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Page 3

by Teased, Tied

  She felt his hands on her hips, forcing her to raise her ass up, his hand pushing down on her back. She never felt so helpless or subservient as she did then. She was being posed by him as if she wanted this as much as he did. She saw him, the front of his pants bulging with his erection. He was sexually aroused at spanking her. She had heard of men that did this and of woman that enjoyed being spanked, but all Collette felt was the pain in her buttocks.


  “EEEEEEWWWW,” she cried out in pain, this one harder than the others. He caressed her ass cheeks, but this time she felt his hand slide down her short skirt until his fingers touched the naked skin of her inner thighs, only bare flesh between the top of her stocking and her panties. She knew her skirt was pulled up higher than she had thought. The finger lingered over her naked flesh, Collette feeling so vulnerable, bent over the desk with her legs spread obscenely. It sent shivers through her body as he touched her so intimately, even though she knew he would soon spank her ass once again. “You certainly know how to discipline a woman, Julien. I am truly blessed that you would take the time to make sure that I am chastised sufficiently.” She had to end this, hoping that stroking his ego would do it.

  “Two more, Collette. But I have been lenient with you, spanking you through the thick cloth of your skirt. You will now feel my hand more intimately.”

  She began to sob in shame, Julien moving behind her. She felt his hands on her hips then slide down to grab the edges of her skirt. With her legs spread wide, he struggled for a few moments to pull it up, but Collette was sure that he was enjoying it too much. She felt the skirt sliding over her ass, uncovering her panties to his lustful eyes. She felt him tug it all the way up, sobbing when she was uncovered. “PLLLEASSSE,” she begged when she felt his hot hands on her naked hips, moving over the flesh of her ass, only her panties protecting her. She felt him pulling apart her cheeks, fighting her own muscles that tried to protect her privacy, feeling him yank them wide until she felt the tug in her anal muscles. She sobbed louder when his two hands slid down her legs in back until they touched the top of her stockings, crying loudly when they moved up along her inner thighs. His fingers stopped when they got to her crotch, feeling them moving along the soft skin so close to her mound.

  She was sure she would be bruised when he spanked her this time. Her panties were so thin, no protection, only hiding her modesty.


  “You’re killing me, Julien. Such a Master of discipline you are. I will never forget what you have done for me, allowing me to redeem myself with you.” His hand caressed her burning ass cheek, so sore that even a soft caress felt like he was wearing steel-wool gloves.


  “No more, Julien, I will do anything, just no more,” she begged. Her ass racked with pain. She never believed a spanking could be this painful.

  “We’ll see how obedient you are now, Collette. He tapped her ankle again. “You have no skirt restraining you now. Both legs, Collette. Please me.”

  She did as she was told, spreading her legs until both feet were on the edges of the desk. There had to be five feet between them, her crotch aching, barely able to balance on her heels.

  Julien looked down at her, rubbing his cock as he did. He would have fucked her if he weren’t going home to his loving wife next week. Her panties barely covered anything; her cheeks bare, the white skin of her buttocks now a deep red, almost able to see his fingerprints where he had spanked her. He never spanked a girl like this before, but it was something that he would introduce to his wife when he got home. He could see the fine, blonde pubic hairs that peeked out from the edge of her panties. “Hold still or I will give you ten more; this time on your naked ass,” he warned her.

  She shivered when his fingers went between her legs, this time making no attempt to hide his intentions. His hands slid up between her thighs, not stopping until she felt his hand engulf her pussy, his fingers digging into her mound, one finger finding her slit, wiggling back and forth until it found the soft inner lips, her outer lips enclosing it almost lovingly. Her body racked with shame as he intimately explored her pussy from behind while she lay sprawled over the desk with her legs spread lewdly. “NNNNooo!” She cried out in shame when a thumb slipped between her cheeks, his fingers squeezing her pussy at the same time the thick thumb pushed against her innocent anus.

  Julien finally pulled his hands away from her. “Stand up and turn around.”

  Her buttocks stung as she stood up, her back hurting from being bent over so long. She began to pull her skirt down to hide her body from his lewd eyes.

  “Leave it up. I’m not finished with you yet.” He moved in front of her. “Spread your legs again. Like before, real wide.”

  She stared at him with hatred in her heart but pleading in her eyes. She spread her legs as he ordered. What is he going to do to me now?

  “I don’t want you thinking you can tell anyone what I did to you. So I am going to make you cum. Let’s see if they believe that I forced you to take a spanking and then forced you to cum.”

  She couldn’t believe what he said he was going to do. How can I cum after such a painful experience? “I can’t; I’ll never be able to do it,” she sobbed in humiliation, but her legs spread wide for him. The whole situation was so surreal. Here she was in her boss’s office, her skirt hiked above her waist, her legs spread like a wanton whore, ready to be masturbated by her boss until she came for him like a trained dog.

