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Wanting him back

Page 20

by Mary Norton

  She starts walking from one side to the other.

  - Eduardo was lucky not to be bogged down with me. Because it would be good habit to celibacy at that time. - She kneels in front of me. - Oh, my sister, why do not you tell us before? It was with all this stored pain, spotting that her beautiful heart.

  I shrug.

  - I thought I could forget so start working. But it's not the same thing, it did not hurt as much as the first time. - Minto and clean a tear falling. - But ... We can not talk about it?

  My two brothers face each other and seem to let it go.

  - Okay, what you want to do so, little sister?

  I look Cass. And I hope she did not try to stop me. And by the way she stares at me, I know she'll try.

  - I would like to have my hair cut.


  It did not hurt as much as I thought it would be. I think it was more a relief than loss. My head is lighter and now it will be more practical. I like how they are arranged on my shoulders. I never thought that a radical change could help me improve my mood.

  - I never thought you'd be more cat, little sister. - Cass appears beside me and stares at me in the mirror. She holds part of my hair cut in your hands. - This will help you save more with shampoo.

  I smile at her and close my eyes when the guy starts splashing some product in my hair. I do not know what it is. I've never been in a room to do anything as radical as today. Maximum hydration.

  - This court gave you a bolder air. - Cass rests in the chair. - If you a nose ring, it will be a Geek and badass.

  - No piercing!

  Joaquim tells where it is. He is flipping through a magazine beards.

  - Do not try to ruin your beautiful face. - I mean getting up and taking my credit card. - No beard.

  My brothers accompany me while I make the payment. And now I remember why Hall was a semi thing in my life. Just one cut and brush already pay my phone bill.

  - Can we go home? I'm starving. - Joaquim says turning off the alarm of your car.

  We managed to bring everything with us. His Duarte did not leave anything behind when he helped me with the change. And our cars were the first to arrive here.

  - We can take Mom and Dad out to dinner. What do you think? - He asks when we entered the car. - Taking kitchen mother tonight.

  - I want to eat something greasy. Quite crisp and waltz dream of ice cream. - I say salivating just thinking about it.

  - I'm inside. - Cass practically screams. - But strawberry ice cream.

  - I think I'm adopted. - Joaquim groans from the driver's seat. - I do not know where you take so eager to end their bodies.

  My sister and I smiled when he leaves the car to our house.


  - I want to talk to you later.

  All it took was my mother say what my mood went into space in milliseconds. I was very wrong to think I could fool the woman who gave birth to me. Okay, I thought even that was working and could remain so until my heart was healed again.

  But I not delivered right away that there is something wrong. And I'm not faking my joy, I'm really happy with this family night. Looking like the end of the table, I see that mom and dad look like the first time you see it. And watching this, one of the cracked pieces of my chest fixes for a few moments.

  For sure they are carried out in life, having a family that is united. And the main, the two are together, I think that's the most important thing for them.

  - Grandpa, I want sobemesa! - Nicole says the desire of all.

  - And what my princess wants dessert? - Santa practically purrs to her your question.

  The old man is a total drooling when it comes to her granddaughter.

  - Ice cream!

  My old is quick to call the waiter, but to my despair, they do not have what I want. Mom smiles and grabs her purse. She comes to me.

  - You have an ice cream shop on the corner here that certainly has what you want.

  But what she meant: Come, now I will be able to talk with you alone. And woe to you if you do not tell me.

  And I, as a good and obedient daughter that I am, I will.

  Fix up the jacket on me. Since today the weather is cold. And so I think it will be all day. Campo Grande is an ice relative to Manaus.

  Everything is an ice relative to Manaus.

  With arms entwined together to my mother, going to the ice cream parlor. Yes, I am complaining about the cold, but I want to waltz dream of ice cream. So I have an average cup in my hands, Mom takes me out of the ice cream shop and makes me walk slowly beside her.

  - Your hair is beautiful as well, daughter.

  - Thanks! I think I needed a lock. Something that I represent the change had.

  - Now that you have what you want, you can go telling me what happened. - His voice is soft. - And try not curl up, girl.

  And I tell her. Mom knows me better than myself. I did tell while I ate one of the things I cherish. And I even realized her game.

  This Mamusca!

  - So you just decided to get your stuff and run here ?! - The way she says it seems that is a sin. - I'm disappointed, Juliane. - Said with hands on hips. - I did not create you to escape when in fact have to fight.

  Discount the bowl and turn to the woman I love most in this world.

  - Yes, I should have run. Yes, I should have fought and what else wants you to think. But I was tired, Mom. I am still tired of all this. And what is helping me, is the new work. And this focus that my life is taking. Then leave behind what disappointed me is to run away, then did so.

  Mom hears what I say and then hold me.

  - He hurt you much, does it?

  Wave so.

  - I'm not judging you, honey. God knows I was an idiot when it came to his father, but I still had a few things for you to solve before you go.

  - Why do you say that?

  It makes a poker face. And that only happens when she knows something.

  - Mom, why do you say that?

  She hugs me and walked back to where they are waiting for us.

  - Mother's Intuition. - She kisses my cheek. - That I have since Cass was conceived. And I learned to listen to it.

