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Medieval Mischief

Page 4

by Mlyn Hurn

  Gandalf persisted, flicking her clit relentlessly, stroking his fingers along her lips, teasingly inserting one finger, then two, and working her higher and higher. He lowered his head to find her taut hard nipples, licking them, nipping at them gently, sucking them into his hot mouth. Releasing her nipple with a loud plopping noise, the cooler night air beaded her nipple even tighter than before.

  Soon Althea couldn’t control the restless movement of her body, her hips squirming on his lap, and Gandalf increased his erotic tempo even more. Finally, when Althea felt totally confused, elated and overwhelmed, her body released its sexual tension. She reached her first orgasmic height right there, on a virtual stranger’s lap, in the middle of her uncle’s garden, and on her cousin’s wedding day. She gasped in air frantically, as her flesh spasmed around Gandalf’s tender fingers and her hips jerked out of her control.

  * * * * *

  Gandalf folded her close against his chest as her emotions raced out of control, and then stroked her lightly along her soft womanly lips, her thighs, and finally kissed her mouth tenderly. He was so hard he could barely contain himself, but he had also realized that the gentle woman he held in his arms, even though she was a widow, was still a “near virgin” in her experience with sex. He could wait. He had decided in those few moments with Althea that he wanted more than just one time with this woman.

  * * * * *

  When her eyelids finally drifted upward, it was Gandalf’s warm, soft brown eyes that she saw first. And then she saw the small smile that barely curved his lips. Lips that had only moments ago been sucking at her breasts, she realized with a start. He gently moved his fingers over her brow, moving back wisps of hair. Althea became conscious that those same fingers had, only seconds earlier, been touching her—

  Althea cried out softly in the night, and jerked her body out of Gandalf’s relaxed grip. She pulled her gown up to conceal her breasts, and stepped a few steps from the bench.

  “Oh dear Lord!” she whispered half to herself. “What have I done?”

  Before Gandalf could react, she turned once again, and took flight from him, back through the garden. Gandalf reached the hall to find that everyone was taking his or her places for the wedding to begin. He ran his fingers through his tousled hair, and moved over to join Brand. He ignored the odd, questioning look his friend had given him.

  * * * * *

  Althea had pulled free from Gandalf a second time that evening the minute her feet left the last stair leading to the main hall of the castle. She was hurrying away from him, across the hall, before he had a chance to say a word. But he was just as determined to talk to her as she appeared to be avoiding him. They needed to talk about what had occurred earlier, between them in the garden. But every corner he rounded, he would see her scooting around the far corner, just seconds ahead of him. Gandalf, though, was persistent, perhaps even stubborn about certain things.

  Althea was a scant second away from closing her bedchamber door, when a large foot stuck itself between the door and the jam. Althea fought for a few moments, pushing against his weight. But it was a losing battle. He gave one good shove and Althea tumbled backward into the room. Tripping over her feet, she continued falling backward until she landed on the bed. She rose up on her elbows, looking as he closed and locked her door. She watched as he slipped the key into a pocket of his clothing.

  “Give me that key!” Althea protested, though her voice sounded weak and without conviction, even to herself.

  Gandalf moved across the room, standing at the edge of her bed, looking down at her. “Not until we talk about what happened earlier.”

  Althea tried to right herself, but there was no way to do so gracefully because when she had fallen, her legs had parted. And that is where he chose to stand. If she sat up, she would be facing his abdomen, and groin—or she could try and scoot across her bed, but that would be totally undignified. She paused to remind herself that she had already lost a good deal of her dignity in the garden, earlier in the evening. And thinking of that just caused her to blush bright red.

  * * * * *

  Gandalf smiled, guessing where her thoughts were probably taking her. He moved one hand out to touch her hair. His touch was soft, light, but Althea reacted by jerking away, and trying to scoot across the bed after all. But Gandalf was quicker. He planted one knee on the bed, between her thighs, and catching her dress beneath it. She was pinned helplessly as he moved over her.

