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“Petersburg Visions in Verse and Prose”
Poor Folk
A Raw Youth
“The Sentence”
Siberian Notebooks
Uncle’s Dream
The Village of Stepanchikovo
“White Nights”
Winter Notes on Summer Impressions
Dostoevsky, Marya Feodorovna (nee Nechaeva) (FMD’s mother)
Dostoevsky, Mikhail Andreevich (FMD’s father)
death/murder of
education’s importance for
family life and social background of
health and temperament of
religious piety of
Dostoevsky, Mikhail Mikhailovich (FMD’s brother)
arrest and release of
career of
cultural background of
daughter’s death and
death of
defense of Young Russia and
education of
family life and social background of
farewells before FMD’s exile
finances and
FMD’s letters to
genres favored by
literary philosophy of
mistress of
plan for bringing up siblings
Speshnev secret society and
translation projects of
Dostoevsky, Nikolay Mikhailovich (FMD’s brother)
Double, The (Dostoevsky)
character of Golyadkin in
double motif in
guilt in
impostorship theme in
narrative technique in
moral responsibility in
reception of
self-awareness/self-image in
social-psychological themes in
social status in
sources for/connections to
split personalities in
writing of/publication of
double, motif of the: in The Double. See also quasi-double, motif of the
dramatic farce (genre)
Dreamer, The (Dostoevsky)
dreamer figure
FMD as
in “The Landlady”
in Notes from Underground
in “White Nights”
“Dream of a Ridiculous Man, The” (Dostoevsky)
Druzhinin, A. V., Works: Polinka Sachs
Dubelt, L. V.
Dudyshkin, S. S.
Dumas, Alexandre, fils
Works: La dame aux camelias
Durov, Sergey
dystopia (genre)
Eastern Orthodoxy. See Russian Orthodoxy
Easter observances
conquest of
of dying
FMD and
in Crime and Punishment
in “The Dream of a Ridiculous Man”
in The Idiot
in The Insulted and Injured
in The Life of a Great Sinner
in The Village of Stepanchikovo
in Winter Notes on Summer Impressions
humanism and
individualism and
self-deification and
of suffering
of usurers. See also vanity
Eikhenbaum, B. M.
Eliseev, G. Z.
Emerson, Caryl
Engels, Friedrich
Condition of the Working Class in England
enlightened despotism. See tsarism
environment, behavioral influence of
epistolary novels. See sentimental epistolary novels
Epoch (Dostoevsky)
equality: as Christian ideal
FMD and
in Notes from Underground
in Winter Notes on Summer Impressions
Social Darwinism and
Eternal Husband, The (Dostoevsky)
European culture: assimilation of/into
character types in
as dying civilization
FMD and
in Demons
in Notes from Underground
in A Raw Youth
in Winter Notes on Summer Impressions
individualism in
legal system in
materialism of
moral conscience in
Napoleonic Wars and
religious ideals in
Revolutions of 1848 and
Russo-Turkish War and. See also Westernizers
European Messenger (periodical)
Evgenyev-Maksimov, V. E.
faith: FMD and
in The Brothers Karamazov
in Crime and Punishment
in Demons
in The Idiot
in Notes from Underground
in A Raw Youth
internalization of
reason and. See also Christian ideals
familial chaos
in The Brothers Karamazov
in A Raw Youth
family, feeling for
fallen woman. See prostitute
fantastic realism (genre)
fathers: in The Brothers Karamazov
in Diary of a Writer
in “The Landlady”
in Poor Folk
tsars as
in The Village of Stepanchikovo
Fedotov, G. P.
Feodorov, Nikolay
Fet, A. A.
Works: “Diana”
Feuerbach, Ludwig
Works: The Essence of Christianity
feuilleton (genre)
FMD’s writing of
“fifty” trial of the
Figner, Vera
Filippov, Pavel
Filosofova, Anna
First International
Flaubert, Gustav, Works: L’Éducation sentimentale
La légende de St. Julien l’hospitalier
Madame Bovary
Flerovsky, N.
Florovsky, George
folk tradition: FMD’s background and
in The Brothers Karamazov
in Demons
in “The Landlady”
Fonvizina, Natalya
FMD’s letters to
Forward (periodical Vpered)
Fourier, Charles
Franco-Prussian War
Frantseva, Marie
for FMD
in “The Landlady”
in Legend of the Grand Inquisitor
psychic distress and
Pushkin festival as symbol of
temptations of Christ and. See also free will
freedom of the press
Free Russian Press (Herzen)
free will. See also autonomy; freedom
French people
French Revolution
ideals of
French social Romanticism. See also Natural School (Naturalism); Russian Realism; social realism
Freud, Sigmund
Fridlender, G. M.
