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Medieval Mischief

Page 5

by Mlyn Hurn

  Althea shook her head. “No, Avalon. I married Sir Gandalf last night.”

  Avalon felt as if she had been hit in the stomach. “What? You don’t even know him!”

  Althea blushed brightly as her cousin pointed out the obvious. “I know him as well as I knew my first husband!” Remembering their hot encounter in the garden, she added, “I know him better, in fact.”

  Avalon saw her dear cousin’s flush and felt immediate guilt. She hugged Althea. “I’m so sorry, my dearest friend. I am taking my anger and hurt out on you like a silly child. Please forgive me.”

  Althea nodded, wiping away the tears that had gathered in her eyes. “Of course, Avalon. But you see, this way I will be coming with you, so you won’t be alone.”

  Avalon paused in picking out a traveling garment to wear. “That isn’t why you…”

  “No! Of course not, silly goose. He asked me to marry him, and even though you and I had not really discussed it, we knew that my position here in your father’s house would be questionable,” Althea reassured her. Avalon nodded and poured out more water to bathe with. She stripped off her robe, and taking up the damp cloth began running it over her face.

  Avalon thought to herself that it would be wonderful to have Althea with her, since it appeared she truly had no way out of this marriage after all. She picked up the sweet scented soap and lathered it lightly on the cloth. She ran the cloth over her arms and then down to her breasts. She paused as she felt the sensitivity in her nipples. She absently rubbed them back and forth, not wanting to feel the tingling feelings that rushed back through her as she did so. Abruptly, she moved to her legs and feet.

  Lastly she moved the cloth to between her upper thighs. She distinctly felt sensitive there! She stopped suddenly and made lather in her hands and smeared it over the stubble she felt on her mound. She pulled the razor from its leather sheath and started to shave off the pesky stubble.

  She stopped suddenly, turning to look at Althea. “Did you have time to…”

  Althea looked up from her packing and saw what Avalon was referring to. She blushed brightly. She shook her head, knowing it was the custom, but time had not permitted all the “niceties” last night. Avalon finished her mound and lips then. She rinsed herself thoroughly, enjoying the smooth feeling beneath her fingers. She put the memory of Brand’s surprise out of her mind. She set the razor down and ran across the room, locking the bedroom door. She grabbed her cousin’s hand on the way back.

  “Let’s do it now then! I can help you this time.”

  Althea wanted to protest, but tradition won over. At Avalon’s direction, she lifted her skirt high and lay down on the bed on a dry cloth. Avalon was immediately next to her, smiling at her cousin. She looked at her cousin’s darker brown bush. Her own had been a pale blond to match her hair. “I doubt I will do as good a job as you and Tilda did on me, but I will try.” She picked up a small pair of scissors and began snipping away the brown bushy pubic hair. Finally she had it down to stubble, and rubbed her fingers over it. Althea shivered in reaction, but nodded for Avalon to go on.

  Avalon lathered up her sweet soap again and spread it over her cousin’s mound and lips. Slowly she picked up the razor and began shaving off her cousin’s pubic hair.

  Avalon looked up at Althea once. “Did you and Gandalf… last night?”

  Althea blushed brightly. She nodded yes. She could feel herself getting aroused even though it was her cousin’s fingers touching her. She couldn’t help but remember how wonderful it had felt when he had touched her last night. Avalon wanted to ask more, she could see it in her face, but she held her tongue and finished shaving her. She rinsed her off and said, “Done!” She pulled Althea back to her feet and the two women hugged each other.

  Avalon pulled back. “How does it feel to be hairless again, Althea?”

  Althea reached down and rubbed her fingers over her shaven mound and lips. She felt her wetness. It felt wonderful, she thought to herself. She dropped her skirts and said that it had been a long time and would take a bit to get used to again. She picked up the razor and soap and dropped them into Avalon’s satchel.

  Both women spun suddenly as a key turned the lock in the door. Brand walked in and for a moment Gandalf and the guards in the hall had a clear view of his voluptuously beautiful wife. He slammed the door shut though and glared at Avalon. “What the hell have you two women been doing up here the last hour? We are leaving now!”

