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Charming The Warriors (The Charmer)

Page 13

by Sanderson, Danielle

  “Are you ok?” I ask in a hushed tone.

  “I am now, yes.”

  He takes my face in his hands, kissing me almost angrily, his lips crushing mine beneath his, his tongue pushing past them melding with my own making love to my mouth, staking his claim. I have to pull myself away before I really embarrass myself in front of everyone that has stopped to watch, which really is everyone Damn it!

  Ruk and Den growl at Sallack holding me in his arms, Sallack raises an eyebrow in a questioning manner to them both, daring them to continue.

  “Close the club. Everyone back on pack land!” Sallack orders harshly. Nevertheless, his orders are followed through without a word as Dom and Will clear the partygoers out and lock up behind them.

  As we all travel to Sallack’s home, we get to see an enormous three-story mansion, surrounded in acres of land.

  “Wow it’s beautifully, this is where you live?” I turn to see Sallack’s satisfied look.

  “Yes it’s our home,” He tells me, squeezing my hand gently. We all get out of the cars and head into Sallack’s wonderful home. The door opens to a wide hall, at the end of the hall is a stylish open planned kitchen, the stairs leading up to the other floors are on our right. We enter the room to the left, there are big brown leather couches spotted around a big hard wood coffee table sat in the middle of the room. We all take seats waiting for someone to break the silence.

  I have sat next to Den, Sallack is standing by the now closed door, Ruk, Julian, Dom and Mickey are scattered on the other two large couches. The first thing I think is; that I’m in a room full of Werewolves, only they don’t know I’m aware that I have already assumed their identity. The second thought is; why are we here? I look at Sallack who is looking at Ruk, I wonder if they are speaking telepathically.

  “Ok I’m sorry for this Den, Zara, but I’m going to be blunt. We don’t have time to wait for you to be ready.”

  Den takes my hand and places it on his knee covered by his, while his other arms pulls me by the waist into him, in a protective manner. Sallack and Ruk both growl in annoyance of our closeness. I roll my eyes at them both making Julian, Dom and Mickey snicker.

  “Ok, here it goes!”

  With that, his body shimmers and there in Sallack’s place, is a large black Wolf with gold eyes. I knew it! All eyes are on Den and I, waiting for acknowledgement of Sallack’s shifting into his Wolf. I take a deep breath from the pure beauty of Sallack’s Wolf. His gold eyes start to glow as I watch him in wonderment, the midnight black color of his coat, just like his hair, he is larger than Ruk’s Wolf. Sallack strides up to us and tilts his head to the side. Den is being very quiet so I to look to him, his attention is looked on Sallack’s Wolf with his mouth open. I take the opening to place my hand on Sallack’s Wolves face.

  “Hey boss man,” I whisper in a low tone and I place a kiss on his head. Sallack nudges my hand and licks my wrist. Looking at Sallack in Wolf form in breathtaking, my heart pounds against my chest; I am so honored to be here with such incredible men and beasts.

  “Is this for real? Why the fuck am I not freaking out.” Den turns to face me head me saying loudly,

  “Why aren’t you freaking out?”

  My gaze travels to Ruk; he nods at my unspoken question as I turn to lock eyes with Den.

  “Ruk is the Wolf that fought with Parrise last night, he showed himself to me this morning.”

  His gaze travels to Ruk across the room.


  “Yes, it was me.” Ruk tells him proudly.

  “Well shit! Are you all like this?” He asks looking at every one in turn. They all nod their heads once, with big smiles. Sallack uses this time to change back to his human form. He lifts me from the sofa without a word, just a growl. He takes me away from the other’s striding up the stairs to what looks like his bedroom, neither of us speaking.

  The bedroom is massive and predominately male, the bed has black and gold sheets, there are wardrobes to the right and chest of draws on either side of the bed.

  He sits me on the bed softly.

  “You knew I was a Werewolf?”

  “Yes, I figured it out.”

  “What else have you figured out?”

  “That you’re Alpha. Ruk told me he is your Beta, and I think Julian is your Delta and that Dom and Mickey are your enforcers.”

