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by Teased, Tied

  Salvador knew that Cherry would be home soon and she didn’t like him. He wanted to see more before she interrupted them and Lola was still willing. He reluctantly pulled back from her, stepping back. She rose up, her face flushed with blood and arousal. Her blouse was wrinkled where his hands had taken liberties with her. He sat in the chair as she closed the drawer, Salvador picking up the yardstick. “Come over here, Lola.”

  She saw the yardstick and knew what he was going to do, yet she walked over to him, standing close enough so the yardstick could slip under her skirt. She stood up straight, arching her back, thrusting out her breasts for him to see. She looked down to see the yardstick sliding up between her legs. She spread her legs wider, giving him access to all that he desired. She felt the cold wood of the yardstick rubbing along the inside of her knee, then it slid up until she felt it on her thigh, the skin soft and tender, the yardstick hard and demanding. Salvador smiled as he hooked it into the hem of her skirt and began to pull it up. She looked down as her legs were gradually revealed, the skirt going higher and higher. She looked into his eyes, but his gaze was elsewhere. His stare was glued to her panties as they were revealed. This was much closer than he saw her yesterday when she voluntarily stripped off her skirt, this time he would be able to see her shameful wetness. She bit her lip as she struggled to stand still, the hem of her skirt almost to her waist. He stopped, looking up at her.

  “Hold your skirt up, Lola.” He saw her hands grip the edges of her skirt, pulling the yardstick away so he could use it more effectively. “Higher, all the way above your waist,” he ordered her. She pulled the skirt up until he could see all of her panties. “You love this, Lola. Your panties are drenched.” The panties clung to her flesh, tightly molded over the puffy lips of her vulva; able to see the hairs of her bush beneath, but nothing more pronounced than the lovely slit of her pussy. All of it bathed in her juices.

  He could see all of her, sure that her panties did little to hide the outline of her pussy and the shame of her wetness. The end of the yardstick moved higher up her inner thigh, the flesh so white and tender. He got to the edge of her panties, pushing harder against the soft edges of her pussy until Lola gasped loudly. She wanted to hump the yardstick, anything to rub her pussy on and pull the orgasm from her overly aroused body. She didn’t think she could stand it any longer, needing him to touch her pussy and make her cum. “EEWWWW,” she hissed through her clenched teeth when the yardstick touched the edge of her pussy. She felt it push out on her inner thigh, confused for a second, and then she saw it in his eyes. She spread her legs wider, Salvador grinning broadly. The yardstick moved up to her slit, pausing at the top of it until she felt the pressure as it began to push her panties into her drenched slit. She had to push back to keep her ass from arching out, feeling her pussy lips parting, and then enclose the yardstick in the soft folds of her pussy. He began to move the tip of the yardstick up her slit, Lola bowing her legs out shamefully to accommodate it as it pushed her panties into her pussy. She began to rise up automatically onto her toes as it slid up higher, coming closer to her clit, the center of her pleasure. She spread her legs wider, anything to help it move higher, lowering back onto the balls of her feet until the hard, wooden yardstick touched her clit, feeling as if she was being electrocuted with a million volts.

  Salvador wished it were his cock slicing up her slit instead of the yardstick, but he enjoyed shaming her as she stood submissively while he had his way with her. He would show her how to pleasure his cock soon enough, maybe even get her to take him in her mouth. He loved to teach young girls how to suck a man to climax and swallow his cum. It was so exciting to see the look in their eyes and their muffled cries the first time they received a jet of a real man’s cum in their mouths. He moved the yardstick up another inch when he heard her scream out. She pushed forward, almost jamming the yardstick in her from her excitement. He had made her cum and cum hard she did. She humped the hard, pointed tip of the yardstick back and forth excitedly.

  “IIIII’MMMMM CCCCUUUUMMMMIIINNNGGG!” She never expected to hear those words come out of her mouth in front of a man, but her body exploded suddenly. It was her clit touching the wooden yardstick that did it; her hips uncontrollable as they jabbed back and forth on it even though it hurt. Nothing could lessen the pleasure, Salvador making her submit to the most demeaning and sexually arousing acts while she submissively let him have his way with her untrained body. The feelings exploded in her head, and then she felt the rush of wetness between her legs, afraid she had peed herself, her pussy muscles clamped tight, her anal muscles gripping erotically on an unseen lover. Salvador rubbed the yardstick up and down her slit as wave after wave of pleasure raced through her body. It was nothing like what she felt when she masturbated, this more explosive, consuming her whole body.

  Salvador could only watch her in the throes of ecstasy. It took her long minutes before she could breathe again, her chest heaving as she struggled to fill her lungs. He pulled the yardstick away from her pussy, Lola letting her skirt fall back down to cover her shameful exhibition. Her face was flushed deep red, but Salvador didn’t know how much was humiliation and how much was pleasure. He stood up and walked over to her.

  Her legs felt like rubber, but she stood there in front of Salvador. Is it his turn to have an orgasm? Will he make me do it, or will he masturbate himself as he did yesterday?

  “I like the way you cum, Lola.”

