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Rules of Love

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by Shelia M. Goss

  What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas…unless it goes viral.

  Men in Hollywood, Book 1

  Jason Lewis lives by one cardinal rule: never mix alcohol with business negotiations. But when he sets out to woo award-winning screenwriter Amber Simone to renew her contract with the management firm he represents, a glass or three is the only way to take the edge off their instant sexual tension.

  Outgoing, flamboyant Jason is so not Amber’s type, but she can’t deny she enjoys his company, especially after the wine brings her out of her shell. Things get a little fuzzy after that, but she never expected to wake up beside him the next morning hungover, naked—and married.

  A quick, quiet annulment is the next order of business. Until Tinseltown catches wind of their nuptials, putting them both in Amber’s least favorite place: the spotlight. They agree to wait for the glare to fade before seeking a divorce. But one thing that hasn’t faded are those darned sparks, and they’re starting to look a lot like love…

  Warning: This book is hot. Smoldering glances, smokin’ love scenes, flaring tempers, burning rubber outta town, and steamy makeup sex on a tropical island could cause flushed skin and rapid breathing. Don’t call 9-1-1.

  Rule of Love

  Shelia M. Goss


  No one said this journey called life would always be easy. I thank God for His grace and mercy. Without it, I don’t know where I would be.

  This book was probably one of the hardest to write. Not because of the subject matter but because of so many things going on in my personal life.

  I finally had to block those things out in order to get Jason and Amber’s story out of my head and into the real world.

  I would like to thank all of the readers who have shown me support over the years. Your messages have helped get me through some difficult times.

  I dedicate this book to my family and friends. A special shout out to my parents Lloyd (1947–1996) and Exie and my two brothers, Jerry and John.

  When I say I have the best editor (Latoya Smith), believe it. With me missing deadlines, I made it so much harder for her to do her job. I thank her for her patience and understanding.

  I want to thank my street team for helping me spread the word about the Women in Hollywood series and now the Men in Hollywood.

  There are so many people I could name, but there’s not enough room in print, so please fill in your name here: ____________.

  I appreciate your support over the years.

  Shelia M. Goss

  Chapter One

  “She’s so cute in her glasses,” thirty-one-year-old Jason Lewis said to his business partner Charlotte Maxwell as they both stared at the computer screen.

  “Jason, does it matter? You aren’t trying to date her, are you?”

  “No. Just making an observation. Besides. You know one of my rules is to never date a client. Not to mention my number one rule—never fall in love.”

  “Love? Who said anything about love?” Charlotte teased.

  “I’m j-just making things clear,” Jason stuttered.

  Charlotte cleared her throat. “Things are becoming real clear.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Jason leaned back and asked.

  “Oh, nothing.” Charlotte smiled.

  “Well, back to what I was saying. I think there will be no problems getting Amber to renew her contract with us,” Jason smugly said.

  “That’s good to hear. I’ve been ironing out details on the proposal for her dad,” Charlotte said.

  “As one of Hollywood’s top actors, having her dad as one of our clients would be great for us,” Jason noted.

  “Exactly. To get Max Simone to sign with us will not only increase our revenue but also garner us more business. Our dream of opening up a New York office is right around the corner,” Charlotte stated.

  Charlotte’s cell phone rang. She glanced at it. “This is Sean. I’m running late to my doctor’s appointment.”

  Charlotte was married to R & B superstar Sean Maxwell. They’d been married for two years and were expecting their first child.

  Jason looked at Charlotte’s protruding belly. “Well, what are you waiting for? Baby J—because I know you are naming your firstborn after me—requires your attention. I can handle everything here at the office.”

  Charlotte rubbed her pregnant stomach. “With me being eight months, the doctor has increased my office visits. I’m counting on you, Jason, to handle things here for me.”

  “I got this. Now, get out of here before your husband starts calling my number, wondering why you’re still here and not on the way to the doctor’s.”

  As Charlotte left the room, Jason returned his gaze to the picture staring at him on his computer screen. For some reason he could not take his eyes off the award-winning screenwriter Amber Simone. She was not the model type, but something about her beauty was striking. Her oval-shaped face was makeup-free and her cocoa-brown skin was flawless. Her slanted hazel eyes were mesmerizing even when she was wearing her glasses. Jason found himself licking his lips as he imagined kissing her luscious lips.

  He quickly stopped when he realized what he was doing. He needed to get a better grip on his emotions. He tried to keep his distance from Amber, but it didn’t matter. She was never far from his thoughts.

  The last woman he had been in love with broke his heart. She left him to be with someone richer. Up until now, Jason had done a good job at not becoming emotionally attached to any woman.

  His heart couldn’t stand another heartbreak, and yet there was something about Amber that broke through the barriers he’d built up over the years. Nevertheless, he had to stay focused. Business always came first.

  * * * * *

  Amber tapped feverishly away on the keyboard as she worked on her next masterpiece. This time, instead of a screenplay, she was working on a novel. She had achieved moderate success as a screenwriter. She’d received several Image Awards and a few Emmys, but she had always wanted to try her hand as an author.

