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Charming The Warriors (The Charmer)

Page 22

by Sanderson, Danielle

  “Babe I’m so sorry this is happening to you, first Vampires, and now Warlocks. I wish I could take it all away for you. If you’d have never met me….”

  “Den what the hell! Why would you even say that. I love you so much, please don’t wish things like that, and I want to be here, with you, with all of you.”

  “When I get my hands on that Warlock I will rip his fucking head off!” He says angrily to himself.

  He looks at me, now with soft eyes as he closes the gap between us and kisses my lips, not one of our normal kisses; this is like a kiss I have shared with Parrise and Sallack, full of lust and desire. His plump bottom lip catches on mine, while his top lip fits perfectly in between my mouth. His eyes close, as his tongue strikes in between my lips asking for entry. My heart beat rockets dangerously, this is all I have ever wanted, needed.

  I pull back from him. I can’t go back to thinking of him like that. My heart was broken for years while I watched him be with everyone but me, I know the only reason he kissed me like that was because of the scare with the Warlock. He knows that Sallack and I are serious about each other. He doesn’t understand how much this is killing me inside and how desperately I want this to be real.

  “Forget it, it’s fine,” He says walking away from me so quickly that I miss the emotions playing on his handsome face.

  Walking into my bedroom I let the tears fall freely. Why is everything such a mess? Why did Den have to kiss me like that! I get my bag out of the wardrobe and start to fill it with clothes. I wipe the tears from my cheeks with the back of my hand whilst trying to steady my breathing. My heart hurts, all the reminders of Den with hundreds of girls while I sit in my bedroom crying the way I am now all comes crashing down on me as I fall to the floor holding my chest.

  “Sweet? Why the tears?” Angus’s gentle voice fills the air, full of compassion; I turn to face him as he sits on the ledge outside my open window looking saddened by my distress.

  “Come in Angus.” I tell him through my tears.

  He lifts me in his arms as my head falls to his cool chest, he holds me tenderly, lacing his fingers through my hair with his free hand.

  “We heard about the Warlock. Parrise and I wanted to check you were ok, but I see you’re not.”

  “No I’m fin…” I stop at his loud sigh.

  “My heart is hurting,” I whisper so quietly that I’m not sure if I said it out loud or as a thought.

  “Ah sweet, I’m sorry for you feeling this way, a beauty like you should never be sad.”

  “No I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be putting this on you, please tell Parrise that I’m fine, that I will be ok. Thank you for coming to see me Angus.”

  “Sweet Zara, you really do touch the dead heart of a monster, but know this, I will keep you safe, sweet, I feel the need to love and protect you, so that is what I will do.”

  “You are not a monster! I can see you have a heart, from the first time I met you I could see Angus. You want to love and protect me?”

  He lifts my head of his chest, holding my face in his hands, gazing at me intensely as his stunning eyes glossing over.

  “Your special, I can feel it. Do you feel love for me Zara?”

  He wipes my tears from under my eyes with his thumbs.

  “I do Angus,” I tell him, as I see his facial expression change from anxious to satisfied, I do feel love for him, there is something unique about him, he really does want to protect me and I can see the love in his eyes. He is a Warrior in his own right; I could see it shinning through the very first time we met. It is only now that I can really see what he is, who he is.

  “Then I will be by your side forever, sweet.”

  “And I feel blessed to have you there, I will cherish you.”

  The pack brothers’ start howling a war cry, as Angus rushes to the window gazing out, he sighs and faces me.

  “Parrise is here!” He tells me with a raised voice before jumping out of the window onto the grass, I run as fast as my legs will take me out on to the porch. Heart racing as panic takes over my senses.

  All the pack brothers’ have shifted into Wolves, staking out the grounds around the house.

  I run into the seven Wolves snapping their jaws and growling fiercely.

  “Please don’t fight them, they just wanted to see I was ok, Please,” I beg them.

  Looking over to see where Parrise and Angus are standing, they are at least 50 yards away. I want so badly to go to him, let him know that I am safe.