  He couldn’t miss the bright blush that stained both women’s cheeks, nor the guilty and concealing look that passed between them. He turned to Althea. “Is that her bag?”

  “Yes, Lord Brandeis. We are almost finished, truly.” She pointed to the traveling clothes laid out over a chair.

  “All right,” Brand spoke roughly. “I give you five more minutes. I’ll be back through that door then and you will travel in whatever you have on!”

  Angrily, he slammed the door once again behind him. This time, though, he noted he didn’t hear any china breaking on the wall behind him. He noticed that Gandalf had sent the guards on their way and was waiting for him. He was leaning on the opposite wall, his arms folded casually across his chest. “Is Althea all packed?”

  Gandalf nodded. “She had Avalon’s maid pack for her while she went to help Avalon.” He rubbed his slightly stubbly chin in thought. “You know, Brand, the two of them are very close it seems.”

  Brand nodded his head. Thinking back over the two women’s guilty looks a short time earlier, he wondered just what had been going on in there. He had heard of women who preferred the affection of another woman, to a man. He had even seen examples of such loving at the king’s court in London. But surely…

  His friend interrupted his thoughts. “I could see that Althea considered the fact that she would be traveling with her cousin a plus as I asked her to marry me. She was unsure of what her position would be here, with her cousin gone.”

  Brand didn’t feel any better as his friend went on talking. Damn! He thought, surely it couldn’t be… He had seen how Avalon had reacted to his touch, his lovemaking. He stopped, though, as he remembered that her reactions had been almost against her will.

  “We are ready, milord.” Avalon’s cool voice interrupted him. He turned and saw how beautiful and stately she could look. She was dressed in a lovely deep green traveling gown and cloak. Her feet were covered in sturdy boots and her long blond hair had been braided into a single thick rope at the base of her neck. She didn’t stop, but walked past him, carrying her satchel. Althea followed, but she smiled at her own husband as she followed her cousin. Gandalf gave his friend a rueful smile and followed the ladies down the stairs.

  Brand was the last to come into the open courtyard. He was surprised to see that Avalon had already seated herself astride her horse, her satchel hanging from the saddle. He saw her father had tears in his eyes, and was pressing some things into her satchel for her. He noted that all of his men were mounted as was Althea, now wearing a lovely burgundy cloak, and Gandalf, who was looking quite pleased with himself.

  Brand shook his father-in-law’s hand and vaulted himself into the saddle of his destrier. He sat taller than anyone, Avalon noted. She turned her horse abruptly and cantered out of the courtyard, through the gates. Brand turned angrily. It was custom for the “lord” to lead the riders, but Avalon seemed determined to make him angry. Before he could charge after her, he felt a hand touch his knee. He looked down and saw her father looking up at him.

  “Have patience, my son. She is a headstrong and willful girl. It is my fault for letting her have her way in most things, so please don’t blame her.”

  Brand met the older man’s eyes and nodded. He signaled his men and then cantered out the gates also.

  Chapter 6

  Avalon rode her horse proudly, not wanting to show that riding a horse today, of all days, was just not something she was enjoying. Her tender womanly flesh was protesting, but she wouldn’t give any sign of weakness to the
man who was now her husband. When they broke for lunch, she thought she would eat with Althea, but Gandalf had other plans. And after gathering some food for them both, he spirited her away, a short distance from the group.

  Avalon ignored the grins and sly sidelong looks that followed the departing couple. She seated herself a short distance from Brand and his men, eating her food silently. She couldn’t stop from shifting uncomfortably on the hard log. She was having her doubts about being able to finish the day’s ride at all just then.

  Finally, they started to break their camp. Avalon mounted her horse gingerly, shifting about, not able to find any comfortable place anymore. She saw Althea and Gandalf returning at the last moment and couldn’t believe the bright flush that stained her cousin’s face, or the few tiny leaves that were in her hair. It was easy to see what they had been doing during their lunch break. Gandalf just laughed heartily as the men made a few jesting remarks. Avalon, though, was quite surprised when he pulled Althea up to sit across his thighs, in front of him. He turned his large horse and followed Brand’s lead.

