Book Read Free

Raising Landry

Page 7

by Andee Michelle

  When he pulls back slowly, he rests his forehead against mine. “Now, tell me that wasn’t perfect.” He smirks.

  “Perfect,” I whisper. I grab the back of his head and pull his lips back to mine, moaning when he gently pulls my body toward him. I flinch at the contact because my ribs are still sore. He pulls back quickly.

  “Shit, I’m so sorry. I got carried away,” he pants.

  “It’s okay. I’m fine. Just still sore obviously,” I say with a smile.

  Kyler takes a step back from me but never takes his eyes off mine. “Yeah, I think I need a cold shower.” He laughs while looking down at the obvious bulge in his jeans. He starts to walk away but only gets a few steps before he turns back to me. “Mark my words, Carson. One of these days, you will be mine,” he states with complete seriousness.

  I smile at him because I know he’s serious, and I hope he’s right. Someday.

  He heads off to the bathroom, while I start loading dishes into the dishwasher. I think we both need a minute to get ourselves in check. I want him so bad my heart is racing, and I’m sure my skin is flushed. I can totally see a future with him. I know that’s weird since we don’t know each other all that well, but I know I’ve never really felt this way about anyone before. Not even Chris. It’s electric when we are in the same room.

  “So, Carson, what are your plans for tomorrow, besides your friend’s Will reading?” he asks casually, scaring the shit out of me.

  “Holy hell! Don’t sneak up on a person like that. Give me a damn heart attack,” I say with humor. “Well, I need to go grocery shopping first. I need to call Jack at the Friedmont and talk to him about my last paycheck. I’m obviously not going back there, so I need him to mail me my check.” I grab a pen and note pad and sit back down at the table to make a list of the things I need to get done. “I need to pay bills, too. That should be fun.” I chuckle. I had called the debtors of the few bills I had and explained the situation. They had all given me a 30-day extension. My landlord had been wonderful and just said to get ahold of him when I got out of the hospital and we’d figure it out.

  “How about after you do the Will stuff, I take you to get groceries. No offense, but Pops doesn’t really look all that tough. If Jerrod should happen to be following you and sees you at the store by yourself…” He trails off and I can see the vein in his neck pulse again. That’s his giveaway on how mad he is. That vein is fierce. He doesn’t hide his emotions well. They are written all over his face…and neck.

  “Kyler, you can’t follow me around all the time. I’m sure you have a life. I’ll be fine. Believe it or not, I’m pretty tough. I’ve taken self-defense courses and kickboxing classes for many, many years and could probably kick your ass if need be,” I say with a smirk.

  “Well, bad-ass Carson, that may be so, but you don’t usually have a jacked-up shoulder, still-healing ribs, and been lying in bed for most of 4 weeks. You’re weak right now. It’s not a big deal for me to hang out with you,” he replies nonchalantly.

  “So, what, you don’t work? I thought you didn’t want me to judge you for what you do for a living,” I ask cautiously, now completely interested in what he actually does for a living.

  He chuckles and responds, “I work, Carson. I’m a business owner.”

  “Okay, now it’s time for the mystery crap to stop. What kind of business do you own?” I respond.

  He looks uncomfortable for a second, glancing around like he’s trying to decide what to say. “Well, I own a couple actually. So, in being a business owner and ‘the boss’ I get to set my own work schedule.” He once again skates around the actual question.

  “That didn’t answer my question, Kyler. What kind of businesses do you own? You seem to be avoiding answering,” I say a little more forcefully.

  “I’m not avoiding answering. I’m just trying to figure out the best way to explain.” He pans as he rubs his hand through his hair and grabs the back of his neck.

  “Spit it out. It can’t be that bad,” I tell him hesitantly. I’m beginning to fear his answer.

  He takes a deep breath and finally answers my question. “My full name is Kyler James Richards. I own Richards Marine Systems.” He looks at me, waiting for my response.

  “Okay. What does Richards Marine Systems do?” I question him.

  “Wait. You’ve never heard of it?” he asks with a smile.

