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The Sheikh's Desert Captive (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 11)

Page 13

by Cara Albany

  Rashid said nothing. He merely paused a moment and then his head dipped and his lips crashed down upon hers and she felt her world tumble and spin.


  They'd come up to the bedroom, moving upstairs slowly. Rashid had held his arm on her back as they'd made their way up the stairs. There had hardly been a moment when he'd taken his eyes off her as they made their way to the bedroom.

  Finally, they were in his room. His bedroom.

  The kiss downstairs had been long and passionate, confirming everything she'd suspected.

  Rashid wanted to claim Nicole as his own. It was that simple.

  Their kiss had contained all the pent up frustration of days of wanting. That applied as much to Nicole as to Rashid. She'd felt herself thrown into a world of sensation she'd hardly imagined could exist. Rashid had enclosed her in an embrace that told Nicole he was taking possession of her. She felt as if she belonged to him; that she had belonged to him since the moment she'd seen him walking into the encampment. That seemed like an eternity ago, now.

  But, the past didn't matter. All she cared about was what was going to happen in his bedroom.

  And now she was here. She stood in the middle of the room and watched him close the door behind him. His gaze was tender and ravenous all at the same time, as he advanced toward her. Nicole felt the butterflies tumble in her middle as she watched him start to unbutton his shirt.

  Up close, those open buttons revealed a matted layer of dark chest hair. He paused in front of her, his brow lifting slightly with an impatient, questioning look.

  Did he want her to touch him? Was that what he was asking her to do?

  Nicole reached out and touched the bare chest exposed by the open shirt. His skin felt hot to the touch, the hair coarse. She moved her fingers through the hair and felt him shift, drawing in a sharp breath.

  Nicole gazed at Rashid and saw the hunger flare in his eyes. The corner of his mouth creased with an appreciative smile as she curled her fingers against his chest. Nicole felt her throat tighten with desire. She inhaled his scent, suddenly strong and irresistible.

  Rashid moved closer and swept his arms around Nicole's waist, drawing her near. She felt his hardness press against her, felt his heat. She grasped the muscles of his upper arms, feeling the tension in them.

  Then she was really in his embrace and his head dipped, just like it had downstairs. Once again, his lips claimed hers in a tender kiss filled with barely restrained need. His lips were warm, his taste sweet.

  Then his tongue probed, driving new pleasure in her and, in spite of her weakening resolve, she gasped. The soft sound of her voice seemed to trigger something in him, drive him on ever harder.

  She felt his embrace tighten as if he never wanted to let her go. And, right now, she realized something shocking, but also welcoming. Nicole never wanted him to let her go. She knew it was madness, but it was the best kind of madness. Every nerve in her body had ignited with this embrace, this kiss, this possession.

  Nicole pressed herself against Rashid, feeling his firmness against her soft belly. His need was obvious. He wanted her just like she wanted him. Her mind went suddenly blank, overwhelmed by the sensation, the sheer pleasure of being claimed by this powerful, yet tender man.

  Then their lips parted and his body shifted. She felt his arms sweep down by her side and before she knew what had happened, he'd lifted her up in his arms. She squealed and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. Their eyes met and she saw equal measures of delight and hunger in his gaze.

  She felt as if she was floating as he strode toward the open doors of the bedroom. She could see the huge bed in there. The sight of it made desire flame at her core, made the need become suddenly more real, completely unavoidable.

  Then they were in his bedroom and he laid her down on the bed. His movement was gentle as if he was laying her down onto a bed of feathers and he didn't want to disturb any of them.

  Nicole lay on her back and looked up at Rashid. He stood there looking unlike the man she'd seen during the last few days. Now, he looked defiant and dominant, as if everything he'd done before had been leading up to this moment. He gazed along the length of her body, appreciation and anticipation filling his eyes.

