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as critic
FMD’s relationship with
literary/aesthetic philosophy of
Pushkin festival and
Works: The Extraordinary Decade
“The Weak Person as a Literary Type”
Annenkova, Mme.
anti-semitism. See Yids/“Yiddish ideas”
Antonelli, P. D.
Antonovich, M. A.
Works: “The Asmodeus of Our Time”
Aristov, Pavel
as model for character of Svidrigailov
Arnold, Matthew, Works: “Stanzas from the Grande Chartreuse”
Arsenyev, D. S.
art: Belinsky on
Chernyshevsky on
FMD and
in Letters on Art
in Netotchka Nezvanova
A. Grigoryev on
Idealist philosophy and
V. Maikov on
Milyukov Circle on
Utilitarianism and
atheism: First International and
FMD and
in Atheism (intended)
in The Brothers Karamazov
in Demons
in The Idiot
in A Raw Youth
in “The Sentence”
Nihilism and
of 1860s generation
of 1870s generation
Socialism and
Atheism (Dostoevsky)
Auerbach, Erich
Augier, Emile
Austen, Jane
autocratic rule. See tsarism
autonomy. See also free will
Bakhtin, Mikhail
Bakunin, M. A.
Balkan Slavs, liberation of
Balosoglo, A. P.
Balzac, Honoré de
Works: César Birotteau
Eugénie Grandet
Les illusions perdues
L’Illustre Gaudissart
Le père Goriot
Barannikov, Alexander
Bardini, Sophia
Barruel, Augustin de, Abbé, Works: Mémoires pour servir à l’historie du Jacobinisme
Baudelaire, Charles
beauty. See also art
Beethoven, Ludwig von
Beguny (Runners, Wanderers) sect
Beketov, Aleksey N.
Beketov Circle
Belikhov, Lt. Col.
Belinsky, V. G.
assessments of FMD by
authors promoted/criticized by
background of
death of
on feuilletons
FMD’s relationship with
literary/aesthetic philosophy of
moral/religious philosophy of
national character/nationality and
portrait of in Diary of a Writer
reputation of
social/political philosophy of
Utopian Socialism and
Works: Letter to Gogol
Literary Reveries
A View of Russian Literature of 1846
Bell, The (Herzen)
Bely, Andrey
Bentham, Jeremy
Berdyaev, Nicolas
Berezhetsky, Ivan: FMD’s relationship with
Bernard, Claude
Bernshtam, Leopold
Bervi-Flerovsky, V. V.
Bestuzhev (pseud. Marlinsky), A. A.
Bestuzhev-Ryumin, K. N.
Bezdna uprising
Bible, the
Job, Book of
John, Gospel of
Luke, Gospel of
Matthew, Gospel of
New Testament
Prodigal Son, Parable of
Revelation, Book of
Timothy, Epistle to
Blanc, Louis, Works: Histoire des dix ans
Boguslawski, Joszef
Boris Godunov, tsar
Boris Godunov (Dostoevsky)
Botkin, V. P.
Brombert, Victor
brotherhood. See fraternity
Brothers Karamazov, The (Dostoevsky)
ant-hill in
atheism in
beauty in
children in
Cleopatra character type in
compassion in
confession in
conversion experiences in
determinism in
epigraph of
“evangelical socialism” in
faith/moral conscience vs. reason in
familial chaos in
fathers/fatherhood in
folk tradition in
forgiveness in
freedom/free will in
generational tensions in
Golden Age in
guilt in
humility in
impostorship, theme of, in
innocence in
legal system in
Legend of the Grand Inquisitor in
FMD’s letters to publisher explaining
masochism in
moral responsibility in
narrative technique in
quasi-double in
reception of
Satan, depiction of, in
satire in
scenes of FMD’s life in
self-sacrifice in
Socialism and
sources for/connections to
suicide in
temptations of Christ in
theodicy problem in
writing/publication of
Brown, Martha, FMD’s liaison with
Büchner, Ludwig: in Fathers and Children
Works: Force and Matter
Buckle, Henry Thomas
Bunyan, John, Works: Pilgrim’s Progress
Buonarotti, Philippe, Works: La conspiration de Babeuf
bureaucratic scribes, portrayals of
burlesque anecdote (genre)
Butashevich-Petrashevsky, Mikhail. See Petrashevsky, M. V.
Butkov, Yakov
Buturlin, Count
Bykov, P. V.