  Avalon stayed in the middle of the caravan, not really wanting to have any more contact with her husband, or her cousin, at that moment. They rode on, and Avalon kept squirming and shifting on her horse, which was making the poor beast skittish. She never knew what alerted Brand, but he turned his horse suddenly, and rode back to her side. Without a word, he reached across and pulled her onto his own thighs. He gave an order to one of his men to take charge of her horse, and then galloped back to the front of the caravan.

  His strong, muscular arm around her waist prevented her from struggling. It didn’t take long, though, for Avalon to realize that to ride this way, cushioned by his thighs, was much more comfortable than astride her own saddle. But she was not going to thank him. She turned her face forward, and tried to ignore the man that held her in his arms so intimately.

  * * * * *

  Brand just shook his head as she tilted her chin upwards. He was a wise man and decided not to press any further confrontations with his new bride. There would doubtless be more than enough of those ahead of them.

  The sun was just starting to set, when he ordered them to stop and make camp for the night. He had hoped to make it to his castle by nightfall, but he had significantly slowed the pace once he had seen how uncomfortable Avalon was. At least they were on his lands. It didn’t take long at all for his men to settle the horses for the night and get a fire going. A tent had been erected, and Avalon and Althea had disappeared within it as soon as they could. He imagined that Avalon was lamenting her sorrows to her cousin.

  * * * * *

  Inside the small tent, Avalon had poured a small basin of water and was washing herself. She felt dirty and tired and sore. Althea was all smiles though, talking about Gandalf this or that. She talked about how lovely this land was, and how Gandalf had kept pointing all different points of interest as they passed them. Avalon listened in silence as Althea talked about anything and everything. She couldn’t be rude to her dearest cousin, because it was so obvious that she was truly happy, which was something Althea had not been for a long time. She would not do anything to make her sad, nor would she let anyone else, she decided just then.

  Althea was already washed and changed before Avalon had made much progress at all. The older woman offered to help her, saying it would be time to eat soon. Too tired to argue, Avalon let Althea begin to wash her tired, aching body. She was surprised she was so tired. She was used to riding, so why was she tired now? She knew why she was aching between her thighs. She blamed her husband for that! Avalon was standing naked in the tent, having just finished washing, when the tent flap opened. She gasped, looking hastily for something to cover herself. Althea was delving in her bag for something for her to wear.

  * * * * *

  Brand took in the beauty of his naked wife. She was a beautiful woman, he reminded himself. Her full breasts, nipped in waist curving into rounded womanly hips and buttocks, and finally her long thighs that guarded her most passionate secrets. Just looking at her could make his cock rock hard. He was tempted to tell Althea to leave, and to hell with food. But he remembered how uneasily Avalon had sat her horse, and he knew that tonight was not the night for reminding her of her wifely duties.

  He spoke brusquely. “It’s time to stop your dawdling. The food should be ready soon. As soon as everyone has eaten, we’ll need to be getting down to sleep.” He turned away and missed the look of panic on Avalon’s face at his last words.

  He was sitting a short distance from his men when Avalon finally left the tent. Althea had joined Gandalf several minutes earlier, and he had begun to wonder if Avalon had decided to escape out the back of the tent. He wouldn’t put it beyond her. He spoke up as she neared the fire.

  “Come here, Avalon.”

  * * * * *

  She knew from the tone of his voice that she wouldn’t win any confrontations. She imagined he was probably as tired as she was. He probably had even less sleep than she. He motioned for her to sit down. She noticed that he had placed several folded blankets on the log for her to sit on. He left to get her a plate of food, and then returned to sit beside her.

  Avalon took the plate and picked up a piece of the cooked meat. She was surprised to find it so hot and tasty. She closed her eyes as she savored the hot food since lunch had just been a very quick, cold meat and bread.

