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Rules of Love

Page 2

by Shelia M. Goss

  She knew his mission was to convince her to sign with their agency. She’d made her decision before getting on the flight that she would. She wanted to take her father’s advice and live a little, so she didn’t back out of the Las Vegas trip as she’d originally planned. She wouldn’t let Jason know her decision until the end of the weekend. She wanted to see how far he would go to convince her.

  Amber’s smile turned to a frown. She realized she hadn’t packed anything that a man like Jason would find alluring on a woman. She knew his type. They usually went for the model type or the “fun girl”. Amber was more on the quiet side, more subdued.

  Amber sneaked out of the suite and went down to the hotel lobby. The grand hotel had several boutiques. One boutique caught her attention. She usually stuck to wearing black and brown, but the flaming red wrap dress caught her attention. Before long, she’d purchased it, along with a pair of heels and matching accessories.

  Satisfied with her purchases, Amber headed back to the hotel suite.

  She fumbled with her room key card. To her satisfaction, Jason wasn’t in the living room area. She heard his voice coming from his room. It sounded like he was on the phone. She eased past his door and placed the clothes on her bed.

  She noticed a note on the pillow. She picked it up and read it aloud. “Let’s do dinner tonight. My treat. Let me know.” It was signed Jason.

  Amber knocked on Jason’s door. He opened the door, motioned with his hands that he was on the phone.

  She held the note up in the air. She mouthed her response. “I’ll be ready at eight.”

  He gave her the thumbs-up signal and went back to handling business on the phone.

  She left his room and closed the door behind her. It was a little after seven, which didn’t give her much time to get ready for dinner. Tonight, she was about to throw caution to the wind and just have some fun.

  Chapter Three

  Jason ended the conference call with Charlotte and their staff. Now he could concentrate on Amber. Charlotte informed him that she’d scheduled a lunch meeting with her father Max next week. It was now up to Jason to re-sign Amber.

  Jason took a quick shower and got dressed for their dinner date. Since this was Vegas, he would suggest they hit a few of the casinos as well.

  Even with him having to rush, Jason beat Amber getting dressed. He watched the sports station in the living room area of the suite while waiting on her.

  “I’m ready,” he heard Amber’s sultry voice say.

  He turned the television off and stood. His mouth dropped open. His eyes were not prepared to see what they were now looking at. Gone were the glasses. He could see her hazel eyes twinkling. The ponytail she normally wore was now loose and displaying shoulder-length, jet-black hair. The lip gloss that greeted him earlier was replaced by a ruby-red lipstick that made her lips fuller and even more alluring.

  The slacks and blouse she had worn earlier had done a good job camouflaging her body. The flaming-red wrap dress she wore clung to and accented every curve. Jason felt himself drooling and needed to snap out of it before Amber thought he was a pervert.

  “What’s wrong?” Amber asked as she moved closer to him.

  Jason stuttered. “I wasn’t expecting this. You look great.”

  “Wow. You sound like I was looking tore up before.” She laughed.

  “Oh, no. I didn’t mean that,” Jason stammered. Jason never stammered. Amber, for some reason, was making him nervous.

  “Anyway. It was your idea that we go out for dinner. So let’s go. I’m starving.”

  Jason watched Amber twist toward the door. She stopped, threw her hair over her shoulder, and looked back at him before opening the door.

  Jason sighed with excitement before running out behind her.

  Silence seemed to be a breach between them as they rode down on the elevator. The floral fragrance Amber wore filled Jason’s nostrils. Is it an aphrodisiac? Jason thought, because his mind drifted from Amber being a client to her being naked in his bed.

  The elevator door opened on the first floor. Sounds of the machines, music, and people talking filled the air. “The restaurant I want to take you to is in another location. I’ve hired a driver to take us there,” Jason informed Amber as he walked her out of the casino.

  Jason removed his cell phone from his pocket and made a phone call. “This is Jason Lewis, and I’m standing outside with my date. You were supposed to have a car waiting for us.”

  Jason listened to the person on the other end. “I’m wearing a black pinstriped suit and my date is wearing a red dress. We’re outside now. Oh, I see someone waving in my direction now. Thanks.”

  Jason turned and faced Amber. “There’s our driver.”

  Amber followed Jason to the waiting limousine.

  A man in a black tuxedo-style uniform approached them. “Mr. Lewis, I’m Elliot. I’m sorry I wasn’t right up front. The line, as you can tell, is long here.”

  “No problem. I’m just glad you’re here, Elliot.”

  “I will be your driver for the duration of your weekend.” Elliot retrieved a business card from his coat pocket and handed it to Jason. “This has my cell number on it so you can reach me at any time.”

  “Thanks,” Jason responded.

  Elliot held the back door of the limousine open. Amber got in first, with Jason getting in right behind her.

  “Elliot, we have an eight-thirty reservation, so if you can take the quickest route, I will appreciate it.”

  “Yes, sir,” Elliot responded before closing the back door.

  Jason watched Amber out of the corner of his eye as the driver drove them toward their destination.