  “Parrise you can’t be here!”

  He starts walking forward slowly, looking like a dark Warrior.

  “I need to see you, love please speak with me it’s all I ask? I will leave after I promise.”

  The desperation in his voice is so upsetting. All I want to do is go to him. The pack brother's start sneaking forward, readying themselves for an attack. I jump in front of them, needing them to focus on me rather than Parrise.

  “Please. I beg you, don’t do this, they are not here to hurt me. They are my friends, let me speak with Parrise, he wants to see I am safe. Listen to me!!!”

  “That’s enough!” Parrise’s voice booms into the night, sending a shiver through me, I’m ripped from where I stand in front of the brothers’ into the arms of Parrise.

  “I’m sorry love; I needed to see for myself that you’re safe.”

  “Parrise!” I warn him as I see the pack brothers’ running fast, heading straight to us, it’s as if I see their movements in slow motion. Parrise gently pushes me away as the brothers’ pounce on him, he jumps up from the ground with all six Wolves still attacking him as he pulls them off, and kicks their bodies away. Angus jumps in throwing Den and Dom off Parrise, they land yards away and are back up charging Angus as does Ruk. Parrise is now covered in blood! I can’t tell if it’s his or the Wolves.

  “Stop please! Please stop!” I try to shout through the unbearable pain contained in my throat, from being strangled half to death by a loathsome Warlock. Parrise is on the floor with Sallack whilst Den is trying to rip him apart. Why are they doing this? I told them that Parrise and Angus were here to see if I was ok.

  I jump through the Wolves, and on top of Parrise’s body trying to hide his body with mine, hoping to stop the attack.

  “STOP!” I yell at them, with rage. Parrise pushes me off, jumping to his feet, kicking Sallack in the face and hitting Den in his body, sending him flying again. I turn to see where Angus is, he has Dom on the floor as the rest of the pack brother’s jump on his back fiercely ripping him apart.

  “NOOO. LEAVE HIM ALONE!” I scream with raw emotions as I run over to them, the panic takes over my body, I can barely breathe.

  “Dallah please we need you, please Dallah!” I whisper putting all my emotion into calling for her. She arrives as soon as I finish, she’s breathing heavy, looking like she’s been running from someone, more likely chasing somebody.

  “STOP!” She shouts so loud it makes me jump, the power in her voice is demanding and so powerful that all of the Wolves have been frozen mid attack.

  “MEN!” She shouts in the same tone. The pack brothers’ shift back to their human forms and are now free, but are under a spell, they step back from Parrise and Angus and just stay there. I can see them trying to fight

  Dallah’s power, but in vain, they can’t fight of her powers. Parrise is standing watching the Wolves unable to move also. Looking to Angus, he is on the floor covered in his own blood. I run the rest of the way to him, falling on my knees at the side of Angus’s lifeless body.

  “Angus! Angus can you hear me. Please God let him be ok. Dallah what do we do? Please help him I think he’s dying!”

  Dallah runs over to me, falling on her knees beside Angus’s body on the floor. She shuts her eyes for a few moments and looks at me with a face I will never in my life forget.

  “No. Angus please open your eyes.” I cry.

  This can’t be it, he does not deserve to die this way, and I won’t let him die on
the dirt, covered in his own blood. I look over to the pack brothers’ ashamed of them, fuming with anger for what they have done to him.

  “How could you do this. I begged you. I FUCKING BEGGED YOU!” I scream at them, louder than I thought possible and full of rage.

  “Sweetie he’s gone, he has lost too much blood, I’m so sorry.”

  “He’s immortal! He can’t die like this!”

  “Im sorry Zara. He is dead, he needs blood in his body to keep him alive, he will soon be ash.” She tells me full of regret.

  Dallah takes hold of me by the waist crying with me; I scream into the sky out of frustration, how could he be taken in such a way. I look back at his beautiful face laying my forehead to his and hold his face in my hands as my tears fall upon his face.

  “No it’s ok, I can feed him my blood. He will be fine, you will see Dallah, he just need blood, and I can give it to him,” I try to convince us both while searching the earth for something sharp enough to cut myself.

