuffling walk stopped next to the bed. Strong arms released her but she didn’t have time to mourn the loss. His hands cupped each side of her face. Soft kisses fluttered over her brow.

  “Never met anyone like you.” His lips moved lower, teasing touches over her eyelids. “I…”

  Love you? She completed his unfinished sentence with a most unexpected question. Oh, God. What if he did?

  His mouth met hers in soft, lip-molding kisses. Sweet and loving, so different from the bruising heat of passion.

  Tears welled up behind her closed eyelids. Too sweet. Relationships weren’t about affection and love. Her mother had proven that over and over again for the last thirty years.

  Keep it fun. Keep it light. And above all, keep it hot. Once the sizzle left, nothing remained.

  While her doubts nagged at her like a bulldog with an old bone, the idea of Brady with Jay was beyond inferno hot.

  Her libido and her heart were at war and she was afraid there would be no real winner.

  “So did Jay agree?” His kisses muffled her words.

  “Yes. Sunday afternoon.”

  For just a second, she stilled. Two days. Maybe something would change in two days. “And you still want to?” She ran her hands up and down his back, fingers following the lines of long muscles.

  “Oh, yeah.” His hips nudged closer. The ridge of his cock pressed against her stomach.

  “Sweet.” She forced positive feeling into the
word. “Now fuck me.”

  Who knew what would happen in two days? Might as well enjoy the moment.

  “Yes, ma’am.” With unexpected gentleness, Brady eased her onto the bed. Tenderness mixed with urgency as his fingers unfastened her jeans. Rough calloused hands slid under her shirt, rucking it up under her bra.

  A flurry of kisses teased her stomach, dipping lower until Brady’s lips nibbled at the sensitive skin between the open vee of her jeans.


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