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Charming The Warriors (The Charmer)

Page 21

by Sanderson, Danielle

  “We were glad you left, he was getting out of hand. If I had known Sallack would react like that I would have…”

  “Ruk please don’t be sorry for anything, it was his choice to speak to me the way he did.”

  “I know. I don’t want to see you upset Zara, it breaks my heart to see you cry.”

  I lean into his chest and he wraps his arm around my shoulder holding me closely.

  “I love you Ruk.”

  “Me too beautiful.”

  We sit in a comfortable silence up until Den and Dallah join us with their coffees, and sympathetic smiles.

  “Hey babe, you ok?” Den asks me, stoking my face with the back of his fingers.

  “Yeah I’m good,” I tell him, returning my gaze to Ruk I ask, “Where did Sallack go last night after we um…?”

  “He got in early this morning, so I’m not sure.”

  “Oh… ok.”

  “Listen I’m meant to be patrolling, I have to go I’ll see you guys later.”

  He kisses Dallah and me on the head, before shifting into his Wolf once again and running off into the woods.

  Dallah goes back to see her family at the Coven telling us she will be back tomorrow morning. John has given Den the day off as he is at a funeral today, so it is just the two of us.

  Den and I wash our trucks together, which ends up as a massive water fight and me getting drenched and Den running so fast I could barely see him, the cheat! We ate out for lunch, after a 2-hour road trip, well getting lost trying to follow Mickey’s directions to ‘The best burger place in the world’! Which to be fair to him, did do damn good burgers.

  Sallack doesn’t ring or show up all day, which pisses me off, it’s not much to ask, I would ring him but I’m to pig headed.

  At 7pm, we make a big batch of brownies and a bowl of popcorn Den even lets me watch dirty dancing. After the film finishes we head up to bed.

  “Night Den, thanks for tonight.”

  “Hey Babe, come sleep with me tonight? Nothing would make me more happy, then to have you in my arms?”

  “I would love to.”

  We climb into his bed facing each other just like we have done so many times before. He slips his arm is under my neck and the other over my hip. It’s perfect here, no one can hurt me I’m safe and loved.

  “I love you Den.”

  “I’m sorry Sallack made you sad last night, and tonight for not showing up. He is my Alpha, but he doesn’t deserve you Zara, he never will, your to special for him, for Parrise, for me! Go to sleep Zara. I love you babe.”

  I can’t keep myself from falling asleep; my eyes were already closing when Den stared to speak.

  Chapter 19

  Den is already at work when Dallah gets back from the Coven, she walks in the kitchen where I’m painting my nails on a magazine.

  “Hey Dallah how’s the Coven?”

  Wow, that sounds so weird saying that, I have never asked anyone that before!

  “Yeah their good. Missing me being there but they are well.”

  “Did you see Richard?”

  “Yes I did, he was as vile as ever. Let’s not talk of him now. Have you heard from Sallack?”

  “No. Hey where does the Coven think you are, Have you told them of the brothers’ and me?”

  “Don’t worry yourself with the Coven, I will never tell them of the fact that you’re my sister, also they won’t know about the brothers’. It’s safer this way; I need you all here together, safe. Come on I don’t want to talk any more, lets sunbathe?”

  What would her Coven do to her for living with a Werewolves and sister to a Charmer? Would they punish her? That must be the reason for her being so secretive. I won’t push her into talking about anything she doesn’t want to and I can feel she doesn’t want to talk about her life back in the coven.

  We meet out the front with everything ready for us to start sunbathing; my tan is really starting to come along nicely.

  Around 11 am, Sallack drives up to the house, jumps out his truck, and makes his way over to us looking dark and dangerous, not to mention mouth watering sexy as the sunshine’s on his jet-black waves illuminating the shine.

  “I'll give you guys some time.”

  “Thanks Dallah.”

  I feel nervous seeing him here, he hasn’t spoken to me since our argument, now he’s here looking miserable and very sexy.

  “Beautiful, can I sit with you?” He asks with a plea to his voice.

  “Yes,” I say as he sits next to me on the towel, running his fingers through his hair, looking nervous.