  “AAAAAGGGGG.” Julien had reached out while she was thinking, grabbing her pussy lips between his fingers and pulling them. She couldn’t believe the feelings that suddenly raced through her body. Her pussy got wet instantly, feeling the powerful fingers squeeze her lips as the burning pain in her buttocks still raced through her body. She could only stand there as his fingers went to work on her, unable to stop him, hoping he would finish with her but knowing the only way it would end was if she shamefully came under his masturbating fingers.

  Her body began to rock as his fingers intimately explored her pussy. She had large lips, his fingers able to capture them with ease. Her slit was pronounced, his fingers sliding up and down as he felt her body surrender and lubricate her pussy for his masturbation. Her breathing was already becoming rapid, Julien knowing that at this pace, no matter how much she protested the impossibility of the act, she would cum sooner than later.

  “NNNNOOO!” His hand slipped into her panties, shocked when she felt his hand touch her bare flesh. His fingers slid down her slit, stopping at the entrance to her pussy. With her legs spread so wide, he found her easy to enter, her shameful juices lubricating a fat finger that wormed its way inside her. One finger became two, her panties pulled down almost to her knees so he would have easier access to all of her treasuries. He began to finger fuck her, Collette’s mind kept going back to being bent over and spread on his desk while he disciplined her with a painful spanking. Discipline sounded so sexy now, not the painful spanking that she received, but the fingers that were bringing her closer to an orgasm, a forced orgasm.

  He felt her pussy muscles cling to his fingers, three fingers inside her, spreading her open from within, but she didn’t move except for the movement of her hips as she fucked back onto his fingers. His fingers were soaked, knowing she was close. It took only his thumb to set her over the edge. With four fingers working her pussy into a heated froth, his thumb found her clit, pushed it into her pelvic bone and twisted it back and forth until she came.

  She didn’t even cum this fast when she did it herself. His fingers were alive inside her, stretching her, taunting her flesh, his thumb finding her clit, swollen and vulnerable, the callused thumb grinding it into her pelvic bone until it felt like it would explode. Instead, she exploded, crying out in ecstasy, her body shaking and clutching onto his fingers as she flooded him with her cum. The only thing keeping her upright was the fat fingers driven between her legs, propping
her up on her exhausted legs.

  He made her lick his fingers clean, though she was sure that he was imagining it was his cock in her mouth, not his fingers that her tongue washed so energetically. She pulled up her panties and pulled down her skirt. She went back to her desk, sitting softly on her chair, her ass bruised and sore. She made the simple correction that began her discipline, bringing it back to Julien, standing in front of his desk while he went over it again.

  “Very good, Collette. I expect great things from you even after I leave.” It was as though nothing had happened.


  Payment for a New Job

  Four years later, Collette worked for the president of the American division. She had already been promoted to controller, working directly for the previous president. Jorge was his name, an older man, late fifties, dark complexion, handsome in an older man’s way. She got along well with him. Then it happened, three months ago. He called her into his office one night just before she was ready to go home.

  “You need something before I go, Jorge?’

  Jorge looked at her, so sexy in the black sweater that clung to her lovely breasts, a slim black skirt that went almost to her ankles but was so tight that he could see the muscles in her buttocks contracting while she walked. Her silk stocking made such a lovely sound when she walked, Jorge imaging what she looked like in her bra, panties, garter belt and stockings.

  “You in a hurry?”

  “No, the girls are self-sufficient now. They don’t need me to do anything. The youngest will be eighteen in three months.” She stood there waiting.

  “Sit down.” He leaned forward so he could watch her sit down, crossing her legs, Jorge wishing her skirt was shorter so he could catch a glimpse of the dark mystery that lay between her legs.

  “The Vice President of Finance position just opened up. I was wondering if you were interested?”

  “Santos is going back to Venezuela early?” He was only here for six months, still having another year and a half under usual rotation.

  “No, he is staying. This is the VP position at the home office.”

  “Barcelona, Venezuela. That position?” She was shocked, she had never heard of a female executive in the home office.

  “Yes, that is the one.”

  “You think that I would be considered for it if I was interested?” She couldn’t believe what he was saying.

  “You have shown for the last five years to be very talented. The VP of Finance died in an untimely death and the company needs a replacement quickly. You fit all the qualifications.”

  “All of them, Jorge?”

  “I know what you are thinking. That no woman has ever held a position in Barcelona before. You would be the first. You have a way with men. You don’t intimidate them unless you have to and you know how to back off and play the part they expect from you the rest of the time.”

  “How long is the job for?”

  “As long as you can hold onto it. I’m not saying that it will be easy, but I have heard and seen what you have accomplished in the five years you have been here. It pays considerably more. Two hundred fifty thousand in American dollars, though with the way the Venezuela economy is, not sure how much that is day by day. They need someone with your talent during these trying times.”

  “I have two girls, what am I to do with them?”

  “I thought they were both grown up?”

  “In age but I’m not sure they are that self-sufficient. Lola wants to go to college; Cherry is still trying to find herself, though I hope it has something more than having to do with boys.”

  “You could bring them. I know of some very great private colleges in Barcelona, one in particular that would welcome Lola. I’m sure that we could find some suitable employment for Cherry that would keep her busy and away from boys.”

