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Charming The Warriors (The Charmer)

Page 14

by Sanderson, Danielle

  “I’m sorry about her; she has been trying to mate with me for a long time. She does not take rejection well. Then and you come along and every male and his Wolf want you for their own.”

  “No it’s fine, I can handle it. Oh what does ‘mate’ mean?”

  “Not any more, they will be told to show you respect you deserve, you won’t need to ‘handle’ it ever again. Being a mate, is when a Wolf chooses to be with someone for the rest of their life. When mated, the two involved will share telepathy with each other, never feel the need to look to anyone for love or support. It is an unconditional love. To become a mated couple you have a ritual, blessed by their Alpha, and then they mate. It is a beautiful act.”

  “Wow, that’s lovely.”

  “Yes it is. I’m proud of you beautiful; no woman has ever put Mary in her place so fearlessly.” He tells me with pride.

  At around 6pm we all eat dinner together. Around the table are Sallack, Den, Ruk, Julian, Mickey, Dom and me are all laughing and joking together.

  “Hey, so I was wondering, does being a Werewolf give you bigger muscles and better looks then us humans?”

  “Ah, sweet Zara. We do a lot of running and training, especially in Wolf form. We are born strong; our families are those who descended from the first Warriors. Oh what else was it….oh yeah why are we so God damn sexy! That’s just us gorgeous.” Mickey answers me grinning widely from the compliment, as everyone chuckles and Den pats his back with a wink. Mickey and Den get on like a house on fire; they are so alike it’s worrying, top players of ‘Nickel’.

  “Ok, so the growling and smelly thing?”

  Sallack chuckles, giving me the answers,

  “We growl, when our emotions are high, like in anger or lust…” He winks at me, making me blush, “…We all have extremely sensitive noses, and we can also smell emotions, again like anger and arousal.” He finishes with a belly laugh, from seeing my reaction. My mouth falls open, making them all laugh. BLOODY HELL! All them times I have lusted over everyone at the table, oh my gosh, this is so embarrassing.

  “We have improved strength, hearing and speed. We are quick on out feet and can move without sound.” He tells me with a proud smile.

  “Wow” is all I can say as I look at them all in awe.

  All the men go dead quiet; I look at them in turn. I am really starting to feel paranoid they can hear my thoughts!

  “Um what’s going on?” I whisper quietly, for some reason it feels right as everyone has stopped laughing and I think breathing!

  “Sorry Zara, we have a guest. Wait here!” Sallack tells me sternly as he gets up, heading to the front door that is out of sight. On cue, there is a knock at the door, which makes me jump; cringing inwardly at myself for looking scared of a knock on a bloody door.

  “Ah Dallah, thank you for coming, we appreciate any help you will give us. Please come in.”

  “Sallack, I will meet the Wolf, but if you try anything I will bring hell to your door!” She says sounding fearless.

  “There is no need for threats Dallah! I gave you my word, I stand by it. Please have a seat, I’ll just be a moment,” We hear Sallack tell her.

  Oh, crap it’s the Witch. Sallack told us her mother is head of the Light Coven, and Dallah the Princess to their people, whom he has been persuading to help Den.

  She came! Here! Now! I really want to go in and meet her, she sounds strong and brave and her voice beautiful. Sallack walk’s back into the room with smile playing on his lips.

  “Dallah is here, Den, Ruk, Julian come with me. Zara you stay with Mickey and Dom, I don’t want you near a Witch.”

  “Oh…Um …can I have a moment with Den please?”

  Den moves forward before anyone could reply, taking my hand leading us through the back doors to the open air. Standing in the darkness, the only light coming from the high moon. Den turns to me and I reach up and wrap my arms around his neck as he lifts my legs around his waist, the way we always do when my emotions are high.

  “Ah babe it’s fine, it will work it out.”

  “I know it will. I just wanted to wish you luck; I have a good feeling about her. I know I have not met her but, it is a feeling. All…”

  “Always trust you feeling” He winks at me and go’s to kiss me. I grab his face a kiss him with all the love I have for him. He looks down at me with an expression I have never seen on his handsome face.