  “I’m so sorry for the way I treated you Zara. I was out of line it’s just I saw you with that man, uh I saw red, I was jealous. I love you Zara so much.” His gaze locks with mine, as my does a little flip-flop in my chest. He is everything I have ever wanted; I do not want something as stupid as this to ruin what we have.

  “Why have you waited so long to speak to me Sallack? I have needed you?” I tell him, then looking away as to not let him see me cry.

  “Ah Zara” He pulls me on his lap wrapping his big arms around me and taking my face in his hands, kissing my forehead.

  “I was scared you wouldn’t forgive me, I want your forgiveness, but I don’t deserve it. I will never treat you that way again, I was foolish.”

  “I will forgive you Sallack, but you have to understand that I was so upset, so hurt you treated me like that. I wasn’t going to go off with Angus. I love you Sallack, don’t hurt me again? Please tell me you have apologized to Julian also!”

  I look up at him, seeing regret plastered on his handsome face.

  “I promise on my life Zara. I know you wouldn’t go off with him, it was pure jealousy, I’d do anything to take back the way I reacted; I regret it all so badly.”

  His face looks troubled, as he lets a small growl slip his lips.

  “I have spoken with Julian; he understands that I didn’t mean what I said to him.”

  “Let’s just get on with our life together. Please.”

  “I love you Zara.” He says with guilt flashing in his eyes. “You fucking complete be beautiful.” Sallack tells me with raw emotion.

  We spend the rest of day back to normal, Sallack apologizes to Dallah, and she says she forgives him, but I can tell it is only for me that she accepts it.

  “Sallack I’m going to get changed for work, are you coming to the club?” I ask him sitting at the table with Den and Dallah.

  “Nu I’ve got to get back to the bar, I have lots of paperwork to do, and then I’m to paroling tonight, beautiful.”

  “Ok I’ll guess I’ll see you tomorrow?”

  “Yeah, definitely”

  I kiss his lips tenderly, and tell him I have to get ready, while leaving him chatting to Den and Dallah before he takes off.

  I strip of my clothes and get in the shower, letting the water relax me. When I finish I put on my underwear, opening the bathroom door to fetch my work clothes.

  “Sallack, I thought you were leaving?”

  He gets up from sitting on the edge of my bed, with a little growl, his eyes glowing their brilliant gold, seeing him like this is something I will never get used to, he is breathtaking.

  “I wanted to say goodbye properly.” He takes me in his arms and puts his warm lips to mine biting my lip for entrance, which I give willingly. He trails his lips down my neck to my collarbone. This man is like a sex God; he makes my knees go weak with just looking in to his intensive eyes. When he kisses me like this, it’s pure ecstasy.

  “Sallack I’m going to be late for work!”

  “I can’t help myself around you, and them little moans, arhh”

  He pushes his hardness into my stomach, showing me how I affect him.

  “You have the same effect on me Sallack.”

  I take his hand off my butt and place it down my underwear. He growls loudly and throws me on the bed climbing in top of me in a flash.

  I arrive at work just in time after speeding down th
e roads. Walking into the club, I find Julian and Dom at the closest bar.

  “Hey guys, where do you want me?”

  “Hey you, Go up VIP we got a business party up there?”


  I say, ‘Hi’ to the staff quickly and get straight into the small VIP area. There are seven men drinking Champagne, they carry on drinking it for the next 3 hours. For a Thursday night it’s quiet busy.

  On Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays there is a DJ that comes in. Thursday’s it’s a more relaxed night. Then Monday, Wednesday and Sunday the club is shut. I make so much in tips it’s like working 7 days a week, like tonight I have already made $275 in tips.

  Dom comes up behind me laying his arms over my shoulders and kissing my cheek. I’m standing at the bar waiting for Will to make my orders of drinks and bottle of champagne for the VIP party.

  “You ok up there babe, they being good to you?”

  “Yeah there being gentlemen. Don’t you worry about me Dom.”

  I take the now full tray, kissing his cheek in return before heading to the tables to deliver drinks. Heading back over with another bottle of champagne for the VIP party. I place it on the table with a smile.