  She kept her eyes focused on the window. She was probably soaking in the beauty of the Las Vegas lights on this mild spring night. The cars on the Las Vegas strip were bumper to bumper. Horns could be heard near and far as they rode to the opposite end of the Las Vegas strip to their destination.

  Elliot stopped the car in front of the five-star restaurant and opened the door.

  “I heard this was the best Italian restaurant in Vegas, so I hope it doesn’t disappoint,” Jason said as they approached the walkway to the restaurant.

  “I love Italian,” Amber responded.

  I know, Jason thought. She’d mentioned it in one of the previous conversations they’d had.

  A maître d’ greeted them when they entered. He addressed Jason. “Your name, sir.”

  “It’s Jason Lewis. We had an eight-thirty reservation.”

  The maître d’ glanced at his appointment book. “Mr. Lewis, I’m Charles. I have you down for eight thirty. Your table is ready. Good thing you made your reservation early, because we are completely booked.”

  “I heard you were the best in the area, so I thank you for fitting me in, since we’re only here for two days.”

  “I’m glad we could accommodate. Deanna will be your server tonight. If you have any issues, please don’t hesitate to let me know.”

  “I’m sure things will be fine,” Jason responded.

  Deanna led them through the crowded, yet spacious restaurant.

  Jason held Amber’s seat. She sat down and then he sat in the chair across from her.

  Deanna, their waitress, asked, “Would you like some champagne or wine while I give you a chance to look over the menu?”

  Jason looked at Amber. Amber said, “I don’t drink much, but I’ll have whatever he’s having.”

  Jason glanced at the menu. “How about a bottle of your red wine Chateau Montelena?” Jason asked.

  “Good choice. I’ll be back shortly.”

  “So, what do you think so far?” Jason asked after the waitress walked away.

  Amber remained looking at the menu. “So many great choices. I’m not sure of what I want yet.”

  “They do ha
ve a sampler, so try some of everything.”

  “That is an option,” Amber responded.

  “And besides, remember, dinner’s on me, so you might as well take advantage of my generosity,” Jason teased.

  “You’re right. So in that case, I want a little bit of this…a little bit of that.” Amber laughed.

  “I’m glad to see you have a sense of humor—at my expense.” Jason laughed right along with her.

  The waitress returned with their wine. She poured two glasses and handed them each one.

  “Are you ready to order?” the waitress asked.

  They gave the waitress their dinner orders.

  In Jason’s opinion, Amber was being too quiet. He had to figure out a way to get her to talk. He hoped the wine would help loosen her up.

  “I would like to make a toast,” Jason said.

  They held their glasses up in the air.

  “To my beautiful and talented dinner companion.” Jason’s smile widened.

  Amber blushed as they tapped their glasses.

  Chapter Four

  Amber took a sip of the wine and enjoyed it. She normally preferred a daiquiri to wine, but this was good as well.

  “This is good.” Amber noted the sweet taste of the red wine.

  “I’m glad you like it.”

  “I’m not really a wine drinker, because a lot of the wine I’ve tasted has a bitter taste and I like sweet stuff.”

  “So you’re more of the daiquiri type?” Jason asked.

  “You can say that.”

  Being around Jason always made Amber nervous. She was quiet because there were a million and one things going around in her head and none of them had to do with business.

  She couldn’t stop thinking about the way he had looked at her back in their hotel suite. She smiled remembering his surprised look at her appearance. She’d gotten the reaction she wanted.

  Amber glanced at him across the table. His eyes showed desire. Or was it the wine speaking? It couldn’t be, because she’d only had a few sips. He licked his lips. She licked her lips. She cleared her throat, picked up her glass, and downed the wine.

  “Would you like some more?” he asked.

  “Sure,” she responded. She held her glass as he filled it up.

  She noticed several of the waitresses passing by and looking at Jason. He seemed oblivious to their actions.

  “Looks like you have some admirers,” Amber said.

  “Really. Who? I am a single man in search of a good woman.” A sly grin crossed his face.

  “But are you a good man?” Amber responded.

  “What makes a good man in your opinion?”

  “What makes a good woman?”

  “I asked you first,” Jason said.

  Amber took another sip of her wine and then placed the glass down in front of her. “Fine, I’ll go first. A good man is one who, number one, respects women. He knows all women aren’t the same, so he takes the time to get to know his woman. He knows how to cater to her needs in every way, and I’m not just talking about financially or physically, either. He should be a man of integrity. His woman should be able to trust him. She should be able to bare her soul to him and feel safe in his presence.”

  “So, have you ever run across this type of man before?” Jason asked.

  “I’m sure they’re out there,” Amber quickly responded.

  “One could be staring right at you.”

  “Really. Where is he?” Amber looked around the room.

  Jason frowned. “You’re looking at him.”

  Amber laughed. “Yeah, right. So, what do you consider to be a good woman?”

  Jason stared at Amber, and, with a serious look on his face, he said, “All you have to do is look at the woman in the mirror and you will have my answer.”