  He kisses me with tender lips, slow and loving.

  “Yes, that’s right. Why are you not nervous around us?”

  “I know you have no intentions of frightening me, I have never seen anything as magnificent as I have you in Wolf form.”

  He sighs and picks me up to straddle his lap.

  “I think I’m in love with you Zara.”

  He diverts his eyes from mine! Does he think I won’t accept his love?

  I meet his cool gaze again, clinging onto his wide shoulders.

  “Well I do love you Sallack.”

  Sallacks stands with me, still holding me and lays me down on the bed, leaning into me, his mouth descending on mine with greed; a moan escapes my lips as my fingers map the planes of his muscular chest as I desperately try to deepen the kiss. He breaks away first, making me moan from the loss of his lips.

  “Be mine Zara?”

  “Mine? You want me to be your girlfriend?”

  “I want you to be mine and only mine, I want to love you, treasure you and tell other wolves that you are mine so they know to stay away from you?”

  “I have been yours since the day we met Sallack.” I tell him meaning every word. I have found the man of my dreams and he wants me back, I couldn’t be more content.”

  He pulls me to him as he kisses me on the lips then travels down my neck and nips at me gently.

  “Beautiful I need you to stay away from Parrise and Theo; they are not the men you think they are.”

  “I have not seen Theo since that night; I will stay away from him. As for Parrise, I have no intentions of seeing him, not because I don’t want to, but because I don’t want any more fighting. He really isn’t the evil person you see him as.”

  “Good enough. For now! Den wants to see you, let’s head back, we can talk more.”

  “Ok Alpha, just one more minute,” I say with a huge grin, holding him tightly to me. He laughs at me and pulls me to my feet.

  “You have no idea the effects you have no me Zara, no idea.”

  “Neither do you.”

  We enter the sitting room again and Den is laughing aloud, seeing that he is so relaxed with everyone makes me ecstatic. I sit beside him as he laces an arm over my shoulder, which I happily lean in to him, both ignoring the growl coming from Sallack.

  “What’s funny?”

  “Well looks like you were right all along, the guys were saying they think I’m like them, a Werewolf!”

  My eyes locate Sallack standing by the window as he watch’s us speak to one another.

  “Sallack is it true, Is Den like you all?”

  “Yes we have seen the traces of the Wolf in you; we can all sense you as one of our kind Den.”

  “Wow, this is amazing, I knew you were special,” I say to him, looking deeply into his brilliant green eyes.

  “Yeah. You know I have always felt empty inside. You were the only one who kept me going, kept me focused.”

  “Just like you have me, I love you.”

  Den is the one person who’s taken care of me, given me a family and loved me unconditionally. I am on cloud nine right now, a happy tear tails down my cheek and I quickly wipe it away as all of the men in the room get up to comfort me, making me laugh at the way they react to a crying girl.

  “We will all take care of you like our own; you are our family now and always Zara.”

  “Thank you Julian that’s a very sweet of you, I’m honored you would say such a thing.”

  “Do you know why I have never known I am Werewolf?” Den asks Sallack. This is the question that has been playing on my mind.

  “No, I have
been trying to find a Witch with power strong enough to see into your heart and soul, see why you have not connected to your Wolf.”

  Den and I say in harmony, when Sallack finishes.

  “Witches, there real to?”

  “Yes,” Sallack says simply.

  “What else is there?” Den asks with excitement in his voice. God I love this man.

  “Well, us the Werewolf’s, Vampires, Witches and the Warlocks.”

  “Wow, this is amazing, what are Witches and Warlocks like?” I ask excitedly.

  “We do not know much about how they live, but there powers range from what families they come from, the Princess I have been looking for is one of the strongest around or so I have heard, but they think that are superior to the Werewolves and Vampires so it has been difficult to persuade her into coming here.”

  What is the princess like? Where do they live? The questions run around my head, but I know only a Witch or Warlock could give me answers?