  “Um, no. Should I have? My laptop is right over there, so I can Google you since I now know your full name, I guess.” I get up and head toward the table.

  “No, wait. Don’t do that,” he spits out quickly, darting to grab my laptop before I reach it. “I want you to know the real me, not the ‘Kyler Richards’ you’ll get from Google or any other website. They don’t always paint a flattering picture of me. I already told you I’ve dated but nothing serious. They’ve made me sound like a playboy with a different girl every night. I already told you that’s not the case.”

  “So, let’s hear it, Kyler. Tell me about you,” I say quietly.

  “Richards Marine Systems was started by my father, James Richards, when I was a baby. He died of a heart attack when I was in college and left it jointly to my mother and me. My mother refused to let me become the CEO until I finished college and once I did, she happily stepped away and signed it all over to me. She never wanted to be a corporate businesswoman but had thrown herself into the business after dad died. Mostly I think because she needed something to keep her busy and avoid her grief, but also so I could finish college and then come home to take over. Richards Marine Systems builds ships. Fishing vessels mostly.” He stops and takes a sip of the wine he poured during the beginning of this conversation. He looks at me for my reaction, but I don’t really know what to say. I know nothing about his company or boats.

  “So, why would that be so hard for you to tell me? I don’t understand, Kyler,” I say, confusion written all over my face.

  “RMS is a multimillion-dollar company, Carson, and its only part of what I do. I also own a chain of seafood markets in Washington and Oregon, and the fishing boats that do the fishing and crabbing,” Kyler responds.

  “Okay, so again, I don’t understand why you would be skeptical about telling me…” I don’t even get the last word out before it dawns on me that he didn’t want to tell me because he didn’t want me to only date him because of his money. I hold my hand up to stop him because I can tell he is about to start explaining his side.

  “I get it. Believe me, I totally get it.” I shake my head as I get up and head toward my room. I should just tell him about my family, but in that moment I realize that he saw me as a young college student, bartending to make ends meet, and didn’t want me to latch on to him because he’s wealthy. It pisses me off, but at the same time, I do understand.

  “Carson, wait. Don’t jump to conclusions,” he says, and I stop before I reach my bedroom door. “I don’t trust easily because of the power money can have over people. It was the reason I didn’t tell you who I was or what I did for a living in the beginning. I wanted you to get to know me before you knew I was wealthy,” he shyly replies.

  I take a few steps toward him and look him in the eye. “Kyler, I come from a very affluent southern family. I really do get it. I just never thought I’d have someone think of me as a person who would latch onto some rich guy for his money. If it makes you feel any better, I have a trust fund that would support me for the rest of my life that I haven’t touched since the day I left home.” I turn back around and start toward my bedroom. “I’m tired, Kyler. I think I’ll take a nap.”

  I finish walking to my room and shut the door behind me. Lying down on my bed, I close my eyes; realizing sleep is not going to happen. I understand why Kyler didn’t want me to know about his money. He is right. It’s hard to know when someone is with you for the right reasons when you come from money.

  I know in my heart Chris was with me because of my last name, my career path and his family. I don’t know if we ever really lov
ed each other or if it was the idea of loving each other that kept us together. It still hurts to think of all the time I wasted with him. Sometimes I wonder what happened to him and Jenna. I wonder if they are together, happily married with at least one child. It hurts to think about them, but I’m pretty sure it’s because I miss both their friendships. They were once my best friends. I think losing Lu made me realize that. I lie silently for what feels like minutes, but when I turn toward the clock I realize it’s been almost an hour since I retreated to hide.

  I can hear Kyler moving around in my apartment. I’m not sure what he’s doing, but I should go out and apologize to him. He’s right to want to protect himself. The pain of knowing someone is only with you for what you can do for them is horrible.

  I open the door to my room and walk out into the living room area. Kyler is sitting on my couch, his laptop on the coffee table, and he is typing away.