Byron, George Gordon, 6th baron
Works: Cain
Byronism/Byronic figures
Cabet, Etienne
Works: Voyage en Icarie
Le vrai Christianisme suivant J. Christ
Carlyle, Thomas
Carracci, Agostino, Works: The Head of the Young Christ
Carus, Carl Gustav, Works: Psyche
Catechism of a Revolutionary (Bakunin &/or Nechaev)
Catherine I, the Great
Catteau, Jacques
censorship: The Citizen and
The Contemporary
FMD and
The Brothers Karamazov
Crime and Punishment
Diary of a Writer
House of the Dead
Notes from Underground
freedom of the press
The Russian Word
Cerny, Vaclav
Chaikovsky group
character types: bureaucratic scribe (chinovnik)
Don Quixote
“a perfectly good man”
guilt and
love-hate emotions in
pathology of
Russian wanderer
weak. See also narrative technique and FMD’s individual works
Chernosvitov, Rafael
Chernyshevsky, N. G.: allusions to
arrest of
background of
circle around
as critic
FMD’s relationship with
generational tensions and
gentry liberal intelligentsia and
literary/aesthetic philosophy of
iterary Fund event and
moral philosophy of
social/political philosophy of
woman question and
Works: The Aesthetic Relation of Art to Reality
The Anthropological Principle in Philosophy
“A Russian at a Rendezvous”
What Is To Be Done?. See also Contemporary, The
children: in The Brothers Karamazov
in Crime and Punishment
in Demons
in Diary of a Writer
in The Idiot
in A Raw Youth
sexual violation of
suffering of
Children (Dostoevsky)
chinovnik. See bureaucratic scribes
Christian ideals: art and
communist egalitarianism and
compassion and
equality and
fraternity and
hope and
immortality of the soul and
love, doctrine of, and
Populism and
religion in Russian life and
Romanticism and
Russian communes and
Russian Realism and
salvation and
Utopian Socialism and. See also faith
Citizen, The (periodical Grazhdanin)
“cloud-castle” revolution: culmination of. See also gentry liberal intelligentsia
communal living: European culture and
in obshchinas
in phalansteries
in prisons
communist egalitarianism
Confession, A (Dostoevsky)
Conrad, Joseph
conscience. See moral conscience
Considérant, Victor
Works: La destinée sociale
Constant, V. D. (FMD’s sister-in-law)
constitutionalism vs. tsarism debate
Contemporary, The (periodical Sovremennik): censorship and
closing of
contributors to
radical ideology of
owners/editors of
publication of FMD’s works in
conversion experiences
in The Brothers Karamazov
in Demons
regeneration of FMD’s convictions as. See also “Peasant Marey, The”
Corneille, Pierre
Cournant, Joseph
Crime and Punishment (Dostoevsky)
ant-hill in
censorship and
children in
Cleopatra character type in
compassion in
confession in
Crystal Palace in
as detective story
egoism in
ennui in
faith/moral conscience vs. reason in
formative influences on
Golden Age in
guilt in
innocence in
irrationalism in
legal system in
narrative technique in
Nihilism in
notebooks for
prostitute, character of, in
psychic distress in
quasi-double in
reception of
regeneration in
salvation in
scenes from FMD’s life in
self-deception/self-delusion in
self-deification in
self-sacrifice in
social humanitarianism in
sources for/connections to
suicide in
suffering in
time in
writing/explanation/publication of
Crimean War
Croce, Benedetto
“Crocodile, The” (Dostoevsky)
Crystal Palace
in Crime and Punishment
in Notes from Underground
Custine, Astolphe, marquis de
Danilevsky, N. G.
Works: Russia and Europe
Dante Alighieri
Darwin, Charles
Davydov, I. I.