  “Zara, he has gone, and even if his heart still beat he would need more then you could offer him.”

  No! Why did this have to happen? Why couldn’t the brothers’ listen to me when I was telling them? I lean back down to his beautiful face, trying to wipe some of the blood off.

  “You are one of the most beautiful men I know, you said you didn’t have a heart, you do Angus. I could see it as clear as I do you beauty. You said I shouldn’t be sad! I am Angus, your making me sad! Please come back Angus, come back, I know you can do it,” I whisper on his lips, my tears wetting his face. I feel a tug in my chest, and a warm heat stroking my body it’s as if heavens lights are shining on me requesting me to give in and enter heaven itself. Then I feel Angus’s heart beat to the rhythm of mine. Angus’s chest rises, falls, and I press my head harder to him, silently begging it to be real and not a delusion.

  “Please Angus!” I whisper one more time hoping for a miracle. He does! His chest moves again.

  “Dallah, he’s alive. You did it!”

  “He is Zara his heart is only faint, but it’s there. However, I did nothing Zara it was all you. I have never heard of such a gift. I need to free Parrise, do not mention this to anyone. I need you to trust me sweetie?”

  I nod my head ‘yes’ to her. I’m so ecstatic he is alive I would do anything for anyone right now. I lean back down and kiss Angus’s forehead.

  “Stay strong Angus, for me, for Parrise?”

  Parrise is at my side in a split second on his knees. He picks Angus’s large body up into his arms, standing to his feet.

  “My love I must go quickly, he need’s blood. It’s a miracle his heart still beats.”

  “I’ll take you. Take my hand,” Dallah tells him, he looks at her gratefully, already seeing she is a powerful Witch.

  “Let me come, please?”

  I look to Parrise, he nods his head once, then to Dallah, she answers by putting her hand out to me. I take it quickly as does Parrise, with Angus in his arms.

  Chapter 20

  We are transported to Parrise’s home, in his bedroom. He sets Angus down on his bed gently, and runs so fast out of the room I only see the door fly open. He comes back only seconds later with bags of blood, like what you see at hospitals. He rips one open with his teeth and sits pouring bag after bag slowly down Angus’s throat, gentle not to choke him. Five bags he gets into Angus, while Dallah and I sit on the bed watching, waiting for something to happen, but nothing!

  “Little one, it’s almost sunrise, I have to rest, I cannot stop my body shutting down. Will you stay with him for me please? encase he does not make it. I don’t want him to be alone, he is extremely weak.”

  “Of course I will. I had no intentions of leaving. He will live Parrise I know he will.”

  He kisses my cheek walking to stand in front of Dallah, where she has her eyes transfixed on Angus by his bed side, She looks up to meet his gaze.

  “What is your name?” He asks her sweetly.

  “Dallah,” She replies a little wary of him.

  “Dallah, the Princess of Light Coven?”

  She nods her head once, head held high.

  “I will always treasure you as a friend Dallah, my life is yours. You are truly strong and powerful. Thank you Princess.”

  He lifts her hand placing a kiss on to it. Turning on his heel, he leaves us with Angus. The room has no windows on view, only a small lamp on by the side of the bed.

  “I need to go back and free the brothers’ Zara.”

  “Ok, you can tell them I won’t be back until Angus is well, it may sound harsh but they attacked them Dallah, for no reason. I begged them to stop. They wouldn’t they listen, they …”

  “Shh it’s ok, he is alive, he’s safe. I can see you care for him, and he you. I will tell the brothers’ to leave you be. I will come back tonight, Get some rest sweetie.”

  “What happened tonight Dallah before you came to me? Have you been hurt? was someone trying to hurt you? Was the man at the club Richard?”

  “I’m fine; you need not worry about me. It was Richard at the club, but he won’t be back.”

  “I will worry for you, I love you Dallah. I want to be here for you.”

  “I know you do, I can feel you do, but I’m fine. I have to go, I’ll see you soon.”