  “I’m sorry,” I apologize, causing him to jump. I giggle slightly that I scared him. “I, if anyone, understand what it’s like to worry that someone is only with you for what your name or money can do for them. I shouldn’t have been hurt by you not telling me. It just hits a little closer to home than I’ve had to think about in a long time.” I take a deep breath and continue. “I found out on my wedding day that my fiancé had been sleeping with my cousin, who was also my best friend, and she was pregnant with his child. My parents knew and chose not to tell me for fear that it would cause a commotion in their perfect little clique of upper-crust friends. That was more important to them than me marrying someone who was already unfaithful and not in love with me to begin with.”

  I can feel my throat closing, and I don’t know how much more I can say before I break down. “I left my wedding after confronting them all in the parking lot, packed my bags and left. I haven’t seen or spoken to any of them since,” I conclude as the tears start to fall. I turn to walk back to my room and feel his hand on my arm. I stop and turn halfway toward him, unable to look him in the eye.

  “Carson, look at me,” he commands forcefully. I turn my eyes toward his and when they meet, I don’t see pity like I expect. I see understanding and warmth. He grabs my hand and holds on to it.

  “Whoever this guy was that you were going to marry is an idiot. You are beautiful, smart, and driven. In just the small amount of time we’ve had over the past couple of months, I could already see all those things about you. I’m sorry your parents are so self-absorbed that they put their own needs before yours. Sounds like you are better off without that in your life.” I take a deep breath as I listen to him continue. “You do know this is their doing, and not your fault. Right?” he asks.

  “Look, Kyler. I appreciate what you’re trying to do. Really. But I know in my heart that the outcome of that day, no matter how upsetting at the time, was what was best for me. If I hadn’t found out about his cheating, I’d have married a man who was screwing my cousin-slash-best friend and having a baby with her. If I hadn’t found out my parents knew and were keeping it from me, I’d probably still be living there, being a puppet to my mother’s wishes. I know that part wasn’t my fault. It doesn’t make it hurt any less.” I take a deep breath to continue but he shakes his head to stop me.

  “I know we don’t know each other very well, but I can tell you have a heart of gold yet are tough as nails. I saw the way you handled the guys at the bar the night I saw you working.” He moves closer to me and puts his hands on my hips. “I’ve heard the passion and drive in your voice when we’ve spoken on the phone about your love of cooking and your desire to open your own restaurant. I know you better than you think I do. You’re strong, Carson.”

  I pull my hand out of his and reach up to touch his cheek. “Thank you for saying that,” I whisper. He grabs the hand at his face again and kisses my palm.

  “You don’t have to thank me. I’m just stating the truth,” he says with a smile. “Come on. It’s getting late and you need to rest.” He quickly grabs my hand and leads me toward my room. “Get your pjs on and I’ll get the medicine you need to take before bed,” he states as he lets go of my hand and heads toward the kitchen.

  I pull on a pair of shorts and am trying to get the damn tank top on but my shoulder is killing me. I stupidly put my good arm in first and I should’ve started with the bad one. Now I can’t lift it enough to get my arm through. I hear what almost sounds like a growl and turn quickly to see Kyler standing in the doorway with his mouth open, medicine in one hand and glass of water in the other. I realize in that instant that I’m standing in front of him with my boobs pretty much hanging out because I can’t get the tank top on. I grunt in pain and turn away from him quickly. I stand stock-still for a second; trying to decide how to handle the fact that he just saw my boobs. I feel a hand grab my tank top and stretch it down far enough that I can get my other arm through, and then he slowly slides the tank top down my stomach. I feel his breath on my neck and hear him take in a deep breath like he’s smelling my hair.

  “I’m sorry,” he spits out quickly, sounding out of breath. “I didn’t realize you were still changing. I should’ve knocked before coming in.”

  “It’s okay, you didn’t know. Thanks for helping me get that situation worked out.” I half-giggle. He chuckles behind me and I relax, thankful that it no longer feels awkward.

  He turns to leave but stops at the door, looking back over his shoulder as I’m climbing into bed. “Your pills are on your nightstand. Don’t forget to take them or you probably won’t get any sleep.” He turns to go again.