  She heard the soft hiss of his zipper going down; then he grabbed one of her hands and pushed it into the opening of his pants. Her fingers curled around the heated shaft of man flesh in his pants, feeling it jerk in excitement from her touch. She never felt anything like it.

  “Take it out, Lola. You may begin by stroking it. Excite it with your fingers, and then I will teach you how to pleasure a man with your mouth.”

  She was scared, never touching a man’s cock before, never masturbating one with her hand, and she didn’t even know if she could take a man’s prick in her mouth. Yet, her hand pushed his shorts out of the way until her hands curled around the hot flesh of his cock. She had never felt anything so hard and hot, her fingers barely able to curl around the thick shaft, feeling the thick veins pounding with blood. Her fingers touched the thick, wiry hairs. She looked down as she began to pull it out. It would be the first time she saw a man’s erect cock.

  The front door opened with a start, hearing someone walking in carrying rustling bags. Lola pulled her hands out of his pants, Salvador struggling to zip up his pants without catching his cock in the sharp zipper.

  Cherry walked in on something, not sure what. They both had a look on their faces as if they were caught red handed. It was Salvador from next door. She didn’t like him, didn’t trust him, not the way he looked at Lola. Cherry saw the way Lola’s blouse was wrinkled, as if someone had felt her up. Salvador was standing there, trying to hide an obvious erection without success. Cherry came home just in time. “Hello, Salvador. What are you doing here?” She gave one of her evil stares.

  “I was helping Lola with the groceries. Two bags,” he added.

  “Well, thank you, Salvador. I can help her now.” She gently ushered him out the front door, slamming it behind him. She turned to Lola.

  “What are you doing with him, Lola? Are you crazy? He has to be at least ten years older than you. Find someone your own age that you can be happy with the rest of your life, not some big cock that will fuck you in every way imaginable and then dump you like a used whore.” Cherry knew enough to stay away from men like him. She could handle any boy, twisting them around her finger and using sex to control and manipulate them to do what she wanted and get what she wanted.

  “We weren’t doing anything,” she huffed innocently, though she wasn’t even convincing to herself. She had touched a real man’s cock for the first time, and then Cherry ruined it. “I know exactly what I am doing.” She threw the grocery bags away and left the room to change her clothes, especially her panties. They w
ould go in the trash bin around the corner, not wanting to take a chance that her mother would find them in the laundry and inquire about the large stain on them.


  A Choice for Collette

  Collette worked for Petrolera Ameriven, a Venezuelan company that operated the Hamaca field in Venezuela. She got the job in 1975 when her husband of 17 years died in an automobile accident, leaving her with two growing daughters. She hadn’t had a job for ten years prior to his death, so she had a hard time finding this job, almost discouraged in her search.

  After five years, she had climbed to the position of controller but not without a lot of sacrifice and hard work. It was 1980 in the United States, and women’s liberation was strong, but it was different at Petrolera Ameriven. The management consisted mainly of transplanted Venezuelan men that served out two-year stints in the United States, and then returned back home for the rest of their careers. Spanish speaking, most of them had ancestors that came from European aristocracy, predominately Roman Catholic, their culture was where the man ruled, the wife and daughter subservient to her husband/father. There were no exceptions, even when they were in a foreign land such as the United States.

  It took many years of putting up with this before Collette came around, needing the job for the sake of her daughters. Her two daughters were eighteen and twenty now. At thirty-seven, she still commanded a figure that many younger women envied, her daughters taking after her. She had honey blonde hair, in sharp contrast to the black and brown hair of the Venezuelan employees, so she stood out. She dressed as was required of the female employees. Tight skirt had to hug every curve; high heels at least three-inches high, stockings and garter belts, the men refusing to yield to panty hose. It was blouses or sweaters; either would have to be tight enough to enhance the bosom of the wearer. It was unwritten, but those that didn’t yield soon found their employment terminated. The females were there to work, but they were also eye candy for the men.

  She was the only American executive at the office that held any management position, the only female executive in all the company. She did it with cunning and guile, making sure that she got her point across without being too pushy, sometimes having to crawl into a subservient role to her superiors in order to rise another day.

  The first time she encountered resistance was the second year of employment, when she was still a financial analyst. Her boss was leaving to go home the following week, happy to leave a country where women scorned him. She was working late to finish up a report that he needed for a presentation the next day, and she was growing weary, almost seven PM when she brought the final draft into him. She stood in front of his desk, not allowed to sit unless asked to do so. He took the report, scanning it, but he would look up at her in the way she had learned to ignore over the last year. He was always eyeing her body, seeing him out of the corner of her eye when she bent over a file cabinet, checking out her ass or following her down the hallway, his eyes burning a hole in her buttocks.

  Julien looked up from the paper. It was almost perfect but not perfect. She had made one simple mistake that was easily correctable, but she still made a mistake. He would not tolerate it, especially from an American woman. It was late, the office empty. He got out of his chair and moved behind her, gazing down at the way her skirt hugged her ass. He put the paper down on the desk facing her. “Look at the second line. You have the wrong number. How am I to give this to Jorge? He will think I am incompetent for allowing my employees to pass off such inferior work.”