  Dallah disappears, leaving me alone with Angus.

  I get towels from the bathroom, putting one under the warm water from the tap; I take it to where Angus lies in bed and clean all the dried blood from his face. I need to take of his shirt and trousers as they are covered in blood, so I hunt around in Parrise bathroom in search of some scissors; I manage to find some in the bathroom cabinet. Carefully cutting his top and trousers of off his body I’m shocked when I see the damage.

  “Oh Angus!”

  He has bite marks covering his entire body, at least they are slowly healing, as the blood that Parrise put in him is taking effect in his body. When he is in just his underwear, I’m in and out of the bathroom cleaning his body with wet warm towels for hours, gently cleaning him until there is not a speck of blood in sight. I lay beside him on the bed, facing him I pick up his hand with both of mine and silently prey he will recover. I let my eyes close and I’m instantly surrounded in darkness.

  I awake, as I am lifted off the bed by the strong arms of Parrise. He takes me to the big throne like chair in the corner of his bedroom.

  “Thank you, little one I don’t know anyone that would do what you have for Angus.” He says as he looks over to Angus.

  Does he know that I somehow bought him back? How did he guess? He looks at my confused face and elaborates,

  “You cried for him, cleaned him, and lay with his hand in yours.”

  “You don’t need to thank me, you should hate me. The pack brothers’ did this to him, to you, because of me.”

  “They did, love, because they were worried for you. We all heard you begging them to stop. Don’t blame yourself for what happened to Angus.”

  I nod and rest my head on his chest, taking his hand in mine to comfort us both.

  “I’m sorry this happened, I thought I was going to lose you, I love you Parrise, so much.”

  “Little one, all is well now. Never worry for me love, I have been around nearly a thousand years, and triumphed in hundreds of battles. I love you Zara.”

  How could the pack brothers’ go so feral on Angus and Parrise. Why can’t they understand that I’m not in danger around them. I told them they were my friends; there was no need to fight!

  I don’t know what I’m going to say to them at the moment, my concentration will be fully on Angus, and to find out what Dallah is hiding from me.

  “When will he come around Parrise?”

  “I would say tomorrow night love. He should have died last night, I can’t get my head around it?”

  Shit don’t think, don’t think, don’t think, I repeat in my head and try to remove the image of the life being placed back into his departed body.

  “Dallah will be here soon.”

  “Your hiding something from me love, I don’t like it! I will not ask and I won’t look into your mind anymore, I promise. I understand you wish not to tell me. I will not pry.”

  “Thank you,” I tell him, but I don’t believe him! In addition, I’m sure he doesn’t believe himself by the way he is looking at me right now, with his head tilted to one side and his eyebrows pulled into a frown.

  I stay sitting on Parrise lap watching Angus, silently trying to figure out what to say to the pack brothers’. Parrise brings me food and drink, not that I could eat it.

  Dallah pops back into the room, looking down at Angus, then at Parrise and I.

  “How is he?” She asks with sympathy.

  “He should come around tomorrow evening, his body was completely shut down, his heart beat barely there. It’s unbelievable,” Parrise tells her, shaking his head to clear his thoughts.

  “I need to get more blood, I shall be back in an hour.”

  I ask what I have been too scared to speak of up until now,

  “Will you be looking for revenge?”

  “No love, I wish for no war with the Wolves, even after this.” He points to Angus.

  Oh thank God, I’m angry with the brothers’ but I do not want them hurt in any way.

  “That’s very honorable of you Parrise.” Dallah tells him.

  He kisses my forehead and bows his head to Dallah, and walk out of the room in search of blood. I sit on the bed where Angus rests, taking his cool hand in mine, feeling the need to be close to him.

  “Dallah, please tell me what going on with you?”

  “Not now. The pack brothers’ are in a state, Den hasn’t changed back from his Wolf form, He is lost Zara!”

  She keeps avoiding me with the issue. Why?

  “Why did they do it Dallah?”

  “I think they would like to tell you themselves sweetie.”

  “Where is Den?”


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