  She lowered herself back onto the bed, and his hands came to rest on the bed beside her. She looked up at him, looming above her. Her breath came rapidly, and unevenly, as she waited for his next move.

  But Gandalf didn’t say anything. He just stayed above her, letting her feel his presence, his heat, seep into her body. Finally, Althea tried pushing at his chest. When he didn’t move, or react still, she yelled at him, “Are you going to rape me, like your liege lord did to my cousin?”

  * * * * *

  The silence that followed her words was oppressive. She could feel the tension in Gandalf’s body, and for a moment she wondered if she had pushed him too far. Gandalf lowered his body to rest on hers, his hips meeting hers, his chest mashing her soft breasts. He let his body control her completely.

  “Brand has never taken a woman by force. I don’t know what happened between your cousin and him, but I seriously doubt it was rape. I have never forced myself on a woman. I didn’t force you earlier, if you will but be honest with yourself for a moment, and stop being so scared about your own emotions.”

  Althea glared back at him. “I am not scared!”

  Gandalf stroked his fingertips along the side of her face so lightly that she shivered. “I saw the look on your face when I touched you, Althea. I felt the tremors in your body, your surprise, your confusion.” He shifted himself to lie beside her, his fingers stroking down the side of her neck to tease along the tops of her heaving breasts. “Tell me that wasn’t the first time for you.”

  Althea glared back at him. “I am a widow, sir!” she declared hotly. Then she added quickly, as if she’d forgotten earlier, “And a lady.”

  He smiled. “That is not what I meant, my sweet, and you know it.”

  Althea blushed brightly. Oh yes, she knew. She had heard other women talking over the years, and she knew that she had never experienced what they had been talking about in her marriage bed. She was angry at herself for feeling it now, with a man who wasn’t her husband. “I am not a slut, sir!”

  Gandalf laughed. “I would kill anyone who said you were, my love. You are a beautiful, kind and caring woman. You are a woman who obviously has a great capacity for feeling, and loving.”

  His words, spoken so softly in the silent room, warmed her to her soul. “But, we only met, sir…and you are not my husband—”

  Gandalf smiled even bigger. “A lot of men and women are not married and they find physical pleasure with each other.” He cupped one of her breasts, fondling her through her dress, feeling her nipple beading up under his fingers. “I can feel how you respond to me, Althea. You cannot deny your body’s deepest responses.”

  Althea fought against her feelings, and her thoughts. She loved his touch, wanting so much more, but her mind was telling her it wasn’t right. She opened her mouth to deny her feelings, when he kissed her deeply, his tongue finding her own. And then he spoke again, and his words stunned her to silence.

  “Marry me, Althea. Come away with us tomorrow. I don’t have a lot to offer, but I know we could be happy. And you could still be with your cousin—”

  Althea didn’t know what to do, but mentioning that she could stay with Avalon made a great impact on her. She was worried about her future; she was worried about how Avalon would adjust to her new home. Even if Gandalf added the part about Avalon to entice her into making the decision in his favor, she doubted he added the last part knowing that she had confided her worries about her own future here to him earlier.

  “Say yes!” He kissed her again.

/>   Althea lay beside him quietly, stunned, nervous, and very scared. He excited her, thrilled her, not like her husband. He had been safe. Stunned, she heard her own voice answer “yes.”

  Gandalf kissed her again, and then dragged them both off the bed. “Come, now. We will be married tonight, before the priest leaves.” A disbelieving Althea followed him downstairs to the hall. And a short time later, Althea found that she was married to a stranger.

  Chapter 5

  Brand stood at the back of the hall, watching his best friend get married. To say he was surprised would have been a gross understatement. He had awakened a short time earlier, and decided it would be better to let his wife continue sleeping. He wasn’t in the mood for an argument, and so he had gone in search of Gandalf. And instead of a sympathetic drinking buddy, he found another wedded man. Damn! He thought to himself, what the hell could have come over his friend in such a short time? He turned and left the hall before the new revelers had time to discover him. He walked quietly back to his bedchamber.