Dawn (periodical Zarya)
Day (periodical Den’)
Demons (Dostoevsky)
alienation of intelligentsia from Christian roots in
anti-Nihilism of
atheistic humanism in
beauty in
Byronic figures in
caricature of Turgenev in
censorship of
children in
Cleopatra character type in
epigraph to
faith in
folk tradition in
forgiveness in
generational tensions in
idea of Golden Age in
inspiration for fete scene in
history and myth in
humility in
impostors in
irrationalism in
moral/religious themes in
narrative technique in
Nechaev depicted in
quasi-double in
reception of
revolutionary philosophies in
Russian Orthodoxy in
salvation in
satire in
scenes from FMD’s life in
self-deification in
self-sacrifice in
Slavophilism in
sources for/connections to
Stavrogin’s confession in
suicide in
writing/publication of
in The Brothers Karamazov
in Notes from Underground
Dézamy, Theodore
Diary of a Writer (Dostoevsky)
Belinsky’s portrait in
censorship and
criminal trials in
Decembrist wives in
fathers in
immortality of the soul in
Jews in
journalism of
narrative technique in
political articles in
reception of
regeneration of convictions in
sources for/connections to
stories in
suicide in
woman question in
writing/publication of
xenophobia in
younger generation/children and
Dickens, Charles
Works: Bleak House
David Copperfield
The Pickwick Papers
Dimitry, Grand Duke
Disraeli, Benjamin
Dobrolyubov, Nikolay: assessments of FMD by
background of
gentry liberal intelligentsia and
letters to
literary/aesthetic philosophy of
as raznochinets
social/political philosophy of
Turgenev and
Works: “Downtrodden People”
“What Is Oblomovism?”. See also Contemporary, The
Dolgorukov, V. A.
Dolgoruky, Prince
Dolgushin group
Dolinin, A. S.
Don Quixote character types
doppelganger motif: in The Double. See also quasi-double, motif of the
Dos Passos, John
Dostoevskaya, Alexandra Mikhailovna (FMD’s sister)
Dostoevskaya, Anna Grigoryevna (nee Snitkina) (FMD’s second wife)
background of
courtship/engagement of
deaths of children and
debt negotiations by
dictation of The Gambler and
FMD’s death and
health of
job skills of
marriage of
pension for
pregnancies/childbirths of
publishing firm established by
Dostoevskaya, Emilya Feodorovna (FMD’s sister-in-law)
Dostoevskaya, Lyubov Feodorovna (FMD’s daughter)
/> Dostoevskaya, Marya Dimitrievna (Isaeva) (FMD’s first wife)
cast as heroine of Poor Folk
courtship of
death of
health of
marriage of
meeting of
Dostoevskaya, Sofya (FMD’s daughter)
Dostoevskaya, Varvara Mikhailovna (FMD’s sister). See also Karepina, Varvara Mikhailovna
Dostoevskaya, Vera Mikhailovna (FMD’s sister). See Ivanova, Vera Mikhailovna
Dostoevsky, Aleksey/Alyosha (FMD’s son)
Dostoevsky, Andrey Mikhailovich (FMD’s brother): arrest and release of
as chronicler
education of
family life and social background of
FMD’s letters to
interactions with peasants and
and living with FMD
religious background of
Dostoevsky, Feodor/Fedya (FMD’s son)
Dostoevsky, Feodor Mikhailovich: anti-semitism of
army service of
arrest/interrogation of
assessment of himself and his works
childhood memories of
child abuse rumors and
cult figure status of
cultural background of
death and funeral of
deaths of children and
education of
epilepsy of
exile of
extramarital affairs of
family life and social background of
finances of
gambling of
guardhouse imprisonment of
health of
literary aspirations of
photographs/portraits of
physical appearance of
publishing firm of
publishing permission for
reading’s importance to
religious background of
return from European “exile” of
return from Siberian exile of
sentencing/mock execution of
speeches of
superstitiousness of
surveillance of
temperament of
translation projects of
trips to Europe of
xenophobia of
Journals: Diary of a Writer
Works: Atheism (intended)
Belinsky article (lost)
Boris Godunov (lost)
The Brothers Karamazov
Children (intended)
A Confession (intended)
Crime and Punishment
“The Crocodile” (unfinished)
The Dreamer (intended)
“The Dream of a Ridiculous Man”
The Drunkards (intended)
The Double
The Eternal Husband
Eugénie Grandet (translation)
The Gambler
“A Gentle Creature”
“An Honest Thief”
House of the Dead
The Idiot
The Insulted and Injured
The Jew Yankel
“The Landlady”
Letters on Art (lost)
The Life of a Great Sinner (intended)
“A Little Boy at Christ’s Christmas Party”
“A Little Hero”
Mary Stuart (lost)
“Mr.—bov and the Question of Art”
“Mr. Prokharchin”
Netotchka Nezvanova
Notes from Underground
“On the Coronation and Conclusion of Peace”
“On the First of July”
“The Peasant Marey”