  Then he loosened the final buttons on his shirt and shifted himself free, tossing the shirt in the floor. Nicole drew in a sharp breath. His torso was tightly muscled, shoulders broad, stomach toned and layered. It was an awesome sight, one that made her heart beat faster, caused her pulse to quicken. Need raged through her as she gazed upon his incredible body. He smiled at her, and she could see that he enjoyed her appreciative scrutiny.

  Then he undid the waistband of his pants and began to ease the waist loose, curling his thumbs over the top. He tugged slowly and pulled the pants down, never for a moment taking his eyes off Nicole. He was definitely enjoying her reaction, she told herself, as she tried to hang on to what was left of her sanity. And that was proving more and more difficult with each passing moment.

  Anticipation thrummed through her body as she watched him lower his pants and kick them loose, revealing the white boxers, the only thing he had left to remove.

  That thought just made the tightening in her chest feel even stronger. She could see the promise that was contained inside those boxers, see the sheer fullness that was waiting to be revealed.

  Nicole shifted irritably on the bed and then sat up, sitting on the edge, mere inches away from Rashid. She reached out a hand and rested it on the flatness of his stomach, feeling the tightness of his muscles.

  She swallowed and glanced up at Rashid. Her touch had affected him, because she heard him draw in a sharp breath, and he lifted his head up for a moment as if to hide his reaction, to disguise the pleasure he'd felt at her touch.

  Then his gaze came back to her as she traced her hand down toward his fullness. She was sure she could feel his muscles tremble slightly as her hand moved slowly down toward his firmness. Then she stopped, just before she touched him.

  She looked up at him and saw a brief flare of annoyance on his features. His brows furrowed, and she could tell he knew she was playing with him, teasing him slightly, just like she'd done during these past few days. Only, this was different, she told herself. This was utterly and completely different.

  Nicole's hand touched him briefly and his eyes widened. "Nicole!" he gasped.

  She merely lifted her brows at him, saying nothing, because there really was nothing she wanted to say to him. The time for snarky replies and comebacks was long gone. This was too real for that. Everything had changed, and that was all that mattered.

  Rashid moved closer and rested his hands on Nicole's shoulders. He leaned down and kissed her. His proximity was driving her almost as wild as the sensation of his lips. Knowing that he was so close was making her impatient.

  He lifted his head and she reached around and loosened her dress, tugging it down from her shoulders, revealing her bra. She saw his eyes widen, saw him swallow as he watched her.

  Then she shifted herself out of the dress and threw it to the side, feeling the urgent need growing inside her. She undid her bra and dropped it on top of the dress. Her breasts were exposed now. The brief instinct to cover herself with her hands was quickly subdued when she looked up at Rashid and saw the appreciation in his gaze.

  She felt his hands on her shoulders and he gently guided her back down on the bed, opening her legs. She lay on her back and watched as he moved down and hooked his fingers over the top of her panties and slid them slowly down.

  Emotion swirled riotously inside her as he did that. Her heart was hammering at a frantic rate as she felt him draw her panties down her legs. She helped him, drawing her legs closer together, watching the eagerness in his eyes as she finally became naked for him.

  Rashid dropped her panties and gazed at her naked body. She saw his nostrils flare, saw the color of his cheeks flush with instant desire.

  Heat ignited at her core, and every
nerve in her body seemed to come to sudden life. The sensation was almost overwhelming, and she reached out to her side, grasping the bedcover, fisting it in her fingers.

  Nicole looked at Rashid, and saw him rise up onto his knees, drawing his boxers down slowly. And then he was free and she could see him in all his fullness and she felt her senses flame. She saw him take hold of himself and look at her, trying to see how she was reacting.

  She reached out her arms. "Rashid," she groaned.

  And then he moved, with animal smoothness, lowering himself down onto Nicole's nakedness. She felt the heat of his entire body against her, the weight of him as he settled on her. She wrapped her arms around him, savoring the touch of his skin, closing her eyes and simply feeling the shape of his body as it eased down onto her.

