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Medieval Mischief

Page 6

by Mlyn Hurn

  Suddenly she saw he was lying on his side, facing her now. The rush of heat from his body, combined with the wine she had consumed, plus being tired from all the stress and strain of the day, hit her at once. She couldn’t keep her body stiff. She seemed to turn into butter and melted into his hard, hot body. Brand rearranged the pillows and positioned her body so that her head rested on his upper arm.

  “We will stay warm all night as long as we stay close to one another like this.” His dark eyes looked deeply into hers. He raised one hand and stroked it along the side of her face, smoothing her hair back. “You are a very beautiful woman, Avalon. How many men have told you that before?”

  His words startled her. Surprised, she answered truthfully. “Maybe one or two, milord. I can’t really recall at the moment.”

  * * * * *

  Brand smiled at her candor. A more experienced woman would have told him he was the only one. “Well, you are truly a beautiful woman, my wife. Not only do you have a beautiful face, you have a very beautiful body also.” His hand moved down her shoulder and onto her upper chest as he spoke. Avalon’s breath seemed to catch in her throat as she thought he was going to touch her breast. But he didn’t. His hand rested on her upper chest, feeling the erratic rise and fall of her breathing.

  It was Avalon herself who finally scooted up a bit so his hand slid onto her full, firm breast. Her eyes closed as she felt his heat enclose the sensitive mound. If asked, she would deny she had moved.

  Brand answered her movement by squeezing her full breast, massaging her gently. He could feel her nipple pearling up hard and taut against his palm. God, he thought to himself, this woman could make him hotter and harder than any experienced woman he had ever been with. And her movements were almost always innocent, and not deliberate. He wanted her just then with a white-hot spear of desire. But he knew that she was still too tender from last night, as evidenced by her restless squirming atop her horse today. Any lovemaking tonight would have to be of a different kind, and he wasn’t sure if his inexperienced wife was really ready for anything like that just yet.

  * * * * *

  Avalon sighed softly in the darkness of the night as Brand continued to tease and caress her breast. She was almost unaware of her own hips squirming about and moving closer to him. Brand of course was completely aware of her every move. “Avalon, honey…”

  Her eyelids drifted up slowly to meet his, and she smiled softly. “Yes?” Her throat gave almost a purring sound as he continued to caress her sensitive body.

  “You are too sore for us to make love tonight.”

  His words caused her eyes to come fully open and alert. She became aware of how intimately she was pressed against his hard body, and how his hard shaft was pressing into her soft belly. She tried to scoot away, but he stopped her.

  “It is all right, my sweet. There are other ways to appease the hunger that is in both of us tonight, if you want.” He spoke softly, waiting to see her response.

  “I don’t understand what you mean…” Avalon was confused, both by his words, the wine, and the heat that his body was generating and the response her body was giving him.

  Brand eased her onto her back, and moved to lie above her, propping himself up by his strong arm. “I will show you, my sweet.” Before she could protest, he had pulled her shift up and over her head. She lay naked below him now and his hand moved over her breasts, caressing her full globes, massaging each, until they felt even fuller, firmer, and much more sensitive than before.

  He lowered his head to lick her taut nipples and roll his tongue around them. But instead of suckling her as he had before, he lowered his hand to her womanly mound, and gently moved her thighs wide apart. He smiled at the surprised look on Avalon’s face as he began to tease her flesh very gently and carefully. When he slid a finger over her hidden pleasure point, her hips jerked upward sharply in response.

  “Yes, my sweet, that is what I want. I want you to respond to my touch. I want your body to become mine.” His words seduced her as much as his erotic touches. She moaned as he slid one, then two fingers inside her cunt, moving gently within, while his thumb continued to tease and torment her clit.

  He watched her face closely, as her passion grew higher and higher, as her body responded more and more to his clever hands. Her hips started jerking and he covered her mouth just as she started to cry out in passionate release. He drank her soft cries of desire as her body came over and over beneath him. His hand became flooded with her sweet juices as she climaxed for him.

  As her breathing slowed and her body calmed, he lightly kissed her lips over and over. He raised his hand finally, smoothing it over her body all the way until he once again cupped her breast. The wetness from her climax spread over her skin as he moved his hand. She opened her eyes to look up into his face. She expected to see a gloating look, but instead, he only looked down at her as if trying to read her thoughts. She couldn’t stop the smile that seemed to spread her lips just then. He smiled in return, moving just a bit.

  Avalon immediately became aware of his hard cock, still hot and pressing against her naked body. “But what about you, milord?” she asked softly, looking up at him.

  He smiled at her. “I can wait, my sweet.”

  “But is there not something I could do for you, as you just did for me?”

  Her softly spoken words caused him to groan deeply in near passionate despair. He pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead. “I would not ask that of you, my sweet wife, not here.”

  Avalon lay quietly for a moment or two. She was not a selfish person, though some might argue with her. She knew he was in pain, she knew that much about men and women. She also figured that if he could satisfy her with his hand, perhaps she could do the same for him. Without saying a word, she moved her hands down his chest until she felt his hard shaft. Her hands moved to surround it, and Brand groaned loudly in the darkness.