  “Den, I am so happy that you have found your place. I always knew you were more than ordinary.”

  “Oh babe.” He says with a hidden meaning.

  He lets me down gently, turning on his heel and walking away. I couldn’t work out the expression on his face, and I don’t think he wanted me to. I sit on the grass and let my tears fall freely, I know he will be ok but I just feel everything is about to change, not just with Den!

  I hear footsteps behind me; turning my head I see it is Mickey. He sits close to me, putting his arm over my shoulders and I lean in to him gratefully.

  “Thank you Mickey.”

  “Shhhh. Come on lets go get a drink beautiful.”

  He takes my hand, pulling me up, putting his arm back on my shoulders and leading us to the kitchen.

  “Have I ever told you how good you smell?” He asks me humorously wiggling his eyebrows, taking the sadness away and bringing a smile to my face.

  When we get to the kitchen, a girl around my age, and standing almost the same height as me is standing by the doorframe smiling at me sweetly, as I am smiling at her. She has to be the most stunning girl I have ever seen. I want to speak to her, but the look the brothers’ are giving me indicates that it is not a good idea. I look at Den questionably; he shrugs his shoulders, which gets him a glare from Sallack.

  “Hello. I’m Zara,” I say walking over to her. I have the strangest feeling of wanting to be near her, know everything about her, not her magic, her. All the men growl and stand in fighting mode. Mickey follows me to stand in front of Dallah, dropping his arm from my shoulder and lacing it around my waist holding me tightly.

  She has the greenest eyes, like the summer grass, the straightest hair a mixed colors of browns and a small turned up nose, rosy lush lips, she is perfection. I have the weirdest feeling of my heart stopping for a few beats, my chest feels warm like the rays from heaven are beaming down on me, and as soon as it happens, it’s gone! What was that? Magic?

  “Hello Zara, I’m Dallah it’s very nice to meet you.”

  She picks up a lock of my hair, looking deeply into my eyes, as if looking into very soul!

  “Remarkable, where are your parents Zara?”

  What the hell! Why would she ask such a question, but she is not trying to be harmful.

  “I don’t know. I was adopted at the age of 3.”

  “Do you remember her?”

  She’s talking about my mother, why would she not ask if I remember my father also.

  “No, I do not,” I tell her, returning her friendly smile.

  “What do you see when you look at the Wolves Zara? And Me?”

  Why is she asking such strange questions, but I have nothing to hide, I will tell her the truth, there is no need not to.

  “I think the brothers’ are fierce Warriors, every one of them. They have love and respect for each other and they are the most handsome, caring men I know. You Dallah…” I hear Sallack take a step forward, followed by a low growl, but I don’t look at him as I’m trying to work her out on my own. Listening to my heart, trusting my feelings I carry on, “…Are stunningly beautiful, I feel safe around you, like you mean me no harm.”

  She speaks to Den but doesn’t look at him. She is still looking at me,

  “I have changed my mind, I will help you. I will come back in the morning.” She leans forward and whispers in my ear so quietly, I just make out the word she says, “Sister.”

  What the hell does that mean, Sister? She isn’t my sister, I think!

  She kisses my cheek, turns on her heel, and leaves the house.
Mickey’s harsh grip loosens, happy that she has left.

  Everyone huddles round me waiting for me to speak while Sallack takes me by the arm pulling me to stand in front of him; his arms cross over my chest, whilst the brothers’ are still waiting for me to speak.

  “Well she was lovely; I don’t know what you all got yourself worked up about?”

  Everyone looks at me as if I am crazy except for Den, who laughs and says,

  “Exactly what I was thinking babe.”

  Sallack kisses my head and walks out of the kitchen in anger. I look to Den for an answer as to what has got in to him. Den nods his head to Sallack's back, silently telling me to go and speak with him. I follow Sallack into the sitting room where he is standing with his back to me looking out the window.

  “Are you mad with me?” I ask as he turns to face me.