  She decided to write under a pen name just in case the book was not successful. After her last manager died, she had been in desperate need of representation. She found handling the business side was not for her. She hated having to be the mean one in negotiating deals, but she wasn’t about to be screwed over either.

  Amber lived in a loft near the beach in Malibu. Her neighbors rarely intruded on her privacy. Although she had a few friends, she enjoyed her solitude. She occasionally ventured to her father’s house. He was a top-billed actor who was in constant demand. Unlike her father and her mother, who was a former model, Amber did not enjoy the spotlight. Being a child star on a network hit show back in the nineties, and constantly bombarded by the paparazzi and fans, had left little room for privacy. She preferred to be behind the scenes. She discovered her love for writing at an early age, and after the TV series she was on ended, she graduated from USC with a master’s degree in screenwriting. One of her scripts won an award, and from that moment on, she’d been able to build a career as a screenwriter.

  The doorbell rang, breaking her concentration from her novel. She wasn’t expecting company, so she looked out the peephole before acknowledging the person on the other end. A smile filled her face when she recognized her visitor.

  She opened the door and was greeted with a big hug and kiss on the cheek.

  “Dad, what are you doing here?”

  “Since my baby girl wouldn’t come see me, I decided to come see her.”

  “Dad, I’ve been busy.”

  After hugging her, Amber’s dad looked around the living room.
His eyes keyed in on her laptop that was open and on the couch.

  “You’re too young to be a hermit. You need to live a little.”

  Amber twirled. “Look around. I have lived.” Some of her awards were displayed on the mantel. “I have traveled all over the world. I have worked with some of the most interesting people, and I have Max Simone as my dad. Do you know how many girls wish you were their father?”

  Max laughed out loud. “You are lucky in that department, but I want you to experience more to life. Come, have a seat.”

  Max led Amber to the sofa. She moved her laptop and placed it on top of the coffee table.

  “I want you to have the type of life that your mom and I have.”

  “Not everyone can be Jackie and Max, Dad.”

  “You know what I’m saying. I want you to experience true love. But if you’re holed up in here all of the time, then you will never meet anyone.” Max looked sad.

  “I’ve experienced my own share of heartbreak.”

  Max placed his hand over hers. “Don’t ruin your chances of living, baby. All men aren’t like your exes.”

  “Easy for you to say. I thought several of the people I met liked me for me, but they were only trying to cozy up to me to get close to you, hoping you would help them with their careers. I would rather be by myself than deal with that kind of pain again.”

  “The right man will see the wonderful woman that I see. I’m proud to call you my daughter.”

  Amber blushed. “You’re my dad. You’re supposed to say that.”

  They both laughed.

  “I can’t say the same about your knucklehead brother. He has the potential to be something great, but instead he’s too busy partying and being the subject of TMZ because of his crazy antics.”

  Amber reached over and kissed her dad on the cheek. “Well, you know you don’t have to worry about me and the press. I like keeping a low profile.”

  “I almost forgot what I came over here for.” Max reached into his pocket and pulled out an envelope. “These are for you.”

  Amber opened up the envelope. Staring at her were two tickets to Las Vegas. “What am I supposed to do with these? And the date on the ticket says tomorrow.”

  “Which is just enough time for you to pack you something for the weekend and invite a friend.”

  “All of my friends are married now. Or have you forgotten?” Amber asked.

  Before he could respond, Amber’s phone rang. She didn’t budge.

  “Aren’t you going to get it?” he asked.

  “No. It’s probably some telemarketer.”

  Max leaned forward and picked the phone up off the table. “Hello.” He looked at Amber as he talked. “Jason, this is Max. How have you been?” There was a slight pause. “I have a proposition for you. Amber’s going to Las Vegas this weekend and just so happens to have an extra ticket. You can discuss your plans for her on the trip. I will have the details emailed to you.”

  “Why are you inviting my manager to Vegas with me? I hadn’t even confirmed with you that I was going myself?” Amber blurted out as soon as Max hung up the phone.

  “Jason wants to discuss plans for your career. You did say you wanted to go in a new direction, didn’t you?”

  “I could have discussed my plans with him when I got back.”

  “Live a little. I like Jason. He’s a nice, fun guy. I’m sure you’ll enjoy yourself.”

  “But Dad. He’s a virtual stranger.”

  “No, he’s not. You’ve been dealing with him for six months. I’ve known of him and his business partner, Charlotte, much longer than that. Now enjoy. There are two rooms in the suite, so you’ll be all right.”

  Max stood, gave Amber a tight hug, and headed toward the front door. “Call me when you get back.”

  “Dad, I’m going to kill you.”

  “You’ll thank me later. Love you.”

  Without another word, Max was gone, leaving Amber alone to figure out how she had been suckered into going to Las Vegas with the one man who made her heart skip a beat. Being around Jason always made her nervous. An electric current passed through her body whenever they shook hands. Her body went into overdrive whenever he was near.

