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Page 3

by Liz Bower

  “Yes, come in. Take a seat,” he said, holding his hand out towards one of the black wingback chairs at the edge of either side of his desk.

  I couldn’t think why he wanted to see me, but I hoped it wasn’t related to the last time I was there.

  “I received the final job applications from HR, including yours.”

  That wasn’t what I’d been expecting him to say. Was this where he told me I wouldn’t even be considered after my outburst? I nodded and waited for him to continue.

  “As you are aware, I prefer to promote internally, where I can, and only you and Jackie have applied from the office. There’s a new client dinner next week, and I want you both there. Think of it as a hands-on pre-interview. Would you be willing to do that?”

  Jackie? That was a bit random, seeing as she worked in the accounts department. She probably didn’t even know how to use our software, let alone set it up for a client. Oh well, less competition hopefully. I nodded, my mind already in overdrive on how I could impress the client, and Alex. “Of course I would,” I managed to reply when I realised he was still waiting for an answer.

  “What did you say your boyfriend’s name was again?”

  Boyfriend? My eyebrows drew together. Oh yeah, the fake one. I opened my mouth to answer but then closed it when I thought maybe this was where I was supposed to fess up. “Er … I don’t think I mentioned his name.” Real smooth answer, Jo. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at myself.

  Alex’s eyebrow lifted and he gave me a quizzical look. “Well, I hope he’ll be free because it’s a partners event.”

  No, no, no. I have to find a fake boyfriend by next week? My mouth suddenly dry, I coughed, trying to dislodge my stomach from my throat. “I’m sure he is,” I said with more confidence than I felt. “And if he isn’t I’m sure he can be. He knows how important this opportunity is to me.” So much for fessing up.

  “Good, good. Sounds like a great guy, and I look forward to meeting him. My secretary has all the details.”

  “Thank you, Mr Danver.” I stood, taking that as my cue the discussion was over, and left.

  After dropping into my chair, I leaned my head against the back of it. I should have come clean, but then Alex would have known I was a liar. Then he probably wouldn’t have even considered me for the job. But where was I supposed to find a fake boyfriend with only a week’s notice? One who knew me and would make a good impression on Alex. Jesus, was I trying to sabotage my own chance of getting the job?

  It was starting to feel that way.


  After leaving Alex’s office, I spent the rest of the morning alternately panicking about the interview dinner and who I could find to take as my fake boyfriend. I practically ran out of the office the moment the clock hit one o’clock, praying Gabi would be at home—a pretty safe bet, as she often worked from home. Before I even managed to close the front door, I yelled, “Gabi.” Hurrying towards the kitchen, I slid to a stop at the doorway where Gabi and Marco were standing, staring at me.


  I flinched at the harsh tone of Gabi’s voice and backed away from her.

  “Sorry. What did you want?”

  My gaze flicked between Gabi and Marco before I said, “I need to talk to you. Now.”

  Gabi’s shoulders dropped and she asked, “About?”

  I jerked my head to the side, hoping Gabi would take the hint that this was a conversation not to be had in front of Marco. She did. When we were both safely out of his earshot, I said, “I need your help.”

  Gabi narrowed her eyes at me and said, “Please, please tell me this has nothing to do with Dan.”

  My brows furrowed and I shook my head. “No, nothing to do with Dan. I need to find a boyfriend. By next week.”

  Gabi dropped her head into her hand and covered her eyes. “Do I even want to know why?”

  “Alex received my job application. There’s a client dinner next week, and he wants it to be a kind of interview for the job. But he asked me about my boyfriend. And then he told me to bring him to the dinner.”

  Gabi dropped her hand from her face and glared at me. “Why didn’t you just tell him you don’t have a boyfriend? Or that you split up?”

  That we had split up seemed like the obvious solution when Gabi said it. Why hadn’t I thought of that? Because I drank too much on a school night, that’s why. And I’m crap when put on the spot. “I couldn’t tell him that I didn’t have a boyfriend. Lying isn’t really an attribute bosses tend to look for in a potential employee.”