  “If I were interested, how soon would I have to tell you?” She couldn’t believe that she was actually considering this.

  “It would take a few months before you could go even if they decided to accept you. We would have to find a suitable replacement for you here and then there is all the necessary paperwork to get you into Venezuela with work visas. You know that the country is one of the most corrupt; money greasing the palms of almost everyone. I would need to know by next week to submit your name for consideration.”

  “I guess I have to think quickly. You’ve given me a lot to think about, and I appreciate your confidence in me. Not many men in this company would put themselves out for a woman.”

  “I’m sure you would do the same for me. Repay me in any way you could.”

  She wasn’t sure what he meant, but her mind was too busy with the thousands of questions popping up in her head. “Anything for you, Jorge.” She got up, swaying her hips suggestively as she walked away. Jorge was no different from the others, loving to ogle her.

  * * *

  It was a week later before she sat down with the girls. She could see the looks on their faces. Worried what she was going to say.

  “Well, what is it? Did you lose your job?” Cherry always thought the worst about everyone else but her.

  “How would you like to move?”

  Cherry couldn’t believe it. She wanted to get out of this boring town since she graduated from high school. Jobs were scarce, boys with money even more so. She needed to meet rich boys that she could manipulate into supporting her in the manner she could grow accustomed to. “Anywhere but here.”

  “I don’t know,” Lola chiming in. “I want to go to college. I was hoping to be near home, but how can I decide? Where are we moving to?”

  “Barcelona.” She saw the shocked looks on their faces.

  “Spain.” Lola said it, sure that Cherry didn’t know where Barcelona was.

  “No, Venezuela.”

  “Where’s that?” It was somewhere in South America, but Cherry didn’t know.

  “It’s near Central America. It’s on the ocean, warm most of the year, eighties and nineties. A little backward compared to the United States. They speak Spanish, but many also speak English. Especially the educated ones.”

  Collette was surprised that Lola knew so much. “Very good, Lola. I have been told that they have excellent private colleges that you could attend.”

  “What about me?”

  “I am told that they will help you find a very nice job suitable for you. The city has about a million people, one of the major yachting centers in South America, so I imagine you will find lots of rich boys to interest you.”

  “What about you, Mom?” Lola was always concerned for her mother. She hadn’t dated since her father died, yet she was very attractive.

  “It’s a big step up in my career and more money. A lot more. I think the change would do us all good. It would be exciting.” Had I already made up my mind?

  “I’m in.” Lola was excited, she never travelled much and the thought of an exotic land was an adventure, especially in a foreign land.

  “Me too, but there better be lots of rich boys or I’m on the first plane out.” She would really stand out in a foreign country. The boys would be clamoring to go out with her exotic beauty.

  “Me too. I can’t guarantee it. I have to tell Jorge tomorrow, and then we’ll see if I get it. It will be three months before we would go, so Lola would already have finished school by a week or so.”

  * * *

  “I’d like to try for the job, Jorge. With your help, of course.”

  “I’ll start the ball rolling today. I’ll hate to lose you, but it’s for the company.” He grinned. But not before I get more reward for doing this.

  It was two months of suspense. Collette did a dozen telephone interviews with members of the executive staff in Barcelona. She filled out tons of paperwork, some she didn’t even know what she was signing, all in Spanish. Jorge told her it wasn’t guaranteed yet, but to keep her hopes up. The girls grew more excited, Collette surprised that Cherry would pack up and leave so easily but was swayed by th
e promise of lots of rich boys that would fawn over her. Jorge showed her a catalog of an exclusive college for Lola. It was expensive, but Collette would be making lots more money and when Lola saw it, she shrieked with joy.

  * * *

  One month to go and still no answer. It was late, Collette finishing up last month’s financial statements for corporate tomorrow. Her telephone rang, Jorge on the line.

  “Come into my office, Collette.”

  Her heart stopped beating. Did he have an answer? She couldn’t tell by his voice whether it was good or bad. She almost ran to his office, his door closed. She knocked, opening it when he said for her to come in. It was odd, his door rarely closed.

  “Close the door, Collette.”

  She stood in front of his desk, but this time he didn’t tell her to sit down. Was the news that bad that she would be out of there in a few minutes?

  “The board has almost made up their mind, Collette.”

  “For me?”

  “Yes, but there is one stumbling block that only I can cure.”

  She couldn’t imagine what it was. Jorge had worked for the company for over thirty years and was one of their most trusted and revered executives. Yet she knew nothing of all the dark secrets of corporate. “What are you going to do?”

  “I would have to put my neck on the chopping block for you, Collette. You know that you would be the first female vice president in Barcelona. They will have my job if you don’t work out.”

  “I can’t ask that from you, Jorge. It’s too much risk for you, not enough reward.” She was ready to turn around and leave, but Jorge was ready to say something. Collette was heartbroken, the girls would be too. They had so much riding on this.

  “Did you know Julien is a good friend of mine?”

  The name brought back an image that she had blocked from her head for years now. “No, I didn’t.” Did he know?

  “Yes, we have been close since he came to work for the company fifteen years ago. Our wives are even close.”


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