  - Mom, I do not like when is talking like this.

  She laughs and starts walking in front of me. And then I remember what my brother said today morning.

  "Mothers never make sense."

  So I stop in front of the restaurant where we were, my phone starts ringing.

  - Hey, gone!

  I say meeting my friend.

  - Juli, I do not know how to tell you. - Léo says too euphoric.

  I see my brothers going to the box and run to split the bill. The way we are going to have fight.

  - Hang in there, quick. - I ask him. - Divide the bill into three, please.

  - Seriously, Juli. - My sister takes your card and almost plays in the girl's face. - Any account that card.

  Joaquim pulls his card.

  - Boys! - Dad tries to scold, but does not quite right.

  - Seriously, guys, let's crack, so nobody dies. - I say supported on the counter. - Hang in there, Leo. - I say on the phone.

  - Of course! - I can hear his answer.

  All begin to greet him. Yelling, of course, and drawing attention to us. This is my family. After cracked under the bill, let's go to the daddy's Escalade. He has this car since found that would grandfather. And it comes very handy when we're all together.

  - So, friend, start from the beginning.

  Leo laughed and then dumps the news on me.

  - I'm the youngest manager of materials, Juli!

  - What? - Scream and everyone stops to look at me. - Excuse me. - I mean covering the phone. - You girls attack. - I return to my iPhone. - How did this happen?

  - Yeah, I know?! - I hear him opening the door of your apartment. - I did not even know that Katya was leaving. - He laughed out loud when he says it. - Juli, you missed the best scene that company has ever seen.

  Dad expec
ts me get in the car to be able to close the door. He points to the seat belt. Rolling my eyes, I place and get an earful for it.

  - Uiiii. What happened? Sorry, Dad pulled my ear for not wanting to use the belt.

  - The belt, Juli. Always use the belt. But back. Katya did not know she was being fired. She just got the news that he was leaving.


  - Details, Leonardo! Details.

  I hear him move something.

  - Well, Cristiane broke the news to her. I just had the good fortune to be in HR and see the small scandal that she gave.

  - Was expected. - I say dismissively.

  - But I have not told you the best.

  - What are you waiting for? - I try to keep it down in the car, but I just can not.

  - Augusto threatened to call security if she did not calm down.

  He had to ruin the moment.

  - You should be a nice friend and have filmed another's shame. - My sister laughs when I say this. - By Cass agrees with me.

  - I can try to get the images with the security people and say it's for you, surely I will get.

  - I lost it. But now it makes sense. - I think tall, or should.

  - What makes sense, Juli?

  Everyone in the car are quietly listening to me talk to my friend. And there is nothing to hide then.

  - Last week, your Duarte called me to talk about his performance as supervisor, thought it was just for a salary increase. And you know I keep everything, then asked him to look for the folder of the results of our last training leaders.

  I have no answer.

  - Léo? - I look at the phone and it is active. - Leo, you hear me?

  - Thanks, Juli! - Says down. - I got it thanks to you.

  - What? Of course not, silly. You got it alone. And I did not know what was going on. If you are on the run now, it's all your merit. And just reminding you, I'm not there to save your skin. More responsibility now, man!

  Leonardo laughed.

  - I'll talk to you later, go enjoy your family.

  I make a face.

  - I'm almost killing my brothers. Send a message when you get home.

  Mom holds my hand.

  - It's all right?

  - Yup! Leo earned a promotion. - Backboard my head on the bench. I, Cass and Mom are in the back seat, while Bianca and my niece are in the space environment, and Santa and Joaquin on a low conversation in front of the car. - That's good, because he's great at it. But it is also bad. - I look at Mom who does not understand what I say. - I'm not there to save his life.

  She just laughed. Dad parks the car in front of house and Joaquim asked to wait in the car.

  - What is wrong? - Mom is concerned.

  From where I am I can see a young boy on a bike. I think my brother wants to know if it is dangerous before we left the car.

  Santa comes to the car and takes her granddaughter.

  - It's just a delivery boy.

  - At nine o'clock? - Cass question closing the door. - He received much tip to expect this weather. Fifty tale?

  The boy laughs.

  - Something like that. - He looks at the paper. - Who is Juliane?

  - I! There is no message of death, right?

  He hands me the paper and goes to your bike which has a huge basket. From inside, it takes red roses. My sister takes my bag at the time.

  - I just need a picture of you with the flowers. - Says taking your phone.

  - We can do better. - My sister takes my iPhone and take the picture.

  I'm sure that I'm an idiot in it. It sends a message to the phone's face, that with the evidence that gave me the order wishes us good night and leaves.

  I pick up the card and see the message.

  Had suspiradoTinha kissed the paper devotamenteEra the first time I wrote you aquelassentimentalidadesE his pride swelled to the loving warmth saíadelasComo one ressequidoque body is stretched in a bath tépidoSentia an increase of esteem for herself! And it seemed to him that came in short an interesting existênciasuperiormente ... Where every hour had its diferenteCada order step led an ecstasy ... And the soul was covered with a bright luxurious sensations ...