  “So do I call you Alpha now?” Den asks Sallack in a playful manner, after we are told that Sallack is Alpha and Ruk, his Beta, Julian, his Delta, Mickey and Dom his enforcers.

  “When the time comes yes, that’s if you want to be a part of our pack Den, we would be honored to have you?”

  “It would be my honor. Thank you for accepting me, it means a lot.” Den tells Sallack, making my heart swell with pride towards him, from the look on the brothers’ faces; they are elated at his choice to join them and their pack.

  I can’t believe I’m in love with an Alpha of a large Werewolf pack! A really HOT Alpha!

  We sit up until four in the morning talking about the ways of the man and his beast, the telepathy and the bonds between the 5 men.

  Sallack strong arms lift me into his lap as I eventually fall asleep to the rumble of his deep voice from his chest against my face, as he tells us of his travels around the country seeking the Princess of the light Coven, Dallah. What a beautiful name, as soon as he said her name a smile spread over my face, as if it means something in a way, which is strange.

  Waking in a mass of black duvets covers. Sallack’s room!


  He walks out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist and one round his neck, rubbing his black shaggy hair. He’s just out of the shower as I notice water dripping from his abs! God the man is mesmerizing.

  “Sorry if I woke you, you fell asleep on me last night so brought you up here, I hope you don’t mind?”

  “No it’s fine, thank you for taking care of me. Oh wait, where’s Den?”

  “He’s fine don’t worry, he took a room on the 2nd floor. We didn’t get to bed till late, so he stayed the night also.”

  “Oh ok, has he left for work or can I see him?”

  “No he is here, having breakfast with the others. I have spoke to John and told him Den will be busy with pack business for a while”

  “John is he a Werewolf to?”

  “Yes he is. He understands it’s important that Den needs to be with the pack for now.”

  “Oh, ok.”

  I’m extremely happy for Den to have found his place in life, but sad at the thought of losing him, but I understand that this is what he needs to do to fill in the gaps of his new found life. Sallack sits on the bed and pulls me on his lap.

  “Zara, please stay with me while Den is here, I would like you to understand our ways, meet the pack and spend time with me? The pack brothers’ won’t be working, we are staying to help Den meet the pack and settle in. Besides we want to keep you safe.”

  “I don’t want to intrude in your life in this way; it wouldn’t be fair of me.”

  “I have never begged for anything or anyone before, but please stay with me, I want you with me, I need you, as does Den.”

  Sallack growls, his eyes glowing slightly.

  “Ok, I will stay, but I need to get a few things from home.”

  “Done, Julian and Den are walking out the door as we speak, Julian has told Den you agreed to stay, he will get your things.”

  He kisses me with passion and desire. I kiss him back, matching his emotions, as he leans back on the bed, rolling me on my side.

  “Thanks Alpha,” I say with a smile and wink.

  “Ah I like that.” He grins down at me.

  “How did you become the Alpha?”

  He has already told Den and I that to be an Alpha, you are born into the roll, or you fight the then Alpha for the pack to become their Alpha.

  “My father was attacked and killed one night on patrol by a rival pack, I was only 18, but I justified that I was strong enough to take the role of pack Alpha.”

  “Im sorry. That must have been terrible.”

  “It was, but as Alpha you have to show your strengths never your weaknesses. Our pack is the largest and strongest in America, I’m very proud to have my pack stand at my side”

  “Will I get to meet your mother?”

  “No beautiful, I would have loved her to have met you, but she was murdered days after my father was attacked.”

  Oh my God, why did I have to ask such questions, I feel terrible bringing this back up for him.

  “Zara, I'm ok it was a long time ago, I was angry then, I took my revenge on the men who did this. Don’t cry for me beautiful.”

  I can’t help the tears from falling, thinking of all Sallack has had to deal with, he truly is a rightful Alpha, I feel privileged to be held by him.

  “I’m sorry Sallack for all you have been through”

  “Zara I have never cried a day in my life, but you, you’re the most important thing to me now and forever. You have changed me from the man I was. I don’t want that life again. Never leave me beautiful; I need you to be mine until the day I die.”