  “Kyler!” I shout a little too loudly. He stops and turns to me. “Thank you for everything. I know you don’t have to be here, so thank you for helping me,” I say quietly.

  He stands still for a second too long and I think he’s going to respond. Instead, he just nods and leaves quickly, shutting the door behind him.

  I lie in bed for a while thinking about what I’m going to do next. Tomorrow, I’ll find out what is going to happen with Landry. After I know for sure, I’ll need to start making decisions on what to do about either getting a new job, or just waiting until I can get the land to start my restaurant. I need to get back in touch with my realtor and find out if that property I was supposed to go see the day after the accident is still available. For some reason, that property and how excited Lu and I were to go see it makes it feel like the right property for me.

  I’m finally drifting off to sleep when I hear my bedroom door open. I open one eye because that’s all I can muster and he chuckles when he sees me peeking.

  “I just wanted to check on you. Goodnight, beautiful.” He walks to the edge of my bed, leans down and kisses my forehead. I close my eyes.

  I’m startled awake and my immediate reaction is confusion. I look around the room and it takes me a second to remember I’m home in my own bed finally. I hear Kyler's voice coming from my living room and start to sit up when there’s a knock on my bedroom door. I pull the blankets up over my chest and yell, “Come in.”

  The door opens slowly and Kyler pokes his head in as I start to yawn. “Morning, sleepy head.” He chuckles. “You need to get up and get ready, babe. The appointment with the attorney is today,” he reminds me somberly. It doesn’t escape my notice that he called me ‘babe’. I think I like that. A lot. “Your friend’s dad called your phone. Sorry, I figured it was important so I answered it. He said he’d be here in about 30 minutes.” I start to get out of bed but stop, remembering I’m in a tiny tank top and short-shorts. He sees that I’m uncomfortable and smiles.

  “I went and got coffee and muffins this morning while you were still asleep. Get ready and then I’ll feed you,” he says as he closes the door.

  Moving as quickly as my sore body will allow, I get up and attempt to get in the shower. I realize only seconds after turning the water on that I need help getting my shirt off. I open the bathroom door and stick my head out, yelling Kyler’s name. He comes down the hall toward the bathroom door with a confused look
on his face.

  “I’m sorry, but can you help me get this tank top off. I’ll turn around so we don’t have a repeat of the boob-flashing incident,” I say, giggling. His face is serious and makes me nervous. “It’s okay if you don’t want to. I’m sure I can manage,” I hedge quietly as I start to shut the door. He puts his hand out to stop it and pushes the door back open. I turn my back to him and he reaches for the bottom of my tank top, lifting it up to my shoulders so I can pull my good arm out. He stretches the tank over my bad shoulder and down so I can slide my arm out. He drops the tank to the floor and I can feel his body directly behind me.

  “Carson, you are so beautiful,” he whispers against my neck as he puts his hands on my hips. A wave of need rushes through me and I turn toward him, looking him directly in the eye. He looks at my eyes for a second, almost pleadingly, and then drops his eyes to my chest. His pupils are dilated and he takes a deep breath before returning his eyes to mine. “Carson.”

  He exhales as he pushes his body against mine, placing his hands on my lower back. I look up and am lost the instant his lips touch mine. He runs one hand across my cheek and then pushes his hand through to the back of my hair, pulling my lips harder into his. His other hand comes up and caresses my breast, pinching just enough to make me gasp but not enough to hurt. He takes advantage of my open mouth, running his tongue along my bottom lip. All too soon, his hand drops from my breast, and his lips pull back from mine. He presses his forehead against mine, closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. I don’t know that I’ll ever get use to this man’s ability to take my breath away. I swear it’s like his mouth was molded to be a perfect fit for mine.

  “As much as I wish we could make this last a little longer, he will be here in 20 minutes. You need to get ready,” he says while adjusting the front of his pants. I smile and roll my eyes.

  “You’re right. I’ll just jump in the shower and be out in a second,” I respond quickly, realizing I need to hurry. I drop my shorts and start to step into the shower when I hear Kyler mumble something. I turn and see him staring at my ass. I wink at him and shut the shower curtain.


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