  I sat on the arm of the sofa and looked up at Gabi imploringly. “We have six days to find someone I can pass off as my boyfriend. Someone who will make a good impression on Alex.” I pressed my palms together in front of Gabi because I wasn’t above begging at this point. “Help me, please.”

  Gabi’s shoulders lifted as she held her palms out towards me. “What do you want me to do? Magic a man out of thin air? How do you manage to do this shit …?”

  When Gabi’s words trailed off, I noticed the wicked glint in her eye. Hope bloomed that maybe Gabi knew exactly the right person to do this.

  “Marco!” Gabi shouted.

  I threw my hands out to the side as my mouth dropped open. But it was too late. Marco was already sauntering towards us.

  “You shouted?”

  Gabi looked between Marco and I. “Contrary to what you two believe, I am supposed to be working right now. I also have a life of my own, with my own shit going on. Marco, weren’t you just whining about your sudden lack of a social life?”

  He glared at her. “I don’t whine.”

  My lips twitched at that because he did, regularly. Until Gabi glared at me and my smile wilted.

  “Look, this is how I see it. Jo, meet your fake boyfriend, Marco. Marco, spend an evening sober and engaging in intelligent conversation for a change. Now sort your shit out together. And do it somewhere else because I have work to do.”

  I watched open-mouthed as Gabi stalked off. Bitch. When I glanced at Marco from the corner of my eye, I thought his face probably mirrored my own look of shock. He closed his mouth and then flashed that cocky smile of his. This was so not happening. If he thought I was going to ask him for help … well, I’d rather turn up alone. Even after the … whatever we had shared the other night. After all, what was one more lie after the others I’d already told?

  “So, you need a fake boyfriend, huh?” he said, his lips curving up into a smirk.

  “Yeah, but not that badly. I actually need someone who can impress my boss,” I said, eyeing him pointedly. The smirk slipped and his jaw tensed. Point well made, I thought, turning my back on him. But he grabbed hold of my wrist and pulled me back round to face him.

  His usually pale green eyes darkened, looking almost grey. They reminded me of an overcast sky as I watched some emotion churn in them. An image of Dan’s eyes flitted through my mind and I shook my head to get rid of it. Dan and Marco were nothing alike.

  “Look, I’m guessing you don’t have a whole lot of options. I have some free time, so I’ll play along with this. And I guarantee I’ll have your boss eating out of my fucking hand by the end of the evening.”

  Okay, perhaps pissing him off wasn’t a great idea. He was right; I didn’t have a lot of options. It wasn’t exactly something I wanted to admit to just anyone. To try and explain how I had ended up in this position. Or my lack of a love life.

  I might not have a love life, but it occurred to me that Marco did. Twisting the hem of my shirt between my fingers, I asked, “What about Lily? Will she …? I can’t imagine her being happy about this arrangement.”

  Marco snorted, then pursed his lips. “Trust me. Lily won’t … be an issue.”

  That was … reassuring? I wanted to ask why Lily wouldn’t be an issue but didn’t want to push my luck. Then I remembered Gabi had said they were having problems. That was definitely something I didn’t want to get involved in.

  “Just let me know
when and where,” Marco said quietly.

  At the sad tone of his voice, I glanced at him and noticed the faint flush across his cheeks. Then he stalked out of the house.

  I stared after him, hoping he would be in a better mood by the time the dinner came around. But if he was angry, why had he agreed to do it? What if he just agreed so he could not show up, and then I would be stuck with no one to take?

  Then I felt bad for thinking that. Marco might be annoying, but he wasn’t vindictive. But what if he changed his mind after he’d had some time to think about it? Maybe I needed to suck it up and be nice to him for a change. He was offering to help me out when he didn’t have to. And I didn’t actually want to show up alone for the dinner.

  I fished my mobile out of my handbag and typed out a text to him before I could chicken out or change my mind. After three failed attempts, I settled on, Thanks for agreeing to do this. I owe you one. The dinner is next Wednesday at 7.