  Nicole felt Rashid draw in a deep, satisfied breath, as if this was what he had longed for. It was what she had needed for longer than she'd admitted to herself. It felt glorious to have him so close, to feel his warm, powerful body pressing against her.

  His eyes met hers, and she felt him settle his firmness near her core. Urgent need flared there again and she peered into his dark eyes, trying to communicate that need. But she could see he already knew, already understood what she wanted.

  He kissed her for a long while, and she closed her eyes, sinking into his world, overtaken by every part of him, everything she could taste; everything she could feel; everything she could sense. She was transported to a different place, but not alone, because his presence was with her at every moment. And, for the first time in her life she felt as if this was where she had always been destined to be.

  Then, their lips parted, and he moved downwards, his lips taking possession of one of her nipples and she gasped as sensation flamed throughout her body. She arched her back, but he didn't halt his determined attention, circling his tongue around her nipple. Every small movement of his tongue drove sensation through her body. She felt his hands hold her gently, his fingers curving against her side.

  Then his head moved to her other breast and once again he feasted on her nipple, driving her wild, triggering pleasure, making her moan. She grasped his hair, fisting the length of it in her fingers. Every nerve was taut with need and she wondered how much more of this she could take.

  Nicole reached down, desperate to touch him, feel the extent of his arousal, but he shifted his hips, denying her that pleasure. Maybe he didn't want his own need ended so soon, but his refusal of her touch only made her own want even harsher, even more insistent.

  As if responding to her attempt, she felt his hand trace a line down her belly and rest at her core. Heartbeat hammered even more relentlessly as she felt his fingertips tease their way into her folds. She ran her fingers down his back, a sudden need to claw at his flesh taking hold of her. It was a primal impulse that shocked her, but the moment passed as she felt his finger circle her most sensitive area.

  Then she felt true pleasure; then she knew what intense delight really meant; then she couldn't control her reaction as the ecstasy coursed through her body. His fingers traced slow circles, and each one drove Nicole higher, pushed her pleasure to new levels of intensity.

  She gasped and felt him settle even closer to her, as if he would not allow even the slightest distance between them at this intimate moment.

  His fingers circled and her pleasure mounted. Every nerve ignited into ecstatic life. She'd never felt like this before. Her breathing became harsh and quick and she knew she was almost at her peak.

  Then, she felt him quicken his movements, as if he'd sensed her need. And then she groaned and felt herself tumble over the edge into absolute ecstasy, every nerve alive, her entire being possessed by him, controlled by his tender, skilled touch.

  Pleasure consumed her and her body shook. She felt him remove his hand and wrap his arms around her, guiding her back down from the heights of her ecstasy. Nicole embraced Rashid, holding onto him as feeling subsided, until softness settled upon her, until her breathing slowed and her heart halted its uncontrollable beating.

  For a few moments they simply held each other. She drew him as close as possible to her, needing to feel his skin against hers, wanting to share his heat.

  Then she felt him move slowly, positioning himself between her thighs. Every nerve in her body was still quivering as she looked at him, seeing him ease himself closer. Her core was alive with anticipation. She wanted him inside her, needed to feel the closeness.

  She felt him at her entrance, his fullness pressing against her. She shifted and saw his eyes darken with desire. Then, he moved and she felt him slide into her and she gasped, feeling herself tighten around him. He drew in a deep breath, raising his head up, his shoulders tightening. He paused, as if he needed to savor the moment of their connection. She knew it wouldn't be the last.

  Nicole felt him begin to move slowly. Every slow thrust caused her to clench around him and that drew a groan of pleasure from him. She grasped onto his powerful arms, feeling the strength in those muscles.

  Rashid gazed down at Nicole as he started to thrust in and out, his rhythm becoming gradually quicker. Every movement sent waves of pleasure coursing through her body. By his own reaction, the lifting of his head, the tightening of his jaw, the closing of his eyes, she could tell that the pleasure was intense for him too. She was glad for that. She wanted him to feel good.