  The room was as he had left it, in darkness, his wife sound asleep in the bed. She was even still partially dressed. He gently pulled the covers down and began to undress her. He moved her easily from side to side to undo fastenings, and then to pull her gown down off her shoulders. He paused to stare at her full white breasts, gleaming in the faint light of the single candle he had lit at the bedside table.

  As he watched, her nipples beaded up tightly in response to the slightly cool air that danced over her naked flesh. Very lightly, he circled one nipple with the tip of his index finger, enjoying how it puckered up even more tightly. He then moved to the other nipple, treating it to the same sweet attention. He stopped as Avalon shifted in her sleep.

  After she quieted, he pulled her gown off the rest of the way. He didn’t pull the covers back over her now naked body. He trailed his hand slowly upward from her knee, enjoying the feel of her warm, soft flesh beneath his palm. He rested his hand over her shaven mound for a long moment, and then he began touching her lightly, teasingly. He wasn’t surprised when she shifted about restlessly in her sleep, and her thighs eased apart.

  He took advantage and his hand slid between her warm thighs. He stroked the soft lips, and eased his fingers deeper into her pussy. One finger slid forward to find her hidden clit, which he knew was extremely sensitive.

  He touched her lightly, and her hips reacted instantly, jerking in response to his touch. It didn’t take too many more touches, and he felt her wetness around his other fingers. He eased one, then two fingers inside her. He moved more fully onto the bed, between her spread thighs. His fingers never stopped moving as he lowered his head to her smooth mound. He eased his tongue between her soft lips, nuzzling and pushing until he found her love center.

  He licked her lightly, and then firmly, alternating quickly; light flicks of tongue with softer, gentler and longer strokes. His fingers continued to work her flesh eagerly, pressing forward. Suddenly Avalon cried out, coming awake, and her liquids flooded his hand and mouth at the same time. Brand moved back from her body, kissing her mouth, letting her taste her own passion on his lips. He kissed her and soothed her, and told her to go back to sleep.

  Avalon, confused in passion and still half asleep, thought she must be having a dream, and went back to sleep.

  * * * * *

  Avalon awoke to Althea’s voice telling her to get up; they didn’t have much time to get ready. Avalon sat up slowly, unaware of her nakedness, and let the covers drop to her waist.

  “Not much time? What do you mean?” She pushed her hair back behind her shoulders. She reached over to where Althea had set a tray with some tea upon it. She sipped the tea, frowning at her cousin who was bustling around the room. Althea tossed a robe to her.

  “Get up, Avalon! Brand has given us an hour to pack and then he is leaving.”

  Avalon swung her long slender legs out of the bed, pulling the robe on as she went. “Good!” she said happily. “Good riddance, I say. Let him go and I’ll stay here.” She poured some water into a basin, rinsing her face.

  Brand’s voice startled her, coming from the doorway. “If you are not packed and ready to leave in one hour, my sweet wife, I will toss you over my horse and ride out of here with you.”

  Avalon spun around and threw the damp towel she had been using at him. “How dare you give me orders? I am no peasant to be talked to in such a manner.” She walked back over to the bed and sat back down, sipping her tea. Suddenly, her chin was lifted by Brand’s strong hand.

  “Wife, if you are not ready, you will leave here over my horse, even if you are buck naked. Now get dressed, damn it!” Brand spun on his heel and slammed the door behind him.

  Avalon hurled the cup of tea she was holding at the door. She turned and saw Althea was standing there staring at her with her mouth open. She blushed brightly. “I’m sorry, Althea. Things aren’t going the way I thought, are they?”

  Althea shook her head at the younger woman. “Avalon, dear, there is something you don’t know…” She stumbled over her words. It was obvious to her that her dearest friend’s wedding night had not been a “maiden’s dream.” So how could she tell her that she had gone and gotten herself married last night also, and enjoyed the most fabulous night of lovemaking in her entire life! Her mind raced back over the events last night.