  “No, I would never be mad with you, I just don’t like the interest the Princess of the Witch’s Coven is taken to you! She asked if he would tell her who the most important person is to him and he said you! She asked where you were and wanted to meet you! She refused to help when we said no to her, I don’t like it Zara,” He says full of worry and getting noticeably angry.

  I walk up to him and place my hands on his chest, meeting his cool gaze.

  “I really don’t think she has any I’ll will towards us Sallack, she is just worried for her safety. You said they are not trusting people, maybe if you trust her she will trust you in return.”

  “Are you trying to get my role as the wise Alpha?”

  He laughs, lightening the mood, I reach up and kiss his mouth and lay my head on his chest.

  “I know it’s early, but do you mind if I go to bed. It’s been very busy day, and I only slept 3 hours last night?”

  “That’s fine; do you remember where my room is? I will be up in a few hours, unless you would like to be left alone?” He asks with a frown.

  “No, I want you with me.”

  “Good, because I don’t think I could stay away from you, not to have you in my arms. Goodnight Zara.” He kisses my forehead.

  I say goodnight to the rest of the men, giving them all hugs and kisses on the cheeks, them replying with gentle growls.

  I easily find Sallack’s room. I take of my clothes and put on the sports bra and pajama pants, that Den picked up for me. Snuggling on the gigantic bed I fall asleep thinking of the new world I have been welcomed in to so naturally and that I have accepted so naturally myself.

  Chapter 13

  The next morning a heavy feeling on my legs and chest wakes me. Opening my eyes slowly, I see Sallack’s legs threaded with mine, his heavy muscular arm laced over my chest and his handsome face only an inch away. I turn my body to his, fitting perfectly against him and kiss him gently, savoring the warmth and plumpness of his lips.

  “Morning beautiful, that’s some wake up. Do it again?”

  He shuts his eyes and pretends to be asleep again; he is wearing a big grin that makes me giggle. Nevertheless, I kiss him again but with the passion burning inside of me that I feel towards him. He pulls me up on top of him still lying down; as he places his hands on my buttocks pushing me into his erection. He grind’s against me as there is a knock at the door spoiling our intimate moment.

  “Zara, come on get up, get dressed. I want breakfast with you?” Den shouts out.

  “I’m up; I’ll just get a quick shower and dress. I’ll be 15 minutes k?”

  “Yes babe, I’ll be in the kitchen. Morning Sallack!”

  I can hear the laughter in his voice, which makes me snort. We hear him walk away from the door now laughing aloud.

  “Ummm,” Sallack replies still massaging my butt, pushing us together.

  “Don’t leave me Zara?” He says in a sexually charged voice.

  “I’m sorry, we can finish tonight?” I wink at him and leave the bed to the bathroom.

  I get dressed in what Den has bought me from home. He’s picked two dresses, one in blue and the other in a peach color. I pick the baby blue body hugging strapless dress that comes to my knees snugly. I go down bare foot as I only painted my toes yesterday morning, in a silver glitter nail varnish, they look cute. I plait my hair loosely to the side and let the length of my hair fall over my breast.

  “Oh I picked well?”

  Den tells me as I walk into the kitchen; Ruk has turned to give me a plate of food and stops when his eyes land on me, letting a low growl escape.

  “You look great Zara. Want some?”

  He has pure lust in his gorgeous eyes, as he passes me the plate. Den’s fake cough brings Ruk out of his trance.

  “Thanks Ruk, and thanks to you.” I nudge Den with my hip, “For picking my stuff up. I forgot to say yesterday.”

  “Nu it’s cool babe.”

  “So are you excited for today?”

  “Yeah defiantly, I can’t wait” He tells me with a grin.

  “Me to, I bet your Wolf is stunning.” I say excitedly.

  He growls gently in his throat, as he takes my hand in his.

  “Of course he will be babe.” He says, making me laugh at the size of the man’s ego.

  “God I love you Den, and you” I turn to Ruk, placing my hand over his and squeeze his hand, receiving a stunning smile and wink in return.

  The morning goes very quickly again, Den go’s out with Julian on the quad’s to look over the land surrounding the house’s. while Sallack and I spend the morning in bed once the brothers leave to take care of the duties.