  “Here you go, would you like me to fill your glasses or leave you?”

  “That’s fine there,” Says the man at the head of the table with a frown. He is very handsome in a scary way, with tanned skin and raven colored hair. There is something in the way he watches me. I do not like it! I feel like he is passing judgment on me, and this makes me uncomfortable. He wasn’t here earlier; I know I would have noticed him; he hardly blends in to the surroundings.

  I need to leave as quickly as possible as I do not want to be hanging around too long. Just as I go to leave the man steps up to me, he is wearing what looks like a very expensive suit and an evil grin.

  “Is there something else you wanted?” I ask him politely. He bends down to me, from his 6ft 5 height and whispering in my ear,

  “Now isn’t the time, but soon. I don’t know what you’ve done. I will find out!”

  What the fuck!

  “Im sorry, I think you have the wrong person, I haven’t done anything to you. Excuse me!”

  I try to walk away from him quickly. What a weirdo! What is his problem? He grabs me hard by the arm and pulls me to him, I’m slammed into his hard chest with a thud. I look to the other men at the table for their reaction; they are snickering and clearly enjoying the scene of this man bullying me.

  “Get the fuck off me!” I shout at him, trying to pry his hands from my arms, while getting angry, how dare he!

  “Ah the bitch has a dirty little mouth. Perfect.” He spits viciously, running his thumb over my bottom lip, as my body’s now paralyzed to the spot.

  “You're not all that…” He eyes me from head to toe, with an evil look in his murderous black eyes, “…So why do the Wolves sniff around you, take care of you in this way. I should snap your flimsy little neck!”

  His large hands wrap tightly around my throat, as I feel my anger boiling up inside of me. Is he a Warlock, is that how he paralyzed me? Why would he want to snap my neck! Is this because I am the Charmer, but how would he know that? He didn’t mention Parrise, so he must not know.

  “I WANT HER BACK!” He shouts in my face with raw anger. Shit he’s talking about Dallah! I haven’t taken her away from him. I wish I could! As I feel the last of the air in my lungs leaving my body, I will my survival instincts to kick in before it’s too late. An overwhelming surge of strength and courage flow through me. The consciousness returns to my body, with all my new found strength coursing through me I yank my neck from his death grip. Holding my throat and rubbing it with both my hands trying to dull the pain, I see the man’s head snap to the side. Turning to face what has happened, Dom is standing there, eyes glowing and growling wildly. He has just punched the side of the man’s face! God I love him. Dom take’s me by the hand and pulls me to stand behind his large body, blocking me safely from danger. The men at the table have all stood, but they don’t look angry or scared, there expressions are shady. The man that Dom just hit in the face shakes his head holding his chin with a smile spread over his handsome face.

  “Ahh the dog has come to save his sweet little love,” He says sarcastically to Dom, who is now sounding feral with his growling. I try to stand beside Dom, to show that bastard that I’m not frightened of him, even though he terrifies me, but he doesn’t need to know that! Dom holds me tightly with one arm, forcing me to stay behind him. Ruk and Julian come to Dom’s side and by the look on their faces, he must have told them what happened telepathically. They join in with Dom’s snarling at the man furiously.

  “Men time to go, I will see you soon,” He tells me with an arrogant wink. The brothers’ go to attack him, but before they strike he has gone, disappeared! They steady themselves on their feet from lunging at the Warlock.

  “Fuck, what the hell does a Warlock want with Zara?” Ruk says more to himself then as a question to us.

  Dallah! I need to check she is ok. Dom wraps me in his arms, Ruk is looking at the big red handprint on my arm, and Julian is checking my neck for any marks. Luckily, no one saw the commotion as Warlocks magic is not seen by prying eyes.

  “What's happened Zara?”

  Speak of the devil. Dallah comes straight up to us, waiting for an explanation.

  “I think a Warlock was here, he was just being a prick! Got a little hand’s on. It’s ok, him and his friend’s have gone now.”