  Almost as if he couldn’t control it, he shuddered and moved to lie on his back. Avalon followed him, her hands not leaving the hard rod. She quickly noticed that if she moved her hands up and down, he groaned in response. She continued in silence for a while, and then she spoke to him softly. “Tell me what to do, milord, to please you as you did me.”

  All of Brand’s better intentions disappeared at her simple words. He moved his hands down and shifted hers, showing her how and where to touch him. Avalon smiled as he responded with his own groan of passion this time as she continued to caress and stroke his cock. When she moved to cup his sac, his body shivered in response. To both of their surprise, it didn’t take long and he was spurting forth like a youth with his first woman. Avalon was not sure what to do next. Brand solved the dilemma for her by pulling her back up into his arms, kissing her deeply and then settling her to sleep in his arms. Soon, they were both soundly and deeply asleep.

  Chapter 7

  The next day passed uneventfully for everyone. Avalon wasn’t as sore, and rode alone. She was glad, though, when the heat of the day reached its highest and Brand called a halt. They were near a small lake, and Avalon and Althea decided a bath sounded like a fine idea. Without saying anything, they gathered up a few necessities and made for the water. They walked a bit, finding a smaller section that was more secluded from where they had made their camp. Avalon stripped her clothes off completely, and walked into the water. She couldn’t hold back the little shriek of surprise at how cold the water was. Althea smiled and went into the water, but still wore her short shift.

  Althea busied herself washing her hair while Avalon swam around, just enjoying the freedom and the peace and quiet. She floated on her back for a while, listening to Althea talk about some of the things Gandalf had been telling her about their future home. Obviously, Gandalf was sharing personal tidbits so Althea would know what to expect.

  But Brand hadn’t told her anything about his home, about the people who lived there, or what would happen once they arrived there. She waved her hand in response to Althea sayi
ng she was getting out now. Avalon wasn’t ready to return to reality yet. She couldn’t help but feel that her freedom, what was left of it anyway, would disappear once she reached Brand’s home.

  Angrily, she turned and dove into the water, swimming under it for a bit and coming up much farther from the shore. She didn’t look back to the shore though, just continued swimming. Finally, she was starting to feel tired and knew she would have to head back. She began swimming back to the grassy shoreline. When she could, she stood and began walking toward the incline. She watched where she was going, wringing her hair out as she went. She was about 10 feet from the shoreline when she sensed something was amiss.

  She glanced up, and saw that Althea had been tied up and gagged and several men were standing around. She started to turn to swim away for help when one of the men spoke to her.

  “I wouldn’t do that if you value the life of your friend here.”

  Avalon turned and saw that one of the two men holding onto Althea had raised a knife and had it pressed to her throat. She froze, fear rising up in her throat, and she wanted to scream. But she didn’t for fear of what they would do to Althea. One of the men walked to the edge of the water, holding his hand out toward her. When he spoke, she realized he was the one who had threatened her friend.


  Avalon walked toward him, but refused to take the hand he offered to help her up the grassy bank. He shrugged at her slight, and reached over for her clothes, tossing them to her.

  “Get dressed and don’t make a sound.”

  Avalon slowly pulled her shift on over her head, followed by her long gown and the protective over-dress. She saw her boots and walked over to them, not wanting to acknowledge the bright flush of embarrassment staining her cheeks. She pulled her soft boots on, lacing them up slowly, trying to delay until her husband, or one of the other men came along. But no one arrived and her arm was pulled until she stood. Neither she nor Althea were allowed to ride their mounts. Avalon was pulled up in front of the man who had spoken to her, and Althea was mounted before the large bearded man that had been holding her captive.

  Once they had ridden some distance, Avalon saw that Althea’s gag was removed and her hands untied. There was something familiar about the man who was sitting so close behind her. But she couldn’t place his face with a name. She tried to hold her body away from his, but it became impossible and she had to lean back into him.

  His arm was wrapped around her waist, and held her close. There was no way she could miss the aroused manhood pressed against her fleshy buttocks. She tried to push him away when he slowly raised the hand encircling her waist until he was cupping one breast. She gasped when he began fingering the taut nipple. He chuckled softly when he heard her gasp, and began to pluck and gently tug at it.

  * * * * *

  They rode long past sunset, wanting to get as much distance between them and the men they suspected would be following them soon. Althea and Avalon were lifted off the horses and tied to each other, hand and foot. Avalon glared at the giant that had ridden with Althea, but he didn’t even notice. Avalon noticed Althea was shivering and leaned closer to whisper.

  “Don’t worry, Althea. I don’t know what these ruffians want, but Brand and Gandalf will find us soon, and then they will be made to pay dearly for what they have done.”

  Althea looked at her younger cousin, realizing that she had not yet seen what their true peril was. Before the night was out, Althea feared their captors would rape them. She didn’t know if they were going to kill them afterwards, or if they even had a plan. Before she could voice her fears though, Avalon went on.

  “As soon as they go to sleep, I will need you to maneuver around and reach into my right boot, the heel of it. I have a small knife hidden there, and we can cut ourselves free and get away.”