  To try to have an optical angry, but I can not. In fact, I feel nothing but cold.

  - Lets go in? It's too cold and Ly can finish cooling.

  Dad agrees, but looks at me quizzically. With a look that give my mother, she understands my request and distracts Dad showing something she wants to pack on the porch. With roses in my hands, I go home. And my two brothers behind me.

  - Good night, aunties. - Nicole says. She's got her head on her mother's shoulder. Surely exhausted from our night.

  - Goodnight My Love. - I mean putting the roses on the small table.

  - Night, Princess. - Cass says already picking up the roses and the card to snoop.

  I take my shoes and lie on the couch. Joaquim raises my legs and sits, putting them on top of him. I hear a passionate sigh from my sister. She certainly delighted with the ticket.

  - He's good with words.

  Bufo with its sluggishness.

  - This is the back of the music of Marisa Monte. - I offer my iPhone to it. - It's in my playlist.

  She plays on the side of Joaquim.

  - Anyway, the person is romantic. And who is he?

  As if she did not know.

  - An idiot who're wasting time. And I'm going to sleep.

  They face each other, but decide not to say anything. Just as well, I do not want to have to deal with nosy my brothers. I not even bother to say good night to them. I set my phone to charge. Looking at my temporary bedroom, I decide that on the second day of the year, I'll make my move. I just need to get a truck.

  And cause my parents are not successful with it.

  After taking a bath and get ready for bed, I realize that I'm not sleepy. Chasing my new blue phone I got my brother, I go to the yard. The house is already in silence, everyone should be sleeping, or nearly so.

  With an old blanket around my body, I sit in the little rocking chair that Mom always finds a way to maintain, as Dad lives insisting she play out.

  How did he get my address? And still insist on it? It's my forgiveness that he wants? I have already given. By the time he left my apartment that day, I got a little his attitude. And he said goodbye that afternoon in his room.

  No sense getting insisting on an absolute pardon. Only if by magic I remember that one day he existed in my life.

  But as I know it will not happen, just I have the option of taking things easy and pleasant for me. As I left for him. It was not easy to look at it every day and pretend it did not hurt me.

  I'm not so made. I do not know to put a smile on your face and pretend that all is well. Even I tried. And it was a record for me all those times.

  But it was not long enough.

  A breeze comes with everything and squeeze the blanket on me.

  I give you my forgiveness, Augusto.


  The sun is very strong in my face. I picked up the pillow and put it over my face to get some more sleep. I will use the holiday status and stay here. Mom will not mind if I get up at five in the afternoon. I think she'll thank you for it, since according to it, I sleep only six hours. And that's not healthy.

  It's not the same, but when I'm suiting me, is the only way of doing things. And I'm not in any hurry to do anything today. But my phone seems to "think different".

  A liquidator in the message where is my new apartment, says my order arrived. But there's nothing to get to me. Everything is there. Groaning, shot the pillow from my face and open my eyes to see my sister standing in front of my bed.

  - This groan is very frustrated to orgasms, little sister. - She reaches out to me, and raise me. - Your new liquidator that by chance is a boring galoshes, already called twice behind you.

  - I just saw his message. I do not understand, I'm sure I brought it with me, what do you get there?

  - And I do I know? The apartment is yours
, Juli, it makes me difficult question before lunch, not rolls answers.

  Says and out of my room. I am left nothing but go there and solve it.

  After coffee - Because no coffee compares to my mother - picked up my car and go to the small community where I'll live. A man with a shaved head smiles when he sees me coming.

  - You must be Juliane, right? - Question when I approach.

  - Yes, it must be Lauro. - Squeeze his hand. - So, what came that neither knew it would come? I really have not forgotten anything or ask for anything.

  - Well, it is in your name. - He takes the paper and hands me. - I do not want to stay here at the risk of catching rain.

  I look at him without any shred of patience.

  - And you could not put in a deposit? And if I am traveling? I would leave this here?

  He seems embarrassed. Picking up the key in my purse, I go with the porter in the elevator, along with the order. I picked up the note and see what it is.

  Decoration shelf Yin Yang

  I've never seen this in my life. And according to the note, this is mine. Pego contact the store. And they serve quickly.

  - Hi, I'm calling to inquire about an order. - I ask for a minute for you to open the door of my apartment. - She's in my name and address, but I do not remember having asked for anything. Did you could me ...

  My phone falls with everything on the floor when I see what appears to be the room of my new apartment. It is fully organized.

  - Hi? - Eye for you at my side. - Can you tell me what does it mean?

  - Well, his brother came pack these days, he has the key to the apartment and is on the list of regular visitors.

  Sigh too frustrated. Even if it is neat the way I do, do not that's right. I grab my phone and hang up the call on the same coarseness. And I call my brother.

  - What the fuck you think you're doing, you idiot? Coming in my apartment without ...

  - What are you doing there? - He shouts back. - Shit, Juliane, was not to be there ...

  - And why not? This is my apartment, you moron, and I'll scold you until you have used all the names there, asshole.

  Joaquim laughs at the other end.

  - Oh, Juliane. I can not yell at you, periquita.

  I bite the inside of my cheek.


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