  His intense eyes gaze at me, coated in love and something unrecognizable. I want to know what he was like! I won’t ask though, I just hope that he stays the person he is now.

  “Never, I promise you, I will never hurt you Sallack. I love you.”

  Our lips touch as the magic enters my body, responding automatically to his delicate touch.

  “I love you beautiful, more then you will ever know.”

  Chapter 12

  When Den gets back to Sallack’s, I am in the kitchen eating fruit and yogurt. His big arms come over my shoulders and he places a tender kiss to my cheek.

  “Thanks for staying with me babe, be back home Friday, 3 days tops.”

  “You’re coming back with me? I thought you would want to stay here.”

  “No babe. You and me together living our dream in our home, that’s what I want, I will see these guys every day.”

  I’m overwhelmed that he still thinks of his life and home includes me.

  “If that’s what you want Den, I will support you in anything.”

  “I know you would babe.”

  Later in the day, Den goes training with Ruk, Dom and Mickey, running, fighting and fitting in with the pack. Sallack introduces me to everyone in the pack as they all come to his house to meet Den and I. We get to meet the brothers’ parents and cousins also, which is lovely. Abbey came to see me; I was so excited to know she is a part of the pack, I knew there was something special about her. She lives on pack land with her parents and grandmother. Abbey introduced me to them at her home; they are very lovely people just like Abbey, and I love her grandmother she is what I call the perfect grandma.

  I’m standing alone in the kitchen reading a magazine, when Mary walks in, head held high as if she owns the place. She storms right up to me with a rage plastered over her beautiful face.

  “You don’t belong here, or with Sallack! You know he is only using you right?”

  “Uh hu, I’m sure you’d think that.” I say with an eye roll.

  “No darling, I know it!” She says spitefully.

  “What is your problem? It’s not my fault he doesn’t want you!”

  “Oh he wants me alright. Like I said, he is just having fun with the new chew toy
in town.”

  “Get over yourself Mary, your acting desperate. Sallack chose to be with me! Not you! So the sooner you deal with it the better.”

  “It won’t work out, he is an Alpha and you are a mere human, a weak human. You’d be no use at his side.”

  “Maybe, but I am at his side. Where are you! Sniffing his rear!”

  Her face turns red with anger as she lifts her hand to slap me across the face. Luckily, for me, I see her movements. I grab her wrist and yank it away from me as she looks at me with shock and rage as she lifts her hand to swipe me again! I pull back my fist to hit her in the face, when I’m yanked from behind by strong arms.

  “What the fuck’s going on Mary?” Sallack growls out as he struggles to hold her back from me. Den holds my back tightly to his chest, as he growls at Mary from the side of my ear, near deafening me.

  “That dirty little whore thinks she can come in here and take what’s mine! THAT’S WHAT WRONG!” She screams at Sallack.

  “Don’t ever call her that again you skank!” Den shouts at her with rage. I hold on to his arms that are laced over my breasts and give them a gently squeeze.

  “I’m ok Den.” I whisper to him, pressing the side of my cheek to his.

  “Im am not yours and I never will be! You ever raise a hand to Zara again and I will personally remove you from this pack Mary!” Sallack tells her, while pushing her away from his body in disgust.

  “Is this a fucking joke? You would choose a human over one of your own?”

  “To right I would, Zara is mine. If you can’t accept that then go, because she is going anywhere.”


  “No Zara, don’t feel sorry for her. She will show you respect, I will have nothing less!”

  Mary’s gaze catches mine; I see hurt and resentment clouded in her vision. Her eyebrows pull together as she speaks with a growl,

  “You will regret the day you met him!”

  I roll my eyes at her, angering her even more as she walks out the back door slamming it so hard that the glass shatters. Sallack looks at me and Den clearly annoyed with Den’s arms around me from the sneer on his face. I turn and kiss Den’s cheek, releasing myself from his embrace and walk over to a fuming Sallack and wrapping my arms around his middle. Den huffs loudly and walks outside, through the glassless door.


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