  Then she felt him quicken his pace, and she could tell he was trying to hold back, trying to wait for her. Nicole felt another wave of pleasure come toward her with each one of his movements, every thrust of his fullness, every tightening around him.

  Nerves flickered to life again as they had done minutes before, and she knew her climax was coming, knew his was coming also. Only this time she knew he would join her. It would be an ecstasy for them both at the same instant, taking them both to the same place. A new place. A new life.

  Then he moved quicker and she knew he was close. She shifted taking him deeper, taking them both higher.

  His movements became urgent, his gaze was intense and feral and then he arched his back and roared. She gasped out loud, holding onto his arms, feeling him shake with pleasure.

  And then she felt the wave sweep her up, take her to a distant peak of total sensation, take them both there and then she felt herself tumble over the precipice and into sheer ecstasy.


  They made love all through the night, until she felt as if she had nothing left to give, and until he had spent himself completely.

  Nicole fell asleep at some point during the night, awaking many times to find Rashid holding her close. When at last the rays of the rising sun began to filter through the the bedroom's thin curtains, she opened her eyes and smiled.

  She lay across Rashid's chest, feeling the soft rise and fall of his breathing. His scent was intoxicating, his skin warm. He was completely naked, as was she. The cover had been thrown back and they lay, both exposed to one another in the soft morning light. But she felt not a hint of discomfort. There was no awkwardness to their nakedness.

  Nicole took a few moments to examine Rashid as he slept. Lying there like that, his arm thrown above his head and across the pillow, his body leaning toward her he looked unbelievably gorgeous. His skin was smooth, his muscled torso tempting her to reach out and run her hand down the front of his chest, along his flat stomach, and all the way down to his firmness which she could see was already aroused. Maybe he was already beginning to awaken.

  She remembered the way he'd made love to her and felt the stirrings of desire at her core once again. Maybe they'd resume their love-making once he'd woken up, she told herself. She wondered if she would be able to. She still felt tender after the night.

  Rashid drew in a deep breath and opened his eyes. He smiled at her. "Good morning," he murmured sleepily.

  Nicole went to him, resting her arms by his side and lifting her head, seeking a kiss from him. He was more than happy to give her what she wanted. His lips were
as warm as last night, but somehow there was more tenderness in his kiss.

  Their lips parted and she smiled at him. "How are you, this morning," she asked.

  He stretched like an awakening animal, breathed in deeply and sighed contentedly. "Perfect," he growled.

  She lifted a brow. "Is that all?"

  Rashid smiled at her and reached out, drawing her into his arms. She snuggled into his embrace, savoring the warmth of his body, the sheer sense of belonging she felt.

  "Isn't that enough?" he asked. "And you?"

  She shrugged. "I guess I'm feeling pretty good," she said cheekily.

  He quirked a brow at her. "Pretty good? Huh. I'm not sure I like the sound of that," he said smiling broadly.

  "Well, what are you going to do about it, then?" she teased.

  He glanced down at his middle and she followed his gaze. She saw what he was looking at and felt warmth stir inside her. She looked back at him and squinted, saying nothing. He looked as if he was ready for more of what they'd shared hours before.

  Nicole reached down a hand and took hold of him, keeping her gaze on his face. His thickness felt heavy and strong in her hand. She felt his body tighten and his eyes became dark with desire. They both knew what they wanted, knew that they were both ready.

  She kept hold of him and lifted her head closer to him. He kissed her again, and she felt him harden. His breath became harsher as they kissed. When his tongue probed her mouth she felt heat in her core and she shifted closer to him.

  She felt him turn, facing her, and she let him go, knowing that he wanted to be closer, needed her to open up to him.

  When they made love again, it was as intense and real as the night had been. Somehow, seeing him more clearly, made her feel that everything she'd told herself was true. They did share a deep connection. She didn't care how that connection had been forged, only that it existed, that she hadn't been fooling herself yet again.


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