  “WARLOCK! FRIENDS! HANDS ON!” Oh shit now she is angry, really angry. She steps up to me not even an inch away as she squint her eyes, to get a better look at my throat. I quickly pull my hair to cover up any marks. I don’t want her flying off the handle.

  “Babe, I think we should get you home. It’s not safe here with all these people,” Dom tells me soothingly. He goes to tell Will and Tom to lock up when the nights finished but not before kissing my forehead and sighing sadly. Taking our hands Ruk and Julian lead Dallah and me out of the back door exit to his truck, soon followed by Dom, who runs out the back exit door and jumps in the passenger seat of the truck.

  “All set let’s go!” Dom tells us and we speed away from the club,

  “Everyone’s arriving at yours Zara, it’s closer,” Ruk says from the driving seat. I nod my head and look over to Dallah. She is still fuming, I take her hand in mine giving it a little squeeze as she looks up at me less angry. Julian is sitting next to her with his hand on her knee she places hers on top and smiles at him, the man she wants to love wholeheartedly.

  “We don’t know what this is about Dallah. Please don’t let it upset you?” I plea with her, I don’t want her going to the Coven exploding everyone’s head with a flick of her hand, because I know what she will be thinking, Revenge! I can feel it coming off her in thick waves. I haven’t told them what he said to me yet, I’ll wait until we are all together, but I won’t tell them what he said word for word. I know if I did they would all go on a killing spree.

  I lean over the chair where Dom is sitting quietly growling with frustration, and wrap my arms around his neck, placing a tender kiss on his cheek.

  “Thank you Dom. I love you,” I whisper to him full of emotion, He puts his hand on my arm and instantly calms down.

  We pull up at home; Sallack, Den, Dom, and Mickey are standing on the porch waiting for us to arrive. Den runs over to the truck as we all get out. Lifting me up, wrapping his arms so tight around me, it hurts, but I won’t tell him, I’m grateful he’s here and cares.

  “Babe, I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you.” He whispers into my neck, his voice sounding strained, I lift his head and kiss his lips gently, knowing the close contact will calm him, But unfortunately getting Sallack angry, as we all hear him growling madly. Sallack has to understand that Den and I will always be there for each other just as we always have, it doesn’t mean that I love Sallack any less.

  “You wouldn’t have been able to do anyth
ing Den. I’m ok, honest,” I tell him, but I really do not feel fine, I have a bloody Warlock after me! I hope his words were just empty threats! I put on a brave face as we make our way up to the others, all standing waiting on the porch looking feral. I walk straight into Sallack as he lifts me wrapping his arms around me.

  “Beautiful, nothing will happen to you. I won’t let him get to you again.”

  I nod my head believing him. I answer their questions, half-heartedly! I tell them he was drunk and angry because I wouldn’t have a drink with him. I hate being deceitful to them after what they shared with me, but I don’t want them putting themselves in danger trying to fight my battles.

  Dallah is pacing the porch furiously, this isn’t the Dallah that I am used too, this is Dallah outraged! I get up from Sallack’s lap, to talk with Dallah.

  “Dallah, are you ok? What are you thinking?”

  “I have to go back to the Coven, I’ll be back soon.”

  “No you can’t!”

  “Do you trust me?”

  “You know I do.”

  “Good. I won’t be long.”

  “That isn’t fair, you can’t do this, let me come with you!”

  “No way!”


  “Zara, I have power like no other, I will be safe. I’m going now. Do not tell them!” She says as she disappears. God damn it Dallah!

  I really don’t like the thought of her going off alone. I know she is very strong, but the thought of her being hurt physically or emotionally make me feel sick.

  “Zara and Dallah will stay with us on pack land tonight; we can keep them safer all together….Where is she?” Sallack asks looking behind me as I notice Julian’s head spins round to face me with a frown.

  “She will be back soon; she wanted to check in with the Coven.” I tell him, getting a nod’s in return. When did I get so good at lying? I can’t tell them that the Warlock is connected to her. I wish I could.

  Den and I decide it’s for the best, while we wait for Dallah to get back, we go to our bedrooms to collect things to stay at Sallack’s home for a few days. Den stops me by my door,


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