  We eat lunch together that Mickey and I have made, which took ages as they eat so bloody much. Sitting next to Sallack at the table and surrounded by the brothers I ask him,

  “Hey can you drop me off at the club tonight?”

  He looks at me with a frown, shaking his head.

  “No.” He tells me sternly.

  “What do you mean ‘No’?” I ask annoyed.

  “You won’t be protected!”

  “I don’t need protection! I need to work, I have bills to pay!”

  “Just leave it a few days Zara, please don’t argue this with me, it’s for your own safety.”

  “Im not in danger!” I say annoyed.

  “You have a blood sucker who wants you as a pet!” He says with a raised voice.

  “For God sake, He doesn’t want to hurt me, I’ll drop this now…but I can look after myself, I’m not as fragile as you all see me as. I’d kick your ass!” I say only half joking as I lean back in my chair. Den’s gaze catches my eyes as he gives me a wink, proud that I am sticking up for myself against the big bad Alpha. I smile back at him, but noticing the brothers’ look a little on edge as they watch Sallack and me intensely. Sallack puts his hand on my thigh and leans into me whispering against my ear.

  “God, you turn me on.” He says breaking the tension and making me laugh out loud. I put my hands to his face, pressing my lips to his as I whisper upon his lips, “Snap.”

  His eyes gloss over with lust as he releases a soft growl, making a smile spread over my face. Releasing him, I look to the brothers’, who all have knowing smiles on the faces, well except Den who looks about ready to give me a telling off.

  Everyone goes back to their duties after lunch, except for Ruk, who stays in the kitchen as everyone leaves. Sallack kisses my lip tenderly and heads out to his office to do paperwork for the club and bar. Therefore, it’s just Ruk and I. I love spending time with him he’s such a lovely person, and he’s very easy on the eyes.

  “Are you on babysitting duty?” I laugh.

  “No, we had to fight to be the one to spend the day with you, I won!”

  He laugh’s proudly as my smile fades dramatically.

  “You’re joking! Right?”

  “No it’s true; all the brothers’ want to be around you alone, to get to know you better.” He shrugs his shoulders.

  What? Why would they fight to spend time with me, I'm nobody.

  “Don’t look like that Zara; you are a pleasure to be around. It
wasn’t a real fight, just playing around.”

  “Oh ok, well I’m very lucky to have you all think that of someone like me.”

  “Someone like you,” He repeats with a frown.

  “Yeah you know. Compared to you I’m a boring Human.”

  He laughs aloud and takes my hand gently in his large one.

  “You beautiful Zara, are exciting. There is not a single boring thing about you. You look at us all with wonder and love in your eyes and we love you for feeling this way over us. Your word’s last night where heartfelt and very touching, we are blessed to have you in our lives. Sallack is a lucky man.”

  As he finishes speaking, I feel a lump in my throat, the look in his eyes breaks my heart, I feel so much love for him, he’s watched over me trusted me with his life, by telling me his secret and he thinks he is the one that’s blessed! Pulling him towards me, I wrap my arms around his waist, as he returns it by lacing his arms over my shoulders letting a growl slip his lips; I lean into his chest, feeling the beat of his heart against my cheek.

  Ruk goes stiff; I look up at him following his gaze to the front door. Sallack walks out from his office looking right at us, obviously not happy with our embrace, from the growl we hear him send our way, he then looks back to the door. I’m still in Ruk’s arms when there is a knock. Sallack opens it and before he speaks Dallah comes walking in without a word. She walks past Sallack without a word and straight up to me and Ruk with a smile in place.

  Im so excited to see her, I have been looking forward to her coming back. I asked Sallack how he knew when she turned up yesterday and he told Den and I that he had a Witch put a spell on his land, so that when a supernatural entered his property he and the brothers’ would know straight away.

  “Hello Zara.”

  I turn to get out of Ruk’s bear hug, and face Dallah as Ruk pulls me tightly against his chest. God he’s protective, she only said hello!


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