Frolenko, M. F.
Frolovna, Alyona: and peasant ethos
Gagarin, P. P.
Gaideburov, P. A.
Gambler, The (Dostoevsky)
love-hate emotions in
character of fallen woman in
narrative technique in
Russian national character in
satire in
scenes from FMD’s life in
self-deception/self-delusion in
sources for/connections to
writing/publication of
Garibaldi, Giuseppe
Gasfort, F. X.
Gautier, Théophile
Ge, N. N., Works: A Mysterious Evening
genre. See journalistic genres; literary genres; narrative technique; novel (genre)
“Gentle Creature, A” (Dostoevsky)
gentry-landowner literature
gentry liberal intelligentsia
German Romanticism
, A. I. See Herzen, Alexander I.
Gesemann, Wolfgang
Geyden, Countess Elizaveta
Gide, André
Gieroglifov, A.
Giusti, Wolf
Glinka, M. I., Works: “Kamarinskaya”
God. See Christian ideals; theodicy problem
Godwin, William
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
Works: Faust
Gogol, N. V.: allusions to
assessments of
characters in
cited in Pushkin festival speeches
impact on FMD of
literary/aesthetic philosophy of
moral/religious philosophy of
narrative technique of
Works: Dead Souls
“Diary of a Madman”
Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka
The Inspector-General
“Nevsky Prospect”
“The Overcoat”
Selected Passages
Taras Bulba
“A Terrible Vengeance”
Golden Age: in The Brothers Karamazov
in Crime and Punishment
in Demons
in “The Dream of a Ridiculous Man”
in A Raw Youth
Golovinsky, V. A.
Goncharov, I. A.
Works: A Common Story
Gorchakov, Governor-General
Gorsky, Peter
Gospels (Bible)
Gothic novel (genre)
Gradovsky, A. D.
Granovsky, T. N.
Grave, Gen. de
Great Russian, The (leaflet)
Griboyedov, Alexander
Works: Woe from Wit
Grigorovich, D. V.: Beketov Circle and
as chronicler
FMD’s funeral and
FMD’s relationship with
literary career of
as schoolmate of FMD
Works: Anton Goremyka
The Village
Grigoryev, Apollon
Works: My Literary and Spiritual Wanderings
“The Paradoxes of Organic Criticism”
Grigoryev, Leonid
Grigoryev, N. P.
as author of “A Soldier’s Conversation”
Grossman, Leonid
in The Brothers Karamazov
in Crime and Punishment
in The Double
FMD’s personal sense of
in “The Landlady”
in Notes from Underground. See also moral conscience; moral responsibility
Guseva, Pelagaya
hagiography (genre)
Hamlet: as literary archetype
in Russian culture
Hartmann, Eduard, Works: Philosophy of the Unconscious
Hegel, G.W.F.
Works: History of Philosophy
Hegelian philosophy. See also Left Hegelianism
Herzen, Alexander I.: assessments of
assessments of FMD by
background of
Belinsky Circle and
as chronicler
as critic
daughter’s suicide and
death of
European revitalization and
FMD’s relationship with
generational tensions and
gentry liberal intelligentsia and
letters to
literary/aesthetic philosophy of
moral/religious philosophy of
Polish uprising of 1863 and
Revolutions of 1848 and
social/political philosophy of
surveillance of
Periodicals: The Polar Star
The Bell
The Free Russian Press
Works: Ends and Beginnings
Letters from France and Italy
Letters to an Old Comrade
Memoirs of a Young Man
My Past and Thoughts
On the Development of Revolutionary Ideas in Russia
From the Other Shore
The Superfluous Men and the Bilious
“The Thieving Magpie”
Who Is To Blame?
Herzen, Elizaveta (Liza)
Hildebrand, Bruno
historical romance (genre)
Hoffmann, E.T.A.