  His reply was quick and to the point. I’ll be there.

  It reassured me slightly, but until he actually showed up, I would still have my doubts.


  Back at the office, I was still worrying about the dinner, about Marco, about all the ways this could end in disaster.

  I was distracted by the muffled footsteps that stopped at my desk, but when no greeting followed I assumed it was Toby. He had started the same week as Dan but had caused less of a stir in the office amongst the ladies. His hair was the same colour as Dan’s but a little longer on the sides, and he definitely didn’t have that bad boy look. His pale blue eyes were too small for his face, which made him look a little creepy, and he had taken to just hovering around my desk without saying anything.

  He was a little odd, but it must’ve been difficult to be that shy. I could still remember how nervous I had been when I first started working at Danver Solutions. How long it had taken me to feel at home in the office until Donna had taken me under her wing. Not knowing anyone in the office yet probably didn’t help him either.

  So with a smile, I sat up straight and swivelled my chair towards him. But then I got lost in a pair of stormy blue eyes instead. Eyes that had—along with other parts of him—already starred in a few of my daydreams.

  “Dan. Hi,” I said, wiping my hands down my trousers. Oh God. What if he heard about the fool I made of myself in the meeting? My cheeks flushed. His gaze roamed over my face, and as the silence stretched the flush spread down my neck. I cleared my throat and his gaze met mine.

  “Hi, Josephine. How have you been?”

  My head dropped towards my shoulder and my eyebrows scrunched together at that name. It sounded strange, especially from his lips. Nobody used my full name, except my parents when I was in trouble, but they hadn’t used it in years. As much as I loved my gran, it didn’t mean I had to love that I was named after her. “Erm, call me Jo. Everyone else does. I’m good, thanks, and you?” Sweat was slicking the skin under my arms, which was ridiculous. He was just a man. A really hot one though.

  “Yeah, I’m good.”

  Then he smiled. And as his lips lifted, dear God, he had dimples on either side of his mouth. Pulling at the top of my blouse, I couldn’t remember it ever being so hot in the office. Did the AC stop working? Dan cleared his throat, and I realised I was just staring at him.

  “So, Alex asked me to speak to you about some reports a client wanted doing. Something about designing an input form.”

  I swivelled my chair away from Dan as I rooted around in my tray to find the file and pull myself together. “For Countryside Escapes, right? Do you want to do it now—” my hands stilled as my brain caught up with what I’d said. Images of Dan and me together flashed through my mind and my cheeks heated again.

  “I mean do you want to go through the document now?” I pulled the file from underneath the pile in my tray and flicked through it to avoid looking at Dan.

  “Sure. But can we do it upstairs so I can show you the forms?”

  I closed my eyes briefly to remind myself we were at work and that Dan probably wasn’t reading anything into the conversation. I doubted he was imagining us going upstairs to a bedroom instead of only to his desk.

  Taking a deep breath, I picked up the file and stood. “Lead the way.”

  I followed him, trying to act professionally, but it wasn’t my fault that his arse was right there in front of me as I climbed the stairs behind him. I couldn’t help but look. When he reached his desk, he dragged a chair over for me to sit next to him. As I did my thigh brushed his and I jerked my leg away. Way to play it cool, Jo.

  I concentrated on the file in front of me and pulled out the example questionnaire Countryside Escapes had sent to Alex. My arm grazed across Dan’s and I darted a look at him. He was focused on his screen, but I could see one of those dimples again. Maybe it wasn’t just me who felt that touch light up every nerve inside me.

  I dragged the questionnaire between us and tried to focus on work, only to notice Toby watching us intently. When his gaze met mine I gave him a smile, but he turned away without returning it.


  After work, I was greeted by the sound of Gabi singing in the kitchen. At least she was in a better mood than earlier. I leaned against the countertop as she sliced an onion. “You’re in a good mood.”

  “Mmhmm. Finally finished the brief I was working on for that reporter. He was driving me crazy with all the edits I had to do on it.”