  Brand smiled when he saw the enjoyment on her face. “One of my men is quite a cook, though he doesn’t boast about it.” He paused to offer her a drink from his cup. Avalon took it and sipped gingerly. The wine was very good, and she took a couple longer swallows before she returned it to him. He smiled and held her gaze as he took the cup. She watched as he quite deliberately turned the cup until he drank from the same spot she had drank from just a moment earlier. She blushed brightly and turned away to take another bite of the delicious meat.

  “We all will be retiring soon so we can get an early start in the morning, Avalon. I thought you and Althea could share the tent tonight.” Avalon started in surprise at his words, which she noted that Brand ignored. Avalon watched as he turned away, and she guessed that he assumed it was relief she felt that she wouldn’t be sharing it with him.

  Avalon ate the rest of the tasty food on her plate, occasionally glancing around the group of men nearer the fire. She could barely make out Althea and Gandalf, who were seated at an even greater distance from the fire than she and Brand. They were sitting very close together on a fallen tree and she could see they were laughing softly as Gandalf playfully fed Althea small pieces of food from his plate. When he stole a kiss from her cousin, Avalon blushed brightly and turned away quickly.

  * * * * *

  Brand raised his cup to accept more wine from one of the men who was circling about and filling everyone’s cup. He had seen Avalon watching her cousin, and then the bright flush that had stained her cheeks. He was very happy for his oldest friend, but he couldn’t help feeling a pang of jealousy as he watched the other married couple happily sharing the little things in life. He held his cup out silently to his wife, who took it and drank quite deeply from it. He nearly spoke to warn her against the potent wine, but he stayed silent as he thought it would probably help her sleep better on the hard ground tonight.

  A short time later, his men started preparing their beds for the night. Brand stood as Gandalf and Althea approached them. The other couple was smiling and had their arms wrapped around each other’s waists. Avalon smiled at her cousin. She stood to go in with her to their tent when Gandalf’s words stopped her.

  “I know you suggested the ladies share your tent tonight, Brand. But Althea insists on joining me on the hard ground. She says she has never slept outdoors before and would like to be near me.” He smiled down at his wife as he spoke.

  Avalon frowned at his words. She had hoped to talk with Althea once they were alone in the tent again. Brand stood and smiled at his friend. “Very well, Gandalf. But if you get
cold during the night, Althea, just come in and tell me. It might be a little cooler out here than you are expecting.”

  Althea laughed and smiled. “I doubt I will get cold. Gand has promised he has secret ways to keep me warm all through the night.”

  Avalon was the only one who blushed brightly at her cousin’s words. Brand laughed, then turned and took Avalon’s plate from her. He handed her his cup of wine. “You go on in then, Avalon, and I will leave the plates with one of my men.” In just a few short seconds, Avalon was left alone as Althea and Gandalf went back over to where he had made a very cozy nest for the two of them. Brand was giving the plates to one of his men, talking to a couple of them quietly. She shrugged her shoulders, grabbed the blankets she had been sitting on and took off for the tent.

  Once she was safely inside the tent, she saw that a wide pallet had been spread out with several blankets already on it. She realized that Brand would be there in just a moment to share that bed with her. She drank down the remaining wine in nearly one gulp. She quickly shed her outer garments and settled between the blankets. Maybe she could pretend to be asleep and he would leave her alone, she thought in her wine-fogged brain.

  * * * * *

  It was but a few moments later that the tent flap moved again, and Brand entered the small enclosure. He saw her lying on her side, facing away from him, the covers pulled up, almost over the top of her head. He chuckled softly to himself, and quickly shed all of his own clothes. He knew that their combined body heat should keep them plenty warm during the night. He extinguished the single candle and moved to lie next to her on the low pallet.

  * * * * *

  Lying on her side, at the farthest edge of the pallet, she could feel his heat behind her. He almost completely took up the remaining space since he was lying on his back. She stiffened her spine, trying not to let her body touch his in any way. That lasted about a minute. Avalon gasped in surprise as she felt Brand shift and literally turn her in the bed to face him.


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