  Caught off guard by his response, she took another big gulp of her drink. Her wineglass was again empty. She chuckled. “Come on, Jason. I’m serious. I answered your question. Now it’s your turn.”

  “You don’t see me laughing. I’m serious. Amber, you’re my idea of a good woman.”

  Not even the drink could hide Amber’s insecurities. Amber looked away.

  Anthony, one of her ex-boyfriends, had told her she wasn’t a good woman and her only appeal was her famous-actor father.

  “I’ll tell you my definition of a good woman, and if you do not have those qualities, then I will retract my statement.”

  “That’s fair enough.”

  Before Jason could respond, the waitress came with their plates.

  “Is there anything else I can bring you?” the waitress asked.

  “No, that will be all for now,” Jason replied.

  Amber placed the napkin over her lap. “Don’t think you’re going to get off easy just because our food is here.”

  “Don’t let the handsome face fool you. I can do more than one thing at a time. I can talk and eat.” Jason smiled while picking up his fork.

  “We wouldn’t want you to choke, now would we?” Amber responded.

  “I would be so lucky. That would mean you would be forced to put your lips over mine to revive me after I passed out.”

  “Dude, you’re crazy.” Amber laughed.

  “I’ve been told that by more than one person, so what you said might have some truth in it.”

  Amber picked up her fork and started eating some of the chicken penne pasta she’d ordered.

  Jason ate some of his food, but in between bites, he said, “Granted, a man loves it when a woman can cook, clean, and all that jazz, but that doesn’t make her a good woman. A good woman is one who is compassionate and sensitive to others’ needs. She knows how to treat her man with the utmost respect. Her man feels comfortable unveiling his true self around her without fear of her using it against him.”

  Amber placed her fork down. “So sex isn’t important?”

  “I didn’t say sex wasn’t important.”

  “So let’s just say you were with a woman, and she had all of the qualities you like, but the sex wasn’t on point. Would you still consider her a good woman?” The wine Amber had drunk made her less inhibited.

  “It wouldn’t take away from her being a good woman. It would just mean she wasn’t the woman for me.”

  “Ouch.” Amber felt her insides deflate a little. The infamous Anthony had also told her that she was like a dry chalkboard in the bedroom. Anthony had really gotten under her skin, no matter how much she tried to push him out of her mind. Amber frowned. With that thought, her immediate fantasy of being with Jason just flew out the window.

  Jason was definitely a man of passion, so there was no way he would want to be with her, a woman who all of her past boyfriends had agreed was passionless.

  “Amber, are you all right? Is it the food?” Jason asked, sounding concerned.

  “Everything’s okay. Just thinking about some things.” Facing the reality of life can leave a bitter taste in your mouth was what Amber really wanted to say.

  “If something is wrong with the food, I can get the waitress over here and do an exchange.”

  “No, no. No need for that,” she assured him.

  A waitress walking by stopped at their table.

  “Is everything okay here, sir?” she asked.

  Jason looked at Amber. Amber nodded. “Yes. We’re fine.”

  As soon as the waitress walked away, Amber blurted, “She wasn’t too concerned about me anyway.”

  “She seemed to be concerned about us both.”

  Amber sighed. “Please. She’s been walking by here, trying to get your attention, the entire time we’ve been here.”

  “Really, I didn’t notice.”

  “Just like half of the women in here haven’t been able to keep their eyes off you.”

�s nothing new.” Jason went back to eating his food.

  “You’re so obnoxious. I can’t believe you said that.”

  Jason placed his hand over his heart. “How could you think the worst of me? You’ve known me long enough to know I’m as modest as they come.” He flashed his kilowatt smile.

  “Jason, it’s obvious you’re used to women throwing themselves at you.”

  “I wouldn’t say that.”

  “So you’re telling me that you didn’t notice how our flight attendant fawned over you, or how the lady at the hotel practically ignored me to talk to you, yet I was the one who had the hotel reservation?”

  “Do I sense some jealousy here somewhere?” Jason moved his head from side to side.

  Amber laughed aloud. “You’ve got to be kidding. I would have to be into you in order to be jealous. I was only making an observation. You don’t need me to boost your ego any more than it already is.”

  Jason set his fork down. He reached across the table and placed one of his hands over hers. “Amber, you can rest assured that none of the women we’ve come in contact with can hold a candle to you. When you’re in the room, no other woman matters.”

  Amber removed her hand. She picked up the wine bottle. “You must be drunk. What is in this wine?”

  “In a few hours I might be, but right now I’m completely sober.”

  “Well, snap out of it. This is supposed to be a business dinner, or have you forgotten?” Amber said it to remind not only Jason, but also herself.

  Jason stared into her eyes without blinking. “I forgot business the moment you stepped out of your room wearing that sexy red dress.”

  Amber shifted in her seat. Sweat appeared on her forehead. She felt the room getting smaller and smaller.

  Chapter Five

  Jason watched Amber reach for her glass of wine. She tilted the wine bottle but nothing came out.

  Jason held his hand in the air.


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