Works: Kater Murr
Holbein, Hans, the Younger
Works: Dead Christ
holy fool (yurodivy)
Works: The Illiad
“Honest Thief, An” (Dostoevsky)
Houghton, Walter
House of the Dead (Dostoevsky)
Antichrists in
bath scene in
censorship and
communal life in
flogging in
immortality of the soul in
irrationalism in
public readings
moral responsibility and
narrative technique in
peasant convicts in
Polish political prisoners in
psychic distress in
reception of
regeneration of FMD’s convictions and
scenes from FMD’s life in
social class in
sympathy in
time in
writing/publication of
Hugo, Victor
Works: Le dernier jour d’un condamné
Les misérables
Notre Dame de Paris
humanism: atheistic
egoism and
in The Brothers Karamazov
in Demons
in The Idiot
in A Raw Youth
Slavophil/Westernizer synthesis as
Idealist philosophy
Idiot, The (Dostoevsky)
atheism in
fallen woman in
children in
Christ-like figures in
compassion in
death motif in
egoism in
faith/moral conscience vs. reason in
happiness in
humility in
immortality of the soul in
innocence in
irrationalism in
love theme in
narrative technique in
reception of
Roman Catholicism in
scenes from FMD’s life in
sources for/connections to
suicide in
sympathy in
writing/publication of
Ilyinsky, D. I.
immortality of the soul
FMD and
in Diary of a Writer
in House of the Dead
in The Idiot
in A Raw Youth
Imperial Academy of Sciences
impostorship, theme of: in Demons
in The Double
in Legend of the Grand Inquisitor
in European culture
Insulted and Injured, The (Dostoevsky)
Cleopatra character type in
compassion in
confessions in
egoism in
ennui in
forgiveness in
innocence in
literary commentary in
masochism in
moral-psychological themes and
narrative technique in
reception of
scenes from FMD’s life in
self-deception/self-delusion in
social humanitarianism in
social-psychological themes and
sources for/connections to
strong vs. weak character types in
suffering in
writing/publication of
Crimean War and
as character type of
fusion with the people and
gentry liberal
isolation of
mechtatelnost’ (dreaming) and
of 1820s
of 1830s
of 1840s
of 1860s
of 1870s
peasants/the people and
pochvennichestvo and
raznochintsy and
Revolutions of 1848 and
Slavophil ideas and
interim ethics
Irenaeus, Saint
irrationalism: FMD’s
in Crime and Punishment
in Demons
in House of the Dead
in The Idiot
in A Raw Youth
in The Village of Stepanchikovo
Slavophils and. See also faith
Isaev, Alexander Ivanovich
Isaev, Pasha/Pavel (FMD’s stepson)
Cadet Corps placement of
education of
FMD’s finances and
FMD’s letters to
mother’s illness and
relationship with stepmother
Isaeva, Marya Dimitrievna. See Dostoevskaya, Marya Dimitrievna
Ishutin, Nikolay
Ishutin group
Isidor, Metropolitan
Ivanchina-Pisareva, Marya Sergeevna
Ivanov, A. I.
Ivanov, A. P. (FMD’s brother-in-law)
Ivanov, Konstantin
Ivanov, Vyacheslav
Ivanova, Elena Pavlovna
Ivanova, Marya Alexandrovna (FMD’s niece)
Ivanova, Sofya (FMD’s niece)
FMD’s letters to
Ivanova, Vera Mikhailovna (FMD’s sister)
Jackson, R. L.
Jaclard, Charles Victor
Jakobson, Roman
James, Henry
James, William
Jastrzembski, I. F.
Jesus Christ: as Don Quixote type
human image of
iconic representations of
as ideal beauty
as moral revolutionary
nature of
as positive ideal
suffering of
temptations of
Jews. See also Yids/Yiddish ideas
Jew Yankel, The (Dostoevsky)
Job, Book of
John, Gospel of
John of Damascus
Journal de Pétersbourg
journalistic genres: feuilleton
physiological sketch. See also literary genres; narrative techniques; novel (genre)
Joyce, James
Works: Ulysses
judicial system
Kametskaya, M. V.
Kant, Immanuel
Works: Critique of Practical Reason
Critique of Pure Reason
Karakozov, Dimitry: assassination attempt on Alexander II
Karamzin, N. M.
Works: History of the Russian State
Letters of a Russian Traveller
Poor Liza
Karepin, Alexander (FMD’s nephew)
Karepin, Peter (FMD’s brother-in-law)
Karepina, Varvara Mikhailovna (FMD’s sister)
Kashpirev (editor of Dawn)
Katkov, Mikhail: assassination attempt on tsar and
editing of FMD’s work and
FMD’s finances and
FMD’s letters to
letters to
Pushkin festival and
social/political philosophy of
surveillance of. See also Moscow Gazette; Moscow News; Russian Messenger, The
Kavelin, K. D.
Keats, John