  Good grief. What had her father gotten her into?

  Chapter Two

  Jason could not stop smiling after getting a personal invitation from Max Simone himself. Grant it, it wasn’t to spend time with him, but his daughter. A man trusting him around his daughter had to mean something. Jason felt comfortable sharing with Charlotte that it would only be a matter of time before they signed Max to their agency.

  Since he was invited to go on the trip, it would be the perfect time to get Amber to renew her contract with their management firm. But as much as Jason didn’t want to admit it, business wasn’t the only reason why he accepted Max’s invitation to take the trip to Las Vegas. This would be the perfect opportunity to have some alone time with Amber—a woman he’d secretly admired for months now.

  Jason packed a few items in his overnight bag and headed to the airport. He parked in the weekend parking garage and made his way toward his gate. Due to the busy Los Angeles traffic, he had barely made it in time for his flight.

  Most of the passengers were already onboard when he arrived. He checked in and walked briskly to the airplane door.

  It didn’t take him long to discover where his seat was located. The quiet beauty sitting in first class stared out the window as Jason made it to his seat.

  Jason put his overnight bag in the open compartment above the seats. He sat down. “Hi, Amber.”

  Amber’s mouth turned in a half smile as she looked over at him. “I want you to know that you coming here wasn’t my idea. Sometimes my father can do some crazy stuff.”

  “I don’t mind. I’ve been working so hard that this weekend getaway is just what I needed.”

  “I would rather be at home writing.”

  “Come on, you got to live a little.”

  “Writing is exciting to me,” Amber responded.

  A voice came over the intercom. “Ladies and gentleman, we are preparing to take off. Please fasten your seatbelts and make sure your seat is in an upright position.”

  A flight attendant walked down the aisle and surveyed their area.

  Amber went back to looking out the window. Jason pulled out his cell phone.

  “Sir, we will have to ask you to refrain from using your cell phone until we’re safely in the air.”

  “Sorry,” Jason said. He placed the phone back in his jacket pocket.

  “I bet you can’t go a day without your cell phone,” Amber said, without looking his way.

  “I could. However, in my line of business, there’s always something going on, so I like to make sure I stay on top of things. I have people who depend on me.”

  Amber looked at Jason and smiled, displaying two cute dimples that Jason hadn’t noticed before.

  Amber removed a paperback book from her handbag.

  “What are you reading?” Jason asked.

  “It’s a historical romance novel by Piper Huguley,” she responded while opening up the book. Amber gave him a brief overview of the book.

  “It sounds interesting. It would make a great movie.”

  “I’m hoping to convince my dad’s production company to make the author an offer and bring me in as the writer. I can already visualize bringing the characters to film.”

  Jason watched as Amber’s eyes lit up when she discussed her plans for a movie adaption of the book.

  “As soon as I’m able to log on to my phone, I’m downloading a copy of the book. You’ve convinced me to read it.” Jason smiled.

  Amber closed her book. “Are you doing this just to impress me?”

  “No. I am really interested in reading it.”

��What’s the name of the last book you read in its entirety?” Amber tilted her head. She brushed back the hair that fell into her face with a quick swish of her hand.

  “I love thrillers. Books by Michael Connelly or James Patterson for example. The last book I read was a few weeks ago, and it was Cross Justice by Patterson.”

  They spent most of the flight discussing books. He downloaded a copy of the book Amber was reading so that he could discuss it with her later. Before long, they were landing in Las Vegas. Neither had done what they’d set out to do. He hadn’t spent the entire time on his phone working, and she hadn’t read her book.

  “Let me help you with that,” Jason said as they were getting their luggage from the overhead bin.

  “I got it,” she responded.

  “I can help.”

  “It has these handy little things called wheels.” She winked and walked off the plane.

  He quickly exited behind her. “Wait. We’re going to the same place, so we might as well ride to the hotel together.”

  When they reached the lower deck, a man in a suit stood holding a sign with Amber’s name on it.

  “Leave it to my dad to make sure we were picked up in style.”

  “I admire his taste,” Jason responded.

  “I’m sure you do. Come on. Let’s not keep the driver waiting.”

  Jason watched Amber greet the driver. Had he seen her hips twisting, or had that been his imagination?

  Amber was the quiet type, but Jason could sense there was a lioness hidden beneath that quiet demeanor of hers. Since they would be spending the entire weekend together, he would make it his mission to find out what was behind those beautiful hazel eyes.

  * * * * *

  Amber unpacked the few items she’d brought. She thought about her guest, who was in the other room. She’d been Team Jason since he captured her attention six months ago. She’d pretended not to notice his appeal, but who could ignore the confident and sexy man with dreamy green eyes? He was immaculately dressed with not a strand of his brunet, closely cropped hair out of place. The slight beard made him look even sexier. If she closed her eyes, she could envision him as the lead in one of the romantic stories that she’d read. A man like Jason was dangerously sexy. A quality she found quite attractive.


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