  She reached over to pick it up.

  “Leave it on the desk.”

  She looked at him, wondering what he was up to. Why can’t I pick it up and read it?

  He saw the puzzled look on her face. “Lean over and read it. You can do a simple thing like that, can’t you?”

  So, that was it. She saw the way he was looking at her ass. He wanted a better view. He was leaving next week, but he was still her boss and she had to put up with him until he left. She took a deep breath and did as he commanded, bending at the waist, her ass almost pushed at him. Her face was inches from the paper, trying to read it in the awkward position. She saw it. It was $100; it should have been $1,000.00. It didn’t make a difference on a ten-million-dollar analysis, but it was an error. She started to rise up.

  “Stay down and tell me what you found.”

  She stayed in the position, her nose almost pressed into the desk. “I put in $100 instead of $1,000 on the royalties for the secondary well. I’m sorry; I will correct it immediately.” She started to stand up again, but this time there was a hand on her back, pushing her down until her face hit the cold wood of his desk.

  “I didn’t tell you to get up. You will never learn if I have to keep finding your errors and making you correct them. You must be disciplined or my replacement will wonder why I left him with incompetent people. You don’t want me to be disgraced among my peers, do you, Collette?”

  This was a turning point in her career. She was just starting her second year at the company, the girls were in a good school and she was making enough money to live on. She would have a hard time finding another job with a career lasting only one year. They would think of her as a job hopper. She heard the word discipline and knew she was bent over for more than him to look at her ass. “I don’t want you to lose respect among the others for my faults, Julien. You have been a kind and considerate boss since I came to the company and will respect your wishes and will submit to your authority.”

  “Now you are learning your place, Collette. I will take that into consideration. Keep your head on the desk; turn this way so I may see your face.” He waited until she was looking at him. He wanted to see her humiliation.

  She looked at him, but she felt his hand. It started on her back but slowly slid down until it got to her buttocks. It paused for a moment, but then it moved again, feeling his hand taking liberties with her buttocks as it slid down and captured one of her buttocks in his large hand. He squeezed it; then she saw his hand move back. It rose up high in the air, but then it came down, Collette closed her eyes and gritted her teeth while she waited for the inevitable.


  His hand hitting one cheek rang out like a gun report. Collette waited, taking a few seconds before her ass blazed with burning pain. “OOOOWWWW,” she cried out. She hadn’t been spanked since she was little, and it wasn’t anything like this. This was a grown man hitting her with all of the force of his powerful hand.

  “Thank me for that.”

  She could barely breathe, angry for letting him do this, disgusted that she had to allow him. Now, he wanted her to thank him for spanking her. “Thank you for disciplining me, Julien. It will be a constant reminder of my imperfections.”

  “That is not enough for your imperfections, Collette. You will require more, much more before you are truly thankful for my assistance in making you a better employee.” Julien’s hand caressed her ass cheek, feeling the muscles of the beaten cheek clenching uncontrollably.

  The sadistic bastard was going to make her pay for being a woman. She braced herself for the next one, but he made her keep her eyes open this time, seeing his hand descending, feeling the breeze as it cut through the air. Her body was pushed forward by the power of the blow.


  Tears fell from her eyes, but she spit out the words required of her. “Thank you for disciplining me, Julien. I eagerly await the next one.”

  He toyed with her ass, both of her cheeks undulating erotically beneath the tight skirt, sure they were burning with pain, for his hand was feeling the same. “You are being very cooperative, Collette.” His cock grew in his pants, especially when he saw the light reflecting off the tears in her eyes.

  “Get ready for another.” He wanted her to fear his power over her.


  “EEEEEHHHHH,” she shrieked in pain. He somehow hit her harder than last time. She knew by the time he was fini
shed, she would be constantly reminded for a week each time she sat down. His hand became bolder, his finger clenching on her beaten flesh, feeling him tug on one cheek until her crack parted. She had to end this. “Thank you for that one, Julien. I am really feeling the pain of your powerful hand. I will not forget the masterful way you disciplined me.”


  Tears were falling down her cheek and onto the desk, her ass ablaze in pain. “That one really hurt, Julien. I can’t thank you enough for chastising me.” Collette didn’t know how much longer she could stand this.



  Before the pain of the first one went away, he struck her again on the other cheek, both of them ablaze at the same time. “OOOOWWWW!” His hand caressed her ass almost affectionately, yet it was only pain she felt. She felt him moving behind her; then she felt his feet go between her legs. She felt him nudge one of her ankles, then again, this time his heavy shoes hurting. She knew what he wanted, but she was afraid of what his intentions were.

  “Obey me,” he ordered her, the tips of his leather shoes banging harder on her ankles until she submitted. He looked down as her right leg moved toward the end of the desk, her tight skirt pulling tighter across her lovely ass. He tapped the other ankle until she submitted once again; both legs spread wider, her skirt threatening to tear up the seam if she spread her legs any wider. “Now you’re being obedient, Collette. Push back and stick your ass out so it will be a better target.”


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