  How she made it through the wedding ceremony with her knees shaking so badly was a mystery to her! Her uncle had toasted them several times, and then he had disappeared for a short time. He had returned with a small parcel wrapped in velvet. He handed it to her with tears in his eyes, saying he wanted her to have a small token of his esteem and thanking her for all she had done for his daughter over the years. He had ignored her protests and insisted that she accept it. She had opened it to find the most exquisite pearl necklace she had ever seen. With tears in her eyes, she had hugged her uncle. Shortly after that, Gandalf had suggested they go up to her room, since they would be leaving early in the morning.

  Blushing brightly, she had followed her new husband back up the stairs to her room. Once inside, he had taken her into his arms and proceeded to kiss her deeply. Her mouth had opened eagerly to meet his. Gandalf maneuvered her easily back onto the bed. He took the package from her hands, setting it aside. His hand held her chin and he gently kissed her mouth.

  Slowly, he loosened the fastenings of her gown until he could pull it up over her head. He stroked his hand down the side of her neck, over her shoulder and down to her small, pert breast. He lightly caressed her responsive flesh, playing with her nipple until it was budded up tightly. He lowered his head to lick the nipple before he took her deeply inside his mouth.

  Althea moaned as he suckled her nipple, laving it now and again with strokes of his tongue. Her back bowed upwards off the bed, toward the heat of his body. She moved her hands to caress his head, his shoulders. Her fingers began pulling and tugging at his clothes. She wanted to feel his flesh against her own. She must have spoken out loud because Gandalf lifted his head and quickly tossed his clothes aside. It was his turn to moan as he felt her hot body next to his own.

  He cupped her breast again, massaging the small globe and then sliding his hand down over her tummy. He tangled his fingers in her nest of curls for a moment before sliding between her thighs. Althea shifted on the bed, eagerly giving him full access to her body. Her hands couldn’t stop touching and stroking his chest, his own taut nipples. When she teased one nipple with her fingernail, it was Gandalf who groaned in response. But he didn’t stop his own tormenting caresses of her soft womanly flesh.

  Gandalf found her secret spot of arousal and began lightly stroking her, while continuing to caress her soft lips. He felt her wetness just a moment before he heard her soft whisper of “yes.” Over and over, he continued to tease and caress her until she finally demanded that he continue, with a cry of “please.” He moved over her in the bed, pausing to kiss her open mouth deeply.

  “Althea.” He spok
e her name softly. “Althea, open your eyes, my sweet wife.”

  He waited until she slowly lifted her lids to gaze at him. He lifted her thighs, placing them around his waist, and thrust home. He paused, feeling her tightness, which surprised him, but Althea’s legs closed tightly around, pulling him close and refusing to let him stop. She reached up and pulled his head down to kiss him, then her hands reached up to squeeze his chest and tease his nipples.

  Her soft cries of “yes, yes” grew louder and faster, matching his thrusts into her hot sweet flesh. And when her fingers closed on his nipples, squeezing them tight, he cried out and shot his seed deep within her body. Althea felt her body take control and she climaxed around his shaft, milking him dry.

  Exhausted, Gandalf fell to the bed next to her. He pulled her into his arms, kissing her hair lightly. And that was the last Althea remembered of her own wedding night, since she had fallen asleep almost within the next moment. His kisses, soft and sweet, had awakened her this morning. She had reached for him eagerly, but had found he was already dressed. She frowned, unsure of what was to happen now. He had kissed her worried brow though.

  “We must hurry, my love. Brand has decided that we are leaving this morning for home. We don’t have much time for you to pack.”

  Althea had sat up abruptly. “Avalon?”

  “Don’t worry, darling. You’ll have to time help her also. But you will have to get a move on.” He kissed her again and then left her alone.

  * * * * *

  Shaking her head to clear away the erotic memories, Althea looked at her younger cousin. “Last night…well, after you and his lordship retired, I… Uhm…”

  Avalon rushed over to her dearest friend. “What is wrong, Al? Has something happened? Did one of his lordship’s men harass you?” She was angry and was ready to rush to her friend’s defense.


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