  That explained why she’d shouted at me earlier. Which reminded me. “I can’t believe you suggested Marco as a fake boyfriend for me.”

  Gabi stopped slicing and looked up at me. “Why not?”

  “Er, because it’s Marco.”

  After slicing the rest of the onion, she slid it into the pan on the hob and started to peel a clove of garlic.

  “Exactly. He knows you. He’ll make a good impression on Alex. He’s got a similar job to the one you want. Except obviously he works in advertising but … he has to work with the client’s requirements. And he cares about you.”

  I snorted at her last comment, dragging Gabi’s attention away from the garlic.


  Lifting my eyebrows, I said, “He cares about me?”

  Gabi placed the garlic crusher down on the chopping board and turned towards me. “He’s known you since he was thirteen, Jo. Fifteen years is a long time, so of course he does. I know he winds you up a lot, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t care about you. Stop thinking of him as the teenager who would sleep with any girl who fluttered her eyelashes at him more than once. He’s not like that anymore. Hell, he’s been in a relationship with Lily for what, over a year? He can be monogamous. And committed.”

  She raised her eyebrow at me along with her last two words. I could do commitment; I just hadn’t found a guy who wanted to do it with me yet. Gabi tipped the garlic into the pan and then she stirred in the mince.

  When she puts it like that, I guess she’s right about Marco.

  After pouring herself a glass of red wine from the opened bottle, she waved it at me. “Want one?”

  “Sure, thanks.”

  Gabi put the lid on the pan and slid it into the oven. “Okay, the ragu will be ready in about an hour. Let’s go relax.”

  I sat next to her on the sofa and leaned my head against her shoulder.

  “What’s up?”

  “I spoke to Dan today at work.”

  Gabi rested her head on top of mine. “And?”

  “And sometimes I’m amazed I actually make it through a day.”

  Gabi let out a quiet chuckle. “What did you do?”

  “Nothing. It was … I don’t know. I was just me. Awkward. I don’t think he’s interested. He barely looked at me while we spent the afternoon working together. Not that he does anything when Amy flirts with him, so I don’t know what I’d been expecting.”

  Gabi lifted her head from mine, and I waited for whatever words of wisdom she was about to bestow on me.

  “I know I’ve said it before, but you really should forget about Dan. You’ve already got yourself in enough trouble because of him.”

  I nudged her in the ribs with my elbow. “That was me, not him.”

  “I know, but you’ve worked so hard for a shot at this job. I just think you should be concentrating on that. Not Dan. And …”

  “And what?”

  Gabi shifted to face me, and my head dropped back against the cushion.

  “It’s just … you never seem to be in a relationship for that long. Is it worth it? Trying for something with Dan, and then if it didn’t work out, you’d still have to see him every day at the office.”

  I crossed my arms over my chest. Even though I knew what Gabi said was with the best intentions, it still stung.

  “You should focus on prepping for your interview dinner. After that …” She shrugged. “I don’t know. Maybe try and find a man who’s different. Someone who knows you.”

  I rolled my head across the cushion to give Gabi a hard look. “Josh knew me. I thought I knew Josh. Look how well that turned out. It took me three months to find out he was working his way through every woman in Gartdale behind my back.”

  Gabi leaned against my side and rested her head on my shoulder.

  “I know. We’ll find you someone better. After you get that job though.”

  “Thanks for putting up with my crazy.”

  Gabi laughed. “I’m used to your crazy. I like it. Saves me having to be crazy.”

  “Your turn will come.”

  I rested my head on top of Gabi’s. At least I had her.


  I heard Gabi before I saw her, feet heavy on the stairs above me.

  “Come on, lazy arse. Get dressed.”

  I tilted my head backwards over the arm of the sofa where I was lying to look up at her. “Why?”

  “Because I’m going to lunch at my mum’s. And you’re coming.”

  I hauled myself up into a sitting position. “It’s ages since you’ve been for Sunday lunch.”


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