  Althea admired Avalon’s courage, but also knew she didn’t see the risks in trying to escape. “Avalon, we don’t have the slightest idea where we are. Where would we run to?”

  * * * * *

  Avalon frowned, upset that she hadn’t thought that far ahead yet. Her plan was full of holes, but they could still try and make a run for it. Maybe they could manage to steal one of the horses, or even find a cave nearby where they could hide out. She turned her head as she heard the giant address the other man, the one she had been riding with.

  “Robert, perhaps we should eat and be on our way.”

  The handsome, younger man shook his head, turning to look at Avalon. She didn’t like the look in his eyes, as he looked her over. “No, Balec. I believe a good night’s sleep will do us both a world of good. You may have the quiet one and I will have the saucy one. I have a need to sample the wares I looked upon earlier.”

  Avalon felt a frisson of fear travel through her body. She realized what he meant. This man obviously had taken them for ransom, or perhaps to sell them as slaves, but he had decided to have a taste of her flesh before he sold or returned it. She looked at Althea and saw by the look of fear in her eyes that she had heard him also. Just when this “tasting” was to occur was not yet stated.

  Left alone and ignored, since they had been restrained, Avalon tried to plan a way to escape. There was always the knife she had hidden, but it would require the right timing for it to work.

  The warmth of Althea’s body made her drowsy and she dozed restlessly for a short time. A hand shaking her shoulder and holding out some food for her to take awakened her. She shoved her hair off her face, accepting the food gingerly. She knew she had to eat to keep her strength. She saw that she had been untied from Althea, and the other woman was gone. She turned to glare at Robert.

  “Where is Althea? What have you animals done with her?”

  Robert smiled at her protective attitude. He squatted down next to her. “She had to relieve herself, so Balec is escorting her to a secluded spot. I will take you if you need to relieve yourself also.”

  Avalon glared at him. “My husband will be coming after you, you barbarian! And he will chop your head off for what you have done to me!”

  “A husband, you say?” Robert asked disbelievingly. Seeing the two women, and the plain dress they had, he had assumed they were peasants, or lower gentry. He wasn’t sure about the husband, but he did doubt that anyone would come after the two women. “I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting, my sweet pet. I doubt anyone will come after you, assuming the worst, of course.”

  Avalon spit her words at him, seething with anger, and trying to cover up her fear. “So you plan on raping us, do you? Well, you will find yourself not unscathed if you attempt to rape me! And if you hurt Althea, I will cut your heart out, you bastard!”

  Robert just smiled back at her, unconcerned. He found the little virago quite attractive, and was finding he was getting more aroused with each passing moment in her presence. Her figure had entranced him the whole time they were riding. Now he hungered to taste the hard nipples topping those large breasts while he tested the sweetness of coming inside her body. He saw she had finished eating, so there was no reason to delay any longer. He stood, reaching down to take her arm in his strong grasp. He pulled her to her feet and began directing her away from the small campsite.

  * * * * *

  Avalon tried to quell her fear, knowing that her only chance may come at any time and she needed to be able to think clearly so she could act decisively. She saw that he had set his bedroll a short distance away. Avalon considered her options. She could submit and escape when he fell asleep and return with help to free Althea, or she could try and fight her way away from him, but he might call for the others and she wouldn’t get far before she was recaptured. The thought of letting him touch her, come in her body…she shuddered in revulsion.

  Robert gestured for Avalon to be seated on the blankets. Her mind raced to think of a delaying tactic but fear and nervousness had addled her brain, she finally conceded. She took a deep breath and started to lower herself to the blanket. Before she could decide on a further course
of action, Robert was beside her and pressing her backward onto the blanket. Avalon tried to press against his chest, but he was much too strong. In body size, he reminded her of Brand. And then he was taking her mouth with his own, his tongue taking advantage of her open mouth, gasping for air.

  He kissed her hotly and his hands were busily moving her clothes out of the way. He paused to caress her full naked breasts, enjoying the feel of the firm globes in his hands. He lifted his head and lowered it again to take her nipple into his mouth, sucking on it loudly.

  Avalon started hitting at him, trying to get in a good blow when he grabbed both her hands and held them with one hand, above her head. She gasped as she felt the cool night air on her legs as he began dragging her skirt upward. She cried out for him to stop as she felt him getting closer—

  Avalon felt the sudden tension and cessation of movement in Robert immediately. She was afraid to open her eyes, though, for what she might see. She had just decided things couldn’t possibly get any worse and she didn’t want to open her eyes to see the horror of what might be happening.

  “Get off her slowly.”

  Avalon’s eyes flew open and saw that Brand was standing over them with a knife pressed to the side of Robert’s neck. She felt a thrill of joy racing through her body at seeing her husband standing there. She didn’t pause to think about the change in her feelings though; she would take that back out later and consider it. As Robert moved away from her, Avalon scrambled to her knees and moved a short distance away. She quickly righted her clothing.

  Brand still held the knife to the other man’s neck, not taking his eyes from him. “I should slit your throat…”

  Robert didn’t move, but spoke softly. “If I had known she belonged to you, my friend, I would have left her alone.”


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